Dragonball : Super Raditz

Case of the missing soul

It was night by the time Raditz left the ocean and returned back to kame house.

Did he forget to tell Roshi and Launch he would be this late? Yes, did he also forget that he had an outing planned with Bulma this evening? Again yes.

But Raditz couldn't really remember it with all the fun he was having training in the deep ocean with Pie pie, she was a great company in more than one way.

" My clothes are messed up and she scratched my back on top of that, she was way too into this. "

Fixing his pants and his out of place armour, Raditz slowly made his way to Kame house, he didn't blame  Pie pie either, it was her first time.

After all she didn't really train with anyone before Raditz, getting a bit overexcited was normal, she was just a lonely mermaid after all.

" I am back. "

Hurried steps rang inside the house and the door nearly flew off it's hinges.

Launch came out with a flustered expression which relaxed after seeing Raditz safe and sound.

" You are back! What took you so long? "

Asked Launch while attempting to fix Raditz's messed up and wet armor, something Raditz didn't mind either.

Shrugging he remembered how he spent his day today.

" I was training, and learning a bit about mermaid biology I guess. "

Looking at the confused launch, Raditz brought his hands up in a claw shape.

" They have sharp nails, it dug into even my Saiyan skin, a mean evolutionary advantage. "

While Launch was a bit confused how Raditz went ahead and got himself scratched up by a mermaid, she wasn't going to ask right now.

Because she had much more pressing matters to attend to, that was the entire reason she was tidying up Raditz right outside the door.

" Is he here? Bring him in. "

That, that old voice was the thing she was preparing Raditz for, he cannot go and meet her looking like he just left the bed.

" Is that? Baba is here..? "

Whispered Raditz and Launch nodded quickly, doing her best to make Raditz look more presentable, she opened the door and pulled Raditz in.

" Oh, you must be Baba, what's with the look in your eyes...? "

Frowning for a second after noticing the weird looks Baba was giving him, Raditz went ahead and sat himself before her.

Right besides Roshi who was keeping Baba company all this time.

" Hmm. "

Not speaking a word of her own, Baba floated on top of her crystal ball and began spinning around Raditz ever so slowly.

She wanted to take a close look at him before speaking her mind.

" Soo, is this some magic? Or are taking measurements to gift me clothes? "

Sarcastically asking Baba got her to stop her gawking and humph back to her position, but her curiousity got her to ask what was bugging her.

" How did you do it? "

Folding his hands Raditz raised his eyebrows, he was currently in a bit of a pickle as he couldn't get a mind read on baba, so he didn't know what she actually found wrong about him.

" How did I do what? I am just sitting here. "

Slapping her forehead Baba grumbled about meatheads and Goku's brother before telling him herself what's the problem.

" You buffon, you shouldn't even be alive right now! When I searched for this Raditz who wanted to meet me, I found out that he is in hell, but brother said Raditz is with him! "

Pointing towards Roshi Baba yelled angrily, then huffed seeing Raditz's unfazed look.

But internally he was spitting.

' Crap crap crap crap crap crap! '

But the unfazed and frankly meathead looking Raditz showed he had no idea what she was talking about.

Angrily rushing upto Raditz, Baba pointed her finger at him and denounced him.

" You! Take this seriously! You have such a weird case I had to go to king Yemma to look into this up for you! "

' Oh hell no! '

Trying his hardest to look uninterested, Raditz waved her off and said in a classic Saiyan tone.

" So what, I had almost died a while back, maybe your system's busted or something. "

Hitting Raditz on top of his head, which Raditz didn't even feel, Baba said with a pissed off look.

" Otherworld is perfect, it has no flaw you buffon, it's you who is the problem, there have been only three cases like you till date. "

Letting out a breath Baba calmed herself down backed away, then she told what she found out from king Yemma.

" King Yemma searched long and hard, he even pulled out his million year old records, only then we could pinpoint what's your deal. "

Launch even though timid, got a word in this time.

" He is okay right? You aren't going to take him away? "

Scoffing at Launch's words Baba waved her hand.

" Your man is safe little girl, I was only curious that's why I searched so much. "

The blushing Launch kept her head down after that, and just kept listening.

" And you, look interested for once! Listen carefully, you have already died, but now that you are somehow alive only two possibilities exist. "

Taking out a sheet she borrowed from king Yemma, Baba read the information before the trio.

" The first one is you are a different soul that took over Raditz's dead body. "

' Are they gonna classify me as the race Ginyu is from? Or maybe blame the Dragonballs? '

Wondered Raditz as he gave confused look to Baba, if he accepted right away without further information he would only be digging his own grave.

And Baba didn't suspect a thing either, she continued.

" But that's clearly not the case, because we found no record of your past in the books, every creature has it's own record since it's birth, but you have none, a soul transfer doesn't change that. "

' Well of course I don't, I wasn't born here in the first place, how would they even have my record. '

Thought Raditz, relaxing internally after understanding he wasn't considered a body thief yet.

Baba ignoring everything continued after flipping to the next page.

" Then there is the second option, if a soul doesn't have any information at all, that means it's a new soul, only newborn creatures have that, but you clearly aren't a baby. "

Waving her hand around, she looked at him with a pissed off look again.

" See how much trouble I had to go through! Yemma finally found what exactly happened, it was a case of lowest probability. "

Giving Raditz a somewhat proud look which she hid almost immediately, Baba said with a less harsh tone.

" Your original soul had long since left and went to hell, but your body held on, your will before dying was so immense, that even after death your body wanted to wake up again. "

" This immense will and your body's natural instinct actually managed to give birth to a new soul, boy, only 2 other men had a will so strong that it left it's effect even after death. "

Resisting the urge to twitch his lips, Raditz breathed a sigh of relief.

His was actually a straight case of body takeover, but they went an entirely different route because they had no record on him.

A will strong enough to persist after death? Please, original Raditz was good, but not that good.

" What's with that look! You think I want to praise you?! That will was just a one time thing! You don't even look as strong as your dad! "

Baba angrily rushed to him and pointed at his armored chest, she assumed Raditz's silent look and twitching lips were mocking her!

Roshi found this a good place to step in and tried to pacify his sister.

" He isn't mocking you, he is trying to understand what all this means! "

Nodding his head at Roshi's save, Raditz silently gave him a thumbs up from behind, something which Roshi replied to with one of his own.

Baba humped seeing them both and let it go, they simply weren't as smart as she was!

" Don't think too much, you are not someone else, you are also Raditz, but you have no Karma, you are starting from zero. "

" Just think of this as a new beginning, and fulfill what you wanted to do so much before dying. "

Giving a smile to Baba, Raditz finally bowed and showed his respect.

" Thank you, Baba. "

" Hmph, you know some manners after all. "

Hiding her smile, Baba moved her face the other way, and arrogantly went to occupy Roshi's room.

" I am tired, we will talk again tomorrow. "

Roshi looked at his room being taken over and then turned to look at Raditz and Launch.

Who immediately shook their heads and simultaneously ran towards the room they had captured before.

" Sigh.. looks like it's only me and you again. "

Bringing a tape out of his pocket, Roshi went ahead and began his nightlife.

He was really beginning to miss his youth, it might be time to look for another Immortal phoenix, the previous one died before Roshi could get it to spit out it's secrets.

He will bring it up with her sister tomorrow, right after Raditz finishes asking help himself, Baba always knew where to find things because of that pesky fortune telling ability.

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