Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 102 So Many Years of Reading "Today's Statement" Is Not For Nothing

The wine table soon fell into memories of the past.

Harry sat quietly aside, drinking butterbeer, while listening to Professor McGonagall telling stories about his father and his friends back then.

Harry's hand shaking from the strain on his beer glass when he talked about his godfather being his parents' secret keeper.

When everyone finished telling the past, Harry's whole body was shaking.Scarlett and Lupine didn't know and didn't tell him the details of many things, so it was the first time for him to know.

After a while, Zhang Xu once again entered the mode of not surprising and endlessly talking.

"Can I ask a few questions from the perspective of a bystander, Mr. Minister." Zhang Xu said.

Fuji glanced at Zhang Xu and nodded.

"How many remains of Pettigrew Peter were recovered?" Zhang Xu asked.

Fudge said with a sad expression on his face: "There is only a little bit, a little bit, the largest and most complete remains is a finger."

Fuji gestured with his hands while talking, the weight seemed to be less than the meat buns in Zhang Xu's school cafeteria in his previous life.

"Did the magic used by Black have the effect of burning or corroding?" Zhang Xu then asked.

Fudge thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "No. It was just an explosion spell, which even broke the sewer pipes under the street."

"Zhang, what do you want to ask?" Professor McGonagall asked, frowning.

Zhang Xu looked around, and then used his magic wand to conjure up a transparent cover to cover their table. Immediately, the sound in the bar and between the wine tables was isolated by the cover.

"Let me talk about one of my guesses." Zhang Xu said, "You know, the hardest bones in the human body are the teeth, other than that are the bones of the limbs, and then the bones of the fingers. The skull is also very hard."

"If Black's magic just blew up Peter Pettigrew's body, since the finger can be preserved, there is no reason why the rest of his bones should not be found."

After Zhang Xu finished speaking, everyone around the wine table became deep in thought.

"So what do you mean?" Fudge asked a little uneasy.

"I guess, Peter Pettigrew was probably seriously injured at the time, but he didn't die. Later, he escaped and hid in the chaos." Zhang Xu said, "Blake was captured by the Ministry of Magic because of him. It is possible that she has been hiding somewhere because she is afraid of being retaliated by the Death Eaters."

Everyone at the wine table was startled by Zhang Xu's guess.

But thinking about it carefully, Zhang Xu's guess is also reasonable, otherwise it would be impossible to explain why there is only such a small amount of Peter Pettigrew's remains.As long as he uses magic such as the Flying Curse, even his remains can be collected even if they are broken into dumpling fillings.

To explain this situation, either the spell used by Black was so vicious that most of Pettigrew's remains were wiped out, or it was as small as Zhang Xu guessed, and Pettigrew Peter was still alive.

Although the chances of the latter conjecture becoming true are slim, what if

Some people had similar thoughts back then, but at that time Voldemort had just fallen and there were too many things to do, so they didn't think about it further.When everything was calm, Peter Pettigrew did not appear, so everyone subconsciously believed that he was killed.

Looking back now and thinking about it calmly, many details that were not noticed back then have re-entered everyone's field of vision.

Thinking that the speculation that Peter Pettigrew might still be alive might really come true, everyone at the wine table became excited.

"Of course, this is just my own guess." Zhang Xu and others calmed down and said.

"This guess is reasonable, Peter is probably still alive." Professor McGonagall said excitedly.

"I think so too. Peter is probably living in seclusion somewhere, maybe even living in seclusion in the Muggle world, living like a Muggle." Professor Flitwick said.

The IQs of Hogwarts professors are all very high, often after Zhang Xu opens a window for them, they can fly out of that window by themselves, without Zhang Xu's rhythm.

Fudge on the side was also flushed with excitement. If he could find a hero who he thought had been sacrificed, then he would gain a very high reputation.

Zhang Xu looked at the excited crowd and cooled them down.

"If you want to find Peter Pettigrew, then you must keep this matter a secret." Zhang Xu said, "If the remnants of the Death Eaters find him before us, and then attack him"

Everyone was shocked when they heard Zhang Xu's words.If something like this happened, it would be a huge tragedy.

At this time, Fudge showed his courage as the Minister of Magic, and said seriously to everyone: "You are forbidden to tell anyone about this matter. I will find the most reliable person to take charge of this matter. I will inform Ma Prime Minister of the Muggles, ask him to help find Peter before the Muggles."

Everyone at the wine table nodded.

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p; After everyone left the bar, Zhang Xu and Fudge walked out of Hogsmeade together, and Fudge wanted to take Zhang Xu to negotiate with the Dementors.

"Mr. Zhang, I thank you on behalf of the Ministry of Magic. If I find Peter, I will apply for a Medal of Merlin for you." Fudge said to Zhang Xu.

