DRAGONS REBORN: The Era After SI (GOT story)

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

The battle that would go on to occur at Grey Gallows would mark a major milestone in the Targaryen empire, for it would bring an end to a near century-long conflict that had plagued the seven Kingdoms, The Backfire Rebellion. The conflict that had begun with the debauchery of King Aegon IV would finally come to an end.

King Rhaegar would enter the battle on his dragon. The roar of which would signal the start of the battle. Five thousand heavy cavalry would charge at the ranks of the Blackfyre forces, while the Rhaegar would stride over the battlefield atop his dragon and douse the opposing forces in its flames.

Yet soon, an old enemy shall resurface. Just as the Blackfyre cause seemed absolutely lost, an armada would break through the right flank of the Royal Army, cutting through the Royal ships in what is even regarded these days as the Drowned God's last Roar. Euron Greyjoy and his fleet would cut through the royal army's ships and enter the battlefield with three thousand men and a very special instrument.

A dragon horn, a relic of Old Valyria, used to control dragons. The mystery of how Euron Greyjoy got the said object is debated even today, and many believe it to be nothing but divine intervention, a sort of revenge from the Drowned God.

Yet no matter as the exiled Greyjoy would blow on the magical horn, the dragon of King Rhaegar would rebel against its rider and come crashing down on the battlefield. And at that moment, many thought the King was dead, Gods would take mercy on the Royal family, and the King would stand up, injured and bruised yet alive.

The dragon would rampage, struggling to escape from the effect of the horn, and in desperation, would take to the skies, eluding the control of the horn, and upon seeing the flag bearer of the Royal army stranded, the leader of the rebellion would rush at him, lance in hand hoping to emerge victorious by bringing down yet another King.


ARTHUR DAYNE-The Sword of the Morning

The Commander of the Whitecloaks's horse jumped off the massive ships. The black warhorse was larger than any other in the army, a special breed specifically for the White Cloaks and the Royal army. However, in this instant, the King was in no need of his remarkable steed.

Jamie Lannister followed him, clad in armor that held more gold in its plates than many Noble Houses held in their treasuries. However, thankfully, the armor was well forged and wasn't just pointless ostentation.

Both of them rode through the rows and rows of army men. The men separated as they made way for them, as they moved to the front.

"Where is he?" questioned the Lannister heir, and Arthur was asking himself the same question as he glanced at the army assembled opposite them. They had already forced them to exhaust their long-range weaponry, and now the only thing left was to put an end to this whole ordeal once and for all.

The cavalry assembled behind him as their ships laid siege to the whole island, hence trapping the Blackfyre forces on this island.

"He will be here," Arthur said, hoping that his words would be true, and his eyes narrowed as he saw the commander of the opposing force step out. His black-colored armor distinguished him from the rest of the Golden army with their golden armor.

The flag he held in his hands resembled the one held by his squire, a three-headed black dragon on a red field. Opposite in coloring to the one he held in his hands.

"That's him, Daemon Blackfyre," uttered Jamie Lannister from the side, and Arthur nodded as he glanced back at the army and gave an order to the men.

"MEN! WEAPONS UP!" he shouted, and the cavalry men picked up their lances as they stepped forward, and they waited for the signal from their King.

And then it happened, he came. A deep rumble shook the very air, and he looked up and found a small dot right above them, growing bigger with each passing second. His heart began to beat rapidly as he saw the dot begin to take shape with every passing second, and pulled down his visor as he shouted the order.

"CHARGEEEE!" and then the very ground shook as the cavalry rushed past him; the gallop of their horses made the very island shake, and he looked up. The shadowy figure appeared above them and opened its wings, casting a massive shadow over them all as it flew past him, its massive roar making his heart shrivel up.

"It's really a dragon! I can't believe it!" uttered Jamie Lannister, and they watched as the Dragon flew over the cavalry. Their enemy aimed a storm of arrows at the cavalry, and the flying beast simply flew over and then he watched as the beast opened its maw and spewed a massive firestorm at the ranks of the Golden Company, just as their cavalry was about to crash into them.

The cavalry smashed through the ranks of the Golden Company as Rhaegar simply flew up and began to circle back to attack again, yet for some reason, Arthur could not get rid of a sense of foreboding.

