Dreamland Guide

Chapter 14 - Mirror game

   said the old man

   Don’t look in the mirror at midnight, you will see things you shouldn’t see in the mirror.

   There are often other people’s mirrors inexplicably broken in the middle of the night, because there is something to come out of the mirror.

   If you happen to be looking in the mirror when the mirror is broken, then your soul will be sucked in by the crack in the mirror.

   When you hold a mirror in your hand and look at the other mirror, you will see countless you in the mirror.

   Every face of you in the mirror is different. No matter how many faces you see, remember that the thirteenth face is your legacy.


   There is a mirror in Aoki’s studio.

   This mirror was originally used to train the crows to recognize their own form, but now it has been useless for a long time and is full of dust.

   Moyu stood in front of the mirror, looking at herself in the mirror seriously.

   Aoki smoked not far behind her, and the smoke filled the small studio.

   The coal boss returned to his bird shelf, closed his eyes, as if he was asleep.

   Bi Shenghua and Xiao Qi are sitting on the sofa. She originally asked Xiao Qi to go back first, but Xiao Qi insisted on staying. They didn’t know what Aoki was going to do. When Mo Yu woke up and asked to look in the mirror, Aoki took her to the big mirror.

   Since the mirror is very gray, she is also gray in the mirror.

   The hand of time is about to point to twelve o’clock.

   Moyu began to tell the story of her and the mirror.

   She said that she had heard many anecdotes about mirrors since she was a child, but she never believed it.

   She believes that mirrors are mirrors that can reflect beauty and ugliness, nothing more.

  Until one day, she met Young Master Situ, who was decent, and after hearing many stories about mirrors, did she believe that mirrors are magical things. Not only did she fall in love with looking in the mirror, she also fell in love with looking in the mirror in a daze.

   Situ said that he graduated from MIT, an authentic man in science and engineering, but he prefers music.

   Mo Yu also felt that he had cast the wrong tire and chose the wrong major.

  His voice is elegant and magnetic, his language is noble and humorous, his face is exquisite and sexy, and his every move is full of suave romance and intoxicating spring light.

   As soon as he appeared in the conservatory, he was fascinated by the girls here.

  Moyu is often pulled by his roommate Li Qian to participate in activities where Situ appears.

   Girls like to tell Situ the most bizarre stories they have ever heard, and Situ always uses his rigorous scientific knowledge and brilliant artistic sentiment to explain the mystery, which makes those girls fascinated by it.

   “Don’t believe the old man’s advice, the mirror is the most amazing thing in the world.” Situ said.

   “If two parallel mirrors are placed face to face, countless mirror images will appear in the mirror. This is a typical Drost effect. Do you know what the Drost effect is?”

   The girls are obviously more interested in ghost stories than mirrors, and they shook their heads.

   Situ said: “The Drost effect is a visual form of recursion, which means that a certain part of a picture is the same as the whole picture, which produces an infinite loop.”

“For example, I am holding a mobile phone in my hand, and there is a photo on the mobile phone screen, and this photo happened to be our current scene.” He took out the mobile phone and shook the screen to explain, “I’m holding the mobile phone. It’s the picture of me holding my phone and zooming in on this picture. The phone in my hand is still this picture in the picture, and it keeps looping indefinitely.”

   The girls seem to understand, but they still listen.

   “Let’s talk about mirrors now. You all know that mirrors reflect light. When you emit a beam of light perpendicular to the mirror surface, the light will be bounced back.”

   “If there are two parallel mirrors, we emit a beam of light between the two mirrors, and the light will bounce between the mirrors forever. Do you know what this means?”

   The girls shook their heads.

“This means that we have captured the light. We have trapped the light in the space created by two mirrors. In the entire universe, only black holes can trap light. For such a magical thing, we humans only use two mirrors. done.”

   “Wow—” The girls suddenly thought it was amazing.

   “But what’s the point of this? It’s only physicists to capture things.” A girl asked.

   “It’s not only for physicists, but this experiment is of greater significance to soulists. Because mirrors not only reflect visible light, they also reflect electromagnetic waves. In fact, it can reflect everything that exists in the form of waves.”

“You have to know that as long as people are alive, they will emit things like’waves’ all the time. Our bodies emit infrared rays, we emit brain waves when we think, and there are some energy that we can’t recognize until now. We These are collectively referred to as biological waves.”

   “And when we look in a mirror, we don’t actually need to take a second mirror, and the Delos effect has naturally formed.”

   “Because our eyes are a mirror.”

“When you stand in front of the mirror, there is you in the mirror, your pupils have a mirror, and you are in the mirror again, and so on. Our biological waves are bounced back by the mirror, and then bounced back by our eyeballs. The mirrors oscillated repeatedly.”

“The new biological waves that are constantly emitted from you will join this shaking process and gradually gather into a kind of energy. This kind of energy keeps increasing between you and the mirror. As long as the time is long enough, the energy will gather enough. , It will form a soul-like thing.”

“So, girls, you remember, UU reading www.uukanshu.com must not look in the mirror for too long, because over time, there will be an extra’person’ between you and the mirror.” Situ laughed He said, “Of course, you don’t need to be too scared, because the extra person is actually yourself.”

  The girls only found it interesting at this time, and they admired Situ’s talents more and more.

   “Then why, the legend is that it is twelve o’clock in the evening?” They always yearn for something more spiritual.

Situ said: “The legend is not unreasonable. In the middle of the night, the human spirit is easy to relax, and at this time, the soul energy is more likely to escape from you. At the same time, looking in the mirror in the middle of the night is easy to ignore the time. Unexpected things may happen.”

   The girls were all looking forward to Situ’s answer, but Situ stopped talking, just reminded: “If you look in the mirror for a long time at midnight, remember, don’t let the mirror break.”

   After that gathering, Mo Yu never saw Situ again. I heard that he went back to MIT to study for a master’s degree.

  The girls have become more curious about the mirror. Every time they meet, they ask each other: “Hey, did you look in the mirror last night?”

   It’s strange to say that since then, in the female dormitory building, I often heard the sound of broken glass and girls screaming in the middle of the night.

   Moyu occasionally looks in the mirror in the middle of the night. She paid special attention to her eyes, because the eyes and the mirror formed the Drost effect.

   After taking photos for a long time, she imagined whether there was a “person” between herself and the mirror?

   Although a bit creepy, she still couldn’t help being curious.

   Once in the middle of the night, she was looking in the mirror in the bathroom. A dark shadow appeared behind her in the mirror.

   When Mo Yu was about to turn around and look back, the mirror suddenly broke.

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