Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 87 Basilisk Breastplate, 5 gold and 1 piece

At the beginning of this semester, Hogwarts was full of big news.

First, I encountered a dementor doing a security check on the train, which frightened a group of students.

Then came the shock brought by the new professors at the opening banquet.

After entering the formal class, the three new professors brought different feelings to the students.

On the first day of class, the new professor Hagrid had a serious teaching accident in his first class on protection of magical creatures.

Draco Malfoy, a student of the Snake Academy, was injured by a Hippogriff in class, and lay down in the school infirmary from Monday to Thursday.

Many students don't care why Malfoy got hurt, they care more about whether they will get hurt during class.This hurt the lion cubs who had been trying their best to promote that Malfoy was the first to cause trouble.

When it comes to their own safety, especially when it is the human side that is injured between other species and humans, people will more often bring themselves into the same kind of side.

Coupled with the embarrassing applause at the opening banquet, and Zhang Xu's face of "hehe", the students began to mistrust Hagrid.

With Lupine's arrival, Defense Against the Dark Arts has become a favorite subject for many students.

Unlike Quirrell, who only knew how to read books the year before, and became the annual boss in the end, and Lockhart, who only did stage performances last year, but was finally arrested by the Ministry of Magic for releasing a basilisk, Lupine's way of teaching has been recognized. Students' favorite.

In the classroom, the students are neither reading books dryly nor performing flashy stage performances, but actually killing monsters.

Start with boggarts.Then there are magical creatures such as red hats and kabas. The lively and interesting teaching methods made Professor Lupine popular with the students.

And this year's fifth and seventh grade students are also happy because they met a reliable Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, because they will take the Owls and Newts exams this year.The exams of the previous two years were hard enough in the exams of this course.

Due to Professor Lu Ping's excellent performance, Zhang Xu's remarks at the opening banquet that he has the ability to take over as the dean of the Lion Academy have also been recognized by many students in the Lion Academy.

When a student with a good deed met Dumbledore and asked him about it, Old Deng smiled and said nothing, leaving a lot of room for the students' imagination.

There were also noises, "The previous year's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor was a dark wizard, and last year's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor was a liar, so what is this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor? Maybe he's a werewolf?" Malfoy Talking ill of Professor Lupine with his gang of Slytherins.

Well, boy, you got the truth.

In the Muggle Studies class, the students received a "wake-up call" carefully prepared by Zhang Xu, which made many students from wizarding families "open their eyes to see Muggles".

In the following classes, Zhang Xu led the students to learn to use various Muggle home appliances that are regarded as "magical" in the eyes of wizards.Of course, they are all magically modified versions. Traditional home appliances cannot be used in Hogwarts, and the usage is the same anyway.

In the second class, a telephone is placed in front of each student's seat, and a phone book is placed next to it. Students can press the numbers in the phone book to call other students in the classroom.In the third class, the students simulated shopping in a supermarket.

The students in the sixth and seventh grades were not so happy. What greeted them was an unprecedented brainstorming.As a child of a traditional wizarding family, the economics, strategy, and social knowledge needed to run a family have already been taught by the elders of the family for a period of time at their age.The economic, political and social knowledge of the Muggle world brought by Zhang Xu opened a door they had never seen before in this respect.

What is more popular than Zhang Xu's course is the big screen in the classroom.The students clearly preferred the short film of battling the basilisk, and the documentary shown during their first class.

Facing the high enthusiasm of the students, Zhang Xu simply opened the Muggle Studies classroom as a small theater after dinner.In the first few days, short films about fighting the basilisk and documentaries for class were played on a loop. Later, Zhang Xu simply transcribed a batch of classic movies for playback.

This led to the students often exclaiming "the dean of the church in the nun is also crazy looks like Professor McGonagall" when watching the movie, so that Professor McGonagall who heard the wind later one night Also visited the Muggle Studies Small Cinema.

When Zhang Xu wanted to watch the Serie A game, except for a few Muggle-born fans and wizards, the other students expressed no interest.

