DxD: Matsuda!

Cao Cao killed by a tit missile!


     Thanks to my powers and Sacred Gear I can clearly see the three individuals that are emerging from the rip in the sky.......

     The biggest one of course is Great Red! Standing on his head is Issei in his Scale Mail, and near him is Ophis sitting on her knees repeatedly pounding on Great Reds head! Her tiny fists are alternating like a toddler pounding on a pillow with a frustrated face..... Great Red just ignores her actions?! I don't even think Great Red can feel her tiny fist.... I-I think what Phis is doing can only be described as.... CUTE!

     Everyone else can only see the large red dragon, so I tell everyone with a smile on my face,"Issei is back, and he brought a friend to the party! Kids you did it! You summoned my friend Grabbing Dragon!" The children jump and cheer for their boob hero.....

     Yubelluna says to me,"My King, I have just told the family back home of Issei's survival. And Kris is now sleeping peacefully...." I just nod to my considerate Queen.

     I leave my Satan Gold form and hold Sona's hand,"I am sorry I did not come to you sooner my love......" I squeezed her hand gently and she held my hand even more firmly in response.

     She kisses me and says,"My hero came at the right moment! I will have to be in danger, sometimes silly..... I hate to say such depressing things, but there may come a day that you can't save every lover! When that day comes, remember that all your other lovers need you! I am not saying we will die, but fights are inevitable and you have to let us fight. I do love your caring side though!" She is right, but I will still try my best!

     Asia tugs on my sleeve and points to the meatball on the ground and asks,"Do I heal him Mat?"

     I shrug and say,"Only enough so he won't die, remember I am mad at him for stepping on my wife!" Asia then heals him a bit, she is so caring that she can't see even bad guys suffer too much... sigh well this is why she is Asia after-all!

     In the distance we see a huge version of Issei in his Scale Mail, about half the height of the big monster! Looks like he merged his Body with Great Red to kill the monster! I guess this is where or how Issei gets his dragon body?!

     After the two giant Godzilla and King Kong monsters clash a bit, the big one all of a sudden falls over? Now it was shot up into the air.... And now the chest piece of Issei's armor opens up just like in the fight in his Juggernaut Drive fight in the anime! Issei fires his [Longinus Smasher] at the airborne monster and it was vaporized just like that! Kinda anticlimactic if you ask me?! But this ending is the best! All of the children cheer at the fight!

     Jeanne seeing the children cheer for their hero had complicated feelings in her eyes. I tell her,"Jeanne, that is what it means to be a Hero! Not being a human... Not being strong! But fighting for the weak and innocent children! That is why a tit loving pervert is more of a Hero than anyone in the Zero faction!" I put my arm around the blushing Sona but she does not pull-away.

     Sairaorg, seeing the fight, just said,"Matsuda, you were right about your friend! He is a man I can respect and aim to surpass! I also like fighting for the children, ha-ha!"

     Behind me my three Queens wait for my and Sona's orders and the rest of our servants are attending to the children. From the distance I can see Issei flying with his jetpack and Phis sitting on his back just chilling. A moment prior we all watched as Great Red returned to the Gap!

     The two finally land in front of us and Phis gets off and Issei puts up his arm and says,"Issei reporting for duty!"

     I step forward and cross my arms trying not to smile,"I told you to bring me a cheeseburger combo with a large drink where is it?!" Issei and everyone else froze at my words!

     I put my fist out and say,"Glad your back dickhead!" I smile at my old friend.

     Issei removes his helmet and returns my fist-bump and says,"Glad to be back man-whore!" He returns my smile with his own. He then noticed the scene around the place and asked,"What happened to that mangled guy on the ground?"

     I point at said meatball and shrug,"He tripped!" I think I hear a facepalm or two behind me.....

     Sairaorg pats Issei on the back and says,"Good entrance there Issei! Very manly, ha-ha!" I can see that Issei is thinking he is receiving gay vibes.

     Issei sees Gasper out cold and asks,"Is half pint OK?!"

     I tell him,"When he heard George killed you he went all captain kick-ass and sent the mist user to the afterlife! He really showed us all up. Even I had a hard time killing George!"

