Dressed up as a Real Mom

Chapter 5 - .005 Why

The three of them left after lunch, and Li Yuegui filled them with a basket of potatoes and brought them back.

Along the way, He Xiaoyun didn’t say much. Wei Yuanhang probably felt her emotions. He didn’t play lazy and acted like she did when he came. After most of the walk, he was a little bit impatient. He held his mother in one hand and his father in the other. In the middle, I couldn’t help curling up two short legs, wanting them to fly.

He Xiaoyun looked down at his blushing face, but she still got what he wanted. She took a deep breath and spit it out slowly, spitting out those boring memories together, and then glanced at Wei Jianwei, “Are you ready? The plane is about to take off.”

Wei Jianwei held Wei Yuanhang’s upper arm and nodded.

“Fly!” He Xiaoyun cheered softly, holding the child’s arm and rushing forward.

Wei Yuanhang was picked up by the two of them, and his whole body was suspended in the air, exclaiming with excitement: “The big handy machine is here! The big handy machine is coming!”

Flying all the way home, a lot of people who saw him laughed.

He didn’t feel anything while walking on the road. After stopping, He Xiaoyun felt that her hands were so sore that the little fat man’s weight was really a bit overweight.

Only my sister-in-law Feng Qiuyue was at home, sitting at the door of the hall and putting on a sweater. Seeing them come back, she asked, “I’m back so early? Have you eaten yet?”

“Eat, sister-in-law, isn’t mom at home?” He Xiaoyun asked.

“Mom went to the commune early today to see if there is any fat for sale, and buy a few kilograms back.”

He Xiaoyun nodded. She remembered that she had heard Wang Chunhua mention this matter two days ago. She is about to plant seedlings. She is heavy and consumes a lot of energy. She is going to refine some meat oil and oil residue to replenish the oil and water for the family. , Otherwise, it would be too hard to work in a day.

Just after a ball of yarn was knitting, Feng Qiuyue took out a new ball of yarn from the basket. He Xiaoyun saw it and went to help her wind the yarn.

She moves naturally, but Feng Qiuyue is a little surprised. Although the two are concubines, they have lived under one roof for three or four years, but they have not been very close. Because she had been married for several years and had no children before, Feng Qiuyue knew that her younger siblings looked down upon her a little. She also knew how powerful each other was, and tried not to provoke her. She was always careful when talking to her. Today she took the initiative to help.

As soon as Wei Yuanhang arrived home, he ran back to his room to see his eggs and held them outside to bask in the sun.

He Xiaoyun teased him while winding the thread: “Just leave the box there to dry it, you come in quickly. He was originally a little fat man, and he can be called cute if he is white. What can I do if he is dark and fat.”

“I’m not fat!” Wei Yuanhang pursed his lips and rushed to his father to agree. “Dad, are you right? I’m not fat at all.”

Wei Jianwei was carrying a bucket and was about to go out to fetch water. Hearing his son’s words, he looked at his figure again. He didn’t say the word “not fat” at all, and it would not hurt his self-confidence. He just said, “I will grow up. thin.”

Wei Yuanhang did not hear the implicit meaning in the words, and quickly said to his mother: “Dad said I am getting thinner!”

“That’s still fatter than me, or a little fat man.” He Xiaoyun continued to tease him.

The child hurriedly asked his father: “What should I do if my mother says I am fatter than her?”

Wei Jianwei glanced at the two of them back and forth, the child looked anxious, and He Xiaoyun smiled triumphantly. He said: “You will be taller than her in the future.”

Wei Yuanhang’s eyes lit up, “Really? I will be taller than my mother? Will my mother become a little shorter?”

“Hey!” He Xiaoyun wasn’t happy before Wei Jianwei had spoken. “Who is the little dwarf? Is it itchy?”

She used to be close to one meter and seven meters, and now is about one meter six to five meters. Although she is not as big as Wei Jianwei’s long legs, she can’t be compared to shortness, right? This is slander!

She was about to get up and grab him. Wei Yuanhang chuckled and hid beside Wei Jianwei. After having relied on, she became more courageous, poked her head out, and looked mischievous: “Mom will be a little boy from now on! A little boy!”

He Xiaoyun glared back and fought back: “You are a little fat man, your father is a big fat man, you are all fat men!”

“Little couple!”


“Little couple!”


The mother and the son came back childishly, but the person who led the battle had already gone away. Feng Qiuyue smiled straightly. She saw a little smile on the corner of her second brother’s mouth just now, which is really rare.

It was not until the afternoon that day that Wang Chunhua came back and bought back three catties of fat. Different from the price of fat meat in the future, the fat meat is more expensive than the lean meat. Sometimes the supply is insufficient, and people who have some friendship with the salesperson can buy the fat meat, and the meat ticket is needed. Wei’s ticket was brought back by Wei Jianwei from the army.

Cut the meat into slices, put them in a pot and boil them slowly. The whole room smells of oil, until no oil can come out. The lard is packed in an oil jar, and the oil residue is kept well, so it can be used to stir-fry several dishes.

Wei Yuanhang was so greedy that he circled the stove several times, and Wang Chunhua filled the bottom of the bowl with the oily residue and sprinkled a little salt flower on him. It’s not that I don’t want to give more, but although the oily residue is fragrant, it gets angry after eating too much.

