Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 652 New Industry

It is difficult to walk in the Forbidden Forest after the rain in early spring. Not only is the path muddy, but the twisted and jagged tree roots are extremely slippery. Let alone people, even walking mushrooms will fall on it.

With a sound of "dong", a walking mushroom with short legs slipped from the slippery roots and fell to the ground.

Then it was caught by Zhang Xu and the others who happened to pass by, and it became a meeting gift for them to go to the horse tribe.

Zhang Xu looked around while walking, and after making sure that there was no one around, he said to Scarlett, "I have been thinking about something for many years, and I want to hear your opinion."

Scarlet glanced at him and found that his expression didn't look like he was trying to be funny or joking, so he wondered, "What are you going to do?"

"I want to ask, what do you think of artificial intelligence?" Zhang Xu asked.

"What tricks are you going to do again?" Scarlet stopped her footsteps, and continued to look at Zhang Xu with puzzled eyes, "Why did you suddenly ask such an unmagical question?"

"I've been too nervous recently, so let's think of something else to change my mind." Zhang Xu also stopped, and then said seriously: "I plan to start a new company, and the main business of this company is to research artificial intelligence. , I want you to manage this company."

"Edward Scissorhands" Scarlett named a movie that came out in 1990, and her eyes sharpened. "Tell me what you think."

"It's a long story." Zhang Xu sat down on a big rock beside him, "This matter started when I first arrived at Hogwarts."

"Then you can make a long story short." Scarlet sat down beside Zhang Xu, and then slapped him away, taking the opportunity to reach out to grab her hand.

Zhang Xu organized his words, and then said: "On the day of the sorting ceremony, when I put on the sorting hat, I quietly asked the sorting hat if it wanted to see the world is so big."

"The Sorting Hat said that if it had hands and feet, it would definitely go. Who would like to stay in one place for hundreds of thousands of years, and then it whispered that I should go to Slytherin."

"So I told it, if I go to Ravenclaw, maybe I can let it walk out of the castle to see someday."

"And the Sorting Hat immediately agreed."

"At that time, I was thinking, what if the Sorting Hat was not a hat, but a puppet that could move freely."

"Your idea is very dangerous." Scarlet frowned and said, "Do you want to play the Terminator yourself?"

"The intelligence of the sorting hat is comparable to that of adults, and it has the ability to innovate. Although it only uses its creativity on one song per year, it is also very dangerous."

"Robots have their own consciousness, so you should know the risks."

"So I need your help." Zhang Xu carried Scarlet away from the wet stone, and put it on his lap, "I know that your research on some issues is much deeper than mine, so I want to put It acts as the lowest layer security protocol."

Scarlet in Zhang Xu's arms froze, and then she was hugged by Zhang Xu, and after a while she finally softened.

"Sorry." Zhang Xu caressed her back, "If you don't want to, forget it."

In the Forbidden Forest in early spring, there is no sound of insects, and when the wind blows, the buds that have just emerged from the corner cannot make a rustling sound. In this quiet place, there are only occasional short legs of walking mushrooms stepping on the mud in the distance. voice.

After a long time, a weak but firm voice came from Zhang Xu's arms: "Forget it, this is the last time I will worry about the curse on my body, let's see how I go from now on."

"En." Zhang Xu responded softly, "There will be a solution."

"Since it is your wish, then I will help you realize it." Scarlet said, "It is theoretically feasible to use the form of a curse as the lowest security shackle for magical artificial intelligence."

Zhang Xu sighed, and then changed the subject: "At first, let's start with unmanned vehicles and unmanned patrol systems, which is simpler. For humanoid intelligent robots, let's see the situation."

For Zhang, the humanoid computer angel heart and the heroine in the horizon of the boundary line are just small things. His ultimate goal is to develop robots that can build bases on the moon and Mars.

From the sorting hat to the moving portraits in Hogwarts Castle, Zhang Xu has been thinking about the feasibility of combining these magical creations and scientific machinery to make intelligent robots for several years.

The weakened version of hellfire thrown by Voldemort last night can be said to have given him a lot of inspiration, and at the same time made him determined to take this path.

He can still enjoy the it bonus for up to 20 years.In his last life, from this year to next year, a large number of well-known domestic Internet companies in the future will be established in two years. Sohu, Netease, JD.com, Tencent, Sina, Alibaba, Dangdang, Baidu and other companies have established in this short period of two years. .In this time and space, the development of the IT industry is limited to hardware level

Development, its development speed is similar to his previous life, so within 20 years, he can still be one step ahead of others according to the scriptures.But 20 years later, he dare not say how much better he can be than those bosses who have developed down-to-earth, so he must find a new direction for development.

