Dream of The Beginning

Ch. 55 Revelation of imminent battle

After a period of time, the door of Ryan's room was opened as Ryan soon walked out. If someone were to see him at this moment, they would definitely feel that his aura had considerably changed. 

The Divine Core from Tiamat had fused perfectly with him. 

In addition, through his connection with Ishtar, Ereshkigal, Raikou and Medusa, their Divinity also flowed within him. 

As such, his state of existence was already comparable to a deity. 

Even if Ryan were to face against his previous self who mastered level 6 of Frost Dragon King Arcane Art, he could have given his past self a run for his money. He would be able to stand his ground and fought many rounds with his past self without much trouble. 

However, despite his strong soul, it was his physique which seemed sub-par compared to his soul. 

Even so, it was merely a matter of time. 

His physique would also be gradually nourished over time by the Divine Core within him, making his physique closer to an actual deity's physical vessel. 

'And this isn't even my final form...' 

Small grin appeared on his face as he went toward the Command Center. 

Because, at this moment, loud alarms already rang across the entire faculty as Chaldea was slowly pulled into the final Singularity. 

Unlike the previous Singularities wherein the facility didn't have to enter the Singularity as a whole, now 'King Solomon' actually forced the entire space containing Chaldea to be pulled inside his Singularity. 

Romani Archaman and Da Vinci were overseeing the battle preparation in the Command Center. They both wore a grave look as they stared at the information of the final Singularity.

Fujimaru Ritsuka (Gudako) and Mash Kyrielight were staying on the side as they also stared at the final Singularity with heavy look.

When Romani and Da Vinci were discussing the methods to deal with the final Singularity, a voice suddenly reached out to both of them.

"How is the situation?"

Ryan had arrived silently behind them. He followed their gaze, looking at the information gathered on the monitor.

"Ryan? You have finally appeared! I have been waiting for a while."

"Ah, senpai...?"

Da Vinci and Gudako called out when they saw his presence.

Romani nodded slightly.

As for Mash, she subconsciously hugged Fou tighter when she saw Ryan. For some reason, she seemed a little afraid of him...

Da Vinci soon explained the details regarding the Final Singularity to Ryan.

As it would be, the final Singularity was located outside proper space-time axis. To be exact, it was at a timeless temple.

Though, for him who already knew even more information about it, Ryan only nodded slightly. 

"––so, that's the gist of it. Do you have a plan on how to deal with this Singularity?" Da Vinci ended her explanation as she looked deeply at Ryan.

"Plan? There is. However, first of all, where is 'it', Da Vinci?" Ryan asked as he reminded Da Vinci about the items which he asked her to make.

"Ah. Here you go. However, they don't have much defensive ability beside being able to change their appearance to the wearer's will, are you fine with that??" Da Vinci took out several shiny cards as she gave them to Ryan. 

"Thanks. I can make do with that." Ryan nodded. He took those shiny cards as he smiled slightly, 'So this is what the spiritron dress look like… hehe~ I can't wait for them to try these on.' 

He was a simple man. 

Imagining the ladies wearing their own spiritron dress was already enough to make Ryan feeling more motivated to beat the shit out of Beast I and be done with it quick. 

"Now, can you explain your plan, Capt. Ryan?" Da Vinci had a small grin on her face as she asked. 

"Well, first of all, do you already know who that fake king Solomon actually is?" Ryan replied. He took a particular glance at Romani as he smiled lightly. 

"He shouldn't be a fake. The fact that he could use King Solomon's Noble Phantasm means he is the real deal. However, if it's really King Solomon, he would never…" 

Romani stopped his words there as he looked back at Ryan. He seemed to feel that Ryan already knew his true identity since long ago. 

Ryan nodded. Then, he added, "That's correct. King Solomon never has a true wish when he was alive. It was only when he was incarnated as a Servant that he decided to have his own wish. 

"As for why I call that guy a fake, it's because he's a fake. Just like Kingu who used Enkidu's body as his vessel, so does this Beast who use King Solomon's body for their vessel." 

Romani Archaman sighed slightly. Even if he had guessed about it, but the truth still felt shocking to him. 

"…you already know about its true identity?" Da Vinci probed cautiously. 

Ryan grinned, "Yeah. He is the reason I am here; after all, he is my prey. 

"That fake King Solomon is Beast I. They are the legacy King Solomon left behind which was supposed to watch over and guard the continuation of humanity; Goetia. Yet, they abandoned their duty and seek a 'perfect' world without death. 

"They incinerated humanity merely because they needed the energy gathered from all sapient beings across the eras to let them travel back in time, to the moment when this planet was born; they wish to rewrite the Book of Genesis." 

Silence reigned among them as Ryan was talking. 

At this moment, Da Vinci felt that Ryan's existence was an even greater mystery. 

The fact that even someone like that 'King Solomon' who wished to rewrite the Book of Genesis was merely a prey to him… just what kind of terrible being Ryan was then? 

Various thoughts filled Da Vinci's mind. For a moment there, she felt more terrified of Ryan than Beast I. 

