Dream Infinite: A Multiverse Adventure

Chapter 35-36: Brazen and Passion

[Day 2]

Asahi carefully entered the bus, carrying the unconscious Saya in princess style in his arms. Everyone showed a different reaction to Saya’s explosive demolition of Shido and the horde on his trail.

The new students wore expressions of sheer terror, their eyes wide as they stared at Saya. Their fear was quite understandable, given they had just witnessed the pink-haired girl incinerate dozens of undead with an attack out of fiction.

The most intriguing reaction was from none other than Komuro’s childhood crush, Rei Miyamoto. Her pretty face displayed a complicated expression, no doubt because of her crazy history with Shido. For the past few years, Shido had cruelly tormented Rei and her father. It all started when her police officer father began investigating Shido’s prominent politician father for corruption.

The father of a scumbag like Shido was naturally an even bigger scumbag.

In order to cease the investigations, Shido was ordered by father to hold Rei back for one year.

Ever since then, Rei held a grudge against Shido, and this grudge was the very reason for her falling apart with Komuro.

Despite the animosity Rei clearly harbored for Shido, Asahi noted a distinct lack of satisfaction or relief in her troubled brown eyes.

‘She’s still just a naïve child at heart,’ Asahi thought to himself. ‘The realities of death are too far-fetched of a topic for her.’

(My dear beloved, you’re the same age as her… you’re just too mature for your age.)

‘What trauma and tragedy do to a man.’

(Hmm. I just recalled a quote that fits Rei perfectly… The purpose of revenge is not to feel better, but to get even. But getting even never makes us feel better… Don’t you think the wisdom of our race can be astounding?)

‘Our race? Oh, I forget you’re also a high human.’

(Y-Yeah, I’m so happy you remember.)

‘Of course I do.’

With utmost gentleness, he let Saya down on a passenger seat, carefully positioning her to lean comfortably against the window. “Shi—”

“What the hell was that?” Komuro asked as he strode up to Asahi with a baffled look. “It was cool and all but how did she pull that off without elemental energy?”

“I’m afraid I have no answers,” Asahi responded with a troubled expression. “Shiori, come here.”

“Coming!” Shiori enthusiastically walked inside the bus. “Speak, Mortal. What doth thou desire from me?”

He couldn’t help but crack a smile. Everyone was freaking out over Saya’s Vision, yet this bubbly girl wanted to roleplay as a goddess. “Can my benevolent goddess look after Saya?”

“Hardly an effort for one as divine as me,” Shiori said with a giggle. “All jokes aside, what’s your take on what happened with Saya? Do you think it’s the same as Kyoko-sensei’s possession?”

“Possibly,” he replied with a serious frown. “But the chances are slim. It could be the manifestation of a long-suppressed aspect of Saya’s true personality.”

Shiori tilted her head quizzically. “Brash, moody, and cold. Yeah, I can kind of imagine our sharp-tongued friend burying her true self behind a bratty mask. Speaking of repressed personalities, Saeko, darling, c’mere for a moment!”

Saeko looked startled, her eyes widening at her sister’s unexpected summon. “W-What do you need?”


Saeko tucked a strand of purple hair behind her ear — a behavior Saeko exhibited at times of nervousness. She was rattled by the possibility of her suppressed violent personality being revealed to Asahi and being condemned by him — Saeko cared about her image in front of a boy, which had never happened before.

“All according to plan,” Shiori whispered and sharply adjusted her glasses. “Sis, you are always reading those weird philosophy books. Give us some insight into Saya’s condition.”

Saeko exhaled a shaky sigh of relief, her shoulders losing some of their tension. “Extreme and prolonged stress could trigger such a dramatic shift.”

“Prolonged history of stress?” Shiori glanced over at Saya with a frown. “What stress could our kohai princess possibly have?”

Saeko flicked her insensitive sister’s forehead. “Shiori, don’t be so dismissive. Everyone has their own struggle. We know nothing about Saya to judge her.”

(My love does.)


Asahi placed a hand on Shiori’s shoulder. “Let’s just ask directly when she wakes up.”

“Heh. Good luck getting anything out of our tsundere darling—”

“We don’t have to wait,” Miku declared, finally mustering the courage to insert herself into Asahi’s conversation. With a haughty toss of her orange-brown hair, she thrust an accusing finger at Saya’s face. “This girl viciously killed Shido-sensei… I don’t want to share the same bus as this freak.”

Bluntly and mockingly, Miku shared her stance on Saya. It was abundantly clear that Miku was not only terrified of Saya but also consumed with jealousy over the fact that Saya awakened power.

When this toxic blend of emotions coupled with Saya robbing Miku of Shido — the charismatic man who had guided her safely out of the academy — became enough to justify killing Saya in her eyes.

“Yes, we don’t want that psycho freak!” a shrill female voice rang out.

“She will kill us too!” a panicked male student added.

“We gotta get rid of her for Shido-sensei!” another girl chimed in, her voice trembling with fear. Though the fear didn’t stop her from misplacing righteousness.

