Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 35

Chapter 35: Are Ignorant

Nick Fury knew what Oakes was implying.

S.H.I.E.L.D.’s actions are not environmentally friendly? It’s bad, very bad.

Although the existence of S.H.I.E.L.D. is not well known to everyone, as a worldwide institution, their existence is not a secret.

And in the eyes of the people who don’t know the truth, they are a special security department, and they have no idea how big the scope of SHIELD’s authority is.

Then, as a global organization, how can your environmental awareness be so low?

Look at Stark Industries. Because of our environmental protests, we immediately issued an EIA report. We also specially developed an air purification system installed in our own factories, and even invested in the establishment of an environmental protection foundation.

Not only that, people also spend money on environmental protection publicity, a proper environmental protection pioneer!

A military enterprise takes the lead in setting an example for environmental protection. Does a global organization as big as you owe even the slightest awareness of environmental protection?

Statistics, how much damage and pollution will your actions cause every year?

You have been established for so many years, how many environmental foundations for human survival have been destroyed?

Are you protecting the world or tearing down our home? !

Extremes are fearless.

They will face all their chosen heresies in a jihadist stance, and then use crazy performance art to make you sick to the core.

Especially in America.

So how to prevent this from happening?

Accepting the name of an environmental protection public welfare organization is a good choice.

In particular, the founder and president of this environmental charity organization is a well-known environmentalist in the academic world and a partner of the Stark Industrial Environmental Protection Fund.

Explain what?

It means that S.H.I.E.L.D. has actively realized its own problems and is willing to take some remedial measures for this.

With just this one operation, in the eyes of excited extremists, they will change from heretics causing huge environmental damage to models of moral commanding heights.


“Our budget funds cannot be allocated to your Rendehui for a dollar!”

Nick Fury felt that Coulson should be brought in today, so that he could pick himself clean, and take this opportunity to throw this seemingly loyal but black-bellied biologist to his best subordinate Full discretion.

Don’t delay your own reputation with SHIELD.

But it was the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury regained his mind in three seconds.

Rende will be named in S.H.I.E.L.D., which is beneficial and harmless to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Moreover, there is no financial exchange. In case Rende will make something wrong, SHIELD only needs to issue a statement and clear the responsibility in minutes.

Nick Fury also understands that Oaks just took a fancy to the S.H.I.E.L.D. world organization background and ubiquitous network of relationships—

Now that you are attached, is your Director embarrassed to make it more convenient?

For a behemoth like S.H.I.E.L.D., it is often just a matter of name, and it can easily solve things that civil organizations can’t handle even if they break their heads.

However, he actually traded his secret for such a condition…

Nick Fury, the cold-blooded guy who claims to not trust anyone, couldn’t help but wonder in his heart.

Could it be that this Oaks Lin is really a personal saint, ready to develop environmental protection public welfare undertakings around the world?

Is this going for the scale of the United Nations Environment Agency?

I don’t believe it even if I kill him!

There cannot be such a great person in this world… Well, except for Captain America, but he has never met him, so it’s the publicity that takes the majority of the credit.

“We have our own profit plan and don’t need your capital injection.”

Oakes’ tone immediately warmed up, and even refilled a cup of coffee for the cold-faced Nick Fury:

“So Mr. Director agreed? So I said, it’s a win-win deal.”

“But I now feel that this deal is not equal.”

Nick Fury picked up the coffee cup and snorted coldly:

“Then, show your chips and let me see if ‘you’ is worth making such a funny decision.”

“Hey, man, don’t worry, if he doesn’t admit it, I’ll put the ad out tonight!”

Tony clapped his hands, and now he rarely agrees with Nick Fury:

“Let’s do something wonderful… wow!”

Tony’s eyes slowly bulged out, and his mouth was so wide that he almost didn’t jump up:

“My God! Am I dreaming? Ah? You really told me that this is science? Huh?”

He pointed at a huge cheetah that suddenly appeared on the sofa and shouted, almost fainting:

“This is the zoo? When did the pet store sell this big guy?! Oh Shet, what am I talking about? Is that you, mate? Oaks? Didn’t you see that the sofa was about to hang up?!”


The coffee cup in Nick Fury’s hand fell to the ground and shattered.

Only the seemingly unremarkable student Zhang kept his composure.

“I’m probably used to it, and I can’t be surprised either vertically or horizontally. Looking at the front, there is no reason for this sense of superiority – I can’t run away from the seventy-two changes.

There are two big men around, one black and one white, two foreigners, but one is ignorant, and the other is also ignorant, which taught me a little pity. ”

The huge cheetah glared at him and licked its dagger-like sharp teeth.

If I can change seventy-two, do I still need to be so low-key? !

Zhang Doudou Suosuo stood up: “Boss, I’ll go to the toilet.”

The atmosphere was awkwardly quiet for ten seconds.

“No one wants to say something?”

Tony touched his chest, his heart was beating fast: “Ox?”

“Well, don’t be so surprised, it’s just a deformed form – the kind of energy you found can do it.”

Cheetah stretched out, jumped off the creaking sofa, pulled He Pa, who was happily jumping beside him, onto the sofa, and patted Coo Gu, who jumped on his head, before talking to Nick, who seemed to have calmed down. Fury brightened his teeth:

“This is what you want to see. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Also, the compensation for polluting the store environment and breaking cups is $100 sincerity.”

“It’s just a talking cheetah, I thought it was something.”

Nick Fury took a deep breath and forced a “I’m well-informed” expression:

“Special energy? Complete the transformation from human to beast in an instant, reminds me of the Hulk.”

“Essentially different, Hulk is another brand new consciousness, and I am not.”

Oaks took Gugu off the top of his head and let it find Zhang who just came out of the toilet:

“If Mr. Director thinks it’s nothing more than that…”

The cheetah showed a smile that a wild cheetah could never do, and in two exclamations…disappeared!

“Oh Shet!”

“Mom to Fake!”

Nick Fury stood up abruptly. If he could turn into a beast, even a ferocious cheetah would not pose any threat, then now this is stealth?


Tony’s exclamation came from the opposite side, and he suddenly felt a chill in his neck—

A claws probing sharp nails are silently placed beside his neck!

“Mr. Director, what do you think now?”

The claws retracted, and then swung sharply—


The sofa Nick Fury was sitting on before was cut into four pieces like butter cut by a sharp knife.

“Sofa Chenghui is 1,000 dollars, Mr. Director.”

Oaks appeared opposite Fury again without him noticing, and slowly showed his figure:

“I’ve wanted to change the sofa for a long time.”


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