Dressed up as a Real Mom

Chapter 25 - .025 Ambiguous

The next morning, Wei Jianwei and his father and brother went to Houshan to weed the tombs of the ancestors of the Wei family, while Wang Chunhua began to pack things for her son one after another.

Home-fried peanuts, newly knitted sweaters, a few pairs of thick insoles… She walked back and forth in the house. He Xiaoyun and Feng Qiuyue knew that she was uncomfortable, and they couldn’t persuade her.

Next door Aunt Zhang finished her housework and came to drop in. Seeing her walking around again and again, she couldn’t help asking, “What is your mother doing?”

Feng Qiuyue glanced at He Xiaoyun and replied for her: “Jianwei will return to the army tomorrow morning. Mom will pack his luggage.”

“Oh,” Aunt Zhang nodded, and said: “A month has passed so soon, it seems that Jianwei came back yesterday.”


“I remember that Jianwei left home for the first time that year. He was only a teenager and a half-year-old child. How many tears your mother has wiped in front of me, it has been so many years in a blink of an eye.” Aunt Zhang sighed with emotion.

After finally finishing packing, Wang Chunhua finally sat down.

Aunt Zhang patted her hand and comforted: “Days are coming soon, Jianwei is back in the blink of an eye, don’t bear it, otherwise the child will see you and go uneasy.”

“Hey…” Wang Chunhua sighed and smiled reluctantly, “I know, it’s just uncomfortable for a while, and it will be fine afterwards.”

Aunt Zhang joked: “You can’t bear to say it, Xiaoyun can’t bear to say what to say? The young man has a thin face, so don’t sigh in front of her. You will provoke her tears later.”

He Xiaoyun smiled and lowered her head as if embarrassed.

Although she was not too uncomfortable, she felt a little melancholy because of the imminent parting and the atmosphere at home.

Wang Chunhua looked at her, nodded, cheered up, “You’re right, I’m like this, it makes them even more sad.”

“Eh, that’s right.” Aunt Zhang said, thinking of something again, “I heard that some of the cadres in the army have reached their ranks and can take their family members over. I don’t know what is going on with Jianwei?”

“Is there such a thing? I don’t know about these things, so I will ask Jianwei when the time comes.” Wang Chunhua said.

“I want to ask, otherwise their young couple will be separated all year long, so it will be difficult.”

Wang Chunhua nodded in agreement.

In fact, if the second daughter-in-law had the same temperament as before, even if she could join the army, she would not dare to let her go, for fear that something might happen again, which would affect her son’s future. But now the daughter-in-law has changed **** and has a good relationship with her son. The child is small. If the family can be together, it is better to get together.

He Xiaoyun couldn’t help but raised her head. She knew that her military rank could allow her family to join the army, but she had never thought about it before, and didn’t think Wei Jianwei would want her to join the army. After all, they are not really loving couples. Does he continue to sleep on the floor?

Approaching noon, the Wei family, father and son, came back from the mountain. After lunch, Wei Jianwei went back to the room to change his sweaty clothes and prepared to go out again.

“Are you going out?” He Xiaoyun asked him, leaning against the door.

He nodded, “Go to my uncle’s house.”

Although the elders of the Wei family are no longer there, there are still a few elderly people in the family who are close to each other. Wei Jianwei is going to return to the army, so he has to go to their house and say something.

“Dad, are you going to play at your uncle’s house?” Wei Yuanhang emerged from behind his mother.

He Xiaoyun touched his head and corrected: “That’s Dad’s uncle, you want to call him Uncle Taigong.”

The child uttered a loud voice, and then asked, “Does Dad go to Uncle Tai Gong’s house to play?”

“It’s going to play, do you want to go together?” Wei Jianwei asked him.

“Mother or not?” Wei Yuanhang raised his head and asked He Xiaoyun.

She shook her head, “Mom is at home, go with Dad if you want.”

The child struggled for a while. He did want to go out, but at the same time he wanted to follow his mother. He was really in a dilemma.

He Xiaoyun flicked his forehead lightly and said, “Go, I’ll be waiting for you at home.”

“Okay, mother can’t sneak out and play by herself.” The kid confessed very worried.

“Got it.” He Xiaoyun wanted to roll her eyes a little.

The father and son left, and the room was deserted. She walked to the desk, sat down in the place where Wei Jianwei usually sits, took the book out, and flipped through it, unknowingly she lost her mind.

In her previous life, until she died of cancer, she was a single dog who had not held the opposite sex. But in her era, information exploded and various entertainments flooded people’s lives. TV was full of love and hatred of handsome men and beauties all day long. He Xiaoyun is not ignorant of certain things.

She knew that she had some good feelings for Wei Jianwei, and she could feel the other person too.

But I don’t know how far this kind of affection can be.

Just like they mentioned about joining the army in the morning, there was a small voice asking in their hearts, if she really wanted her to go, would she go?

Being in a daze, Wang Chunhua walked in with the towel in her hand.

“Mom?” He Xiaoyun stood up.

Wang Chunhua waved her hand and motioned to her to still sit down, “I’m fine, this towel, wait for Jianwei to put it away.”

He Xiaoyun nodded.

Wang Chunhua put down the towel and was about to go out, walked to the door, but came back again, “Xiaoyun, go up, what do you think about what your Aunt Zhang said?”

