Dungeons and Dalliances

6.25 – ❤ Revenge

"Your patron?" Malice asked. "You mean the passion of Lust?"

"So that is her?" Natalie asked.

Malice tilted her head. "Of course. Surely that's obvious by now?"

"I mean, yeah. But I didn't have any confirmation. Besides a few hints here and there. I just … got the class, one day. The Bestower gave it to me." Was that strange automaton in on all of this, somehow? Who was the Bestower?

Malice considered this. Almost idly, she lifted her hips up, sliding Natalie's cock out a few inches, then sat back down, a soft moan escaping her as she speared herself. She froze as she realized what she'd done.

"S-Sorry," Malice stammered. "You told me not to move."

Natalie tsked, though she was struggling to keep her own serious demeanor. It took effort to not start thrusting her hips. "We can start moving when I say," she chided firmly. "This is your only warning."

Malice nodded. Natalie was briefly distracted by the sight of the naked wolfgirl sitting on her lap. Her eyes raked across the woman's toned dark-gray stomach, knowing somewhere up past her bellybutton was the tip of her cock, deep and nestled against her cervix. A little shiver went down her spine, imagining it.

She really wanted Malice to start bouncing, but she pushed that thought away. She had more important matters to worry about. Bullying Malice into conceding a single answer hadn't been all that hard, all things considered, but that didn't make her responses any less important.

"The dungeon has been hinting stuff on its own," Natalie said. "About her. Lust. That they, the gods, were sleeping, and now they're waking. We kind of knew some of that already. It's a theory called the Reverie, I guess."

Ana would know better about all of this. Maybe she should have been here for this discussion. Well. Besides the … compromising circumstances. The fact Natalie was buried ten inches deep into her conversational partner.

"Sleeping?" Malice asked. "The dungeon is a crypt, Natalie. They weren't asleep."

Which … were ominous opening words. Enough so they broke Natalie briefly out of her distracted thoughts.

"Okay," she said slowly. "What does that mean?"

Malice frowned. "That waking up isn't something dead people can do," she said. "It shouldn't have been possible. The Passions are … required. They're responsible for—" She hesitated, then went quiet. "Saying more touches on the nature of the dungeon." She shook her head. "It doesn't have to do with your question. Who the Lady of Lust is. You only get one tonight."

Disappointed, Natalie conceded the point. "Who is she, then? Why did she give me my class?"

"I don't know, for the second part," Malice said. "How could I? But the first … well, she's the primordial aspect of lust. A deity. What else is there to say?"

That was less useful than she'd hoped.

And it was exceedingly difficult to focus with Malice's pussy—probably unintentionally—squeezing and unsqueezing against her as she sat on her lap.

"Is there anything you know about her?" Natalie asked. If nothing else, having confirmation that the dungeon wasn't feeding lies to them was nice. Though that assumed Malice was being honest. Or had accurate memories. "That matters to me? What's her end goal?"

"Her end goal?" Malice's eyes held Natalie's. "If you were killed, then somehow woke up, what would you want?"

A chill went down her spine at that.

What would a killed deity want?


Malice shrugged, a noncommittal answer.

"Against who?" Natalie asked. "The Architect?"

"Or his creation, barring that," Malice said quietly. "Then again, who knows how deities think? They're hardly people like us."


This was way too heavy of a conversation to be having while literally inside another girl.

"But …" Natalie said. "The Passions want revenge on the dungeon? I don't even get what that means. And she chose me as her paladin? Where does that work in? Am I, like, on her side? By default? Against the dungeon? Should I be?"

Again, Malice shrugged.

A few answers, a thousand more questions. And the answers weren't even concrete—just plausible guesses made by the better-informed Malice.

Natalie groaned. "You're really limiting me to one topic per day?"

Malice sniffed. "I'm risking a seriously annoyed eternal master when I return home for talking about stuff like this. So you should be grateful."

"If the Passions don't get their revenge in time," Natalie pointed out. "And there's a Master to be annoyed at you."

