DRAGONS REBORN: The Era After SI (GOT story)

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Benjen Stark was the first Stark ever to be named a Kingsguard. His choice was another surprise, yet King Aerys wanted to bring the eternally estranged and isolated Kingdom of the North closer to the rest of Westeros. Benjen Stark, the third son of Lord Rickard Stark, would serve as a page to Lord Tarly and then would join the Kingsguard later. His most prominent reason for fame would not be his sword or lance skill, for he was mediocre at it compared to his other brethren of the Kingsguard.

Instead, it would be for his skill as a covert operative. He would go on to free Lady Genna Lannister from her captivity, allowing his King to attack the Iron Islands without worrying about her safety.



The cold wind blew and made her shiver as she huddled in closer to save herself from the cold. She inched closer to the rags she had been given to cover herself as she looked around from her cage. The whole room was filled with cages, most of them littered with whimpering women. Her birth had allowed her some protection, yet those who weren't blessed with her status had been ravaged by the beasts who had captured them.

The ground was wet with blood, and the room stank as some died from hunger and some by choice. Choosing to kill themselves over enduring the savagery at the hands of their captors. Her stomach grumbled, yet she folded onto herself and tried to take her mind off her hunger. She thought about her brother, about her home, and hoped that someone would come for her.

She prayed to the Seven and any other God that would listen as she looked around the room and saw all those hollow faces. The look in those eyes made her heart ache. They just lay there, staring at the wall, huddled together, with bare skin and torn clothes, as they tried to find solace in each other's arms.

Suddenly there was the sound of footsteps, and there was a hint of emotion as the girls' faces became paler, and many began to Skiddle backward in their cages, hoping that the darkness would eat them up. Her heart began to rumble as the footsteps got louder and louder.

Could this be it? Could this be her last day?

The door to the prison opened, and their captors began to fiddle in, a torch in hand, as they laughed and japed with each other.

"Hey perhaps, we could make some time to make quick work on one of them," said one of the Iron Islanders as his eye looked through the room. Hunger was apparent in them as he saw the women skidding back into their cages.

There were four of them, and she recognized three of them. They had been regular visitors. The sigils on their armor made it apparent that they belonged to House BlackTyde. She saw his eyes linger on her as dread pooled in her gut.

"Ahh! Here she is, our unspoiled Lannister!" said the man from house BlackTyde his face was repulsive and had a huge gash on it with a misshapen nose. Hi licked his lips as he walked in closer to her iron cell.

"Perhaps it is time I have a go on her!" he said as he looked straight at her, and her heart shivered at her words, yet she did not look away. She couldn't show them fear.

His two companions stepped forward. Eyes focused on her as they smiled hungrily at her.

"They say Lannisters shit gold! She hasn't. Perhaps we should open up her guts and see what's wrong!" commented one of them, and she chewed her lips as her heart began to thump in her chest. Suddenly she found her eyes landing on the last member of the four, and her eyes widened as she saw a quick shimmer of silver.

"AGHHH!" suddenly, one of them screamed as the silver cut off his head, and the whole room descended into chaos. The two captors who had been staring at her jumped back as she got dyed red.

"WHAT THE HELL!" "YOU FUCK!!" the women screamed as their captors tried to reach for their swords. But they were too late as the other man made quick work of the other two men. His sword was a blur as he removed their heads from their necks, showing the room in blood.

Genna's heart thumped in her chest as the man finally turned to face her. His face was still covered by a cloth. The man stepped forward towards her chest and looked straight at her.

"My lady, I am Bejen Stark," said the man as he removed the cloth covering his face, and her heart eased as she heard that name. The man raised his sword once more and cleaved the rusty lock of her cell into two.


He opened the door and walked in, his steps slow as he removed the cloak from his body and passed it to her.

"I am here to rescue you on the orders of King Rhaegar!" said the young knight as he wrapped the cloak around her. And Genna finally noticed how her whole body was shivering! She nodded at him as she tried to speak up.

