DxD: Matsuda!

Kiss the Angel then kiss the Dog!

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     To my dear Sona,

     You are my moon in the Underworld, and your bespectacled beauty has moved my cold and lustful heart. The thing that has driven me into this passion frenzy would be that dazzling mind of yours. The breath of your intelligence moves my every action! I ask nothing from my love, other than to accept my gift of power and security. Please allow me to bestow upon you some knowledge of events from the future that will give you your dreams!

     What will I give to my lovely water goddess, you ask? I give you the certainty of forming your dream Rating Game School for all devils! The second thing my gift will bestow upon my love is the ability to dominate the other young devils in the rating games, and claim your well deserved place as the Underworlds greatest mind.

      What this humble and lowly Great Me will give to my Devil Goddess is .....A black Dragon sacred gear user, the future fastest devil, and for the grand finally the crowning achievement for your peerage.......... THE RED DRAGON EMPEROR themself!

      Like any good devil I have very easy and simple terms, they are as follows............

     1 NO ONE outside of your peerage is to know of this information!

     2 The Red Dragon sacred gear user will require ALL 8 of your Pawn pieces to reincarnate to you! Yes there potential is that great, I guarantee in roughly three years he will be almost as strong as your sister the Magical Girl.

     3 The Black Dragon, Saji Genshirou, will require your last Rook piece. The speedster Nimura Ruruko, will need your last Knight piece...... I gave you the identity of these two as my first token of my love for you.

     4 If any of the above conditions are not met, I will timidly send the Red Dragon to one of your House's rivals...... I may love you with all of my heart but I am the greatest devil mind in the underworld, so I have my pride!

     5 If you wish to claim the Red Dragon for your house, the Underworld, and your future happiness, Then on the first week back from your vacation, have your Queen, Tsubaki Shinra, wear a medical mask to your human school! My spies in the human world will see this sign and within the next week I will trick the user of Red Heavenly Dragon to approach you themselves!

     Finally to my sadness, I will have to end this love letter and pine for you in my heart, for we are not destined to be together in this lifetime, I hope in our next lives we can meet once more then we can let our souls finally be at peace.

     From your one and only Great Me....


     Soooooooo yeah, that is the typed up letter currently sitting on Sona's desk! I had gone to an out of the way computer shop and typed up this catastrophe! I used gloves and the like to hide my identity as best I could. Not sure what kinda tracking magic the devils have? I then had my friendly animal friends deliver this into the office and will play 'The Waiting Game'.

     SIGH, Why am I beating myself up about this one might ask? Simple, I was drunk off my fucking rocker! Stupid Japan has beer in fucking vending machines, no joke! Well stupid me that used to kick back drinks in life zero, like to partake once in a while and I had a high tolerance. However the key word is 'I had'! Welp two beers and a reenactment of [The Hangover], I woke up realizing everything I did the previous night with full recollection of my stupid actions. sniff sniff, So I seem to have a drinking constitution between Grayfia and Rose from DxD. Go figure I am in a world based on it!

     So the letter was not the ONLY crime I committed that night, sadly no, I am really good at doing really, really, stupid things, sigh again. I had used plants and critters to plant Boys Love books in both of my friends' homes while they were at work at the beach, then had the little friends make enough disturbance in the home to alert their parents to investigate their sons' rooms. Yes this was a crime against the BRO CODE, and this time I am sorry guys!

     Was that all I did? FUCK NO! Apparently drunk me thought the abandoned church needed a lot of animal poop freshly delivered onto their front porch. How did drunk me even come up with that shit!? Huh, I seem to have made a joke there.

     Even though Karen and I met up plenty after that magical night, she went back to her 'Pal mode", not gonna lie I thought we would have been in her apartment getting to know each other more intimately, at least that's how all the fan-fiction say it is supposed to be. Well sadly no the girls do not just jump on your manhood at first meeting, sigh. Damn lying fan-fiction!

     Anyway the greatest crime I committed was with Karen. I-I-I saw her walking while I was just starting to finish my second beer and when I was walking up to the two, I-I just kissed her on the lips, not a passionate one just a peck, but that was not why I am ashamed. No, it's because when I was going to give Precious a kiss on her head, that damn girl licked my puckered lips. It looked like I was aiming to kiss Precious by bystanders, I think my dignity is gone... sniff. Well I do not think Karen was upset I kissed her but she laughed so hard at my kiss with her dog, that my heart broke. Then drunk me did not even stay to say sorry or anything, I just walked off and said to Karen,"Gotta go, hot stuff, need to visit my friends house!"