"We need to join them. The cavalry has broken through their ranks," Jamie said, and Arthur narrowed his eyes and looked at the cavalry ripping through the ranks of the Golden Company.


"Look there!" suddenly, he heard someone shout and looked to the side, and his eyes widened as he saw a ship sail through one of their ships. Its black sails and coloring and the sigil embroidered into its sail told him in an instant just who it was.

Silence, the signature ship of perhaps the most feared pirate in the entire region. A man who was feared all over the world for his prowess on the sea. A man thought to have no equal in affairs of sea fairing said to be blessed by the Drowned God himself.

Euron Greyjoy.

"They have broken through the blockade!" shouted Jamie as they watched the ships crash into shore, as men jumped out of them. He picked up a far eye and saw the man himself step into the battlefield.

A black patch covered one of his eye, giving him the name Corw's eye. His black hair flowed easily, and his blue lips gave him an ominous look. Yet for some reason Arthur couldn't look away from the man's blue eyes that seemed to be glinting.

And then he saw the man take out something from a box. And for some reason, dread pooled in his heart as he saw just where the man was looking.

"Jamie, take half the men and reinforce the cavalry. I will take the rest and stop these new men from interfering in the battle!" he commanded the Lannister heir, who nodded and immediately had half the men march towards the Golden Company.

Arthur himself pulled on the reins of his horse.

"MEN! WITH ME!!" he shouted as the men began their march, and they rushed to intercept these new men. Throughout this whole ordeal, Euron Greyjoy hadn't moved a single step and had continued to stare at King Rhaegar and his dragon with those glinting ominous gaze.

He finally saw exactly what he had taken out of the box and stilled as he realized just what it might be. Arthur, much like the other children of the Seven Kingdoms, had grown up fascinated by the magical beasts that had allowed the Targaryens to conquer the Seven Kingdoms.

"Archers! LOOSE!" he shouted, hoping to stop the bastard from using the object he held in his hand. The archers followed his command and let loose a storm of arrows.

Yet it felt like the very Gods were against them, as a massive gust of wind made most of them miss the enemy forces, much to his anger. He looked at his squire by his side and shouted.

"SPEAR!" the squire was quick to respond and handed him a spear without question, which he tucked under his arm.

"AGAIN! DON'T STOP!" he shouted at the archers as he pulled on the reins of his horse and pulled his legs, making it go faster.

"COMMANDER!" his men shouted from behind, yet he pulled down his visor and took out a spear from one of his men, and just as he was about to crash into Euron's men, he pulled on the reins, and his horse jumped up, galloping over a few men as he jumped up and threw the spear with all his might.

"AGHHHH!" however, not before a screeching noise interrupted the whole battlefield.





The screeching noise made Jamie Lannister frown as he tried to look at the source of this screeching sound as he cut down another of the men of the Golden Company.

Yet, as he looked around, his eyes widened as he saw the Dragon screech once more. Its voice felt pained as if the sound was hurting him. And he saw the dragon nearly curl upon itself as it stopped flapping its wings and began an erratic descent into the ground.

"SCREEECH!" its pained growl hurt his ear as he dodged the blade of another company solider, as the massive beast fell on the battlefield, right into enemy territory much to his consternation.

"Rhaegar!" he gasped, as he cut down the man, as he pushed his sword through the gap between his helmet and chest plate.

"Gugg!" the man fell to the floor, and he watched as the dragon thrashed into the ground, and he ground his teeth, as he pulled on the reins of his white steed.

"MEN! TO THE KING!" he roared, and the men roared at his command as he pushed his warhorse through hoards and hoards of company men as the army followed his lead and tried to make way towards their King.

And then, suddenly, the screeching sound of the horn stopped, and the massive beast waved its head as it opened its maw and he recognized that ominous glow coming out of its maw and pulled the reins of his horse, making it halt.

"ROARRR!" the massive beast spewed a massive torrent of flame, which nearly reached him and his men, before it once more opened its wings once again, and roared loudly, shaking the very ground, before it took to the skies once again, yet Jamie didn't miss the empty saddle as it flew right above him.

