Dragonoid: A Fantasy Harem

Chapter 2: Meeting

“Alright come out!” 

He commanded the person that was hiding from behind the trees. He wasn’t the slightest afraid as he was sure he could easily dispatch whoever it was that was trying to hide.

The magical power they had was substantial, but his was greater, so his chances of victory were guaranteed, or maybe he was simply arrogant, his race was a proud one, so the arrogance was there.

“I'd rather not”

A feminine voice spoke out responding to his request, which caused him to quirk a brow in curiosity, wondering what kind of woman would be in a forest by herself.

Although she does possess the magic power to defend herself it still felt odd that a woman would be in the forest by herself but then again its possible she's an adventurer so he shouldn't really be surprised.

“Just come out, will you? I won’t do anything to you” 

She seemed to be very reluctant to reveal herself. He figured she must think he would harm her in some way, which further begged the question, "If you can not protect yourself, why come to such a dangerous place to begin with?"

Some leaves rustled, he heard some footsteps and the hidden stranger stepped from behind the trees, it was a woman, a naked woman.

He stared in astonishment. What he witnessed was unexpected.

Her legs were long with a thick pair of thighs that looked tender to the touch and promised an equally thick rump, she had smooth jade like skin that was unsullied and unblemished, like the most perfect of porcelain.

He could practically feel its smooth texture without even having touched it yet. Her arms were slender and looked delicate. They were arms that betrayed his expectation of an adventurer woman.

She used them to cover her private parts, he spared only a glance at her midriff and his eyes moved to her breasts which were massive but not to the point they looked unfitting but instead looked to be perfectly in place, he attributed this to her tall build. 

His eyes wondered further upwards looking at her plump pink lips that seemed to attract his own, her nose was cute button placed at the middle of her face and her eyes, crystalline rubies that seemed to shine as the light struck them, her hair was an illustrious darker shade of crimson with silky and shiny look to it, a beauty that she was.

The woman in front of him was a work of art masterfully crafted by the most skilled of goddesses, he could feel the lust within him rise as the idea to jump her crossed his mind, his instinct screamed at him to claim the treasure before him but his rational mind resisted such urges.

Reniris felt the amount of lust he emitted towards her which caused her to rethink her decision to come here, she had absolutely no idea why her body lead her here and the having revealed herself to him seemed more than foolish in hindsight.

Judging by his magical power, in a fight she couldn’t win so she took a step back, an action that brought the man in front of her out of his stupor and realize that he was staring.

“Whoops! oh, sorry, my bad” 

He quickly turned after witnessing that she was uncomfortable and apologized, once back to his senses he noted how surprising that was and he wondered if she was some type of pervert but no matter he won’t judge. 

“It’s fine, but could you tell me who you are? You have a rather large pool of magical power”

There was a sigh of relief that escaped her before she spoke, She didn’t understand why she had to be naked, but she was thankful that he wasn’t a lust driven maniac.

Looking at him now she was pretty sure he must be the prince those two men talked about, but it seems one of them was lying or at least thought he had killed the prince but failed but then again could he be a human with that much magic power?

'Why would a human have that much power?'

She inwardly questioned herself. It seems she already has some preconcived notions about certain things. She had knowledge that she had no idea where she got it from.

“Before I do that, how about some clothes first?” 

He offered he’d rather not hold a conversation with a beautiful woman while naked not because of modesty but because he’d rather she not see the erect appendage between his legs.

“Well, sure, but where are we going to get some?”

She asked. There didn’t seem to be anywhere to get clothes considering their location, so she wondered about the means he was going to get some.

“I got it” 

Using his skill, the former prince and now reincarnator created some new clothes for himself, black jeans, and a white T-shirt along with black socks and sandals.

He made jeans because it is easier to hide the boner he currently has. Despite having only seen her for a few seconds, he vividly remembers her beautiful form.

“Wait you can make clothes??”

Reniris was quite surprised, she lucked out, she didn’t want to walk around naked and be branded a pervert, she high five herself for letting her urge lead her here who knows how long she would be naked for if she didn’t follow it.

