Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 55

Chapter 55: Protagonist

The atmosphere was a little stagnant for a while.

Oaks did not expect that Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., would directly express his dissatisfaction with the council in front of himself, an advisor who was not rude to him!

And after uttering this cruel remark, Nick Fury ignored Oaks’ surprised expression, as if he just complained that the hamburger for lunch had a moldy patty in it.

Coincidentally, Oaks knew that the Council’s five-layer burger really had a moldy patty.

Even S.H.I.E.L.D.’s hamburger delivery staff are actually part-time toilet cleaners.

“I know you don’t like the face of the U.S. government and military, but in any country, you will face similar problems.

It’s just that because the United States is the founding place of S.H.I.E.L.D., we will be more tolerant of them, so they are more unscrupulous.

But no matter what you want to do, if your eyes are on the world, you need a world-class background.

And the value of a world-class background, even if it is a transaction, how much is it worth, Mr. Consultant? ”

Fury maintained the pressure of leaning forward and looked at the thoughtful Oaks coldly:

“Your ideal is very lofty, and it is related to the future of human existence, but what I value more is now–

Whether it is the development of science and technology or the protection of nature, it is people-oriented, and the ultimate goal is the survival and development of human beings.

There are still many things you don’t know, but I can tell you that human beings are far more fragile than nature. If you don’t protect them well, you will even kill yourself several times! ”

“Well, I can’t refute these words.”

Oakes nodded slightly, no matter what, Nick Fury’s belief in protecting human beings is rock solid.

He has indeed put himself on the world level, with a world-class identity background, a world-class sense of responsibility, and a world-class skill – including unscrupulous means.

“Then, Mr. World Protector, as you said just now.”

Oakes looked at Nick Fury, who was awe-inspiring, with a “dare to be the first in the world” posture. He was not affected, but asked a sharp question:

“When a knife is held in a person’s hand, can the knife still decide whether to defend or attack?

When S.H.I.E.L.D. needed to protect the world, the Council became the knife bearer.

So when your planned Avengers need to protect the world, will S.H.I.E.L.D., and the higher council, become its knife bearers?

If I can believe that you, Nick Fury, are really fighting to protect the world, how can I believe that the council, which you are not even bothered with, will allow such a group of dangerous people “beyond human standards” to act freely? ”

Oaks leaned forward, in the same posture as Fury:

“And Mr. Protector of the World, how can you be sure and sure that such a group of rebellious extrajudicial madmen will honestly obey your orders and be the swords in your hands?”

The two of them kept the same posture, and the air between their eyes seemed to freeze.

After a while, Nick Fury showed a smile, and Oaks also smiled at the same time.

“Looks like I didn’t see the wrong person.”

The two returned to their normal sitting positions at the same time, and Nick Fury even applauded slightly:

“Although you are fifteen years younger than Stark, it gives me the impression that your ages need to be changed.”

Oaks thought to himself that this guy is pretty accurate. Tony is almost forty years old this year, and Oaks is about the same age in his two lifetimes.

In a trance, it has been ten years since I came to this world.

“You can think of and question me, which shows that you have the qualifications to join the Avengers, which Stark currently does not have.”

Fury’s words made Oakes curl his lips:

“You can complain about the council in front of me, which shows that your idea of protecting world peace is not pedantic, and at least your power of action is not completely controlled by politicians.”

After a wave of business exchanges, the atmosphere calmed down completely.

For Oaks, S.H.I.E.L.D. cannot join, and if they join, they are controlled by others.

But the Avengers are different. Strictly speaking, S.H.I.E.L.D. is not its leader, nor the Council.

“The Avengers are not part of the SHIELD subordinate sequence.”

After the two sides reached some basic consensus, Nick Fury finally really spoke his vision:

“In my vision, this is an independent ‘self-managing team’, with S.H.I.E.L.D. responsible for providing intelligence, equipment support, mission objectives, and most importantly, identifying the Avengers.”

His expression became serious. Before Oaks, no second person had even heard of the details of his plan, let alone the nature of the team:

“Regardless of identity, age and ability, the Avengers must share a common goal and belief – to keep the planet and humanity safe.

The Avengers have equal status with each other, and there is no relationship between superiors and subordinates. They reach an agreement through communication and make decisions together.

Therefore, I, the Director of SHIELD, including the Council, cannot decide their actions. ”

Fury looked at Oaks thoughtfully, but the other party was not as surprised as he imagined:

“The ‘protagonist identity’ derived from autonomy and decision-making power, the most effective way of motivation in the world, is the most effective guarantee for the team’s cohesion and sense of responsibility.

For example, Stark, he decided to let the world no longer have weapons and gave up weapon production, and the development of steel armor made him decide to use the identity of a superhero to expand his influence with a high profile——

In this process, he is the protagonist, he proves his ideas to the world, and enjoys the sense of recognition and the sense of accomplishment of self-prove. ”

“Another example is you, Mr. Consultant, your ideals allow you to do environmental protection research and public welfare undertakings for the future of mankind—

In this process, you are the protagonist, enjoying the satisfaction of exploring the truth and creating the future with your own hands~www.readwn.com~ In other words, anyone with ideals is the same—

But an excellent protagonist must be good at cooperation, and even he can be willful, but he will definitely do great things beyond the level of ‘just to complete the task’ for the ultimate ideal. ”

Having said so much, Nick Fury also seemed to feel that he was a little emotional today.

With his sarcastic and vicious character, he would actually reveal his hidden ideas in front of this young man…

Not only because, this guy with incredible healing ability will be the most important guarantee for this ideal team, but also because…

Every question he asked himself was a question he had asked himself for more than ten years since the concept of “Avengers” was born!

“last question.”

Oakes’ voice brought Fury’s attention back:


“In this team where everyone is the protagonist, if there are two or more tit-for-tat thinking modes, how to resolve the contradiction between them?”

Fury stared fixedly at the red-haired young man who seemed to want to see through the SHIELD Director who claimed to have countless secrets, even secrets himself. After a while, the corners of his mouth turned up:

“Originally, I could only hope for the awareness of the protagonists. When necessary, I will use this life to stimulate this awareness.”

He smiled:

“But now, a better way seems to be right in front of me.”

Looking at Fury’s big white teeth, thinking of the black bald man and the situation of a certain agent’s “dead can’t die, but can get up and jump”, Oaks gently stroked Coo, who was lying in his arms, and smiled. :

“Then, I will join.”

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