Dungeon Core: Bugged Ascension

023, Welcome to the New Age (Part 2)


Our arrival at Aurora Hephaestus’s border takes less time than any previous journey this way. Our eagerness to explore and the confidence we’ve built with our strength and discerning choices have us rushing through lands we once had to creep through. Each of us picking out threats and hazards as we charge along game trails where a feint of flexed power, a swift strike, or a brief Mana infusion of muscle is enough to push past anything on our journey.

The closer we get, the more we notice the tide of changes in the area. More powerful creatures offering a greater threat but coupled with a passivity that only bountiful resources provide. Each willing to defend themselves and their dens, but none seeking to throw themselves against the running target we represent, especially not with Garn, large and practically vibrating with anticipation keeping the rear of our formation protected. Whatever quirk of the system that causes people with his aspect to struggle with hierarchical structures is clearly unnecessary for actual beasts in the wilds.

As we take some time near the edge to catch our breath and prepare the ritual to pass through, Alex speaks up, “Hey Sid? You’ve been around farther and longer than any of us. Did it seem like there were way more creatures on the way than there should be?”

“More than any place at our level, for sure. I’ve seen this sort of density from a tour of an elder wild dungeon, way back when I was in training. But that also included deeper zones with far more powerful creatures. But while there’s a lot, there’s too many weaker ones and not enough dangerous ones. Probably a good call to come as fast as possible, this place is scaling ridiculously fast.”

Ruby finishes the last bit of the ritual and signals its approval just before Garn calls out for us to look up and ahead, “Polaris!”

“[You have no idea just how right you are with that, young shadow,]” as the phoenix swoops down from the northern sky to land on a lower branch nearby, the tree creaking and groaning as it sags under his weight. “[Steady yourselves adventurers. I’m merely here to observe his first official delve. Pretend like I’m not even here.]”

We tense despite his words, wondering how Garn will react considering the last time we met. When I glance over, there is a contemplative look on Garn’s visage, “Phoenix smells different.”

He does a sweeping bow from his perch, “[Why thank you for noticing. I’ve been trying out something new this year. Last we met I was still a tad bitter about certain circumstances and took it out on you in particular. My apologies. Still, enough about me, come, come, let’s visit the latest Divine dungeon that’s happened to this little slice of nowhere.]”

At that he hops down and while he keeps his head turned towards us, he exudes neither intimidation nor challenge from his posture.

A quick consensus has us follow after him as I ask for more detail from Garn, “Smells like peace, curiosity, anticipation but not battle lust, not hunger, not edge, not… pride like before. Pride still there, smells softer, quieter, stronger. Garnet sees a teacher, not a rival. Knows a spar will happen, but later, not now.”

Our journey, guided through the |Thermal Spring Mountain| takes more time than I recalled from our previous exit of the place. But upon arrival at a pair of trees that have woven their branches together, like a gateway, I can forgive the extended hike for a dash of theatrics.

With a flourishing pirouette where his feathers brush against an invisible membrane, setting off a rippled distortion like a soap bubble between the arch, “[We have arrived. May I officially present: DNA and his |Forest of Dreams|. There are other arches like this throughout the territory and its edges, though they aren’t comprehensive yet as he’s still a young dungeon.]”

We all grin at each other and nod along, “[Before I take my leave, might I offer a suggestion? You lot seem like fine folk, so trust in your instincts. Even as competent as you are, there is much in the forest that can and will trigger your Blessing,]” for the first time his mirth turns predatory, “[and believe me when I say, you’d rather not endure that too often. DNA is a dungeon of Disease after all.]”

He gives us a final bow before a great blast of heat is released and with a mighty beat of his wings he’s launched into the air.

We take a few moments to settle ourselves before we line up and all touch the familiar barrier of a Divine membrane.

Welcome to Divine Dungeon: DNA |Disease Kingdom, Forest of Dreams|.

As it is your first time entering and newcomers are not currently Blacklisted, you may accept Divine Protection for your delve. Note that this dungeon’s theme of Disease means your Divine Protection can be weakened and even broken by poorly controlled Cure and Cleanse spells. You will be notified if and when you jeopardize your Blessing through reckless spellcasting.

Accept {Phoenix Down}? Y/N

Bond is the first to speak up, “Huh, so that’s the conditional for this place. Guess it’s a good thing Alex has gotten so talented at targeted Cures. Also… is anyone else concerned about Aurora Hephaestus’s warning combined with the disease theme for our insurance here?”

Ruby just laughs, “Just don’t die then silly,” before a surge of Mako sinks into her and she walks through the entrance. “Come on guys. We may have all day, but I still want to explore!”

As we all pass through, a quick check shows the Divine HUD active as normal and the icon active for each of them having a Blessing available. Happy, though I wasn’t really concerned that anyone would have actually refused the perk for our first real delve of the place.

When I look to Bond, I see his eyes darting all over the place, fingers weaving the somatic components in the air. Usually, he serves as our diagnostician for the HUD’s disparate pieces between various dungeons. I imagine his quest and artifact are likely causing some additional load on his ordinary duties, so I help him out, “Take your time Bond. Even if we’re back on familiar ground with the barrier, this place has been bizarre from day one.”

He startles out of his trance and glances around at the rest of us waiting for him to finish. He blushes, “Right. Sorry, uhh. There’s a plethora of advanced options, got a bit distracted. Basics, basics. Okay. Standard Blue for Mana, with Red for Health and Mako in a Vibrant Green. Conditions… looks like all disease-based afflictions are heavily shrouded, although poisons and other wounds have triage assistance outside of combat.”

He takes another moment to weave together the update before sending it to the party system, “Okay. Should be all set for now, and there were plenty of customization options, so I’ve had it query your preferences. It’s, uhh, probably for the best if we head out. I don’t think I can stop myself from diving through all the deeper stuff if we’re not staying active, and we might be here all day if you leave it to me.”

When the familiar glass orbs appear in the corners of my vision, I do some light stretching as I do some checks on the party interface. It’s when I do a quick scout of the surroundings that I call out, “Line of sight shroud! Garn, going to need you to be extra mindful to stay close by.”

His rumbling response, “Chasing is weakness. Family is strength.”

Ruby conjures some streamers of flame, shaping them and guiding them in her dancing patterns, “There better not be any cursed or thieving mobs or that shroud is going to suck. Hey, Sid! We get a functional map in this place or no?”

Venturing deeper into the woods I take a circuitous route and a grid search before I head back to the party and am surprised to find them just past some trees, “Okay. That’s a no on a reference map, but there’s a pretty strong instinct component to navigation.”

Ruby makes a frustrated noise, “Maze, Labyrinth or Golden Path?”

I sigh, “Since you’re asking me to guess, I’d say it might be Silver Streams. Just based on what happened the last time we were here. Now, whether there are hidden treasures or an out of bounds, I couldn’t even begin to speculate, since we only just got here.”

There’s a soothing pulse of brightness alongside a dramatic unsheathing from Alex, “Alright everyone, ready up. We’ll start with formation Y, I’ll guard our flanks, and Bond, I want your eyes front. A LoS-shroud means I want your Mana Senses up spotting the undoubted weirdness this place will have in store for us.” Having expected the call, most of us are in position already, “Everyone steady? Head out.”

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