DxD: Matsuda!

Devil King Lucifer from the Underworld, Sirzechs!

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Chapter 25

     Shutting of the demon-, heavenly alarm,"That one was actually really nice! Maybe I will have a good day and find love?! Nope it's all good, Kala is all I need!"

     After finishing up his morning routine at home and making his way to school, Matsuda decided to avoid the student council for a while after the nutcracker incident. And damn it looks like they were looking for me, [Ninja Vanish]!

     I made it to class with no complications, but my luck is both good and bad..........

     Damn it looks like Kiba {magically} got his seat next to me back! He then did his bright as fuck smile and said,"Matsuda, Rias said to just do your other club for the last bit of the week, and you will start your devil duty's on Monday."

     I just said,"Great, I want to get the swim meet done on Friday so it works perfectly!"

     Later that day I had gone to my swim team and we all started our practice laps, and while racing freestyle with the other boys, I had to hold back even more than normal due to my devil body.

     When I finished first, like I could be second, I emerged at the end of my lane and looked up at someone standing there,"Blue Striped!"

     After my verbal slip I realize that the blue striped panties I filed under [HOT] belong to none other than a fully glaring and blushing Tsubaki Shinra! "I-IT'S THE WINDS FAULT!" I threw up my verbal force field in hopes of placating the ice cold woman!

     She said nothing, making it obvious she is waiting for me to get out. I look to see all seven other swim boys frozen in the water. Oh one is getting a nose bleed!

     I quickly evacuate from the pool and ask,"Can I help you Miss Shinra?" I am actually confused why she is here? I don't THINK I did anything wrong, did I?

     Tsubaki quietly tells me,"When we are alone in informal places like now please call me Tsubaki, here take this." She hands me a dry towel, damn that's nice and why does it smell like beautiful Girls?!

     While wiping my face I smile and say,"Thanks Tsubaki, just call me Matsuda too! Now I can check off the towel given by a beautiful woman off my list!" Huh she can turn even redder?

     Tsubaki then calms and asks,"Matsuda, your friend Issei was bragging about your Japanese garden with a koi pond, and saw a still shot on his phone. If it is not too much of a bother could I come to see it on Sunday afternoon?" Well she looks like one of the formal Japanese cultural ladies so I guess it makes sense she would like it. I do not see any, oh just one problem!

     I put the towel around my neck and told her,"I am totally fine with showing off the garden and pond, but you might think my dad is a bit of a freak if you meet him, but my mom is cool as hell. So if a wacko dad won't scare you off, then we can exchange info." What the fuck is that?! She is smiling, is this like the Yuma trap?

     Tsubaki with a beautiful smile told me,"Thank you very much Matsuda, and I am used to weird father types, and meeting your mother sounds fun. Please take care of me!" Is this going to end badly for me?

     Far away from the Human World.........

     In the Underworld a man can be seen in a dark throne-room with no lights. He is sitting on his throne looking at documents that seem to have caught his eye.

     This handsome man has a striking resemblance to Rias, any fool would know they were related. The man is called Sirzechs! He is one of four Devil Kings that rule the Underworld. He finally closes the documents and sits up.

     He looks to his side and smiles warmly,"Grayfia, I need you to do something for me."

     Standing next to the Throne is the most well known Queen, Grayfia Lucifuge, who carries the name 'The Strongest Queen'. She stands professionally in her french-maid uniform, with her long partially braided silver hair and red eyes.

     She looks at the document and asks,"What is it, Sirzechs? You seem very happy with the report, sigh. It must be about Rias right?" She finishes him off with a look of disgust at his sis-con nature.

     He smirks embarrassed,"Damn ha-ha, you know me well, but yes it is." He then hands her the file.

     Sirzechs sat back and crossed his leg then said,"I was getting a bit worried for Rias's future rating games when I found out her friend Sona had gotten a full team. On top of her new Rook is the wielder of the black dragon, the real shocker for the Underworld is that Issei Hyoudou is none other than the newest Red Dragon Emperor! I can't believe he would join the devils." He finished with a serious expression.

     She seems doubtful,"So with such a massive lineup, then why would you be happy for Rias? Is this not bad, most of her team is empty, and at least two members are far behind their potential?" Grayfia was very confused on this point.....

     He said with a grin,"My sister just obtained a new Pawn servant and he is supposed to be impressive, guess why?" His pride for Rias is massive!

     Grayfia lifts her beautiful eyebrows,"Perhaps he is the Vanishing Dragon?" She guessed, after all it is hard to compare to the boosted gear.

     Sirzechs wanting to spoil all the information in the folder ahead of time list things off,"Nope, He was defeated by a fallen angel and before he died, he summoned Rias and she gave him her Pawn piece and failed! It ONLY worked with a full 8 Pawn pieces, just like the Red Dragon! Just how powerful is his gear to require that much devil energy?! I am excited to meet the young man! Rias also told me he is a genius with over perfect scores in EVERY subject, and has already become the top scorer in her human school. Apparently he has Sona wrapped around his finger, so he must be a strategist on top of it!" He finished excitedly.

     Grayfia pondered this,"What kind of Sacred Gear did this human have that needed all Pawn's?! Is it the True Longinus? It can't be I believe another human has it currently....." She was in deep thoughts.

     Sirzechs said,"Nope it is a never seen Sacred Gear that Rias said was even stronger than the spear! Rias then told me I had to not leak his information, something about drawing unwanted attention. I think she is just being over protective of her new playmate. You know how youngsters are. Also I told her to bring her peerage home for their winter break so the family can see her again.

     With Sona's new team it is time Rias kicks it into high gear, so we will have a state of the art training facility built for her team at the Gremory home. Also inform her betrothed of her vacation time so they can meet. As the Devil King I must at least do this for him, as a brother I would rather just kill him. Plus mom, dad, and little brother miss her a lot. So please take care of the details Grayfia." He then took another document for devil affairs and began reading.

     Grayfia then left his chambers and walked down the long hall, reading the document handed to her.

     A moment later her feet stopped. She then with surprise on her face muttered,"It has been 500 years and you came back!"

     As she walked down the dark hall a faint smile decorated her lovely lips.


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