DxD: Matsuda!

The Hero Faction is here in the Underworld!

      For all you readers out there that hate Ravel and are disappointed, let me share my personal view of who I personally hate in Matsuda's harem!

     I don't like Sona, Rose, Koneko, Asia, Rias, Serafall, Irina, ALL Loli's, Ravel, and Mittelt! I wish I could remove them from his harem! There are others I would remove because I personally do not like them. However the story demands some of the harem members and many fans like the girls you guys hate!

     So please try to overlook some minor harem members alright? Just enjoy the ride and its not the end of the world if Ravel is a MANDATORY member, Thanks for reading.

     I have noticed that I am not getting likes anymore, and this affects the story's trending, so please go back and like/favorite chapters you may have forgotten to like/favorite.


     For some strange reason both Grayfia and Venelana insisted on washing me and showered me with lots of kisses! Well I won't complain when two incredible women want to give me attention. It definitely helped lighten my heart after that dream.

      Everyone had a nice light breakfast together and talked about our plans for the day. My wives began making circle calls to subtly get events into motion but nothing that would cause a big stir in the public. All of our friendly devil Houses were warned to be on stand-by readyness for possible unease in the next few days. I made a call to Serafall.

     [Mat did you miss me?! I am so glad to hear from you dear.]

     I smile,"You damn well know I miss you! I want you to do me a favor honey, can you bring Sona and her peerage to your parents home?" I have finished eating and we are all getting ready for the Gregory-train.

     [Is this something important Matsuda? I am at work, but if it is important I will drop what I am doing and fill your request.]

     I am honest and tell her,"My powers are telling me something awful may happen in the Underworld soon, and I want all the family together if things get rough. If something happens and they are stuck in the human world, your sister might be too worried. You can ignore me if what you're doing is very important."

     [Silly, of course I will listen to my husband, giggle. Plus it's an excuse to kidnap So-tan! OK magical girl Serafall is on the mission!]

     We then end the call and we pack-up my peerage into a limo and armed escort to get us through the blockade of reporters camping outside. I say goodbye to everyone and join my girls. We made arrangements with Azazel to be teleported to the hotel by a nearby domain when we get there so the reporters lose track of us.

     When we board the train I am greeted enthusiastically by Renaldo the conductor. He of course has treated me very-well when my status changed in the Gremory home. Gone was his prideful personality and now it is one of respect. He leads me and Ravel to the High class car in the front. But I already told my girls we would go back when we leave the station. Ravel as a High class devil and engaged to me is expected to be in this car with me, just like when I was engaged to Rias.

     The reason Rias and I are bringing so many members of our peerages is not for the promotion test, but the meeting that will happen tonight with Sirzechs. Phis, and her three companions are sneaking into the Underworld and will be at the hotel waiting for our groups. This meeting is to introduce Sirzechs to Ophis and hopefully come to some agreements.

     After the train leaves the station, We go back to the servant's car. I walk in and see Yubelluna, Asia, Xenovia, Irina, Koneko, and Xuelan.

     Xuelan and the Church Trio have started a four person board game called [Underworld Life]. Yup it is a knock off of the human game called [Life]. Yubelluna and Koneko  are sitting on the other side waiting for me to join them.

     Yubelluna, being smart, sits across from me knowing the two small women will fight for my lap and she just reads a book to pass the time. And like she predicted the two each sat in my lap giving cold stares to one another but didn't outwardly argue. Honestly I find their actions kinda cute now that I am stuck with Ravel. The reason I am accepting this lap war is both of these girls will grow up fast and both will mature as larger beauties. I don't want to look back on this time thinking how I pushed them out of my lap.

     Yubelluna, noticing my reflections asks,"My master, you look preoccupied, is there something on your mind?" I just tighten the hug I have on the two Loli's in my lap and tell everyone what I am thinking.

     "I am having an uncomfortable feeling about events that may come soon. So I want all of you to be ready for anything until we leave the underworld. I don't know what the danger is but I want all of you to be safe." Most of the girls have a serious face and ready themselves mentally. One girl however is turning a light shade of red to me holding her intimately. Oops I forgot I was hugging Ravel as well as Koneko.

