DxD: Matsuda!

I will castrate you, PAINFULLY!

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Chapter 10


     Inside class 1-A...............

     Nice, it looks like I have been given the legendary 'Protagonist Seat'. You know the one in the back left side next to the window overlooking the sports field? Yup this will be perfect to spend my first year in, so I got a desk in front of me, to the right of me, and one at an angle to my front right.

     OK the kids are piling in now so lets see what my damage will be? Huh I think those two girls are the ken-do girls that beat up the Perverted Trio, now Duo, and lets see yup there is an ex-church girl cosplayer in glasses in the front. Huh, she gave me a thumbs up?

     Need to look at my face on the phone again? Damn a lot of average, for this world girls, that are not even mobs but the dreaded Extra's. Looks like the long haired ken-do girl will sit in front of me and her friend is to the right of her at my angle. Now that leaves the seat to my right empty?

     All of a sudden a loud noise came from the class door, revealing to idiots trying to race in the room at the same time in a panic. The to embarrassing friends of mine shout out like... well a couple of anime nerds,""WE MADE IT, GIRLS HERE WE COOOOOOM!""

     I smartly hide my face behind a book to avoid them noticing me, which is easy because of the excess amount of boobs in the room. If anyone were to ask me 'Why do you still keep them as your friends knowing what will happen and after that dream about Issei'? I would just sadly have to say 'Because I have known these two idiots for much of my childhood, and the future is not set in stone, further the two friends of mine at their core are really good people. And for that shitty dream I had 'Both of my life memory's tell me without a doubt that Issei would never betray me like that.' And that is why I told him I had died for his sins, at least that is what Christ died for right?

     I was brought out of my self pondering by the entrance of the last student, who was calmly and elegantly coming to the seat at my right......

     No fucking way, why?! It was none other than that fucking pretty-boy Prince Golden Nuts! He sits down drawing the attention of EVERY creature with breasts in the room, sigh. He gives an elegant smile to all his classmates in a disgusting manner. I am only bitching because my Earth zero memories tell me he can care less about everyone and things not devil or church related. So I do not have to acknowledge him, I continue to hide in my book.

     Not long after, the homeroom teacher makes their way into class and has us do introductions and roll-call........ It goes as follows.......

     Desk 1 to 4: "I am so and so, bla, bla, bla, thank you."

     Desk 5: "I am Issei Hyoudou, and I am single and looking for love, thank you!"

      Desk 6: "I am Motohama Ryu, and I am willing to walk any maiden home for security at no charge, count on me! Thank you!"

     Desk 7 to 23: "I am so and so, bla, bla, bla, thank you."

     Desk 24: "H-Hello, I am Katase Sakura, and I like Ken-do and b-blond handsome boys! Thank you!" WHAT THE FUCK! Is she Issei's sister or something?!

     Desk 25: "Pleased to meet everyone, my name is Murayama Mai. I am a fan of Kendo, and am looking to have a happy highschool life and maybe find love. Thank you."

     Desk 26 to 28: "I am so and so, bla, bla, bla, thank you."

     Desk: 29: "Hello, I am Kiba Yuuto, I am into healthy living, swordplay, and bird watching, hope we can all get along. Thank you!" The class gave him a damn standing ovation, the fuck?

     Desk 30: "Yo, I am Matsuda Tanaka, if you want good books, manga, or DVDs, shop at Tanaka's, Thank you!" OK dad I plugged it in!

     After that the homeroom teacher left, and the class got noisy again. Two rampaging horn dogs raced next to my desk and barraged me with questions like,"So how was she?", "She must have been a good kisser!", "When are you two meeting again?", "How did her tits feel?," "Can you have her hook us up with her hot ass friends?", "DOES SHE WANT A REVERSE HAREM?!" OK, that last one crossed the line for me.

     I stand and angrily point at Motohama,"First off the whole damn class is watching you two idiots! Second, I won't kiss and tell. Third, I'll meet her when she needs me. Fourth, you saw them for yourself, I am not telling! Fifth, when I get her friend Mil-tans number I will give it to you guys. And lastly, Motohama if the words [Reverse Harem] ever leave your lips again, I will castrate you, PAINFULLY!" I inhale and finish,"Now sit down, the first class is starting!" And my head falls on my desk in exhaustion. Did that bastard blondish just snicker at me?!

     In a nutshell the Japanese school day is something like this. Homeroom, then a few classes, followed by lunch, then two more classes. At this point everyone then goes to club activities till around suppertime, but you are only required to show up minimum one time a week to the clubs. The rest of the day was just boring school life. Later I went to show my face to the chess kids consisting of 4 girls and 2 other boys. They are just mobs though, and their chess skills are beginner at best.

     Later while the sun was setting, I walked home on the streets of Kuoh and decided to pick up food for my Western cooking. I will surprise my mom and maybe that sperm donor called my dad.

     As I cross that same damn overpass road, I see two priests of the catholic church conversing in front of me. I overheard some startling words coming from the two,"That bitch slave-driver Raynare said to get the church livable soon or she would send us on a permanent vacation... sigh, so hot but a total psycho!"

     The second one adds,"Ya I heard she fell from heaven because of her loose underwear, ha-ha!"

     Then the first one said,"It is alright though, she is letting us hunt those devil contractors and strays, and if we do not get caught we can even have fun with those dirty noble devil bitches."

     They turned the corner out of my way, so I could not hear anymore, but I have this feeling that things are not as simple as the show had revealed. My powers are making me feel ill at ease for some reason? I wonder if Yuuma Amano is as bad as they say or can she be saved? Whatever, I will let future me figure this shit out. Let's make some good food and do homework!

Kuoh girls

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