Dragonball : Super Raditz

The end

Time passed and days went by peacefully, a long while had passed since the day Buu died.

As time passes, things change, this is the rule of the universe.

And many things had changed with the z fighter's as well.

For one, Raditz no longer lived on Earth, the Kai planet was his new home.

Although at Bulma's insistence it's more of a job location than an actual home.

He still goes back to eat sleep and spend time with his family.

A Saiyan with a stable job, that was what Bulma called him.

'Being a god is a job, what do you know.'

Raditz smiled while remembering his wife's antics.

He was packing up from today's 'work' and was just about to return to Earth, when the maid number 1 of Kai planet cum his personal secretary, Iwaza showed up.

"Hey Boss~ are you leaving?"

Stopping in his tracks Raditz looked at the former criminal.

The girl had changed a lot after she left behind her life of crime.

Having gotten rid of her punk hairstyle, she grew out long hair from both sides of her head, which she had tied into a ponytail.

The way she was now, she looked like a canon version of girl Buu.

In fact all three girls had changed a lot, they looked much more presentable and Kai attendent worthy with their new getups.

"Yeah I am leaving, you have something to say?"

Raditz acknowledged her presence before continuing to pack up.

Izawa grinned at her Boss, not at all minding his lukewarm attitude, she silently reached into her pockets and took out two tickets.

"Boss, let's skip work tomorrow, a ski resort has opened at planet frost."

"We can say we were checking out that planet's civilization."

Not looking the least bit bothered by her boiling desire to skip work, Raditz promptly rolled his eyes.

"Not interested."

"I already know that planet, it's civilization is fine."

Iwaza suddenly showed a pitiful look, which was so ridiculously fake it made Raditz feel funny.

"Stop with the acting, it's not gonna work."

"And why do you want to skip work so much anyway."

"We hardly do anything over here."

The pitiful Izawa all of a sudden stopped making faces and all her acting went down the drain.

"Why skip work?! Boss you gotta understand, you shouldn't always work."

"You keep doing this and that all day long, if you aren't working you are training!"

"Always going on about planets and species and universe levels! Who cares about any of that!"

Raditz had packed up his things by now but didn't look the least bit bothered, because they have had similiar conversations multiple times by now.

But Iwaza didn't give up at the nonchalance, she continued in a pitiful tone.

"Boss, look at Miza and Kikaza, they are spending all their time with Boss Shin and Boss Kibito doing nothing but playing cards."

"We are the only ones working! They constantly mock me for it, you gotta do something about this Boss!"

"We have to have skip work at least once, only once, that's all I ask!"

Speechless at his secretary's burning desire to be lazy, at a job so trivial no less, Raditz gave her a dry look.

"Piss off Iwaza."

Izawa shook her head frantically while blocking his path, intending to not let him go without an answer.


She yelled full of vigor.

Rubbing his hair Raditz looked frustrated, these three were a menace, even when they acted normal.

"Sheesh, all you want to do is skip work, fine, if those two are so free I will assign them more work tomorrow."

"Iwaza, you aren't privy to a lot of information, only gods are supposed to know some secrets, what we are doing is essential for our entire universe."

"Shin and Kibito aren't wasting time either, they are studying, this is why those two are so free, it won't be that way for long."

Keeping everything in place, Raditz prepared himself.

"Listen, Bulma called me not long ago, she asked me to go home early."

"We can continue this conversation but are you sure you wanna be the reason she keeps on waiting?"

Iwaza instantly froze in her place with sweat coming off her head, which made Raditz smirk.

"Hah, scared now?"

Shaking his head Raditz laughed loudly and Kai Kaied away.

Leaving a frozen Iwaza.

Who sighed after a while, rubbing her hair into a bird's nest she looked helpless.

She mumbled curses, frustrated at her inability to get a single day off.

But no matter what, she won't give up, vacation was calling her!

Just when Iwaza tried to cheer herself up and pondered how to make her hard working boss skip a day with her, Raditz had arrived home.


"Raditz you are here, what took you so long honey?"

Bulma stopped her work and asked.

Raditz didn't reply immediately, he first looked at the time machine Bulma was working on for a while before answering leisurely.

"Nothing, Iwaza was being a pain."

Yawning tiredly Raditz searched for a place to rest, while Bulma looked pissed at the mention of the girl's name.

She clicked her tongue with a frown.

"I don't understand why you guys keep those three good for nothings around."

"Just fire them all."

