DxD: Multiversal Therapist

Hard Work Pays II

"I'll wash your back–"


Yasaka made me sit on the bench and quickly enough everything became soapy. Her demeanour switched to that of a caring mother with the swiftness of stormy weather. 

Everything because I said... yes. I don't mind giving her my milk.

"It is also a pet's job to make her master happy". 

She washed me using her body and tails. 

"By the way, Ray-sama, about the notifications…"

"Yes, what notifications did you have?" 

"I can see them even now. Something about a mutation, an ability… Sarcophagus". 


The door burst open and in came a naked beauty with tan skin. 



She came and yanked me out of Yasaka's embrace. 

No, it's Reina?


Jealousy was a very powerful emotion, it could corrode the heart but it could also trigger change. Reina arrived from work at eleven in the evening, frustrated due to a colleague's mistake in the research she was partaking in. 

It was the perfect day to get spoiled by her son, she looked forward to that evening... only to arrive and know that he was already spoiling somebody else. 

'What is Ray-chan doing...?'

[A massage].

That was the only context she had gotten from Anubis before opening that door. She knew she couldn't interrupt but what she saw on the other side, shocked her beyond measure. Her beloved thirteen-year-old son, entangled with a golden-haired vixen, kissing. 

It wasn't even that simple.

A mere sight was enough for her to know that her son wasn't innocent, no, he was skilled... extremely skilled. That golden vixen wasn't the one dominating. She was the one being dominated!

With a single sinful and peeking eye she watched it happen, how his tongue would go all the way inside her mouth, how his claws would shamelessly milk those breasts, how the vixen would ask for mercy and he wouldn't stop... like a hungry beast who finally got a little prey after a hundred years of starvation. 

She never knew that side of his, as far as she could tell... he was her innocent son. Lately, life seemed to crash down very quickly.

Reina resisted the itch in her crotch and closed that door, but not forever.

She sat at the edge of that door, hearing the moans coming from the other side for the next seven hours. 

[Why are you doing this, If you don't like it...? What is the point?] Anubis couldn't understand why she tortured herself so. But little did she know, Reina wasn't torturing herself, she was gaining resolution.

'So you don't hate it, Elysir?'.

[I'm not averse to harems, we gods have our own way of living. He's bound to be a powerful god, he's bound to have many partners].

'But I can feel wicked feelings coming from you, stop lying'.

[It is not that I care about him being with Yasaka. What I hate is that she's getting more than me because you're indecisive! If you keep being so ambiguous with your feelings, that woman will think she's the queen of his heart!]


[She sacrificed a hundred years of her life. She's serious, Reina... what about you, are you serious?]



(Reina's POV)

I guess I was the only one decent and keeping faces. For the last three years since we met her, whenever Yasaka came her desires were unadulterated. 

'I'm his mom' that's what I kept thinking while she and Anna-chan continued to make moves on my son. Now it has even reached this stage where this woman is holding, kissing and rubbing herself against my son while I'm at work.

Fuck that, I've had it!


I stuck my tongue so far inside Ray-chan... as far as I have always wanted to go. The kitsune's jaw technically hit the floor when she saw it. It felt so vindicating.

"R-R-Reina-san...?" She looked like she couldn't believe it, I always kept a facade so it is understandable, she must think her only rival is that little kid, Anna-chan.

A pity, you're not even my rival.

By the time I retreated from his mouth, his eyes were looking at me with infatuation that I have known the longest, Ray-chan has a lot of inhibitions with me, just as I have them with him... because we're mother and son.

But if either of us makes a move, the other won't reject it.

"In any case… Yasaka-san, that's how we are so... you can leave it to me, I'll wash him properly so just focus on yourself"


She watched us go without making a move, you can't... you don't have the authority. You're a pet, I'm different!

[You're enjoying this aren't you?~]

Elysir asked me, she's mirroring my feelings. She's feeling this... you're right, I'm enjoying putting that fox in her place!

When I looked at myself in front of the steamy mirror, my skin was tan and my hair silver. I had unknowingly transformed. 

"I'll wash your back, mom".

"Thanks, to be honest, I wanted you to spoil me last night, Ray-chan~".

"Sorry, I was a bit busy".

"Busy having your way with Yasaka-san right?~"

"It was a massage..." He sighed with that nonchalant gaze of his, so characteristic.

"Since it is just a massage you wouldn't mind giving it to me, right?~"

"Oh dear, I'm afraid you can't make the necessary sacrifice~"

Everything was going so well but this fox had to go and talk.



(Yasaka's POV)

"I don't know what you're talking about, Yasaka-san, I would lay down my life for my son, you know that, Ray-chan~"

"I know so keep quiet and let me wash your back, please".


I couldn't say another word, when I looked at Ray-sama I realised that the naughtiness I witnessed wasn't one-sided.

They had that sort of relationship and concealed it from me for three years! Reina Lux, I underestimated you.

She's gaining ground in Ray-sama's eyes in front of me, shamelessly putting me down and emphasizing my status as a pet. Hmph, who do you think you are? I'm his pet because he wants me as his pet but you have no qualifications to step on my tail!

I know them very well, their predicament... having been coming here occasionally for three years, I've done my proper research: Reina Lux and Anubis are two personalities within the same body, I don't know the details but the strong goddess capable of inducing fear in a myriad of deities is Anubis, not Reina.

Reina is just a human.

If I had to guess, Anubis must have been in a dormant state within Reina's body for a long time and once she woke up, they decided to cohabitate, although I don't understand why. It is usual in such cases of reincarnated deities that the gods would completely erase any other souls in the host body, but she didn't. 