Wei Yuanhang ran out holding the bowl.

He Xiaoyun looked through the closet in the room, planning to find out Wei Yuanhang’s old clothes, and if they were still good, they would put them in the air and put them on the children in her sister-in-law’s belly in the future.

“Mom, divide you into seven.” The child ran in, with something in his mouth, and his speech was vague.

“What to eat?” He Xiaoyun shook her clothes one by one, and took a moment to look at him.

“It’s Youjia, it’s delicious.”

She was still wondering what the oiler was. When she saw the bowl that was handed to her, she knew it was lard residue. Then she looked up, and the kid’s mouth was bulging, and it was full of greasy food.

“I won’t eat, you can eat it, and remember to wash your hands and wipe your mouth after eating.”

“Yeah.” Wei Yuanhang stuffed another greasy residue into his mouth, chewing and chewing, then suddenly stopped, and asked her with his eyes wide open, “If you eat a lot, will you become fatter?

He Xiaoyun didn’t expect that his little head would begin to pay attention to the image. She couldn’t help but smiled and said, “No, I was joking before. You are not fat at all. This is just right.”

Of course this is not true. However, although Wei Yuanhang has some fleshy, he is well-proportioned. Moreover, looking at the Wei family’s genes, he knows that he will smoke a lot in the future. This bit of flesh on his body may not grow tall enough.

But the little kid has to keep an inch, “Does mother like me?”

“I like it,” He Xiaoyun rubbed his head, “I like you the most.”

Wei Yuanhang happily said, “I also like my mother the most!”

At the dinner table in the evening, Wang Chunhua will plant seedlings tomorrow and assign tasks to the family.

The three men must go to the land. Feng Qiuyue is pregnant with a child and needs to stay at home, but she is a pregnant woman who has to cook a family meal, she has to watch Wei Yuanhang, and she has to feed pigs and chickens. I can’t take care of it, so I have to leave another person.

“The eldest and second daughter-in-law cook at home, and send them to the field when they are done.” Wang Chunhua made a decision.

He Xiaoyun and Feng Qiuyue looked at each other and said, “Mom, you and your sister-in-law are at home, I will go.”

Wang Chunhua said: “Don’t look at my old age, I have experience in work, and I won’t be slower than young people. And cooking so many people is not easy, you two are just practicing your craft.”

He Xiaoyun still needs to speak again, and Wang Chunhua waved her hand, “I don’t need to push around, I will do it first, and when I can’t do it, you will replace it. That’s it.”

She was firm, and the others could only give up, because she had to go to the ground the next day and went back to her room to rest early in the evening.

Knowing that Wei Jianwei would not come to bed, He Xiaoyun was much calmer than last night, and was not anxious to urge Wei Yuanhang to sleep.

The child sits on the bed and plays, holding two small dolls to play role-playing, chanting words in his mouth.

Wei Jianwei laid the mat bed on the floor as usual. When he did this last night, Wei Yuanhang was already asleep and woke up late in the morning, so he didn’t know that he hit the floor in the room. He was very curious when he saw this scene.

“Mom, why does Dad sleep on the ground?”

He Xiaoyun felt that this kid was not friendly at all, and always asked questions that she couldn’t answer. She looked at Wei Jianwei, and saw that he was out of the way, like a okay person, and she was a little bit unbalanced, and threw the hot potato over, “I Don’t know, ask him yourself.”

As expected, Wei Yuanhang turned around and asked his father, “Dad, why are you sleeping on the ground?”

Wei Jianwei glanced at He Xiaoyun. He Xiaoyun looked at the roof innocently, but she was a little nervous. She regretted that she was quick to talk. If Wei Jianwei decided to sleep in bed because of this, then she must not cry to death?

Fortunately, they have a bigger mind than her, and said a plausible reason to fool the child, “I will get up early tomorrow, and bed will wake you up.”

Wei Yuanhang snorted and stopped playing with dolls. He lay down on the bed and looked at the temporary bed on the ground with interest. He turned to He Xiaoyun and said, “Mom, I want to go to Dad to play.”

He Xiaoyun thought for a while. It seemed that there was no reason why the child would not get along with his father, so she had to say: “Come up to sleep after a while.”

The kid slipped out of bed and went to Pidianpidian.

When he arrived at Wei Jianwei’s site, Wei Yuanhang talked a lot as before. He Xiaoyun started to listen attentively, but she disliked it after a while. They were just slobbers.

Recently, I have been waking up early and going to bed early. When it was a little bit, she was a little confused, and she didn’t even notice when Wei Yuanhang’s voice stopped.

She felt that she had just closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, she suddenly saw Wei Jianwei standing by the bed, still possessing her.

“What are you doing!” She exclaimed, and quickly sat up, clutching her chest.

Wei Jianwei looked at her unchanged.

The room was a little quiet for a while, only the little snore made by Wei Yuanhang. He was asleep and was being held in his hands by Wei Jianwei. It seemed that he was just about to put the child on the bed, not to do to her. what.

He Xiaoyun was silent for a while, slowly lay down, slowly pulled up the quilt, slowly buried herself in, pretending that nothing happened just now.

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