DxD: Multiversal Therapist

Another Chance

I embraced her body as my life depended on it. Man I missed those big ebony boobs so much, don't let her hear it though. 

"You have a lot to explain Ely. Where are we? who are you? who was that guy? I don't understand anything... I thought I was just going to be taken into some laboratory and instead, some silver-haired Superman tried to capture me, I'm not getting it".

I had their names and faces engraved in my mind. 

Rizevim and Diehauser.

But before even thinking of them, I needed explanations. 

"I believe it is better to start with proper introductions, now that you have been introduced to the supernatural world, there is no need to hide anything else".

She stood up in front of me in the void, irradiating enough light from her body and separating us from the darkness. A subtle court bow was enough for me to grace in her beauty. This is her, just like I remember. 

I always used to call her my personal Cleopatra. 

"My name is Elysir, in the world I hail from I'm known as the Goddess of the Sun and Fortune~".

I began clapping but there was no sound, truthfully I wasn't that surprised at the revelation. The existence of gods or deities couldn't be impossible if I had such a miraculous power to begin with. Her character had always been mysterious and she also forgot a very small detail. 

"I already knew there was something special about you".

"How did you know?"

I smiled and pointed two fingers upwards to emphasize her ears. She had cat ears when she fell unconscious and quickly concealed them the moment she woke up. She never showed them ever again but I never forgot. 

"You saw them and you never said anything!"

"I was waiting for you to tell me..."


"Why didn't you tell me about you being a goddess?"

"I didn't think we would see each other again, from the moment you healed me I knew I had to go and you had to stay... I spent a year healing my powers and spending time with you and right at the moment when I decided to leave... I couldn't. Do you remember what I used to tell you?"

"You used to tell me? Hmn... 'Baby please go harder!' that?"


Okay, she's not happy but she blushed so it is my win.


"You used to tell me that you loved me, that you abhorred dogs, that we should always take the sun whenever we can-" I recounted but she interrupted me halfway. 

"T-That one!"

"Take the sun?"

"I'm a sun goddess... and you hadn't been listening to what I told you. If you had my power would be much greater now".

"I was too busy depressed because you abandoned me to take the sun, Ely".

"I split my soul into two parts that night for your sake, it was painful!"

"Did I ask for it though?"

"Ray I'm going to slap you... and it won't be a human slap... it will be a goddess slap".

Although I had my reasons to be angry when I looked at her, she looked so feeble like a crystal about to shatter, I guess we both had a hard time for our reasons. When I tried to take her in my arms again, she didn't reject me... instead, it looked like she was longing for it. 

"I'm sorry, you know I have a very bad sense of humour".


Silent tears were her answer as she clutched against me like she would never let go. 

"So why did you split it in two?"

"The current me is just half of my true self. Back then when you saved me, I was not supposed to survive, you saved me but what remained of my power was a very tiny portion. I split myself in two because, despite my life for you, I still needed to return. So after a lot of thinking, that was my only solution. I sacrificed half of myself to make you into a demigod, only then can you come to me".

"But wait... does that mean-".

"I'm just here to set you up, Ray... I'll give you a whole new life and a whole new power... and then I'll disappear, this power will guide you on your path to godhood, but it will be entirely up to you if we see each other again".


I didn't know what to think, we finally met again after so long... and she had to disappear? I felt her body shivering, is she afraid to disappear? 

"Why are you afraid Ely?"

"I'm afraid you won't make it... you won't come back to me".

Is she joking? all I ever wanted was to see her one more time. 

"I promise I'll do it no matter what!"

With that conviction, I stole her lips in a forceful kiss. Perhaps more than kissing her delightful lips, I enjoyed kissing her very soul. I felt the warmth of the sun straight in my heart as her worries receded. 

I don't care what I have to do... I'll massage my way across the multiverse until I reach her, it is that simple. 

"I love you, Ray".

Her golden-slitted eyes glanced at me with pure unadulterated love, no one else in this reality could ever look at me like that. 

"So do I, Ely... go ahead and tell me, what's going to happen next?"

"First I have to explain a couple of matters. You have a scarce and strong power".

