DXD: Rical Phenex ( Gamer Gacha )

005 Waking up

005 Waking up

Waking up I expected to be in pain, lots of pain, I expected getting Ricals memories to feel like getting hit in the head with a frying pan, but the memories were just there in my head. It was as if they were always there, I'm able to recall the memories as if I lived them, they feel a lot clearer than the memories from my last life.

Don't be mistaken, I can remember all the memories from my last life, obviously, besides the memories that were taken from me, these new memories just feel more real, more substantial if that makes any sense.

I feel a cool breeze on my cheek coming from my right. Confused as to why there's wind in the hospital room I'm supposed to have woken up in. Opening my eyes to see where it was coming from, I immediately squinted them in pain due to the bright light coming in from the right. Remembering that this body has not opened its eyes in a year, if not longer.

Eventually, I manage to open my eyes, the first thing I see is a ceiling that looks like a bomb went off, having cracks and scorch marks running all through the ceiling. Turning my head to the right to see where I felt the breeze, all the windows were broken.

I start to feel out my body, moving it a little bit at a time and I notice a powdery substance in my hands and all around my body. Lifting my hand I see that it is ash. Sitting up and swinging my legs over the side of the bed to get a better look at my surroundings I notice that the entire room looks like the ceiling.

Thinking about it to myself I remember the Administrator saying that my hellfire was empowered to purify the parasite that probably explains the ruined hospital room, thank goodness that the Phenex family is so wealthy because it is not gonna be cheap to fix this room.

Hearing a door open I see a doctor looking at me in clear disbelief.

"That, that's not possible you were dead. I was there when you flat-lined." says the doctor with his mouth open, doing a perfect rendition of a fish out of water.

"We live in a very magical world doctor, anything is possible." I say as I try to cover myself with the scraps of cloth that survived whatever happened in this room.

"Rical!" A woman's voice screams.

Just behind the doctor, I see my new body parents. Rachel and Ryder Phenex.

"My Baby." My mother says while frantically running up to me and begins to hug me so tight I think she is trying to kill me again.

"Can't breath." I say through gritted teeth as she squeezes the very life out of me.

"Oh, Satan. I'm sorry. are you okay?" She says as she lets go of me, but keeps her arms on my shoulders as she looks all over my body if anything is wrong.

"I'm fine, in fact, I'm better than fine, I feel amazing, I feel better than I have ever felt in my life, and I don't have that constate feeling like I'm being drained anymore." As I look at my mother, I see a hopeful look on her face.

My father walks up behind her just looks at me with a complicated look on his, A look that I can't really decipher.

"Father." I say as I nod my head at him.

He just continues to look at me with that look on his face.

"I'm glad you are feeling better Rical but to put everyone's worries to rest we are going to have to run some tests."The doctor finally composing himself walks up to my parents and me.

"Sure, no problem, doc. Better safe than sorry." The bastard probably just wants to experiment on me, to see what brought me back to life. It should be fine he won't go too far. He knows he cant get away with anything that would hurt a member of a high-class family.

I leave with the doctor to a room with a large machine with a bed in the middle with a large ring on the one end where I'm sure I along with the bed will go in. It looked very similar to an MRI machine just larger and black instead of the usual white of an MRI.

Seeing me check out the large machine the doctor comes up next to me and says "This is a "This rical is a DRI Machine, which stands for Demonic Resonance Imaging Machine."

I just deadpan at the doctor, clearly whoever made this stole the look and name from the humans, Or maybe the humans got it from the devils. Something to think over.

"What does it do." Trying to see how similar it is to its human counterpart.

"Well, first it scans your body to make an accurate picture of the inside of your body, and second it sends out demonic energy that resonates with the demonic energy in your body to see how it moves. Truly an ingenious device." Says the doctor clearly proud of the machine as if he made it.

So an advanced MRI.


I walk into the room where my father and mother have been waiting for us. I look around seeing walls lined with bookshelves, a large oak desk similar to the American presidents on one side of the office, and on the left side of the office, I see a seating area with 3 brown leather couches next to the fireplace that's currently on. All in all a pretty nice office.

Seeing us come in my mother asks."How is he, Dr. Cooper? Is my son cured?"

"I have some good news and bad news." says the doctor with a smile on his face.

"If you have bad news why are you smiling? My new father speaking for the first time.

"That's simple lord Phenex, the bad news is not really so urgent and unfixable." Says the doctor back smoothly. "Your son has been cured of the affliction that was causing him to lose his life and demonic energy."

My mother jumps up and hugs me shedding tears of joy.

"And the bad news?" My father asks not forgetting about the bad news.

I just sit there, in my mother's arms, listening, keeping all my questions till the end. Dr. cooper refused to tell me anything without my parents there as well. Hmm, it is surprising how easily I accepted them as my parents, but I guess it's the memories of old Rical that's shining through.

"As Rical was born from a pureblood family with a bloodline it's natural for Rical to have high-class level demonic energy, but the affliction caused it to digress to low class. So low in fact that it was hard to detect" The doctor pauses letting us take what he is saying in.

"So, what, will my son not be able to get his high-class power back."Says my father clearly not happy about this.

"No, it is quite the opposite. You see the problem is that Rical will get his high-class power back too quickly for his body to handle."

"How is that possible, how can his power be too much for his body? Children of 12 have high-class demonic power already." My father getting annoyed now.

"Lord Phenex if you allow me to finish without interrupting, you will understand."

"Okay, fine. Just hurry it up." now clearly annoyed

"You see these 12-year-old kids that you are referring to had just that 12 years for their power to grow and for their bodies to get used to the power. By 12 most high-class family children have mid-class bodies. Where your son has spent most of his life in bed and has had his power drained from him, And unfortunately your son has only one to one and a half years till his power has returned to full power. From your son's readings, his body isn't any stronger than the average human." The doctor stops to catch his breath so that he can continue.

"What can we do to help him? There must be something." My mother asks this time.

"It's rather simple but rather hard to achieve, he needs to achieve a high-class in terms of physical strength, and I say high-class because his body does not have the time to acclimate to the high-class demonic energy."

"Difficult but not impossible, with the right natural treasures it should be possible to reach high-class physical strength. Anything else we should know?"

"Not that I can think of."

"Will it be possible to take my son home today?" Asks my mother hopefully.

"I think it's best if we keep him here for a week under observation just to make sure there are no problems."

"Okay." my mother says clearly upset, and the doctor can see this so he says to her.

"You are more than welcome to visit your son daily."

In a dark Laboratory far away in another city. A man is sitting watching footage of a comatose rical phenex burst into bright orange flames that covers him in a cocoon of flames. The man slowly watches as the flame turns black with royal blue at the edges and then sinks back into Rical. In the bottom corner of the video, you can see all of this took less than a minute to transpire.

The man says to the shadows in his office."Bring the boy to me for a visit"

No one answers the man but he knows his orders will be fulfilled.

Finally, we get into the story.

next chapter we learn who the mysterious man is and we meet the rest of the family.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

I started a discord if anyone was interested in discussing anything to do with the story such as the peerage etc. /kYyRwdFZ57

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