“Yeah, I can”

He admitted, before he proceeded to create a light blue one piece dress, some pink coloured women’s underwear along with socks and low heeled shoes. He turned around with his eyes closed and handed the clothes to her. 

“Thank you”

Taking the clothes she quickly put them on, she was grateful that he created underwear for her as well, she wore the clothes that surprisingly fitted well.

“You can look now”

Opening his eyes he was greeted by a sight he wouldn’t forget for the rest of his life, the girl was a master piece a beauty crafted by the gods themselves, she was beyond anything he has ever seen. 

The lust he was feeling when he saw her naked faded immediately and was replaced by pure admiration for the beauty in front of him, seeing her naked was great but it’s as if the clothes elevated her beauty even more.


The word escaped his mouth as he seemed to be in a trance like state. He quickly imagined his life with her and saw each other grow old together (not that they would grow old anytime soon)

“Thank you”

With a curtsy she gave her thanks, Reniris was quite flattered and hoped that both of them would have an amicable relationship.

While he was appreciating her stunning features, an unwelcomed headache brought him out of his stupor as memories began to flash and play around in his head. 

A flood of new unfamiliar memories belonging to the body he was currently hijacking played in his head depicting the miserable life of the young Nathaniel Aluicious De Drayer, Prince of the Drayer kingdom.

The youngest out of 5 siblings, he recalled his parents, mother who died due to an incurable disease, uncaring father and sinister siblings that made his life miserable, the death of the Royal guards killed by two people and his own demise. 

Nathaniel grasped his head and groaned, he got to his knees the headache was much more painful than any headache he has ever had, the memories of his past life came and incidentally he shared the name Nathaniel but he had no parents to speak of. 

Reniris hurriedly grabbed him to support him so he could stand properly.

“Are you alright?”

Genuine worry was written on her face, she did not wish for him to be injured, he helped her out as such its common courtesy to return the favour, another piece of knowledge she just knew, she rubbed his back to try and ease his pain only if it’s just a little.

After a few minutes of Nathaniel groaning in pain and Reniris patting and rubbing his back, the headache eased up, and he was finally able to stand properly again.

“Are you alright?”

Properly standing up, Nathaniel responded.

“Yeah I’m fine, just a headache. Anyway, may I know your name?”

Reniris felt it was more than just a headache, but she didn’t persist and decided to answer his question.

“My Name is Reniris Ars Goetia. It was a pleasure to meet you.”

She did a proper curtsy. One must always show proper etiquette when introducing themselves. Again, she had no idea where she learned that, but she seemed to just know it. It was starting to get aggravating.

“Nathaniel Aluicious De Dreyer, it’s a pleasure to meet you as well, and please call me Nate, Reniris”

He did a bow, this was an involuntary action most likely the muscle memory of the prince but he didn’t mind it manners maketh the man after all, plus being polite to a beautiful lady earns you some points as well.

“If that's what you want, Nate, Nathaniel is a mouthful anyway” 

She pushed her hair back as she said, and Nate couldn't help but find that small action to be incredibly enchanting, Reniris radiated a beauty that he could not describe.

He felt his heart beat in his chest and blood flowing in his veins, he liked her and that much was obvious however at the same time there this was deep feeling of possessiveness that told him to covet the treasure that was before him, like a greedy little dragon but his better judgment quelled that emotion and let it remain hidden, the feeling was most likely caused by his blood as he was part of a species was known to covet anything they considered to be treasure.

“Reniris, if I may be straight forward with you”

Reniris was a beautiful woman. There was no denying that, driven by his own abrupt feelings and desire to know her much deeper, he began to confess.


“While we just met a couple of minutes ago and we barely know each other, I would like to let you know that from this brief interaction we had I developed romantic feelings for you, and I would like to know you better we can start of as friends if that’s what you want”

He spoke with caution and carefully, he was surprised by his own sudden boldness but he knew he doesn’t have the luxury to be shy or hesitant speak your mind so you may get what you want, if you don’t then someone else gets it. 

The phrase was "nice guys finish last" while that was beneficial in the long run, nothing said they couldn't finish first if they wanted to.

