Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 30

Chapter 30: How To Complain

Coulson and Melinda looked at Oaks with horror.

Didn’t he say before that his “ability” was to communicate with animals in mind? !

What is this control plant? !

These are two completely different levels of ability!

“Mr. Oakes, what kind of ‘ability’ do you… have? Is this also the result of your experiment?”

Coulson put away his pistol with a wry smile. He had already seen the strong Latino man in the document appear in the crowd in the distance.

“I thought we had discussed it publicly before.”

“Accident is an experimental accident. This is a scientific miracle that cannot be replicated – my research scope is biology, not zoology.”

Oaks had a natural expression on his face:

“I said one thing, and you are all so cautious. If you say too much, do you want to take me back and slice it?”

“No no no… how could it be.”

Coulson hastily denied:

“We’ve also seen a lot of Inhumans with strange abilities, but unless they’re a type that can’t be controlled and do great harm to society, we’ll deal with them accordingly based on the evaluation results—

The most serious of these is just monitoring. ”

“Wouldn’t it be monitoring in the deep sea prison?”

Oaks complained, but this is not the one in the cartoon, but the one who imprisoned several members of the US team after the Civil War.

“You have a very active mind.”

Melinda tilted her head and looked at Oaks with a strange look:

“There is indeed such a place, but not all criminals of any level are eligible to be imprisoned.”

It means that you won’t be able to get in if you don’t make a big deal.

“But I suggest not discussing this topic for now. You see that guy is about to cry.”

Melinda pursed her lips and motioned to Oaks to deal with it, then took a step back to watch the show with Coulson.

“It seems that our mission this time is really getting more and more interesting.”

Melinda whispered with Coulson:

“I dare say that Oaks has other abilities.”

“Why are you so sure?”

Coulson also whispered:

“These two abilities are already strong enough. If animal mind communication is still within the scope of understanding, then what is the matter of controlling plants?”

He pursed his lips, still couldn’t help but complain:

“He said it was an experimental accident, can you believe it?”

“Why not? Hulk science? But that was also an experimental accident.”

Melinda doesn’t want to worry too much about this:

“At least he took the initiative to show his ability, which means that he is friendly to us, and he is very restrained.

As for why I’m sure he has other abilities…”

Melinda narrowed her eyes, and when Coulson was ready to listen to her analysis, she spit out a word:



But Coulson didn’t have time to complain about Melinda’s bad joke, because Blaise had already confirmed Oakes’ identity here.

“I’m Blaise Clark, sir, thank you so much for saving your life.

You are the messenger of God and the benefactor of the more than 300 poor people here!

Because of your gift, at least 100 people have been saved from dying in the past two winters. ”

Blaise’s face was calm, and amid the exclamations of the crowd, he dropped his crutches, put his hands on the ground, and knelt down on one knee:

“Sir, if my privately setting up the Rende Society offends you, please punish me… At least, please let them spend this winter at least!”

“Mr. Blaise!”

“Sir! Please don’t punish Mr. Blaise!”

“My lord! We are willing to be punished with Clark, please don’t anger these poor people!”

It was only at this time that the poor people noticed that the owner of this forest had an indifferent face—the ability to manipulate the “living vines” of the small rainforest was undoubtedly the most direct evidence of Oaks’ identity.

And Oaks has never appeared, and they know more or less about Blaise – he and the people of the Rende Society were first thrown into the forest because they were punished for their crimes.

Being able to enter the forest again was because Blaise was dying at the time—this was a kindness to him alone.

But Blaise used this kindness to rescue these irrelevant people, which undoubtedly went against the master’s original intention.

“You know, Clark.”

Oaks’ low voice sounded, and the audience was silent for a while.

“Seven years ago, when I was less than fifteen years old, not long after I lost my parents, I came here by accident when I was a little confused.”

Blaise’s kneeling figure trembled slightly. He knew very well what kind of chaos this place was seven years ago.

And a teenage boy with Chinese and Celts, two bloodlines at the bottom of the racial discrimination chain, comes here alone, what will happen to him.

“Looks like you thought, yes, I was kidnapped at the time… The guys who kidnapped me wanted to sell me.”

Oaks’ face became even colder, and the poor people seemed to feel that the temperature around them had dropped a few degrees:

“But I was lucky and escaped.”

Of course he wouldn’t say how he escaped, Coulson and Melinda were still watching.

“Later, I was successful in my studies, and when I needed human experiments, I thought of this right away.”

Blaise’s back was sweating, and sure enough, he felt right back then.

It was indeed a human experiment.

“Have you thought about it? But those guys were gone back then. I didn’t think about taking revenge on everyone. I just caught guys with criminal records like you, but I didn’t expect you to do such a big job.”

Blaise lowered his head deeply.

What can he say?

For someone who is more extreme, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com has this magical method, it is good to not be destroyed for half a block.

“You also know that in the winter when you were about to freeze to death and came here, I was watching you in the dark.”

Oaks squatted down slowly, raised Blaze’s head, and stared at him:

“Since that winter, I have seen you every day, and you… didn’t let me down.”

Blaise’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Now, let me ask you, have you sinned again after that?”

“No! Sir, I swear by my soul!”

“Have you used the Rendehui to commit crimes?”

“No! Sir, I swear by my soul!”

“Have you used Rendehui for your own benefit?”

“No! Sir, I swear by my soul!”

“very good…”

Oaks finally showed a smile like a spring breeze on his face. A vine emerged from his feet, rolled up Blaise’s crutch, and sent it to him:

“Then are you willing to help me to eliminate hunger and improve the living environment of mankind?”

“Sir, this is my honor!”

Helping the tearful Blaise to stand up, Oaks announced loudly to the cheering poor:

“I, Oaks Lin, the owner of this forest, the ‘Little Rainforest’, from today onwards, I will acknowledge the existence of the ‘Rende Society’ and serve as the president!”

“And Mr. Blaise Clark, the vice president of the Rende Society, the little rain forest, will continue to exist!”

“Ox! Ox! Ox!”

“Blaze! Blaze! Blaze!”

“Rendehui! Rendehui! Rendehui!”

Cheers resounded throughout the block.

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