Dread pooled in his heart, and he gripped his sword tightly as he pushed through the men, heading straight where the dragon had crashed, as he prayed to the Sevens above to listen to him. His horse neighed in agony as an arrow pierced through its armor, and then another yet he didn't stop for he was just near the end of the throng of men and then suddenly it happened and he his horse tripped and he was thrown out of it, and was sent rolling onto the ground.

"ARGH!" he grunted in pain, and his body was in pain, yet he pushed himself up despite the pain and looked up, and his eyes widened as he saw the scene in front of him. Metal clashed against metal as two men clad in similar black armor fought with each other.




Euron smiled as he felt the winds at his back, shift the barrage of arrows away from him and his men and picked up the dragon horn his God had made him retrieve. He blew upon the horn, and a massive screeching noise came out, and he smiled as he saw the Dragon screech in agony as it began to fall to the ground.

He continued to blow on the horn, as the arrows kept falling at his side, the very wind seemed to be protecting him, and he could feel it speaking to him as it pushed for him to use the horn.

The dragon crashed into the ground, with a screeching roar, right in the middle of the Golden Company's men. He didn't miss, Blackfyre rushing towards where the dragon had fallen, and then his senses shifted as he heard a loud grunt.

"AGHHH!" he heard and turned towards the source and stilled as he saw a spearheading straight at him. Yet before he could move, the spear hit the horn in his hand, breaking it.

"AGHH!" he grunted in pain and watched as a man clad in silver fell to the ground. His armor glistened in the light, and as his men rushed towards him, the man took out his sword and cut the two men like they were nothing before he saw his eyes land into him.

The sword glistened in the Sun, a rising sun inscribed into its pommel, symbolic given its name. Daw, the sword forged from a fallen star, it was the ancestral sword of House Dayne, and was wielded by perhaps one of the deadliest knights of the seven Kingdoms.

Arthur Dayne.

"ARGHHH!" his men grunted in pain as the famous Sword of the Morning ripped through his men, his blade nothing but a blur as he rushed towards him. Euron's flushed in rage as he reached for his battle axe and shouted.

"Leave him! I shall deal with the dragon's pet myself!" he roared and broke into a stride as he rushed towards the Commander of the Kingsguard, cutting down those of his men who stood on his path as he jumped and brought down the axe with all his might.



Yet the bastard blocked his attack, meeting the edge of his axe with his sword. Euron stared into the man's eyes and smiled.

"Arthur Dayne, shouldn't you be with your King," he spoke as the man parried his strike and tried to cut off his neck.

"Hahaahaa," Euron laughed as he ducked under the strike and aimed a kick at man's torso, yet the bastard jumped back. But he didn't relent and swung his axe once more, yet the bastard parried his strike once again, and then before he could bring up his axe, the bastard swung his sword at his face.

The strike hit his helmet, pushing him back, and then he took the opportunity and unleashed a flurry of strikes at him.

Euron gritted his teeth as he dodged the strikes, as he felt blood dripping from his face, and then he roared as he parried one of the strikes to the right and pushed forward, and hit the man with his helmet.

"AHHHHH!" he shouted as the Sword of the Morning was pushed back, and Euron pushed forward, and began to swing his axe trying to cut off the bastard's head, yet the man blocked his strikes.



Metal clashed against metal until suddenly he saw those amethyst orbs glint as the man suddenly took a step back, and the blade moved as a blur, and he heard his axe fall before he could react, and then he felt a searing pain as he looked down and found red stub in place of his hand.


"ARGHH!" he screamed in pain and tried to jump back, yet the man was a flurry of activity and then before he could react, he felt his vision shift as the whole world began to turn, and then he felt his head lighten as the last thing he saw was the man's feet before suddenly it all went black.


Back in the main encampment of the rebellion forces, a woman sat on a chair, dried tears on her cheeks, as she slowly wrote with a quill on a piece of parchment as the sound of a crying babe filled the tent.

In the end, she stood up and walked up to the child crying in his cot at the side of the tent and placed what she had written in it as she reached for the child and chewed her lips.

"Forgive me, Haegon!" and with that, she gave the child a loving kiss as tears dripped down her face.


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Have fun reading!

And a bit belated Happy Thanksgiving!

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