Miku’s smug grin widened as she basked in the chorus of supportive voices rising from the frightened students. Men and women alike stared at Saya’s unconscious form with revulsion, as if she were a monster rather than a teenage girl. 

Encouraged by everyone’s backing, Miku turned to Asahi with a confident look. “Please, for everyone’s safety, you must make her leave.”

Asahi stepped forward, his tall, muscular frame looming imposingly over Miku’s comparatively small stature. “Can you say that again?”

Miku placed her hands on her hips, tilting her chin up defiantly to meet Asahi’s gaze. “The Quiet Prince is so tall that he can’t hear us peasants. Isn’t that right?”

Asahi’s brow twitched. “Look, dumbass. The only reason I allowed you on the bus is because my Nee-san has always taught me to treat others with kindness and compassion. But your demand is stretching my goodwill to its breaking point.”

[–Shizuka Marikawa: Affection +7]

Miku’s eyes flashed with indignant rage. “How dare you speak to me like that, you arrogant—”

Her ballistic shouting was abruptly cut short as Asahi’s hand cracked across her face with a resounding slap. The force of the blow sent Miku spinning, her body crumpling to the bus floor. She stared up at Asahi in shock, her eyes wide and watering, a livid red handprint on her porcelain cheek.

“Y-You… you hit me…” she stuttered, shaking in fear. “Everyone, this man—”

Asahi drew his ax and imbued it with magical energy. “You either be quiet and enjoy the ride, or you take your man whores and get the fuck out of my bus. Give me a nod if you understand.”

She, along with every other student, hurriedly nodded their heads like a terrified duck.

“Good.” He raised his gaze to the students, who returned to their seats and acted as if they weren’t just ready to jump on him together. “Listen to me and listen carefully. If any of you even think about pulling that stunt again, I won’t hesitate to paint my ax with your blood. You guys are dead weight in my eyes, anyway.”

A suffocating silence fell over the bus, the students barely daring to breathe under the weight of Asahi’s warning.

“Now that’s settled, anyone has questions for me? Don’t be shy, kiddos.”

“I do!” A feminine voice piped up. “I’m really worried about my family.”

“Can you help us reach the police station, please?”

Asahi’s gaze fell on the two girls seated on the right side of the bus. The first was a bespectacled beauty with dark blue hair framing her cute face. Beside her sat an equally cute redhead with tanned skin.

He recognized the pair instantly — the bisexual duo of Shido’s group from the original series.

“All armed forces are currently busy containing the outbreak. We can only pray to god that everyone’s family finds some safe place to hide from these creatures.”

The girls’ faces fell, but they nodded in understanding.

“Well, anything else?”

“I have a question!” Miku raised her hand enthusiastically as she got up from the ground, giving him a sultry look. Without the red mark on her face, he’d have forgotten that she got sat down for throwing a fit in his bus. “Hey, Marikawa-kun. Are you, by any chance, single?”

Asahi barely refrained from rolling his eyes at her shamelessness. “For a slut like you, I won’t ever be single.”

Miku recoiled as if slapped a second time, her pretty mouth falling open in shock. The sexiest student in Fujimi High Academy was shot down for the first time in her life. The rejection had to sting.

Asahi was aware of his own hypocrisy in denying Miku’s advances, as he himself used to be pretty much a fuckboy. Right now, he cares about both personality and appearance in his love interests. Although Miku nailed the looks part, her personality was one-dimensionally about blinking coquettishly and revealing her cleavage to wrap men around her fingers.

There were even rumors of her sleeping with teachers and janitors.

He absolutely refused to add such a girl to his family.

“Ouch, someone give ice to the poor lady,” Shiori shouted merrily from her seat. “I mean, her pretty face is not so pretty after that bruise.”

Asahi smiled. “Alright, everyone can go back to whatever the fuck you were doing before. This Q&A session is over.”

Turning his back on Miku, he walked to the front of the bus, where Shizuka sat behind the wheel, her beautiful face covered in sweat from concentrating too hard. Beside her, Kyoko sat silently, her eyes at the front but her ears completely focused on him.

Noticing his approach, Kyoko crossed her arms under her ample bosom. “I’m impressed by how you bullied the bully girl. Even adults would have crumbled under the pressure of her mob tactics.”

“How can I protect Nee-san if I can’t handle a bunch of spoiled brats?”

[–Shizuka Marikawa: Affection +1]

“You shouldn’t just focus on Shizuka, you know,” Kyoko purred, her red lips pursed into a cute pout. “I’m also a frail and helpless woman… be kind to me as well.”

“Sure, I’ll protect you as long as you are with us.”

[–Kyoko Hayashi: Affection +11]

His casual, confident response earned him a significant boost in Kyoko’s affection, the points jumping by nearly a quarter of her current total.

She nodded, giving a small but appreciative smile. “Thanks. I’ll also do my best to help you with anything.”