"Thank you," her voice came out broken, yet the knight from the North simply nodded and helped her to her feet. The shaking and the hunger made it difficult, yet she finally got up. The other women in the cages had become quiet now and were looking at her with their deploring gazes. She looked around, saw their broken gazes, and looked at the young Kingsguard as she spoke up.

"What about them?" she asked, and he understood her implication and nodded as he suddenly whistled. She frowned when suddenly there was a sound of footsteps, and half a dozen men stepped into the room again.

The Stark knight then turned to face the captive women and spoke in a firm voice.

"There is a ship on the shore. These men will free you and lead you to them. I am Ser Benjen Stark, and these are the King's men. You are to follow their instructions, and I promise you that you will all reach your homes soon," he ordered, and the room broke down into a small cheer. Benjen Stark gave the nod to the men, and they all got to work as he led her out of the room.

"Where are we?" she asked, and the man answered.

"We are on the Lonely Islands, my lady. The garrison was small, for they planned to transport you elsewhere. We have control of the island!" he replied, and she nodded as she looked around and found several bodies on the ground. Most of them belonged to the Iron Islanders.

There were a dozen or so armored men patrolling the garrison in groups, and there was still some sound of fighting. She did not speak up, and as he led her out of the castle, the cold air made her shiver.

She pulled the cloak he had given her closer as she tried to shield herself from the cold, though her efforts were futile as the cold wind continued to blow. There was a horse waiting for them, and perhaps on seeing her shivering, he spoke up again.

"There is better clothing on the ship. So, you could change into something more appropriate when we reach it," said the man and offered her a hand which she took as he helped her up the horse. She finally noticed that the man was only wearing a simple doublet and seemed unaffected by the cold. He got up on the horse and pulled the reins, and the horse began to gallop away, making her shiver again.

"Does the cold not bother you, Ser Benjen?" she asked, and the man smirked as he shook her head.

"I am from the North, my lady. To us, this is just like summer."



Jamie Lannister watched as the Iron fleet chased after them as the Royal fleet turned to retreat. King Rhaegar stood on the deck, commanding everyone as catapults and arrows rained down on them. The Greyjoys weren't known as prolific sailors for no reason. They had faced the might of the Iron fleet head-on and defied them a victor forcing them to retreat, though it was all part of King Rhaegar's plans.

"Armors up! I want the scorpions and the catapults ready!" ordered the King as his sword shield shielded him from the incoming barrage of arrows.

Jamie put up his shield and walked towards the King, who had now turned to look straight at the jewel of the Iron Fleet chasing after them with full force.

"The Iron Victory," commanded by Victarion Greyjoy with his Kraken-shaped helmet and large axe, chased after them, trying to gain a swift victory by capturing the King himself. Several arrows hit Jamie's shield as he reached King Rhaegar.

"Your grace, the men are ready," he told the man, who nodded, his face grim as he continued to look at the massive fleet chasing after them. Arthur Dayne and Ser Barristan stood in front of the King with their shields raised as they protected the King.

"You should consider going inside your grace. They have already taken the bait," said Ser Barristan, and Jamie would agree with the man. King Rhaegar's presence had served as the bait, and now that the Iron Fleet was chasing after them, he should retreat to safety. But the King didn't agree.

"No, as the King, I must lead from the front. I will stay here," said the King, his voice hard and resolute, brokering no concession. The Kingsguard nodded as he prepared himself for another barrage.

Jamie looked back and saw the strait as the Royal fleet entered the narrow passage.

"We are entering the strait, your grace," he told the King, who nodded as he raised his hand.

"ARCHERS AT THE READY!" and at the King's command, archers from the royal army, armed with wierwood longbows, assembled behind a cacoon of shields with their arrows. They drew their arrows, and Jamie was impressed as he saw a couple of dozen such men using the long bow with such proficiency.

"LOOSE!" the King ordered, and the arrows whipped through the air and felled a number of Iron-born sailors with several shots impaling even multiple men.

"AGAIN! Focus on the biggest ship this time," ordered the King, and the men arched their bows once more and let loose again at the King's command.


The arrows whizzed past him again, and Jamie's eyes widened as he saw one heading straight for Victarion Greyjoy, though the man was quick to react despite his massive size as he jumped to the side to avoid the onslaught.