He Xiaoyun did not speak for a while. In fact, as she had just thought of, if Wei Jianwei wants her to join the army, she should not just look at her own meaning, but also consider the little kid Wei Yuanhang. Anyway, the child is by his father’s side. Growing up will definitely be more beneficial to his character development and even later life.

In the end, she just said: “You have to ask Jianwei about this.”

“It must be a question. I’ll tell him when I come back later. Mom wants to be with you and Xiaohang. If you can go there, you will be together as a family, so that you won’t save Jianwei and he will be alone. You It’s hard to bring children alone, Xiaohang, I can’t see my father all day, it’s pitiful.” Wang Chunhua said.

After she left, He Xiaoyun started to daze again.

In the afternoon, Wei Jianwei and Wei Yuanhang returned, and the child hopped all the way back to the room.

“Mom, I’m back!”

He was flushed by the sun, and sweat was all over his forehead. He Xiaoyun twisted a wet towel to wipe his sweat, and asked casually: “Is Uncle Taigong’s house fun?”

“Yeah, my uncle and grandpa gave me delicious food.” The child nodded again and again. In his heart, it is fun to have delicious food.

Wei Jianwei said a few words to Wang Chunhua and returned to the room.

“Mom just took a new towel and told you to put it in the duffel bag.” He Xiaoyun said to him.

“Good.” Wei Jianwei nodded.

Wei Yuanhang wiped his sweat and wanted to jump, He Xiaoyun held him down, “It’s time to take a nap.”

The child squashed, “I don’t want to sleep.”

He Xiaoyun is very familiar with his routine. She says she doesn’t want to sleep, and if she presses him down, she can sleep like a pig in less than five minutes.

Being forcibly suppressed by his mother, Wei Yuanhang hugged the quilt and rolled on the Qiqi bed. “But I’m so hot, so hot and so hot.”

Wei Jianwei collected the towel and walked over, holding a big pu fan in his hand, and said to his son: “Lie down, I will fan you.”

The little fat man glanced at him, and at his mother. Seeing that there was no discussion, he had to lie down obediently.

“Mom, the uncle said that Dad is leaving, where is Dad going?”

He Xiaoyun glanced at Wei Jianwei and said, “Dad wants to return to the army.”

“Are you alone?”


The child pouted, “I miss Dad a bit.”

Before he left, he just thought about it. Wei Jianwei didn’t understand this, so he couldn’t help but look at He Xiaoyun and asked with his eyes.

He Xiaoyun guessed that what he meant was reluctant to part with her father, but the vocabulary was too few to express.

“Your son can’t bear you.” She said.

Wei Yuanhang was still whispering, but his voice was getting smaller and his eyelids heavier and heavier. Not long after that, the person who said he didn’t want to sleep just snored.

Wei Jianwei continued to fan him, and He Xiaoyun was also sitting by the bed.

In the summer afternoon, the breeze comes in from the window, the wind smells of vegetation and sunlight, dry and fragrant.

“The family and the children are going to work hard for you.” In silence, he suddenly said.

He Xiaoyun lowered her eyes and looked at her hand on the bed, “It’s not your child.”

She meant to say that the little fat man was also her child, and she said something that was hard and not hard, but the words were spoken, somehow, it sounded a bit of anger.

When Wei Jianwei heard it, he lowered his head to see her expression, “Unhappy?”

“No.” He Xiaoyun turned her head too far.

He also leaned over, “Really?”

He Xiaoyun turned to the other side again, “No.”

He leaned over again, “Let me see then.”

After going back and forth several times, she became impatient and pushed him a bit, “I said if there is no, there will be no, you are so annoying.”

Originally, it was so good that she felt a little aggrieved by him for no reason, and her eyes followed the tide.

She doesn’t like this, it’s too unreasonable to make trouble, not like she is.

Wei Jianwei held the hand she pushed on him.

He Xiaoyun struggled for a while and didn’t break away, turning her head away from him.

His hands are very large, with many calluses in his palms, which can enclose her hands. He looked down. Although he always did housework, his hands were still white and soft, and his slender wrists looked a little fragile, just like hers at this time.

He slowly sighed, and his tone was low and heavy: “Mom asked me about the army. When I return to the army, I have to report and approve it. I also need to see if there is a suitable allocation of houses. Wait a while.”

“Who is in a hurry?” He Xiaoyun snorted.

He listened to what he meant, as if she wanted to go with him right away. She wanted to be beautiful, and she didn’t put gold on her face. Even if she could really go with the army, it would depend on her mood.

Wei Jianwei curled the corner of his mouth with a smile in his tone, “I am anxious, afraid you miss me too much.”

He Xiaoyun heard it, and just said in her heart that it was almost the same, and then she came back and turned her head and stared at him, “Who misses you?”

Wei Jianwei leaned closer, as if to look at her carefully, “Let me see, did you cry just now?”

He Xiaoyun hurriedly avoided the hand he stretched out, and said in embarrassment: “You are crying, your whole family is crying!”

“Isn’t my whole family yours?” he asked with a smile.

He Xiaoyun was choked, “I don’t have any, anyway.”

“Really not, why did you hide just now?”

“That’s because you are annoying!”

“I can be more annoying, do you know?”

“Go away, I don’t want to know.”

The two were arguing, and suddenly realized something was wrong, turned around and found that Wei Yuanhang woke up somehow.

The child looked at them with sparkling eyes, and said in distress, “Mom and Dad, you are so noisy.”


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