Against the background of Lupine and Zhang Xu's excellent performance, Hagrid, who became more restrained in class after Malfoy was injured, became more and more incompetent in the eyes of the students.


Let Hagrid and Harry bear great pressure.

In addition, an incident that happened in Hogwarts Castle not long ago also made the little wizards talk about it with great interest.

It was the first Friday in September, and students were making their way to their classrooms, as usual, before the afternoon start time.

The students passing by the teachers' lounge suddenly heard a "boom", the door of the teachers' lounge was rushed open, and Professor Zhang, who was in the limelight recently, ran out rolling and crawling.

Immediately afterwards, the students saw Professor Snape rushing out of the faculty lounge, casting various spells on Professor Zhang who was running ahead, and Professor Zhang also fled while fighting back.

According to the traces of the spell left on the castle wall, the students judged that Professor Snape cast powerful spells.

The two professors called all the way from the faculty lounge to the Response Room, making the little wizards who saw them on the way look confused.Fortunately, both of them kept their hands, and did not accidentally injure the students.

For a while, there were different opinions about the reasons for the two professors' fight.

One of the most widely circulated and most believed legends is that two professors begged Professor Scarlett in the faculty lounge at the same time, and the two sides fought violently.

In the second week, Hogwarts students found that they had twice as much math homework as before.

In the end, it was Dumbledore who took the initiative and fined the two of them a month's basic salary.

Soon, the truth of the matter came out, "Snape, women's clothing, video brooches".

Under such an active atmosphere on campus, coupled with the fact that outdoor activities were blocked, a group of young wizards who were full of energy and had nowhere to vent their energy made a big news.

"Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets has been found." Zhang Xu was stunned when he heard the news.

It was the last Sunday in September, when Zhang Xu was having breakfast, Cedric Diggory came to the dining table in the Eagle Court and told him the news.

After the basilisk incident last year, no one found the Slytherin chamber where the basilisk lived.

And at the beginning of this semester, the students who participated in the operation of the previous semester were dispatched again.

After a series of developments, the "After School Tea Time" and "Hogwarts Defenders", two groups with highly overlapping members and the most influential among students, were reorganized at the end of last semester.

In simple terms, the two groups formed a loose co-leadership, with the "After School Tea Time" doing the brains, the "Hogwarts Defenders" doing the hands, and the students who joined both groups doing both the brains and the hands.

In the co-leadership, Harry Potter was regarded as a "double bonus red stick", Zhang Xu became a "white paper fan", and Cedric Diggory led several other students to take charge of daily chores.

The youth magazine started by Percy and others is currently relying on these two groups.Now the magazine is in the process of preparing for the first issue of Halloween.

When the term started, the "after school tea time" students started looking for work on the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets.

Their first goal was to lock on Myrtle's bathroom.

The murder of the basilisk 50 years ago, the attack on Mrs. Norris last year, and the place where the alarm first occurred at the end of last semester were all related to this place, so everyone regarded it as a breakthrough.

After a carpet search, the faucet with a snake pattern and no water flow finally caught the eyes of the students.

Although the students don't know Parseltongue, they can't open the entrance, but they have ghosts to help.

After the fat monk, Nick and other ghosts searched through the walls, they found a huge pipe under the faucet, and followed the pipe to the door of the secret room.

When Zhang Xu came to Myrtle's bathroom, Dumbledore, the deans of the four major colleges, Lupine, and Scarlett had already arrived. Filch stopped the curious students at the door, and the fat friar and Nick Describe the Chamber of Secrets and the Secret Passage to Dumbledore and the others.

According to the ghosts, there is an enlarged pipe not far below the floor below the faucet.

After some research, the professors who found that the entrance and exit could not be opened still accepted Zhang Xu's advice and blew a big hole in the floor.

Under the leadership of Dumbledore, the professors got into the pipe one after another.

Two or three hours later, Dumbledore brought Zhang Xu and the others out of the pipe.

Except for that pair of green and very bright snake skin, the group of people had nothing to gain.

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