"But, you have the means to deal with him, right, Senpai?" Gudako asked. Her face had an unusual firmness as she looked at Ryan. 

No matter how much Ryan made Beast I as a frightening entity, to her, it didn't matter. 

The fact that his expression didn't change the slightest when he told of Beast I's nature meant that Ryan was confident in his abilities to deal with Beast I. 

In fact, the stronger he was, the greater their chance to deal with this Final Singularity. Moreover, rather than Beast I who have incinerated humanity, she rather chose to trust Ryan. 

Ryan looked back at Gudako, smiling, "Of course. In fact, there is an easy way to kill him, though someone has to sacrifice himself to sever that Beast's immortality. But, are you really willing to let him do that?" 

He stared at Romani Archaman before he turned back to Gudako. 

"Dr. Romani? Why does he need to…?" 

For the first time, her determined face seemed to have wavered. She understood the implying meaning behind Ryan's words. 

That Romani was somehow related to that 'King Solomon', and he was one of the key points in clearing this Final Singularity… 

When she tried to look for an answer from Romani, he slightly averted his gaze from hers. He seemed wanting to say something to Gudako and Mash, yet he then closed his mouth. 

"Um, Dr. Roman…??" Mash appeared hesitant as she looked at Romani. 

In the end, Romani only said, "…I am sorry for not telling you two sooner." 

Then, he turned to look at Ryan, "As I thought. You already know about my identity. If it is really as you said, and if my death is required to end this madness, then I shall oblige." 

Ryan was feeling quite intrigued when he saw the look on Gudako's eyes and Romani's back there. He sensed that there was something more than a simple friendship between them. 

'These two… don't tell me that they're an item? This is getting interesting. Hehe~' Ryan thought quietly. 

 "When did I say that I need your sacrifice? I only said that it's merely the easiest option. With me here, you can forget about choosing that cowardly choice, Romani Archaman." He smiled strangely. 

Even if Ryan was not here, they could still deal with Beast I all on their own, though with some sacrifices on their part. 

They were the main characters of this world after all. 

Meanwhile he was an extra; a foreign element that stumbled upon this world by chance. 

His existence itself already tilted the balance of the world and thwarted the line of destiny. 

If so, what's wrong with him to wreak even more havoc in this world? 

For his last stay in this world (temporarily), he wanted to go with a bang! 

"As for the second option, which we will do, is that I will lead this assault.  

"Ritsuka, you should try to summon Jeanne d'Arc the moment we arrive in this Singularity. She would know what to do. And, believe in the bonds you have made throughout those Singularities." 

Gudako nodded. 

"Mash… you can support Ritsuka like you always do. The spiritual shield of Camelot won't be broken as long as your faith and will remain firm. 

"Still, don't overexert yourself too much. Otherwise, you'd just accelerate your death." 

Mash flinched slightly, but her countenance quickly became firm again. Even if she were to sacrifice herself, as long as she could protect those dear to her… 

When Ryan saw the resolve to sacrifice herself in her eyes, he was indifferent. 

He thought, 'Well, even if you want to die, it won't be easy with me around. I can resurrect you as many times as I want, Mash.' 

"As for you, Da Vinci, just do the usual support to Ritsuka and Mash. Though, since this is a special case, please go plus ultra. 

"In case of severe emergency, cut off the supply to other facilities beside this Command Center and keep the mana supply stable for Ritsuka. 

"And make sure to watch over Romani, lest he does some silly things like sacrificing himself. 

"The enemy isn't only Goetia. He could have been a great help for your future enemies." 


Romani Archaman scratched his head as he groaned slightly when Ryan specially mentioned him. 

However, Romani soon frowned. 

From Ryan's words, he realized that even if they might have been able to win back their future this time, it would still be filled with uncertainties. 

If Ryan even advised for him to stay, then, were the enemies in the future on par with Goetia? 

An enemy comparable to a Beast... It would be another Beast! 

"Don't tell me... is it really another Beast?" Romani looked at Ryan in dismay. 

He wished that Ryan would deny his guess, but, Ryan merely nodded instead. He affirmed his guess, much to his fear. 

"Well, that's only a matter for the future. If you don't defeat Goetia, you won't get to meet those troubles. 

"Even then, would you stop here and accept Goetia's plan, or would you strive for your future despite those perilous challenges?" 

Ryan asked as he looked deeply at the four of them. 

Romani sighed. He already had the answer even if Ryan didn't ask him. 

Da Vinci smiled lightly. 

Ritsuka and Mash both had firm eyes, and bright smile as they said, "Of course, we will fight with everything we get!" 

Ryan smiled faintly at these two girls' determination, "Good. Then, don't expect a good and smooth ride on your next journey..." 

Then, 'Ryan' explained about what he knew of the next crises Chaldea might encounter in the future. 

Outside the Command Center, 

Ryan was already walking away. At some point, he already switched himself with a doppelganger. 

"You sure like to toy with people, young man." 