     I then look to Phis and say,"Thank you very much for bringing my friend back to me, will you be coming home with me?" Ophis looks into my eyes and thinks, then she nods yes! I put my hand out to her and after a moment she takes it and stands next to me. She is more like a child than a terrifying dragon... And no my Loli core is not shaking with her. To me she is only a lonely dragon. I know some of my lives were lonely. I know without memory's that my life as a caveman had to be the most lonely ever! A modern man in a world of primitive nothing.....

     At this moment we hear and see a man we are all too familiar with show up tapping his spear on his shoulder. "Looks like Herc pissed off the wrong guy and was beaten without even a fight?! And Jeanne it looks like you surrendered without even using the doping drug? So you fell for the words of Matsuda? It seems the most powerful enemy here is the Devil's Whispers. I commend you Matsuda Gremory for dealing with my group!"

     Everyone in our team is now ready to fight him at a moment's notice.... I tell him,"No, the only way I could convince the two here to surrender is because you are just a smart child with too much time on his hands and a bad childhood! You go around spouting that you want to challenge the supernatural while being human... Yet you are using the tools God, a supernatural, gave you to pretend it's your own hard work..... Hypocrites come in all forms." I have always hated guys like this, even though I am using my fathers power but I try to help others when I can... Fighting is stupid.

     Cao Cao shrugs and says,"Sure sure I know it, but it's just my thing right? Well I guess it's worth coming here to challenge myself...."

     At this point a dark figure quickly approaches and who we see standing there is the reaper Pluto,"Well it looks like Ophis finally has come, so I will be taking her now. Hades is expecting to obtain the weakened Ophis!"

     At this point an even faster flash of light landed near the reaper, and the one to come was Vali,"Looks like I missed most of the fight?! Well I won't let you have her Pluto! Good to see you alive Issei! I would be disheartened if my rival died before our rematch?!"

     Cao Cao says,"So who is my opponent? the Red Dragon or everyone? I don't think I can handle everyone?" He finds this amusing....

     Issei who is now mad says,"I will be your opponent dick-breath!!!" he has lots of anger bottled up and needs to vent....

     Cao Cao asks,"Matsuda, will you be joining in?" He is afraid I will do my normal sneak attacks....

     I shake my head no and tell him,"I will not interfere with a dragon's fight, unless you bring in any one else into your duel... Then we would all join in! You have my word as a Gremory so go fight somewhere else and have fun!" Cao Cao just smiles but we all look at what Vali is doing and have open mouths at what we see....

     Vali transforms into an improved version of his Juggernaut Drive and put his hand out to Pluto and said,"[Compress!!!]" Using his massive dividing power and a massive amount of demonic power, Pluto basically imploded... That was it... He just shrank and collapsed into himself and was gone?!?! It was over in one fucking move!

     I just whistle at that and say,"Damn Vali, that was a Protagonist trump card move right there! I give you a ten out of ten for style!"

     Cao Cao smiled wryly at that and said,"I was right to stop you when I did!"

     Vali said,"That won't happen again!" He then lets his armor go and comes to our group.

     Issei then starts his chant for his True Queen,“I, the one to awaken, am the Red Dragon Emperor who holds up the truth of the King up-high! Holding the infinite hope and indestructible dream walking the road of righteousness. I will become the Emperor of the Crimson Dragon... And I will lead you to the path of Heaven glowing in Deep-Crimson light!” [Cardinal Crimson Full Drive!!!!]

     As Issei slowly rises into the sky he tells Cao Cao,"Ddraig told me that Matsuda purified and strengthened my soul! I was given the ability of a devil Pawns transformation without being a devil! I am a true dragon! Now let me show you the power of Friendship!" He then flies off down the street with Cao Cao in tow....

     What power of friendship, Issei do you know how gay that sounded?! Based on what he just said, it must have been when I used the power of creation on his evil pieces?!

     As if she can read my mind, Phis still holding my hand looks to me and says,"You gave him [God's Blessing] and he can now use the Pawn promotion ability from the devil's system as a true dragon. Are you also a God Matsuda?"