She placed her slender palm on my chest and I felt an unprecedented warmth that then turned into coldness. She took something out of me, it was a golden light that materialised in the form of two golden gloves. 

"This is?"

"I don't know... if I had to guess, I'd say a multiversal artefact. Something that you're not supposed to find in a lower-ranked world like yours, much less in the hands of a mortal. I knew it was in your possession from the moment you healed me. I decided to stay with you at first, just to watch over you and... to try and steal it".


She evaded my gaze but I knew at least she was being honest. 

"I thought you were a high god in disguise so I trodded carefully, but the more I looked at you, the more normal and humble I realised you were... when I fell in love, my thoughts of stealing it receded and instead I became worried that you would get unwarranted attention, not from governmental authorities but something higher".

"Well... you weren't wrong".

"But everything went according to my plan. To take you with me, I needed you to die... but I couldn't bring myself to end your life, so I waited. If anyone tried to tamper with your soul, I would interject like I did. The moment you die in the eyes of the public would also be the day you would be free from that unwanted attention. Right now there is only one person in your world that knows you live".

"Rizevim... do you know who that man is?"

"I know he's not human, but he's also not a deity... in any case, a part of the job is done, once I place you back in that world, you won't be chased".

She took the golden gloves and placed them inside her chest instead, exhaling a deep breath as my power merged with her. I didn't frown or distrust her, instead, I just waited. 

"No matter what happens next... I need you to know that I have loved you like I have loved no man or god, you were and will always be my first and only, Ray... I don't have much time".


While remaining in my arms as much as possible, she made some hand signs and a weird symbol manifested on her forehead, expanding across her body in the form of golden shiny lines. 


Her body began to scatter like particles of light and she kissed me one last time. 

"Now we truly become one, my beloved".

What appeared in front of me were no longer two golden gloves but instead two flaming black gauntlets that emitted a golden aura, they looked so powerful and intimidating. 

This was my power mixed with hers, the moment I looked at it, a set of words flashed in my mind. 

<Septem Diebus Fortunae (Seven Days of Fortune)>

The gauntlets floated towards me and entered my chest.

Immediate changes took place in my body when that happened. For one, my hair began taking a pitch-black tonality, confusing me... it then began irradiating a golden tone despite its black colour. 

I was confused until an answer resonated in my mind in the form of Elysir's voice. 

'What a beautiful Eclipse, the point at which the sun looks the most exotic, you're truly the one for me Ray~'.

Eclipse? What is she talking about? I had questions but there was no time, her voice was growing weaker and I knew by instinct... it would take a long time before we could see each other again.

"My beloved... I trust you will know what to do next. May our fortune guide you to me and allow us to be together again forever and ever until death do us part".

My consciousness began to fade with her subtle words in the background, the darkness becoming ever so bright. Now she was no longer the light.

Light and darkness are me. 

"I promise, leave it to me... I know exactly what to do".



Kyoto City Hospital. Japan, Kyoto. 

'Gugu dada, what the fuck am I supposed to do...? I'm a baby!'

I think there is some magic and blessing that prevents infants from being conscious during the birthing process, I didn't have that luck.

"It's a boy!".

"It is such a cute boy!".

"Oh my god his hair is so black..."

"Reina-san your baby is so cute!".

"Please, give me my baby..."

I looked at my mother for the first time, there was not a sight of a man in the room. Tch, either he's a coward or I just have no father at all. 

"Such a shame the father can't be here" The nurses cursed while my mum held me in her arms. It is amazing... I think my powers have enhanced considerably. 

She's just holding it and I can already see her countenance getting better. 

"My baby... your hair is like black gold... you transmit so much peace. What will your name be?"

"Wouldn't it be better to consult with the father, Reina-san?" One of the nurses asked, who cares about that bastard's opinion-

"I don't even know who the father is".


All the nurses I included looked at my mom in disgust, is this my new life?

That is the reason why you can't judge a book by its cover. 

As it turns out, my mother didn't know who my father was not because she had been sleeping around with plenty of men but instead... because she was a virgin. It seems Ely put me inside a Virgin's womb and so my mother, Reina Lux, became the Japanese version of the Virgin Mary. 

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