While his blood played a part in his confidence, he was also quite sick always being the guy who finished last or missed his chance, this was a new world as such a new him was perfectly called for.

Reniris is a perfectly beautiful woman. As such, he wants her best he makes that clear, although it would be wise for him to remember that she is not something to simply obtain.

The first reaction was the initial shock from his words, that were unexpected and not something you say right after introducing yourself.

Her face became beet red and she turned her head sideways not daring to look at him in the eyes, she found no words to articulate her sentence.

She has never been in any romantic relationship before not that she recalls after all the only thing she knows is her full name, abilities and Race and a few things here and there, she knows that as a devil she is from the underworld but knows nothing else even if she was in a romantic relationship before she wouldn’t know.

“Since we just met each other, why don’t we start as friends?”

She felt the heat on her face, and she tried to maintain her stoic expression however, there was no way to hide the faint shade of crimson on her cheeks.

She didn’t expect such boldness out of him so suddenly, they just met recently while she wants an amicable relationship with him, that didn't necessarily mean they had to be in a romantic relationship so starting of as friends was a good start.

“I am fine with that, I wish to know you better so we shall be friends, please take care of me Reniris ” 

“Please take care of me too”

He offered a hand, she took it, and they shook hands, Nate was determined to have her fall for him in the future, though he wasn’t sure how. 


The two of them traversed the forest together and talked to each other about various interests, 

Nate was very curious about her likes and dislikes.

He was eager to know her better so he asked various questions, unfortunately Reniris doesn’t recall much about her life before finding herself in the forest however she did inform him that she enjoys reading but she could not place which type of books she interested in, each of them asked their own questions and the other answers but Reniris’s answers were either I don’t know or don’t remember

“Maybe you have amnesia, You say you found yourself in the forest, but you are aware of who you are?”

“Yes that’s the gist of it”

Nathaniel was rather quite excited, the excitement being two fold, one being the fact he was quite literally in another world, something he thought he could only dream of and secondly he was holding a conversation with a woman, a rare thing for him.

Reniris didn’t care for things she didn’t remember because she doesn’t remember them therefore, she had no emotional attachment to them, or so she wanted to believe

“Or maybe you’re an ancient devil that was sealed for a millennium and was just released”

He joked, earning an amused scoff from her. He took that as a favourability point from her, plus he discovered she looked much prettier when smiling.

“Oh really, then the world better prepare for my wrath”

“Not so fast foul devil for I shall vanquish you” 

This time, it was a cute giggle that escaped her mouth, another point for him in the favourability meter.

“You think you can vanquish I, the great devil queen, foolish human”

“Foolish I maybe but I shall never cower in the face of evil”

The little role-playing was fun, as they went back and forth exchange lines, but Reniris did fake a coughing sound before she ended the game much to Nate's own disappointment.

“Enough about that though, not to be rude, but what are you? You’re too powerful to be human”

She asked, This has been bothering her ever since they started walking, Nate was far too powerful to be human, his aura was the sole reason no monsters haven’t attacked them yet she had sensed several monsters but none have attacked but of course her own aura contributed to this.

She feels that his power had a sort of domination to it like she was standing in front of a being of great power.

“ Well, if you want to know, I guess you could call me something like better than a human”

He answered he wasn’t exactly going to reveal he is sent from another world nor was he going to reveal his current race, at least not right now, if it comes up again then he'll probably reveal it then.

“Better than a human?”

Reniris felt that he was a little bit arrogant if not racist but she didn’t voice those thoughts.

“Yeah that’s pretty much it”

“Is that why your magic power seems so overwhelming?”

“That is part of it”

“If you’re this powerful, how come you let those two bandits harm your loved ones?”

Reniris asked, catching Nate off guard while he was daydreaming about having a demon girlfriend. However, he wasn’t stumped. He didn’t expect the question, but he could think of an excuse

“They weren’t really my loved one but more like my capturers” 


A/N: Hopefully, this is to your liking.

Also, Him being able to create things isn't spammabled. There'll be an explanation in the coming chapters.

Also, Nathaniel and Reniris meeting in the woods is there exact scenario of the bear question and this chapter was written a year ago, crazy 🤣

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