Just in time, the outlet of artificial intelligence appeared in front of him, and this time and space had incomparable advantages in his previous life.If he seizes this development opportunity, he will have another 20 years to spare after his "prophet" advantage disappears.

When these 20 years are over, he should retire and enjoy the blessings, after all, the man in his arms will be 80 years old exdijfvbdeihv

At this time, Zhang Xu still didn't know how much impact his decision would have on him, his family, and the world.

In the end, Zhang Xu and the others arrived at the Maren tribe an hour later than the scheduled time.

The horsemen thought they had been attacked on the road, but there was nothing wrong with seeing the two of them except that their eyes were a little dazed, as if they had encountered something unbelievable but harmless.

There were no unexpected incidents in the process of taking the herbs in the horse tribe, except that Jiaer and Lili, who had grown up, held Zhang high and hugged him.

After returning to Hogwarts, Zhang Xu and the others devoted themselves to the intensive work of refining the healing potion.

As one of the students with the best grades in Potions class at Hogwarts, Professor Slughorn entrusted Zhang Xu with the task of refining several special potions, and he was so busy that he ate chicken noodles with mushrooms next to the cauldron for dinner fixed.

After Zhang Xu poured the last bottle of medicine for treating deep burns from the crucible into the bottle, it was almost eleven o'clock at night.

When Zhang Xu came to the professor's bathroom to prepare a hot bath and went back to sleep, he met Professor Rodney and his party in front of the bathroom door.

The book does not go into details.

"I said, why do you four look so unhappy?" Zhang Xu looked at Welsh and the others strangely and asked, "Did you encounter any difficult things?"

"This afternoon, some personnel from the coalition came to visit Hogwarts." Welsh said angrily.

"Oh." Zhang Xu immediately came to his senses, "I met that nasty fat French woman you mentioned this morning."

"It wasn't her, she didn't come to England this time." Zhang Xu saw Hood angry for the first time, "It was her stupid son who came."

"What's that person's name?" Zhang Xu kept an eye on it. It seemed that the four of them were very popular with that guy, and he had to help them find their place again if they had a chance.

"Obelix." It was Rodney who answered this time. "If you ever see a pig with red hair, it must be him."

"And his friend Asterix," Nelson went on, "he's a dwarf with a ridiculously stupid hat on."

"I remember, I will help you get back the place." Zhang Xu said as he divided the pasta with assorted mushroom sauce and smoked lamb leg in the pot into plates, and then let the five plates of noodles fly to the coffee table in the living room.The four people who watched him cook the noodles also returned to the living room from the balcony of the dormitory.

Just now Zhang Xu ran into the four of them who had come here admiringly in front of the classroom bathroom, so he obediently slipped into the prefect's bathroom, and made an appointment with everyone to have supper together in the evening.

When Zhang Xu came out of the prefect's bathroom, he went to his office, took two smoked lamb legs and a large bottle of assorted mushroom sauce made from various mushrooms in the Forbidden Forest, and returned to the professor's dormitory. There is a makeshift kitchenette on the balcony.

While cutting the cleaned smoked leg of lamb into thin slices with a royal kitchen knife, he put the pasta in the water to cook.

Then after the pasta is cooked and taken out, he puts butter in the pan and fry it, then puts in the assorted mushroom sauce and smoked lamb shank slices and stir-fries together, and finally puts in the pasta and stir-fries evenly.

That's it for a delicious late-night snack.

After eating supper, several people each had a glass of red wine and got down to business.

"Ryan asked me to bring you a message." Wales said to Zhang Xu.

At this time, she was leaning against one end of the sofa, putting a pair of slender, white legs on Zhang Xu's lap who was sitting on the other end of the sofa.

Zhang Xu sat there helplessly and asked, "What's the latest news about her?"

"Scrimgeour suspects that there are spies who have betrayed the relevant secrets of the Ministry of Magic's national defense system." Wales said, "Last night, a large number of Auror commands that had been hidden were attacked at the same time, and these Auror commands The location is a secret."

Zhang Xu frowned, and then asked: "Next, you won't say that someone is suspicious of me, right?"

Wales didn't answer directly, but just nodded.

Zhang Xu smiled indifferently. He was not worried about being suspected, because Scrimgeour knew that he had no chance to obtain the leaked information.

After laughing, Zhang Xu took a sip of the wine in his glass, and then discussed the suspected leak with them.

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