"Mr. Minister, I want to ask you a question about magic." Zhang Xu continued after seeing Fudge nodding, "When the Ministry of Magic interrogates a prisoner, how does it judge whether the prisoner's words are true or false? The prisoner has modified his memory, so will Veritaserum and Legilimency still work?"

Fudge laughed after hearing Zhang Xu's question.

"The Ministry of Magic has a way to deal with such a situation. The Wizengamot has a way to judge whether a person is telling the truth or a lie." Fudge said, "This method has been kept by the chief magician of the Wizengamot. You-Know-Who has been trying to get it, trying to use it to tell if Death Eaters are trustworthy, but he hasn't been able to."

Zhang Xu thinks about it too, he can think of this method of perjury in court, why can't others think of it.It seems that the old horses and the others paid a lot of money in order to exonerate themselves.

Then, Zhang Xu said again: "Mr. Minister, have you heard of any conflicts between Black and Potter?"

Fudge frowned and said, "Never heard of it."

Zhang Xu said: "It's hard to explain why Black betrayed Potter."

"The thoughts of black wizards cannot be described by common sense." Fudge said to Zhang Xu in the tone of an elder educating the younger generation, "You are still young, and you have not come into contact with many black wizards, and you don't know what kind of people they are. There are many reasons for their vicious thoughts that you can't imagine. I was in charge of arresting a Death Eater before. Because the book written by a Muggle author was not updated fast enough, he sent it to the Muggle author. A box of blades enchanted, and if that Muggle writer doesn't write ten thousand words a day, the blades will fly of themselves and hurt the Muggle writer."

Zhang Xu thought for a while and then said: "In fact, I still have a guess, but it's hard to say it in front of the professors and Harry in the bar."

"What is it?" Fudge asked.

"Black and Potter have always thought that they are very smart, so would they want to play with the mysterious man?" Zhang Xu said, "At that time, everyone knew that Black was a good friend of Potter, and they all thought that Black must belong to the Potter family. The secret keeper. So Black and Potter secretly found another person to be the secret keeper, and Black went to attract the mysterious person's attention to protect the real secret keeper."

Anyone who can become the Minister of Magic is not an idiot. At this moment, Fudge vaguely guessed what Zhang Xu was going to say next.

"And the real secret keeper is Peter Pettigrew." Zhang Xu said.

Fudge stopped in his tracks, the expression on his face changing.

"Mr. Zhang, you mean that the Ministry of Magic made a mistake, made a huge joke, and awarded a Death Eater the Order of Merlin, first class." There was a hint of threat in Fudge's tone.

"No," Zhang Xu said with a serious face, "The Ministry of Magic will not make mistakes, and neither will the Minister of Magic. Only the former Minister of Magic and other staff of the Ministry of Magic made mistakes."

Fudge figured the whole thing out in an instant.

If Blake is the murderer and Peter Pettigrew is gone, he has nothing to lose.

If Blake is the murderer, he's got the reclusive Pettigrew back, which is a huge prestige bonus for him.

If Blake is not the murderer, then no matter whether Peter Pettigrew is wiped out or brought back, as long as Blake is rehabilitated, then the blame will be thrown on the former minister, and he himself will be a godly blessing to solve the case.

So as long as Black is caught, and still alive, there is room for the next step.

No matter how this wave is operated, it will not be a loss, and Fudge even hopes that Black is really wronged.

Fuji smiled and said to Zhang Xu: "Don't tell anyone about this matter, I will investigate it myself."

Zhang Xu nodded.His promotion on this matter has basically come to an end, and the next step is to sit and watch the performances of all parties.He dare not assert that Black is really innocent, what if Black is really Voldemort's undercover agent in this world

Soon, Fudge took Zhang Xu to the outskirts of Hogsmeade, found the leading dementor, and asked Zhang Xu to talk with the dementor himself.

After seeing Zhang Xu and the leader of the dementors muttering for a while, Fudge handed over a large package of things to the leader of the dementors, and then the leader of the dementors came over and said to Fudge that they would no longer ask to enter Hogwarts .

On the return journey, Fudge with a curious face asked Zhang Xu what he gave to the dementor.

Zhang Xu shook his head and smiled without saying a word. The things he gave to the dementors cannot be exposed.

If it weren't for a group of seniors in China who are similar in age to Mr. Zhao, many of their relatives and friends were deeply poisoned by the East India Company and pushed the relevant departments to approve Zhang Xu's plan out of revenge. Zhang Xu would not be able to get these things. Food additives for dementors.

Anyway, for the dementors, it is enough to make the prisoners in Azkaban happy, and they don't mind whether there are food additives in the prisoners' happy mood.

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