Malice paused. "Oh. Huh. Yeah, I suppose if they win before you die, I might not have much to worry about."

That made Natalie's head start spinning. "What would happen to you? If … what, I don't know, they killed the dungeon?"

Though what the hell did killing the dungeon even mean?

Malice seemed suddenly very uncomfortable. "Who knows? I'm not her. I don't know how she works. I just serve there."

"Serve there? What do you mean by that? Who are you, anyway? Or … whatever?"

"One question at a time," Malice repeated. She glanced away. "And I don't really like thinking about all of that, anyway."

Malice looked down at where their lower halves were joined, then back up at Natalie. Her pussy squeezed tight, as if begging to get going already.

And, honestly, yeah, Natalie thought she needed to take her mind off of all of that, too. While not actionable answers she'd gotten, they were nonetheless … kind of world-shattering. Laden with implications. By Malice's best guess, the goddess of Lust wanted revenge on the dungeon? What the hell?

"Okay," Natalie said. "You can start moving."

Malice took Natalie up on the offer. She started to bounce in her lap. Slowly at first, tentative, savoring in the fact that she could finally have her fun. Her eyes locked onto Natalie's, drinking in her reaction with each clap of her ass into Natalie's lap.

Natalie bit her lower lip, basking in the sensation—and the sight. Slow became fast. Malice's pussy hugged and squeezed her tight as she slid in and out. She couldn't believe she'd managed to hold off on this for as long as she had. Definitely, now that Malice had started going, Natalie herself was past the point of no return. She wouldn't be stopping again for anything.

The wolfgirl's panting grew ragged as she moved faster and faster. "Fuck" she gasped "Why are you so damn big, human?" Her hips worked desperately, bouncing up and down on Natalie. Natalie watched the way her face contorted, each joining of their lower halves making the wolfgirl's breath catch and her muscles tense.

After so much teasing, Natalie might not last long either.

"Faster," Natalie grunted, her hands settling on Malice's waist. "And don't cum until I do."


"Hold it."

Natalie's own hips joined in with Malice's. They desperately thrust into and onto each other, the bed creaking and whining with the force behind the movements. Malice fell forward, her breasts pressing into Natalie's, hugging her, their nipples brushing each other's as their bodies gyrated together. The loud claps of flesh, Malice's weight on her, the velvet sweetness of her pussy, and having the wolfgirl moan straight into her ear, rapidly falling apart—was too much.

"C-Can't," Malice whined, her body stiffening. "Can't hold it. Sorry! I tried!"

Malice's pussy clamped down on Natalie as her entire body started to shudder in pleasure. Her muscles went taut and a loud, keening noise escaped her as she buried her face into Natalie's neck.

Natalie might have scolded the girl for not obeying if her own climax hadn't hit at the next moment, milked out by Malice's own lack of control. Her hips strained upward, lifting the wolfgirl off the bed and spearing her cock as deep into the woman as she could. Cocktip kissing cervix, brushing up against her womb, Natalie let out her own keening groan as ecstasy washed through her. Fire rushed through her body, concentrating in her core, then exploding up her cock. Sticky hot strings exploded straight into her puppy's begging pussy, and at the first splash, Malice whined and once again started thrusting into Natalie's lap, as if desperate for her hard-earned reward. Natalie joined in, filling the air with loud claps of flesh as she emptied herself—as she bred the girl who'd been so patiently waiting for this.

When Natalie had been properly wrung out, coating Malice's insides so thoroughly she was already leaking into her lap, the two of them collapsed, panting and flushed.

Only a minute passed before Natalie rolled them over, Malice now the one with her back pressed into the bed, and Natalie between her legs.

"Round one was nice," she murmured. "But I can keep you all night, right?"

Malice's orange eyes widened, and she nodded rapidly, her exhaustion immediately replaced by renewed excitement.

"Good girl," Natalie said, leaning down to kiss her—right as she slapped her hips back forward, thrusting in for round two.

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