DxD: Matsuda!

Oh no! Precious is Pregnant!


     While sitting behind my silver haired beauty I hold her due to feeling sleepy. I am not trying to annoy her but I rub her belly like I am petting a puppy. I then asked her,"Grayfia dear, why did I get punished back there?"

     She smiles and answers,"Oh that? I was feeling jealous, that's all." My brain stopped for a second from her answer.

     I ask,"You can't be jealous of that Roygun girl right?! She is nothing compared to my awesome super maid, honest!" I don't understand? Grayfia is my heart stopping beauty!

     She kisses my face and tells me,"Just make sure I get a date before that woman! Actually it is kinda funny..... If you captured her heart you would have obtained all three powerful women of my generation." She sounds amused.

     I shake my head no,"Nah, I did not even exchange circles with her on purpose. My powers tell me she is trouble. Also I don't want women in my harem that are into reverse harems. I know it's a double standard, but I don't want to guess if a woman has my child or someone else's. At least with all of you lovely women I know these bundles of joy are my fault, ha-ha!"

     We finally returned and I was told we had a guest in with the Vali group so I went to greet him. When I get to the room I see Vali, Bikou, Arthur Pendragon, Le Fay, Fenrir, and the healer working on Vali, First Gen! Of course I am pounced on by an overly happy black kitty on my chest!

     Kuroka starts to kiss me all over like she is in heat and says,"Nyan, I missed you so much -Nya!" I sit down with her in my lap and see what's going on.

     Ger [Matsuda please lock up that stupid cat and dumb monkey over there.... They are getting on my last nerves!] Both Le Fay and I just smile at Fen's words.

     I say,"It is good to see you again First! It looks like you are getting the last of the curse out of Vali?! I will heal Vali when you're done!" I just got my face pulled into her breast?! Why is she extra excited?! She keeps grinding me a bit too much....

     Old Sun says,"Yup almost done here! Oh and I can sense that mark from the West Youkai, congratulations on making that mama fox fall for ya, ha-ha!" He just gives me his wise wrinkly smile.

     Kuroka pouts,"Cats are better than stupid foxes, -nya!" She then shoves my face back into her cleavage.

     Stupid monkey, I meant Bikou says,"How's it going Matsuda, ha, you are unlucky in love, ha-ha!" And he dodges a small blast thrown at him from the breast monster in my lap!

     I also greet,"Hello again Arthur Pendragon! Your sister was a big help on our last adventure together. Hope you have been well." He seems surprised I am talking with him.

     He then points it out bluntly,"I am doing well, but this seems to be the first time you have engaged me in conversation?" He gives me a curious look.

     I smile and say,"Truth! it's because we share a complicated past......" I smile and continue,"In a past life I was in fact Arthur Pendragon, and my death was caused by Morgan Le Fay......." The group was still, including the cat in my lap....

      Arthur then smiled and said,"Is that why you talk to holy swords? But I don't think that is how my ancestor died......"

     I shrug,"Probably yes on the first one, and I don't know about the second.... My soul is just branded with the cause of death. I have no memory of it."

     Le Fay asks with a hint of sadness,"Is that why you took a step back from me when we first met?" She seems disappointed....

     I shrug,"Might be muscle memory like someone afraid of drowning stepping away from a pool edge, it does not mean they hate water!" She smiles again understanding my example..

     Old Sun says,"Past lives are tricky business indeed! It is both good and bad. Alright Vali it's all done." He then puts away the bottle holding the cursed blood. I then heal everyone in the room.

      Fenrir says,[Thanks, now I feel really good, oh and sorry about your female Precious... She went into heat and I kinda could not help my instincts.....]

     Le Fay's face went deep red hearing that and my mouth was wide open at what I just heard!!!! Fen looks away like a Tsundere!

     Kuroka shuts my wide open mouth and asks,"Nyan? What are you and Le fay blushing about... Did you mate with her, -nya?" I shake my head no because the sis con brother glared at me!

     Le Fay, seeing her brother, says,"No it was just something Fen said is all....." OK killing intent is gone!

     Kuroka pulls my hand into her robe and puts it on her belly and bomb drops me,"Good job daddy, -nya!" She squints her eyes in joy at my look, and I just put on a dopey smile at her actions..... I love this amazing world.

     I tickle her belly and say,"This naughty kitty better not run off permanently or I will chain you down, -nya!" Hearing my teasing of the naughty kitty everyone laughed.