     Well the second term is about to start and as usual my dad has me scheduled to work that weekend before school starts. I said yes because I found out she had placed a pick up order with my dad, so I want to be there to hand off the goods.

     It is not because I do not trust my dad to deal with Rias, but it's because I do not trust my dad to not shame me in front of her. That damn father of mine. Speaking of my dad, it would be nice to point out that my mom is very happy with my yard landscaping, because thanks to my plant and earth skill we have the most beautiful home in Kuoh. Thanks to the fact I can raise rare flowers and I even have those Disney bushes shaped into different sculptures. I overdid it again! If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     The end of vacation................

     It is now the Sunday before school and I am running things in the bookstore, thankfully my dad is fucking off somewhere else! It is noon, and I am eagerly watching the front door like a fan waiting for his favorite actress to come up the walkway! Why, because Rias is the iconic-person next to Issei in this world!

     I know it is weird to be so happy, but meeting her gives me the same damn feeling like when I went to the fountain for the first time! It's like a DxD bucket-list of things you must do if you were to revive in this world. Damn she is late! What stupid get up will she try..... [Stone Statue Mode activated!]

     I am not going to throw all the damn flower descriptions of why my heart just stopped beating for a moment, or two. In walked a beautiful European model, with unnaturally crimson hair. Shit Issei's description of the Crimson Goddess was a travesty to what my eyes are seeing right now! Damn I hate to admit it but she is slightly, just slightly prettier than even Karen"Never tell Karen, I said that she would kill me!"

     While I was holding Rias's bag in my hand admiring her pink sundress and sunhat combo she broke me from my stupidity, "Who's Karen and what did you say?" She smiled while saying that.

     "Huh? Did I say that out loud again?" Then Rias gave me a head-tilt and nodded. Damn she is hot,"Sorry senior, I was just thinking you managed to beat out my favorite 2D waifu, and I said sorry to her in my head. But it seems every time you are around my mouth says stupid things!"

     ding ding: front door chime SFX

     Rias just takes the bag from my hand and says,"Awe, that's such a sweet compliment, well tell Karen I am sorry I am claiming that spot!" WOW why did that sound so awesome!

     To my absolute horror, I did not notice the new arrivals in the store.

     "See honey I told you my son was a lady killer!" Followed by "Well his good taste came from his beautiful mother!" IT IS OVER IT IS THE END OF THE WORLD! WHY, WHY, WHY ARE THEY HERE?

     Rias turns to face the demonic couple that enters the store acting like they owned the place, scratch that they do!

     "Hello dear, my husband and my names are Touji and Kyiomi Tanaka it is a pleasure to meet another friend of Matsuda's" She then elegantly raises her hand to shake Rias's. After they shook my dad tried to reach out, but his hand was slapped hard by my mother who followed with,"Don't be rude, your hands are filthy!" That's my mom..sigh.

     Rias politely tells the two,"Hello, I am Rias Gremory, a second year student and am happy to meet the both of you. I really enjoy your family's store, it lets me experience the Japanese culture that I admire so much."

     Did you think that's all the damage my parents were going to inflict on their child? Well you thought wrong!

     My mother said to Rias,"If you ever want to see the best Japanese style garden in Kuoh,with exotic plants and animals, just ask Matsuda to invite you are welcome anytime!"

     Followed by a waste of space,"Miss Rias, do you like younger Japanese men that have never had a girlfriend before?!"

     She followed up with,"Not right at the moment, my studies are demanding."

     So the three said some minor bla, bla, bla things and then all three turned in my direction and all their faces were interesting.....

     Rias just put her hand over her mouth and snickered, my mother said,"Dear close your mouth."

     And the dipstick dad said,"What's wrong with you? Did you need to take a dump?"

     The reason for the three's response was, I have had my hand held-out this whole time in the bag holding motion, with a look of horror and a wide open mouth!

     Yup I do not even remember Rias saying goodbye!


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