I never saw them as a threat. Anubis is powerful but nonchalant, rarely making an appearance unless necessary. I thought Reina had a mother complex at most... but she shamelessly sucked her son's tongue in front of a bystander.

How lewd of you~ it is almost turning me on.

So you don't care that he's your son at all just for the sake of stacking a claim in front of me? How foolish. The way I see it, neither of us cares about sharing... otherwise you would have antagonised me right away.

Instead, you're trying to keep the firm position in his heart. Do you think I want to be the number one in his heart? well, you're damn right, Reina-san... I'm obsessed with your son~

It is unfair, how could I possibly compete against his mother?

She was glaring with those piercing slitted golden eyes of hers as if daring me to retort. I can't. For a man no image can come close to that of a mother, they will marry... they will have kittens... but they will never love anyone as much as they love their mother.

That love is supposed to be pure and untainted, not lustful or wicked... and that's exactly what you're doing, Reina-san... how could you? transforming the pure love of your son into wicked-



She moaned, I took a sidelong glance and realised what was going on. No, I was mistaken... how could I have forgotten? This is the same man who made a ten-tailed fox into his pet.

He's not simple!



(Ray's POV)

What a troublesome pair of busty mommies... fighting a silent battle in front of me. So much for wanting to keep our relationship a secret, she had to come and kiss me in front of Yasaka.

I'm supposed to be a thirteen-year-old kid, why can't they understand that? I always try to act according to my age just so there won't be inconsistencies, sometimes I may be a bit more mature or a bit more childish, but no one has suspected anything yet, not Anna nor her parents, nor any of our acquaintances. 

But all of it crumbles when it comes to these two. 

On one side there is a mom who secretly lusts after her son. 

On the other hand, there is a Youkai who doesn't give a flying-fuck about age or anything.

These two seem to spend every second of their ever-living being seducing me

"Yasaka, come".


I held my confused mom and made Yasaka stand up and come into the middle of the bath, I made them sit on the benches side to side and began washing their backs and bodies, circulating my powers. 



"Listen to me properly because I won't explain myself twice".



They went silent and I walked to the front, hugging both of them at the same time. 

"I don't plan to have any regrets in this life. My feelings are complicated... but I love the two of you very dearly. I don't want to lose either, is that clear? I know it sounds selfish but that's how I feel so stop fighting each other... you both can get me, my massages, whatever you want from me... as long as we organise each other there is no reason why anyone would be left dissatisfied".

"Ray-sama, we don't have any problem with that..."

"Ray-chan I don't care as long as-"

"Neither of you is my favourite"


My words were brazen but I know they had to be said, no useless competition. I don't want venom in this house. They were both shaken and understandably so, even more so my mom than Yasaka.

"Then Anna-" She stretched her shivering hand and I held it.

"Not even Anna, Mom".

There is only one woman who I would consider the Queen of my heart.


That's why I must become stronger so that I can find her. 

"In any case, that's how it is... I love you both but I hope you will give me some time to sort out how I feel... I never knew one could love many people at the same time. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings".



I washed and rinsed both of them for half an hour, half an hour in which neither of them said a single word, was I too harsh? did it hurt their pride?

"Fufu~ so be it. I don't care..." Yasaka was the first to react, she giggled, picked me up and threw me in the bath filled with warm water. 



When I rose to the surface, Yasaka had taken my mother's palm.


"We're both sinners... helpless women who have become addicted to a kid. I don't want any more drama in my life, I've had enough... so let's call it even. I'm his pet, you're his mom... I don't see why we can't work together to make that boy happy?~"

My mom's eyebrows lifted but she smiled afterwards as nodded, "You're right, all I want is to see Ray-chan happy... nothing else matters".

"And we already saw he's a selfish boy who loves us all together, he won't be happy if any of us is missing, so..."

"We will have to cohabitate~"

They both entered the bath with alluring steps that made me gulp, holding me in between their bodies and squeezing me.

'This is too much!'

Perfect white jaded skin on one side, the perfection of a Japanese Goddess, she reminds me of the legendary Goddess Inari. On the other side, ebony skin tempts the soul, the marvellous peak of Egyptian culture, almost like the legendary Cleopatra. 

My Inari and Cleopatra... embraced between those marshmallows I did what was most logical. I clasped my mom's buttocks and sucked hard on one of her nipples. 

"Ahn!~ Ray-chan"

I played with it like I have always done but now, there was a massive weight off my shoulders, there was no more guilt. I don't feel like I'm deceiving anyone. 

"Don't forget your pet, Ray-sama~"

I then switched targets to Yasaka's mountains, and the milk began pouring out. I played and teased them to my heart's content until the fatigue took over and my consciousness dispersed amidst giggles. 

"He's already so virile, I wonder how it will be once he grows up?~" Yasaka licked one side of my face.

"I can't wait~" My mom, Reina, licked my neck. 

I exhaled a deep breath, paradise.



When the boy's consciousness collapsed the two milfs giggled at one another and rested at the edge of the bath, leaning against one another with the boy on top.

"Now, the two of us have some important matters to talk about, shall we?"

"I will let Anubis take over, Yasaka-san".

"I have important matters to discuss with you too, Reina".


"Yes... but I can ask you later, right now I have more questions... and also, I want your advice".

Reina frowned and her eyes closed for a second before opening once again in a completely different demeanour. 

"Your advice is regarding your mutation, right?"

"Yes, Anubis. I'm afraid... I can't conceal this from Amaterasu-sama... it is only a matter of time before she realises my devotion has swayed".

"Don't worry... in that case, I have already thought about something~".


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