      I spent about another half hour with the Vali team and promising, monkey boy, a guys hang-out sometime. I thought when Kuroka found out she got knocked up she would not want to be around me as much. I seem to be wrong again about what a nekoshou wants, apparently they want to stay near their mates even more! Then I went back to see what's next.....

     When I returned to the command room I was pleasantly surprised to see three women, and one of them I have missed very much recently.... Xenovia, Irina,and Rose!

     I hug and kiss the first two, then strongly embrace Rose for a while so she knows how much I missed her at my side.

     Rossweisse smiles at my actions and tells me,"I am back and I am not going anywhere without my husband! I heard what has been going on and I am sorry I was not here for you......"

     I decided to tease her and say,"No, I was too ashamed to go into the 100 yen store without you at my side, to draw all the attention!" She froze when the girls in the room laughed at us! Of course I am happy she is a shade of pink now!

     Xenovia got her sword repaired and Irina also got a holy devil sword replica that she can use away from Heaven!

     Xenovia said,"We saw your first kill there and I was very impressed, my Lord!"

     I look at her and say,"No baby making for a week for you... You got healed, remember!" She just slumps to the floor in defeat with her plan going down hill! Irina too looks stiff like she had the same idea as Xenovia...

     I take Rose's hand and pull her along to my room and say,"I missed you and you have not been healed by me! Let me shower you with lots of love my White Rose!!!" She just blushed and said nothing while being pulled into the dark room of love!

     Two days without sex for a harem king is like one month for a normal man! So I truly unleashed my feelings for Rose for the next two hours before we were being called by magic circles. I wanted more, but this could have been important.

     When the two of us finished getting dressed Rose told me,"My grandmother is looking forward to meeting you Mat! And she told me to tell you thank you for getting married to me over any other Valkyrie! Also sorry things didn't work out with my teacher....." Cute, she thinks it's her fault!

     I smile and tell her,"You moved my heart so we got married, and she did not move my heart so we are not getting married, its that simple! I love you Rose don't forget that!" She nods and is happy with my answer. She is wearing her battle armor that just looks incredible on her body! Oh shit I remember the anime joke... I just took a ride on my Valkyrie!

     Rose asks,"you look happy, what are you thinking about?" I just smile and say nothing......

      The two of us come to the command room and Rias starts the meeting.........

     "I was just given orders from Sirzechs to head to the capital and help with the evacuation of the local population to search for stragglers and get them out!" Then she pouted and said,"He said no expecting mothers are allowed to participate though!" Why the fuck is she glaring at me!!!

     I point at her and say,"HEY! I am only half responsible for that you know! It takes two to tango dear...." Rias looks like she won because everyone is smiling at my reaction.... Damn, I just glared at Akeno who looks guilty!

     Grayfia says,"Sorry I wont be able to help you dear....."

     Rias said,"Gasper is already there and waiting for your group to show! Take Akeno with you as well. She will substitute out Ravel's place, plus you have Irina with you as well. Good luck dear!"

     So my team will be..... Kiba, Xenovia, Asia, Irina, Rose, Koneko, Akeno, and Yubelluna! This is a strong group and I am happy with it, of course we swapped Xuelan for Rose so I can use my King move! I have not been given Pawn replacements so I cannot even have my own Pawns and trade.

     We were sent a special summon paper to allow us to instantly join the other youth groups participating.

     Before we left I saw on the live feed news about all the monsters being dropped one by one, and I saw someone special on the TV with her daughter on her back. I see Yasaka burning monsters with her foxfire! So I circle her while she is on live TV.....

     [I am fighting right now my dear, is this important?]

     I smile and tell her,"No love, I am watching you and Kunou live on TV and wanted to let you know I am proud of you helping out..... Just need to tell you I love you!"

     On the screen enemies and allies alike are taken aback because the nine-tails fox on the screen all of a sudden became even more terrifying and aggressive like she was showing off for fans and was promised a reward for the number of kills she got!

     [I could not call myself your wife if I did not do such a small thing as help out! Just watch my husband, I will wipe them out for you!]

     I now know what a smiling fox looks like! I tell her,"Just be safe, I am heading to the capital now.... Tell Kunou I said hi. Oh and come to the Gremory home when you two are done. I miss you! I need my mofu-mofu dear!" Her nine tails and two ears start to twitch in excitement, yup beast girls are fun!

     My group stood together and we then set off!


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