A white-haired middle-aged man was waiting for him in the corridor. 

"How so? Anyway, have you had enough sightseeing, Marisbury?" 

Marisbury chuckled slightly, saying, "Even if I say no, you will still send me back, won't you?" 

"That's right. It's time for you to return." Ryan nodded as though it's a matter of fact. 

Marisbury staying in this worldline for prolonged time was quite risky in his opinion. 

It was fine for a short time, however a prolonged stay was inadvisable in the long run. 

Marisbury laughed lightly when he heard Ryan's clear-cut answer. 

For him to stay longer in this worldline would indeed become an anomaly. After all, he was supposed to have died in this world. 

At this time, he really felt that Ryan was quite a maverick. 

Some times Ryan could be acting like a perverted fool, while at other times he would act in prudence and caution like a seasoned magi. 

At this moment, Ryan already slashed the space in front of them as a black portal. He gestured toward Marisbury, saying, "Have a safe return trip, Marisbury." 

Marisbury soon stepped into the black portal. However, before his figure fully entered the portal, he wanted to clear his curiosity for the last time, 

"Young man, mind answering my last question?" 

"Oh. I guess this is a separation for us. Go ahead then, I will answer it if it's within my capacity." 

"...back then, why did you write that book about this worldline? And, who are you truly?" 

Ryan was not someone from this Grand Order worldline. That much Marisbury was certain. 

However, he was also not someone from Marisbury's original worldline. That information was verified by the Observatory of Clock Tower. 

Yet, despite that, Ryan was still able to know the events about both worldline as though it was a common knowledge for him. 

That was the source of Marisbury's curiosity; the enigma regarding Ryan's origin. 

"Ah, that book... That was merely a bait. I bet that the people concerned with the information contained within would approach me; either by soft or hard tactic." 

With his mastery of level 6 Frost Dragon King Arcane Art at that time, honestly, he was confident he could deal with anyone who might be after him. 

He was lusting for a battle back there... 

"It was just a matter of etiquette. I couldn't just go to your door and pick a fight, right? So, I set up that bait to invite you to me. And my bet turned right, you really sent someone to go after me." 

Ryan smiled lightly as he reminisced about it. He felt glad that he did it. 

Because, he got to meet Yu Miaoyi through that incident back then. Kekeke~ 

Marisbury appeared surprised slightly. He muttered to himself as he disappeared into the black portal, "...damn fox..." 

After he sent of Marisbury, Ryan turned around. He was going to enter the Final Singularity ahead of Chaldea's group. 

At this time, someone appeared beside him. 

She whispered softly, "...are you sure? My immortality may be useless in this Singularity." 

Since Solomon's Timeless Temple was located outside the space-time axis, it was also out of Gaia's touch. As such, Yu Miaoyi would be unable to properly utilize her immortality trait. 

And since Ryan often relied on it, she was quite concerned about his upcoming battle this time. 

"Don't worry too much. I already find a way to deal with his Noble Phantasm." Ryan spoke calmly. His eyes held a clear confidence as he assured Yu Miaoyi. 

"You are still as reckless as ever... but, since you said so... So be it. If the worst happened, I shall accompany you in death." Yu Miaoyi spoke softly as her lips curled upward a little. 

To her, this situation was almost like the time when Ryan went to fight with his future self back then. 

The tension and the threat of death were apparent to feel. 

At this time, several ladies appeared behind Ryan. They stayed along with Yu Miaoyi, looking at Ryan. 

Ryan smiled, "Well, everyone is already here. Let's give the Chaldea of this worldline a gift; let's beat up Goetia, ladies!" 

. . . 

At same time, 

At 'his' supreme seat in the Timeless Temple, 

'King Solomon' suddenly looked toward the black sky. 

His profound gaze seemed to penetrate through space and time as he locked his gaze on the intruder of his Singularity. 

"You really do come...

"Even for that being calling itself Alien God, they are still the resident of this world. 

"However, YOU are different. 

"You, the guest who arrived from a completely different world, are the Star bearing vestige of the End. 

"You, who reject the End, are also the one who most desire an End. 

"Truly... laughable and pitiful. 

"For you who reject my Beginning, and for me who abhor your End, there is no other way than fight for our supremacy! 

"Welcome to my world, Beast VII; the Extraterrestrial Demon!" 

At this moment, Ryan was unlike his previous self. 

He already used [Demon King Transformation]. 

With this transformation, Ryan's entire figure turned pale white, and he was draped in black and red raiment. 

There were three dark holes on his chest which continuously absorbed mana from the world, and spewed dark corrosive mana in return. 

Behind Ryan, a dark circle comprising of All the World's Evil became his crown. 

The Divinity inside him manifested through his eyes as it turned into a golden hue around his purple pupil.  

As he descended toward the Timeless Temple, his gaze met with the Goetia's gaze. 

Ryan grinned, "Sorry to keep you waiting, let's settle this fast, alright?" 


* * * 

Alternative Title: 

"Bait?"; "Extraterrestrial Demon!"

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