Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 55 Let's Play Quidditch, Boy!

Come spring, Quidditch starts again.

This year, the whole team has replaced the latest version of Nimbus 2001, which was sponsored by the Malfoy family.Although in the first match, due to the carelessness of the new Seeker Draco Malfoy, he missed the Golden Snitch hovering over his head, which led to the failure of the match, but the members of the Snake Court taunted him Still chose to forgive him.

Today, the Quidditch players of the Snake Academy are ushering in a match against the Eagle Academy.

Today's wind is very soft, the air is very fresh, and the sun is very warm. This is a very suitable weather for outdoor sports.

On the Quidditch pitch, jubilant students filled the seats in the stands, and various flags and slogans fluttered.Unlike previous years, this year there were students selling drinks and snacks in the stands.

After a winter of dormancy and several attacks, the students urgently need a vent to vent their strength, and this Quidditch match undoubtedly provides this opportunity.

When the high-spirited and confident players of the Snake Academy walked into the field with broomsticks and saw the players of the Eagle Academy on the opposite side, everyone was a little confused.Because the Eagle Academy players were holding a broomstick they had never seen before.

The whole broom took on a bright blue color.The broomstick has some "z"-shaped radians, which allow people to hold the broom comfortably when sitting on it.Each broom twig at the end of the broom has obviously been selected and arranged in a certain order.The whole broom is combined to present a streamlined shape full of beauty.

Although I don't know the performance of this broom, its appearance quickly conquered all the audience present.

Snake Court vs. Eagle Court, the best broom on the market vs an unknown but beautiful broom, second-year rookie Seeker Draco Malfoy vs third-year rookie Seeker Zhang Qiu, the highlights of these games will make the audience They all wait and see.

With Mrs. Hooch's whistle, the game began.

Fourteen team members leaped into the blue sky together.

The players of the Snake Academy found that the players of the Eagle Academy who were riding blue brooms were not slower than them in terms of speed. As a Seeker, Zhang Qiu flew into the sky all at once.

Because Chambers, a Chaser of the Eagle Academy, could not play today due to physical discomfort, Zhang Xu came on as a substitute.

At the very beginning of the game, Eagle Chaser Roger Davis, who got the Quaffle, rushed towards the goal of Snake Court at full speed. Zhang Xu and another Chaser Bradley followed on both sides to form a triangle. formation.

The three-person offensive arrow caught the players of the Snake Court by surprise. Roger Davis scored with a throw and the Eagle Court took the lead.

Then Snake Court got the ball and started to attack.

Snake Academy captain Marcus Flint dribbled the ball and found Roger Davis and Bradley before halftime.Marcus Flint saw teammate Deryan Puse come up from behind and passed the ball.

Just as the Quaffle was halfway through the flight, Zhang Xu swooped down from the air with his broomstick running at full speed and snatched the ball.

Zhang Xu, who got the Quaffle, rushed forward first, and then saw a Bludger hit by a member of the Snake Academy flying towards him in front of the left.Zhang Xu didn't dodge. He lay on the broom to avoid the Bludger, and then flew to the goal. Suddenly, he moved laterally to avoid the goalkeeper and scored a goal.

In less than 3 minutes of the opening, Yingyuan went down two cities in a row.

The stimulated players of the Snake Academy began to strengthen their offense and fouls, but they soon discovered that the brooms used by the Eagle Academy today are not weaker than their Nimbus 2001 in terms of performance.This blue broom beats the Nimbus 2001 in speed, acceleration and handling


When the players of the Snake Academy try to use foul tactics, the players of the Eagle Academy can often suddenly speed up or turn to make their fouls miss.

During an attack by the Snake Court, Zhang Xu defended Marcus Flint, and the two flew towards the goal of the Eagle Court together.

Adrian Puse on the other side of Marcus Flint passed the ball to Marcus Flint, Zhang Xu made a barrel roll maneuver, from Marcus Flint's head to his other side One side, steals the pass from Dery Ampsey.

Seeing that the ball passed to him was intercepted by Zhang Xu, Marcus Flint manipulated the broom and ran towards Zhang Xu.

Zhang Xu, who got the Quaffle, did not wait for Marcus Flint to hit him, and immediately made a tail thrust maneuver, pulled up the broom and entered the jump, avoiding the collision of Marcus Flint.Then reduce the power of the broom, and the speed of the broom keeps decreasing. When the speed of the broom becomes zero, the broom keeps its front up and its tail down, and under the action of the earth’s gravity, it rushes down at the acceleration rate of gravity, leaving Two players from the Snake Academy who came to attack with a confused face.

Zhang Xu adjusted his direction in the process of rushing down, and rushed towards the goal of the Snake Court along the right side of the court.

After avoiding the sneak attack of the Bludger, two Snake Academy players took advantage of Zhang Xu's opportunity to avoid the Bludger's slowdown and bumped into each other.

When the two were about to collide, Zhang Xu suddenly pulled up the broom, raised the broom to 120°, and the speed dropped rapidly. The two players from the Snake Academy couldn't slow down and collided in front of Zhang Xu.

After finishing the Pugachev Cobra maneuver, Zhang Xu saw the two Snake Academy players who had been thrown off by his tail rushing towards him. Zhang Xu, who almost attracted the entire Snake Academy team, passed the ball to Middle, pass to Roger Davis.

The two Snake Court players who had rushed towards Zhang Xu turned and rushed towards Roger Davis.

Roger Davis flicked the ball left to Bradley as the two Snake Court players rushed up.

After receiving the ball, Bradley flew forward for a while and approached the goal from the left. At this time, Marcus Flint rushed towards him, and goalkeeper Miles Bletch began to block him.

Bradley suddenly passed the ball to the right, and Zhang Xu, who was unguarded, rushed to the front of the goal and received the Quaffle, and scored another ten points against the empty goal.

In the stands, the students stood up and gave warm applause to Zhang Xu.

The next game became more and more intense. The scores of the two sides continued to rise. The Snake Academy began to chase and fight fiercely. The Eagle Academy flew quickly and flexibly. In the end, the score gap between the two sides remained at about [-] points ahead of the Eagle Academy.

When Zhang Xu dodged a sneak attack from a Bludger, he saw Zhang Qiu, who had been hovering at high altitude, suddenly dived down, and then Malfoy also rushed down with Zhang Qiu.

Just when Malfoy was maximizing the horsepower of the broom, Zhang Qiu suddenly changed to a level flight, and Malfoy couldn't brake enough to go straight to the ground.

Then Zhang Qiu easily caught the golden snitch wandering around the wall.

In the stands of the Lions Court, the captain of the Lions Court Oliver Wood looked enviously at the brooms of the Eagles players, and said to the other players around him: "Ravenclaw's broom is better than Slytherin's Nimbus 2001. "

"I used Zhang's broom the day it was almost eaten by spiders in the Forbidden Forest," said Harry. Flies just as well as a regular broom. It doesn't struggle at all to maneuver and turns with a flick. It's the best broom I've ever flown.”

"What's the name of that broom?" asked Oliver Wood.

"blue fly."

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