Dragonoid: A Fantasy Harem

Chapter 7: Scheming prince


The Hendrix kingdom wasn’t necessarily a kingdom where religion was widely preached or enforced in fact many of its citizens had various beliefs that were related to various gods no one belief was considered to be true over the others however the kingdom's capital did have a cathedral that served as a prayer spot for anyone who wished to worship their God.

The royal family had decreed this to be or rather the princess had reasoned that it would be best not to anger the gods by favouring one over the other as such letting the citizens worship any God they wished would be wise and thanks to such reasoning the cathedral was built.

The royal family also decreed that while within the cathedral, none shall profess their religion to be superior to the other as a way to dissuade any violence within the building.

This was in complete contrast to the Dreyer kingdom that only had one God that was worshipped while completely ignoring the others, in fact, the Dreyer kingdom seemed convinced that no other God exists except the one they worship, this was an enforced rule on all it's citizens.

A young man with deep black hair and blue eyes sat in one of the many rowed eats in the main hall of the cathedral, he wore extravagant but yet simple clothing, a white shirt made from a black horned sheep’s wool, silk trousers made from the threads of an arachni ,leather shoes made from a black bulls shoulder skin, he wore a red coat lined with fox fur on its edges. The man was quite handsome with a tall stature.

He sat in such a way that implied he owned the place, the confidence in his posture could be felt from miles away, of course this was a given considering his higher social standing.

On the row behind him was another man wearing white robes with a hood that covered his face by the robes, if he was alone one could guess he was one of the many priests of various religions that often came with their followers to worship their specific God.

On different days, the priests of the 5 gods known to exist would each come along with their followers to worship their respective God whether by prayer, by sermon, or by ritual.

However, this priestly man seemed very suspicious to be a priest. His face was covered by a hood, and he seemed to be trying to conceal his presence by a bit.

Incidentally, most of the priests wore white robes of different designs to signify their worship towards the different gods.

“My lord, the sword guard reports 2 strange magic signals at the outskirts of the kingdom near the border between us and the Dreyer kingdom”

The man reported, and the young man seemingly didn’t even pay him any attention, but the man continued regardless.

“ At first they surmised it must have been some sort monster evolution due to the fact they appeared out of nowhere and appeared inside the barrier but recently one of the magic signals decreased in intensity almost like it got weak while the other seemingly dissappeared completely ”

“do you suspect demons?”

He responded and put his arms on top of the back rest of the seat.

“Yes and no, monsters cannot adjust their magic like that. It is possible that demons managed to enter the barrier protecting both kingdoms or the Dreyer kingdom has sent a spy”

“why do you think it might be a spy?”

Suspecting spies seemed to be a quite the leap, both the Dreyer and Hendrix were at peace towards each other, not only that if they had spies, they would have sent them long before now.

“because if it was demons, why appear between the borders of the two kingdoms? Why not launch a surprise attack and why send only 2 demons? Why not an army, not to mention if it was demons, they wouldn't be so quiet”

“hmm what about the strange magic signals?"

"I could be a way for the spy to try and fool us by using a magic stone to make it seem like demon has infiltrated."

The man explained, and the Prince gave him a nod before responding.

"I see. Does my father know about this?” 

“No the King hasn’t been notified yet. However, he should be receiving the news this evening”

“and my sister?”

“We have not told her however her talents with magic exceed even the best of mages so it’s possible she knows but due to the distance she might only be able to know when the king receives the news"

Hearing those words the Prince thought about his options, letting spies roam freely would make things easier for him to have the nobles lose trust in his father, he has already put various people in a few cities to sew distrust of the king among the citizens however the nobles favour his sister more than him so it’s most likely they’ll back her in the event a new ruler is needed, there’s also the fact that if his sister captures the spies first her image will only look better and better, he needs the nobles on his side.

“Can you locate the spies?”

"No, my lord, however we can use the last known location of the signal to warn any of your people in the nearby cities."

"Then do so."

