DxD: Multiversal Therapist

She Ain’t You

I could have sworn this bastard was giving it everything he got... turns out he still had a card up his sleeve. 

He uttered those words 'Balance Breaker' and now all of a sudden he had armour and two gigantic rocket-like gauntlets, they didn't look harmless.

"My Sacred Gear's name is Variant Detonation. It allows me to explode anything I touch... and this is my balance breaker. Be prideful of yourself brat, it has been a long since someone pushed me this far. It was fun, but I have to kill you now".

'Why are you explaining your power to me now? That sounds like the cliche lines of a character that's about to die, to be honest... by the way, I'm most definitely not going to die, Miami just confirmed that to me'

"Just come, Heracles".

"I hope you can survive this bozo!".

'Do you want to kill me or not? decide yourself...'

In any case, my priority is to get Anna safe. I turned around... and Anna was no longer there... instead, I saw what looked like a grey-haired maid carrying her in her arms. 

"Hey, stop there!"

[Focus on your fight, Ray].

I got interrupted by a sudden voice in my brain, the same way Horus would talk to me, but this voice was not Horus, this one was a lady's voice that sounded artificial altered and mighty. 

[You may call me Anubis, your avatar of fortune. I perceived you were in danger and came to save you].

'Why aren't you getting involved then?!'

[I already got rid of the danger... do not worry about Anna, that grey-haired maid is with me. Now that you don't have distractions, defeat that Demigod and if possible, plunder his authorities]




He had been too distracted hearing her to notice how Heracles was technically in front of his face with his fist loaded and ready. 

"Don't get distracted brat! This is my whole strength!".


The first was so devastating... that Ray felt both his upper body and lower body separate hideously. The world spanned around as the sense of death overcame him, bringing up memories of the past. 


"Ely? What is that magazine that you're reading...? something Japanese?"

"I-It's nothing... you always said you wanted to go to Japan so... I thought about learning a bit about their customs before going there with you. They have this thing called anime, manga and doujinshi, it is very interesting... especially the doujinshi~".

"Is that so...? I don't really know much about it, but Japan always looked like a peaceful place to me. I thought Egypt was too but now that we're here... I'm not too convinced".

"The customs of these people make me recall the time back in my homeland".

"You do look like an Egyptian Goddess to me".

"Hush you~"

"I'm not lying~".

"Do you want to know something funny...? Humans, more specifically pharaohs, thought that by placing their bodies inside Sarcophagus after their death, they would ascend to godhood".

"Were they successful?"

"Naturally not. In truth we Egyptian god-*cough* the gods of my homeland had a characteristic that distinguished them from other gods, their souls wouldn't ever enter the cycle of the afterlife".

"So they couldn't ever die?"

"Yes, it didn't matter the method... as beings connected to the sun they were fated to exist so long as the sun existed. They were forever stuck in the mortal realm, hence, their flesh would always recover, even if against their desire. After those gods grew tired of living as deities, they began using Sarcophagi in hopes that by encasing their souls in a box, the energy of the sun wouldn't reach them. The divinity of their bodies would wither over time and they'd perish".

"So mortals would enter a sarcophagus to become gods and avoid death-".

"And gods would enter a sarcophagus to avoid divinity and seek death. Isn't that funny Ray?"

"Only to you... I think it is sad how both sides envied each other".

"What's even funnier is that neither worked... those gods were unable to die and mortals could never ascend to Godhood. It was all a futile lie".

"If they couldn't die... then what did they do?"

"They lived the best they could... hoping that one day they would meet their other half that would make that long-everlasting life... worthwhile. I would know... I found mine"

"Fool, you're not a goddess..."

"I feel like one when I'm with you... Ara? You're blushing~".

"You just won a free massage, my love".

"Yay! spouting nonsense always works"


"You! Come back here!"


After that I caught her... and I kissed her... I kissed her just like this person is kissing me now.

Her tongue entered my mouth with such a subtleness... her palms kept my cheeks in place. I instinctively hugged her against me, that skill was so delicate but ecstatic. I felt her warmth entering my body and my abilities triggered involuntarily, making her shake like a little deer in my arms.

When my eyes opened, I met her golden ones and we finally released ourselves, leaving a small trail of saliva. 

When I looked down at my body, it was pristine... like nothing had ever happened to me. 

[-1 Chaos Points... Flesh restored].


I tried to hold her shivering body released from my touch, I forgot I was using my powers. 

"I-I'm Anubis. Please stand up and finish your fight".

She got away from me but I just couldn't do it. This is supposed to be my mom, Reina... but that kiss just now felt so much like Elysir.

"Why are you blushing? Do you have the memories of my mom?" I wanted to understand how exactly she worked but she wasn't giving me any chance to pry more for now.

"Please finish your fight".


She flickered away from my grasp, leaving me on the battlefield naked against the demigod in armour that was now whistling and looking at her go.

"What the hell is going on? She saved you with a kiss...? Now that's some enviable power right there"

"Let's end this, Heracles... I have too many questions to be wasting time here with you".

I got on guard but instead of reciprocating, the man laughed and was engulfed in blazing lights before his armour disappeared. 

"Hmph, it is me who can't be wasting time here with you, boy... if that fist didn't kill you then this fight is going to take a long time".

"You can't bear with it?"

"This mission was a failure, the fox didn't leave the cave. My companion was supposed to be here by now, I had to look for her before we were discovered"

"Who are you people?"

"We are called the Hero Faction. Don't you want to join us boy? I can personally train you and turn you into a god-slaying machine".

"No thank you, I'd rather watch the Power Rangers like the rest of the 10 year olds".

"Now that's a waste of potential but who am I to judge" He shrugged, "No worries... we will meet again and next time we fight... only one of us will live. So go ahead and become stronger, I'll be expecting it".

"If you couldn't beat me this time, next time I'm going to maul you, Heracles".

"Hahaha~ looking forward to it, what's your name?".

"My name..."

I can't say my whole name, they may get interested in my identity. Right now I look a bit different so there shouldn't be any problem.

"I'm Osiris"

That's the first thing I could think of. If there is Horus and Anubis, then I should be Osiris. 

"Osiris huh? The Egyptian God of the Dead? I thought he had perished milleniums ago. Anyway, I'll let everyone know that we have a new Egyptian Pantheon, things are getting quite interesting~".

He jumped away in a mysterious direction. I looked around me and all the Kappas were gone and the fog was dissipating, giving way to the falling sun. The sirens resonated, our fight had obliterated the shrine and left nothing but a pile of charcoal.

'I have to go before anyone sees me'.

[I'm here...]

A golden portal opened at his feet and Ray screamed when he was swallowed into it. The next second he fell onto something soft, it was his bed and Anna was lying on it unconscious still in her Youkai form. 


'I don't know how but we made it alive out of that massacre. Japan... Japan is crazy man'.

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