However, Jamie hadn't missed the fiery arrow that had been fired in the direction of Fair Isle as a signal to the rest of the fleet. And soon enough, smoke could be seen coming from the Isles.

The fleet was on the move.

Rhaegar Targaryen finally turned to face the men who had now finished assembling on the deck. The archers continued to shoot as the King spoke up.

"Today, we face an enemy that has betrayed not just the Royal family but threatens the very prosperity and stability that my father brought to the realm. House Greyjoy has sided with our enemies and has become an enemy," began Rhaegar Targaryen, his voice booming across the deck.

"They refused my offer of clemency and are set on their ways! If they have their way, they will rape your women, pillage your homes and enslave your children. Do you wish to live like that!" asked the King.

"NOOOO!" came the thundering response. And King Rhaeagr nodded as he took out his sword and raised it in the air.

"THEN IT IS TIME WE BRING FIRE AND BLOOD TO HOUSE GREYJOY!" and the men roared as shouts arose.

"FIRE AND BLOOD! FIRE AND BLOOD!" and the whole shook as the men chanted the Targaryen family words. The men brought out the catapults and the scorpions as the ship slowed down. Scorpion that had been specially designed to be used on ships. They had reached the end of the Fair Isle strait!

"GET THE CATAPULTS AND THE SCORPIONS READY!" said Rhaegar as he turned to face the Iron fleet once more, and Jamie noticed how the men on the other side seemed to have become a bit nervous at their situation. But it was too late.

"LOOSE!" said the King, and bolts were fired, and castle-forged scorpion bolts whizzed past him.



"AGHHH!" men screamed, and the wood cracked as the bolts laid waste to the Iron Fleet, but that wasn't even the biggest surprise. And Jamie watched as the projectiles from the catapults fell down on the ships, and then all hell broke, lose.


Jamie had to shield his eyes as they exploded suddenly, engulfing the ships in scathing green flames. The pride of the Iron Fleet was also struck, and he watched as Victarion stared at them as his ship burned. The Iron Born burned and screamed. Many chose to jump off their ships to stop the fires.


And then there was a second sound of explosions, this time from the tail end of the fleet. And now the plan was complete. Victarion seemed perplexed as his fleet got attacked from both sides, and the narrow strait made it impossible for him to move.

He saw the man turn to wards his men as he raised his axe.

"FORWARD! RAM INTO THEM! WE ARE GONNA SHOW THESE INBRED CUNTS WHO RULE THE SEAS!" and the Iron Born rallied at his call as the Iron Victory sped up, even with a part of its mast in flames. Victarion put on his helmet as the ship approached theirs, and Jamie saw the King pick up his own helmet as the men got ready for the fight.

"BRACE FOR IMPACT!" said the King as the ships inched closer. Jamie put on his helmet and took out his sword, his target already in his eyes as he saw the man to Victarion's side wearing a sigil of bone hand. His sword gleamed in a smoky pattern.

Red Rain, perhaps it was time House Lannister got their own Valyrain steel sword. The two ships were now merely a leap or two apart when the Victarion Greyjoy and King Rhaegar gave the signal.



And the men jumped as the two ships met, and the decks were dyed red.



Brandon Stark watched as his brother sat in front of him, his body thinner and his eyes hollower from when he had left; Ned sat opposite to him in his solar having just returedn from his journey across the Wall. They had come straight to his solar for the matter's urgency made it so that no time cpould be wasted.

Brandon finally opened his mouth as he asked the question that had eroded his sleep for all this time.

"So, was it true?" And he saw Ned's eye shake as the grey in them hardened before he slowly nodded, making his heart beat faster as his whole world got turned upside down with that single confirmation.

Gods! How could it be?

"It's true. King Aerys was right, the Free Folk are assembling, but they aren't preparing to conquer this time," began Ned, his voice hard and dry as he confirmed King Aerys's news.

"This time, they are trying to survive!" Brandon was rooted to his seat as Ned finished his words; the implication behind those words completely stumped him.

After all, what can one do when myths become real?


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