"They barely understand anything you guys do, they are more effort than it's worth."

Raditz shook his head and collapsed onto the sofa he had managed to track down.

"It's a big planet, having attendents is necessary."

"Previously Shin didn't bother to take care of anything, but now that I am the Grand Supreme Kai, I gotta do my job well."

"Do you know how low our universe's level is? 2nd from the bottom."

"I have to fix this mess or Omni King might just erase us all."

Bulma patted her head helplessly, before continuing her work with a wry smile.

"Fine, Shin really is a useless god."

Bulma was pretty pissed but she knew this was a moot point.

Some things can't be changed.

She knew this by now.

"By the way where are the kids?"

Raditz asked while looking around the room.

Bulma who was bending down inside the time machine spoke from within the compartment, making her voice echo.

"All the kids are at Satan's place, they wanted to go early so Pie Pie, 18 and Launch had to take them there."

"By the way everyone else is going too, Krillin and Nappa have gone with their families, Tien, Chiaotzu and Piccolo are there as well."

"Even Goku brought Chichi from the otherworld and Vegeta brought Violet, it's a special occasion today after all."

Staring at her yawning husband Bulma huffed.

"Videl is pregnant remember, Gohan is throwing a party for that?"

Raditz froze for a second, before lying down on the sofa directly.

"I don't remember, sorry to keep you waiting, let's go."

Raditz got up after a few more seconds of rest, he was a god this much rest was enough.

Although he wanted to laze around a little more, he understood that Bulma was waiting for him.

This was why she didn't even go to the party.

Bulma smiled at Raditz's actions, she purposely didn't say she was waiting for him but he understood her intentions anyway.

She liked that about him, she preferred to think they had a special connection.

"Alright, let me get ready."

"You wanna come together~"

Bulma threw a wink at Raditz, who smirked and picked her off the ground.

Taking her in his arms Raditz walked towards the dressing room.

"Let's throw a party at our place next."

Raditz said lightly.

Bulma who was held by her husband questioned with a tiled head.

"What for?"

Raditz smiled at her.

"The same reason Videl is throwing one."


With that, the door to the dressing room closed.

Meanwhile in a place far away from Earth, a purple humanoid cat twisted in his sleep.

Before he slowly opened his eyes, he could now hear multiple alarms blaring.



Beerus, the purple humanoid cat got up with a yawn.

He remembered something something about a dream he just had.

He needed to confirm if this was a prophetic dream of some kind.

"Whis! Come here."

"Yes yes~ lord Beerus."

Whis, the angel of universe 7 arrived besides Beerus in an elegant fashion.

Beerus yawned again, rubbing his eyelids he squinted his eyes, trying to remember his dream.

"Whis, I feel like I sensed someone back in my sleep a while ago."

"I also had a dream just now, a dream about..."

"What was the name again.. Super Saiyan..?"

"Super Saiyan.. God? Yes, that's it."

"A Super Saiyan God."

Twisting his hands Beerus removed the slack from his body.

"Is that the one who I sensed before? The Super Saiyan God?"

Whis instead of answering the question exclaimed at Beerus.

"Oh my, lord Beerus wasn't completely knocked out while sleeping this time!"

"I am so proud."

Seeing that Beerus was clenching his teeth at the sudden jab, Whis immediately moved away with a smile and waved his staff.

Projecting an image of Raditz dealing the finishing blow to Kid Buu as a Super Saiyan God.

"As you can see lord Beerus, something did happen a while ago, a new Grand Supreme Kai was selected."

"He is a Saiyan as far I remember, sadly I haven't gotten the opportunity to meet him yet."

"Maybe he is the one you sensed, there was a big battle some time ago."

This news made all of Beerus's sleep go away instantly.

His eyes widened comically.

"They selected a Grand Supreme Kai again! How dare they!"

Beerus was pissed, a Grand Supreme Kai had a higher position than him and Supreme Kai, one level higher to be exact.

He just slept and had a new boss on top of his head all of a sudden.

"A Saiyan, so this is the new god."

"That's it, he is the Super Saiyan God."

"No doubt about it."

Getting up from his bed, Beerus cracked his neck.

"Let's go Whis, let's go meet the new Grand Supreme Kai."

And so, after a long period of peace, a new era kicked off with Beerus's decision.

New enemies, new challenges, new opportunities, a whole new world would open up to the z fighters.

But that was a story for another time, for now Raditz's adventures have come to an end.

What the future holds, only time will tell.

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