I look into her anticipating eyes and shake my head no to her question. It seems Big G wanted to reward Issei maybe? I don't know how he got a blessing? Well both Kala and Sera have a blessing from me, so Issei, my best friend getting one due to my feelings is not far fetched... I got it! It must be compensation for destroying his evil-pieces and he can't be a devil anymore?!

     Explosions can be heard in the distance. Phis said to me again,"Ddraig told me you would bring me home. I don't have a home, so I am happy. You are kind Matsuda." I just smile at her expressionless face, but my gear tells me she is happy.

     Asia and Irina both come to Phis side and ask me,"Can Phis stay with us? Matsuda thank you!" Why are these two so happy? Did they make friends with her while I was busy? Well of course the two purest would be happy about the innocent dragon.

     Kiba tells me,"Matsuda I will go and see if Issei is OK!" I just nod and he vanishes.

     Sona finds a new bus to take the kids away and tells me that she and her peerage will evacuate them and I gave my Sitri girls love before they left... The happiest was Yura due to not spending enough one-on-one time with me... She is adorable. Saji, who was healed, drove the kids to safety, and the rest of my group went to find Issei....

     Kiba calls us to a store a few blocks away and that's where he found Issei good and beat up........

     The storefront was a wreck when I came... The store is a Gremory merchandise shop selling all the memorabilia from our shows. I saw a Satan Gold Dragon toy on the floor when I walked to Issei and sat next to him. There is no sign of Cao Cao so I ask,"Did you win, and how did you beat him?" Asia with focus begins healing Issei while we talk.

     He told me most of what happened and how Cao Cao tried using the Truth Idea finisher, but it failed. He then held up a toy of Kris that had missiles for boobs that shoots out tit missiles!

     Issei with a smile said,"With this doll of Kris, I defeated him! When I was in the Gap I had Ophis put the poison in one of the golem bullets and I then loaded it into this toy and shot it at Cao Cao. He then cut the bullet and exposed himself to the Dragon Eaters poison! Due to having a medusa eye, the poison cursed him and he is dying... George, who was at death's door, rescued him and they got away! That's it!"

     I just smile at my idiot friend and say,"Wow when did you get clever? And you beat him with the power of tits, ha-ha!"

     Issei said to me,"When I was in the Gap getting my new body, I had a dream that I saw you as I was dying! You were crying but I could tell you could not move...Thanks, you being in my moment of death made me happy! Was it real?" he looks at me in question...

     I smile at it and tell him,"I had that same dream... I heard you tell me everything, but I could not move... I did not hear what the last thing you were going to say was though? What did you want to say at the end?"

     He looks around and whispers what he wished for,"I wished we had gone to the Underworld Delights one more time!" He then scratches his chin with a grin....

     My friends very last words to me was not words of something amazing or hopeful, hell it was not even happiness or regret. No my dumb ass friends dying words was he wanted to go to the titty bar with me! I then slap the top of his head and we both start laughing at how our lives are just full of strange events!

     I said to Issei when we were done clowning around,"Hey Issei, stay a dragon... Dont try to be a devil anymore! You really are the worst devil out there, but you really are the best dragon! With God's blessing, you don't need to be a devil and now holy items can't hurt you! Also you are stronger during the day now!"

     Issei panics at my words and says,"But I want a harem and I just took the promotion test and passed! Also I am the Breast Dragon for the kids! I like living with you guys....."

     I tell him,"First you are under contract to be the Grabbing Dragon! Second, you will attract more women in your harem as a dragon than a devil! Third, you can now sleep with angels! Fourth you will always be a Gremory even if you're not a devil! Finally you are my best friend and I will never abandon you brother. You keep me from being too serious! We are family..... Plus you are like me and have done something unheard of in the devil world! I was a human that became a pure-blood devil, and you a human that became a devil then became a dragon! We are both amazing if you think about it! Plus you're like Great Red's son now! Thats fucking cool. Finally I kinda destroyed your evil pieces sorry!"

     Issei said,"Matsuda, you convinced me at [attract more women] that's right I can even see the angel Gabriel again! Now that I am not a devil I can go to Heaven!" Issei is now in delusion land.

     So that's how a Devil and a Dragon became the best of friends!


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