After a bit more conversation, Kyoko exited the front of the bus, allowing Asahi to claim the seat beside his beloved sister. He found his gaze irresistibly drawn to the mesmerizing sight of her huge breasts bouncing with every turn of the steering wheel.

In that moment, only he could appreciate the divine sight.

‘God, she is so breathtaking. I want to take her now.’

(Take her where, young man? I, Klyscha, as a representative of the multiverse bureau of airhead sister protection, demand to know your intentions toward your older sibling!)

‘I want to take her hand in mine and hold it.’

(L-Lewd! We strictly forbid such scandalous behavior!)

‘What can you do to stop me from holding Nee-san’s hand?’

(W-We will dispatch Nemesis to stop you!)

‘I’ll kill it and intertwine my fingers with Nee-san’s, savoring her warm skin against mine.’


Lost in a pointless conversation with Klyscha, Asahi failed to notice the quick glance Shizuka shot at him before returning her focus to the road. “Aa-kun, what’s with that foolish grin on your face?”

“If admiring my beautiful nee-san makes me a fool, then I might be the biggest fool in the world.”

[–Shizuka Marikawa: Affection +5]

“Mou, don’t sweet-talk your older sister,” she gently scolded him, but the curled corners of her mouth gave away her bursting happiness. “Flattery won’t get you anywhere.”

“But I only told the truth. Nee-san is the prettiest woman in the world.”

[–Shizuka Marikawa: Affection +4]

Shizuka’s grasp on the steering nearly loosened. “Aa-kun, stop it. Let me drive in peace.”

“Sure. I’ll stay here and watch out for any strong undead.”

After a while, Shizuka turned to him. “Aa-kun, can you hand me a hanky? This sweat on my brow is distracting.”

He got off the seat and wiped Shizuka’s face, making sure to never block her vision. 

[–Shizuka Marikawa: Affection +2]

“Thanks, Aa-kun.”

“Nee-san, I know you are nervous about our parents and Rika. Let’s drive to her condo first.”

“But Rika is on her duty at the airport.”

“There is no harm in double-checking. Besides, her place is perfect to spend the night..”

Shizuka nodded, convinced by his logical explanations. “What about Miyamoto and Takashi’s parents?”

“Nee-san’s wishes will always come first for me.”


[–Shizuka Marikawa: Affection +3]

Their tender moment was interrupted by the sound of screeching tires. Brother and sister snapped their gazes forward, eyes widening in horror at the sight of a bus speeding directly toward them, its blood-splattered windows a clue for the gruesome feast taking place inside.

Through the bloody windshield, Asahi caught a glimpse of the driver’s pale face. The poor man seemed to be filtering out the noise, hoping everything was just in his end. Denying reality didn’t end well for the bus driver as an undead grasped him from behind and dug into his fleshy neck.

“Nee-san, snap out of it!” Asahi shouted, squeezing Shizuka’s shoulder with urgency. “Swerve.”

Shizuka drew a shuddering breath, dragging the steering wheel hard to the right. The bus slipped wildly, its metal frame scraping against the guardrail.

The speeding bus smashed into a blue car on the road before turning and smashing multiple cars. One by one, the vehicles burst into flames, the wreckage blocking the entire road.

Shizuka trembled as she observed the aftermath of the accident. “W-We could’ve died…”

The gravity of her responsibility as the bus driver seemed to crash down upon the buxom blonde. Her momentary freeze could’ve killed everyone on the bus, her beloved little brother included.

Kyoko and everyone else hurriedly approached Asahi and Shizuka. He flashed them an assuring look, gesturing them to go back to their seats. Everyone followed his order except for Kyoko.

“She can’t drive in this state,” Kyoko bluntly pointed out. “Let me take over.”

“I-I’m sorry, Aa-kun…”

“Don’t worry.” Asahi took off Shizuka’s safety belt and pulled her to her feet. “Kyoko can drive.”

“Where are we headed then, Asahi?”

Asahi swiftly relayed the directions to Rika’s condo, which, thankfully, wasn’t too far from their current location.

As Kyoko confidently took control of the bus, Asahi led an unsteady Shizuka to a nearby passenger seat, settling beside her and engaging her in light conversation to help calm her nerves. She was so comfortable by his side that she ended up falling asleep in her seat.

After running around under the terror of ravenous creatures had drained both her body and spirit.

He gently guided her head to rest comfortably against his shoulder.

[–Saeko Busujima: Affection +5]

[–Shiori Busujima: Affection +5]

Glancing up, he found himself to be the focus of the Busujima twins’ warm gazes. Saeko hastily averted her eyes, a slight blush staining her pale cheeks at having been caught staring at him. Shiori, in contrast, flashed him a playful wink and waved back at him, utterly brazen in her appreciation for her kohai.

“Asahi, come here,” Kyoko called out. “The road ahead is blocked.”

Heaving a resigned sigh, Asahi carefully shifted Shizuka. It was too optimistic of him to believe they would reach Rika’s place with no trouble.

Joining Kyoko at the front of the bus, Asahi peered through the windshield. The true face of humanity came into his view.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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