The man briskly stood up without a word, only a simple nod and made his way to the exit leaving the prince by himself, today was a weekend as such there were hardly any people in the cathedral.

“Damned genius, the throne is mine. I won’t let you have it”

He muttered to himself. However, after he had said that a woman walked into the cathedral, she had pale white hair and deep blue eyes.

A beautiful young lady with luscious pink lips, smooth and creamy white skin like the finest of porcelain and impressive body filled in all the right places and would make any man drool over her. Her face was stern with a bit of frustration.


Her beautiful voice filled the hall and startled the young prince and caused him to turn and look behind her.


“Do you have any idea how long I’ve been waiting for you? There I was finally able to have lunch and spend time with my dear older brother after all that training, only for him not to show up and now I had to sit there like an idiot waiting for someone that won’t show up”

She expressed as she stepped closer to him and he backed away from her, surely she wouldn't harm him in the holy house of the gods, despite his fear he had only a single question for her that might increase her rage but he had to know.

“How did you find me?”

“Is that what’s important to you!!!”

“Ahem! Sorry, but could you answer my question?” 

He straightened himself out and asked again. It was imperative that he knew how she found him. He wasn't actually hiding, but she shouldn't have found him regardless.

“I found you by your magic signature obviously” 

The prince opened his jacket and put his hand through the inner pocket and found that the black crystal was still within it. A look of both shock and confusion marred his face. 


“What do you mean how? Everyone has a magic signature unique to them. That’s common knowledge”

“Yes I know, but I have a black crystal with me. You shouldn’t be able to find me”

“So you were hiding from me!!”

A black crystal is a magic item used to hide one’s magic power or mana.

A person with magic power is constantly leaking small amounts of mana everyday, it doesn’t matter how great they are at mana control they’ll leak it, this leaking of mana creates an aura of sorts where by sensing that aura one can feel the uniqueness of the mana, that uniqueness is their magic signature, it works in a similar nature as fingers prints, with the black crystal however it is possible to completely hide ones magic signature.

“No, no. I wasn’t hiding, I just always have one with me since I’m a Royal. I can’t have people tracking me”

The black crystal creates an aura barrier around the person hiding their magic signature, but it looks like it didn’t work on the princess. 

The black crystal wasn’t named that because it’s black but because It was a magic camouflage allowing you to blend in with other magical signatures around you, like a leaf in a forest however by the looks of it Reniella was skilled enough to see through that.

“Well whatever, I can’t go back to that restaurant now it’ll look a bit odd. What were you and that shady guy talking about?”

She heaved a sigh and took a seat, leaving him standing, he was about to sit down but she stared at him in such way that he reconsidered sitting down, it was obvious she was punishing him for having her wait for him.

“We were talking about some political stuff and the upcoming Royal sword tournament with our cousins from the Dreyer kingdom”

“You didn’t plan to sabotage the tournament, did you?”

“Of course not. What do you take me for?"

By the looks of it, she was unaware about the situation at the border, and with the Royal sword Tournament being 3 months away she’ll be more focused on it than anything else.

“Well that’s good because I don’t want your dirty tricks to ruin this when I win”

“I would never dream of it.”

He said with a wide smile on his face. Obviously, that was a lie her winning the tournament between the royal families of the two countries would basically guarantee her the crown.

She already has great favour among the commoners and nobles, so he can’t really allow her to win it, but unfortunately, even with his great swordsmanship, he can’t beat her magical abilities.

“I wanted to tell you about my newest technique, but since you didn’t bother to show up, it means you aren’t interested, so I’ll just keep to myself.”

She said making a rather sad expression as way to rope him in to asking about it, of course he was privy to this, his sister has been using that tactic ever since they were children and it has long run its course however he must play along.

“Oh no, no I’m interested. Please tell me.”

“ Great, I call Aquatic Ice cannon it’s a piercing attack that in order to use, I have to put my hands together parallel to each other. It’s pretty powerful…..”

She went on explaining her attack, and he stood there paying attention to every word she uttered. It was imperative that he know about her techniques. 


A/N: hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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