     Ravel, feeling that I would pull my arm away, holds it and says quietly,"T-This is alright for an engaged couple, s-so it is good to hold me...." Damn I want to tease her right now, but I need to stay focused right now.

     I did not try to do anything sexual on this train-ride due to it being unfair for the girls that can't do anything and poor Irina is still waiting for me. However I know Koneko and Asia would feel left out, so I decided to put fun activities on the back burner and held my girls while napping.

     I was awakened by a soft white cat tail rubbing my face and I heard all my girls laughing at my expression. Koneko is trying to pretend she is not happy about waking me like this. I notice the girls both got off my lap and are sitting properly due to staff coming and going due to us arriving at our train stop.

     When we get off the train I have Yubelluna on my right and Ravel on my left, and my other girls follow behind me as we push through the crowd of reporters waiting for us. Ravel and I just smile and wave but answer no questions. Azazel waves us down and we enter a building inside the train receiving area.

     He smiles and says,"Kid you need to stop making such a big celebrity splash! I don't think they will die down for a while. Come over here everyone, I already have a circle ready to take us to the destination." Everyone takes their place and the transfer then sends us on our way.....

     When our vision returned we see there are two devils waiting for us, Rias and Kris. Rias of course comes up and hugs me tight and gives me a kiss,"Mat how are you doing? Mother called me and told me to be safe and keep an eye out for danger?"

     I look at her worried face and tell her,"It is only a bad feeling directed to the Underworld, I did not see a particular event to point to a particular threat so just be alert till we leave the Underworld."

     Rias then immediately switched gears on me and said,"And I wont ever call you father, got it!" Sweat-drop!,"Ravel congratulations for joining my husband's harem officially! Well my Mat is a bit slow when it comes to devil politics and some girls feelings, Ufufu! Welcome to the family." Rias gives me the 'I knew it' look.

     Azazel and the rest of us arrive at the hotel's restaurant area, and we sit at a few tables that are next to each-other. When I look around to see what is going on in the restaurant I see some suspicious customers.......

     My face twitches while trying to hold in my laughter at a group of three girls sitting off in a corner table eating a large spread of pasta, salads, and desserts. It was Le Fay, Phis, and Kuroka in disguise. I can sense that Fenrir must be hiding at Le Fay's feet.

     Kuroka has her ears and tails hidden and she is wearing movie-star sunglasses while eating like a pig. She is wearing magician robes like Le Fay is and they are using an assortment of powers to mask their presences. But if I cant spot my naughty kitty in a crowd I don't deserve her! When Kuroka saw me looking at her she had a naughty smile and licked her fork in an inappropriate way for my viewing pleasure, then a pinch from Koneko brought me back to the Underworld.

     Koneko squints her eyes at me and flatly says,"Big brother ignore big sister, you're drooling." Um yup I will make them stand out if I keep staring.

     After we all began to eat our meal Rias tells me,"Looks like we will be footing the bill to repair the assessment stadium. It seems Issei did not listen to your advice about holding back the power and he leveled a section of the field and almost killed the poor Mid-class strength devil he was dueling, sigh!" Damn I knew he was not listening!

     Soon the test ended and Kiba, Akeno, and Issei arrived at the restaurant and joined us for the meal. Issei looks really embarrassed about the damage he caused but I tell him,"So did you show that super boss you fought who was the strongest, snicker." I could not help laughing at his look.

     Akeno says to me with her hand on her cheek,"Don't forget to reward the mother of your child for acing the test, Ufufu!" She has been extra dopey lately talking like she is nine months pregnant or something, she already has her list of baby names ready!

     Kiba just smiles and tells me,"Honestly the test was too easy, the hardest question was the one about the enemy-general who attacked the magical Girl Levi-tan! Um, your wife is weird....." I just nod to his assessment.

     Azazel tells everyone,"Alright it is now time for us to head off to Sirzechs territory for our chat!" But at that moment I stood up due to my gear warning me of danger!

     All of our party sees my actions and is on alert,"Everyone we are under attack!" When I shouted this we all felt a familiar sensation like back when we were ambushed by the Hero Faction!

     I say,"This is Dimension Lost! The Hero Faction is here in the Underworld!" When we can see again all the normal devils are gone and only our group remains.... Oh boy!


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