DxD: Multiversal Therapist

Mere Bystanders

I would have popped out some popcorn if this was a TV show, but the drama that's about to unfold will unfold literally in my living room.
The lady tried to enter the house but my mother was faster to make things worse as if she had just declared war on this Yasaka, merely because her breasts were a bit bigger if any reason. And by the way... that is a very hard feat. "Hey, Yasaka-danna... we haven't allowed you in the house".
Her neutral countenance remained but her eyebrows twitched a bit.
"Outrageous-" the onmyouji jumped but a mere lift of her hand stopped their outburst and sent them on their way all in one motion.
"Back down and retreat" They followed her orders like loyal dogs, nodding my way once before jumping from building to building out of our sight.
"Is it possible for me to step in to talk, Reina-san?"
I looked at my mom who was also giving me a sidelong glance, 'she investigated...'
"That's more like it... you may come in~".
Yasaka entered the house and closed the door behind her, destroying any possibility Yuki and
Sanae had to evade this catastrophe.
"Before we discuss, can I tuck Anna-chan to bed?" Sanae requested but Yasaka placed her hand on the lady's shoulder, I noticed she had long sharp nails, worthy of a fox.
"I haven't seen Anna-chan in a long time, Sanae. Was she safe during the incident?"
"Y-Yes, thanks to Ray-kun".
With each word her awkwardness increased, she didn't want to be here. No, she wanted to be here, but she couldn't bear to look at Yasaka's face.
I know deep down Sanae is not a bad woman. She and Yuki just did what they had to do… but sometimes your actions come biting at your arse, it doesn't matter if they were right or not.
We all went to the table after Anna was put on the bed, you know shit is bad when it takes you ten minutes to put the quilt on a sleeping person.
We all took a seat in silence, waiting for Sanae.
Yasaka's gaze focused on me the most and likewise, I just couldn't keep my eyes out of her for many reasons. I don't know how someone can be so beautiful and yet... so aggrieved.
You can tell she hasn't been having the best of times but still knows how to keep a poker face. Perhaps trying to break the ice she asked some questions to Yuki albeit reluctantly.
'How have you been?'
'Does Anna-chan have many friends?'
Being on this side of the glass is heart-wrenching. She likely doesn't even like Yuki, from what I heard he was the right hand of Yasaka's rival, Nurarihyon. But just because of her friendship with Sanae, she's trying to keep things quiet.
She's in desperate need of one of my massages, I wouldn't even mind giving it for free so long as that beauty can return to be flawless.
Once Sanae returned, our conversation began with introductions.
"My name is Yasaka, I'm the leader of the West Youkai Faction".
She didn't mention the bit of her being that Goddess' priestess, perhaps it is irrelevant?
"Ray Lux, Elementary School in Higashiyama, Class B1".
"Reina Lux, head of the research department of X-Company, I'm his mother".
"And your real identities?" She rested her head on her palm rather cutely with a tired expression.
"I'm Osiris and she's my hmn... bodyguard, Anubis".
A bit of surprise marred her expression when Yasaka glanced at my mother to confirm and she nodded. From then on, she spoke to me directly, aware that I was the 'boss' around here. At least until my mom's personality returns to that body.
"Then Osiris-sama, Anubis-sama... first I would love to thank you for your help during the incident. It was a major attack in the prefecture of Kyoto and the shrine you were located was the most important for us. The Heian Shrine... although it was destroyed, the majority of the visitors were saved, if you hadn't been there, we would have lost a lot more believers... my sincere appreciation".
She bowed down courtly, I tried hard to not see her huge cleavage.
"It was nothing, Yasaka-san, we just happened to be in the place".
"How do you know my name and where we live?" My mother asked rather brashly.
"Before coming here I had access to CCTV recordings and reports from the local Onmyouji, it was Kashiwagi-san at first who mentioned you, Ray-kun. I looked at the footage and had them look for your identities in public registries. We Onmyouji have access to all governmental departments' data in Japan. It didn't take long".
I guess that's useful to know. I hope Gremory Family or whatever Grayfia belongs to is powerful enough to rival that. Otherwise, our lives won't be peaceful again.
"You can rest assured that this classified information won't be made public. A counted number of individuals have access to these records, me being one of them. You all saved a lot of our people while I was unable to do anything, I wouldn't give you trouble. Thank you very much. Now, I would like to let you know that my reason for being here is purely personal". "Huh?"
Now she got me, so she didn't come to us in the name of that goddess? oh, that must be the reason why she recalled back those Onmyouji, to have a bit more privacy.
This woman stood up and knelt before my mother and me, shocking us. Her fingers touched the clean floor. 
"I don't come on behalf of Japan, the Onmyouji, Takanagahara or as a shrine priestess. I come today to you as Yasaka... a mother".
"..." "The reason I'm here aside from showing my gratitude... is to try to understand what is going on. I have been attacked and pursued for the last five years by a group of supernatural powerful terrorists I know next to nothing about. M-My mate was murdered, and my daughter has been harassed several times to the point she has to stay inside..."
Her ears dropped, her tails collapsed, this was her most vulnerable state and I felt so bad and sad… the reason she's showing this side to us is because Sanae and Yuki -two people she has confidence in- are here.
"I have already spoken to the East Faction Leader Nurarihyon and he has cleared my doubt about his and his faction's involvement with that group. I… I would appreciate your cooperation in this issue, Ray-san. I know their objective is me and my daughter, I'm currently in a weakened state so if I had acted directly, it would have been the same as handing myself over to the enemy,".
Maybe she saw the footage of me and my mom and thought we may be powerful allies, but that is certainly not enough for her to reduce herself like this. If I'm feeling bad, just looking at Sanae is enough for me to know how much she wants to dig herself in.
"You did well by not showing up, Yasaka. It was an ambush and two powerful demigods were waiting for you" I remarked. Her eyes brightened up, others may have thought she was a coward for not showing up, but why the hell should she willingly hand herself over to a trap? Especially if she has a daughter to take care of.
"Thanks for understanding my position. They know my authority and I'm obliged to keep the peace and balance of the supernatural world in Japan. There won't be a next time, I'm forced by circumstances to intervene if they try something again. This time if you hadn't involved yourself, I most likely would have had to act. What truly worries me is my daughter".
She's just telling me right now: I don't mind getting slaughtered as long as my daughter is safe.  I sighed and looked at my mom whose gaze was an enigma. Then I glanced at Sanae and Yuki and their gaze was pure fear concealed beneath a shade. 
So basically for all I know: They want Yasaka gone to replace her with another Youkai to take control of the Japanese Leylines and perhaps prepare an uprising against those Shinto Gods It was easy to deduce after hearing all sides. Hers, Yuki's and that woman from the group, Jeanne's.
I was going to tell her, but I received my Anubis' voice in my mind first.
[It is this time that we pick sides, Ray].
'What do you mean?' [Either we stick with this Yasaka or we ally with Khaos Brigade].
'I think the answer is obvious'.
[Oh, is it?']
'This Yasaka is the priestess of a Goddess of the Sun, wouldn't it be better to get acquainted with her other than the Khaos Brigade?'.
[That goddess of the sun is only useful for us if you're trying to plunder her authority. If that is our objective, then working with Khaos Brigade against that Goddess is our better option, she's a matriarch goddess of a pantheon, and it is not someone we can deal with unless we're both True Gods in full capacity].
[Antagonizing her means antagonizing Japan]
'Then shouldn't we do what I say and ally with her?!'
[With the information we have of all the tribulations this Yasaka has gone through -being the priestess of that goddess, do you think she's someone worth allying with?]

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