Dragon Tales: Reincarnation.

The Aftermath Of the Bandits case and Beginning of a Travel.

I look towards the girl that is fighting the bandits. I am currently in shock at what I am witnessing. Can someone be actually this powerful? Are there people in this universe that you cannot catch up to? Has she worked so hard for this that anything that starts from a punch and a sword to magic doesn’t matter to her any more?

I keep watching the wonders taking place in front of my eyes. This fairy, looking here and there to get a good view in anticipation while she sits in Felia’s hands. Is she this powerful too?

“This is something I want to ask you, Are you as powerful as your Master?” I ask the Fairy sitting in Felia’s hands.

Felia looks so overjoyed as this cute little thing resides on her soft palms. It’s a surreal thing to look at. A small person sitting in a bigger persons hand.

“Ah… No, I wouldn’t say that I am strong as she is. She is just broken I’ll tell you this. But if you compared me to other fairies in the past or the current one, I’ll probably be considered strong.” The fairy replies.

Oh. Now Felia is tickling her cheeks. Felia seems to be enjoying the time here. How is she so calm when she can see all of this? Under this pressure.

I look back in the direction of the bandits. But find them helpless.

The girl catches the fire sword between her claws. The bandit gives off a magic blast with his sword but the girl emerges unscathed from that heat.

Is she not human?

Then she just twists her claws and the sword explodes. The Bandit screams in pain and when I look closer his hand’s blown off.

In the same way she just goes to thrash the two bandits with stronger weapons too. But when she defeats the three with the strongest weapons, the other two with the axe and the knives stay frozen in place.

I think it can’t be helped because when someone finds out that a hammer to the head and a blast wouldn’t do anything to the person they would normally give up.

Every single bandit stays frozen in place. Their feet not moving a single bit. It was like they had forgotten to breathe.

But then…

“Surrender Yourselves! Surrender and you won’t have to die! Or Fight to the death in despair!” the girl declares in her stern feminine voice.

The bandits frozen in place look at each other in utter disbelief as they had a chance to live now.

The bulky man who had the axe got up and…

“Fools! Put down your weapons! Put them down if you want to live!” He screams, in a voice that wouldn’t suit a man of his build.

The other one with the knife had fallen to his knees and peed himself. I guess he was the coward you would typically see.

Then she begins to walk towards the commander.

The commander wreaths in despair as she keeps walking toward him.

She got angry at him calling her ‘it’ so she opens her wings and moves toward him grabbing his neck.

The bandit commander chokes and begs for his life but the claws she had previously taken out were soon going to cut off his head.

“I want to tell you something. If your Master would want to… then please interrogate them first? I think… this might be an assassination attempt…” I say hesitatingly to the fairy as I turn around.

“Who are you ? Why would they want to assassinate you? You don’t look like an important person to me.” she says in an irritating tone.


“Listen, I am a noble from the Kingdom of Diacis!” I inform her.

”Oh shit. This is bad. We need to question him first!” The fairy behind me gets up and starts to fly as she says this.

She frantically flies around and then darts straight toward the girl that was crushing the bandit commanders neck.

“Master! Wait!” she shouts fhalfway.


What now?

“Wait! Don’t kill him already! We haven’t asked him why they were trying to kill them! The girl just told me that this could be an assassination attempt!” Twixie says when she gets close.

Assassination? That girl is some sort of important person?

I get it by looking at her outfit that she could be from a well off Family… But really?

“Master! Let go already! You’re gonna rip his neck off!” Twixie says as she tries to open my grip from his neck.

“Unngh!” she lets out a grunt.

“Oi! You’re gonna vut your hand!” I say as I loosen my grip around his neck.

“Come on let go already!” Twixie still says.

This girl doesn’t know when to give up…

I let go off his neck and he falls to ground coughing and clenching his neck that was going to be crushed a moment ago.

“There. You happy?” I ask Twixie.

“Ow… Your claws sure are sharp.” She says while she carefully observes her hands to see that if there was a cut anywhere.

“I’m surprised that you didn’t slice of you fingers there…” I say back.

“I boosted my physical damage resistance by Enhancement magic. And you can’t do that! Not that you need it…” she reveals how she didn’t cut her hands.

“Hmm… I’ll have you teach me later…” I think to myself aloud.

So… what now? What should I do now?

The bandits are all on the ground now… Should I heal the Guards?

I look in the direction of the carriage and find that both of the girls are looking in my direction.

Why are their faces so pale?

The girls keep staring at me with glistening eyes as if I were some angel.

“Oi… What’s up with them?” I ask Twixie.

“Hmm? Oh they are just dumbfounded after seeing all of that.” She answers me.

Hmm… I guess anyone would find it ridiculous what I did there. I can tell by the looks of it that magic weapons are a big dael here. I mean the bandits had it as there as their last resort.

The magic weapons did pack a punch and could’ve done a bunch of damage, IF their opponent wasn’t me.

I look around to understand the situation much better.

The bandits that are alive are on the ground. Some are knocked out. Some are injured with their hands cut off.


The guards are knocked out too. What are their vital signs? Can I use appraisal for this too?

I turn on my Farsight skill.

Then I focus on the guards one by one.


I use my appraisal on the five of them and find that, fortunately, they were not dead.

I don’t know what I would have done if they were dead. I mean I can’t leave these girls alone can I?.

I walk towards the guards and try to think about what I could do.

“Master. Should I heal them?” Twixie says as she flies to the front.

“Hmm… Maybe I should do it?...” I say back.

“Then look through the spells in your mind and find a healing spell.” She tells me what to do.

The info in my head is so vast that it could take forever for a human to go through in a library.

But you know… the power of a brain. It’s basically like I’m recalling info from an SSD. Instant results.

Healing spells…. Hmm.

This one?

I find a spell that sounds like a healing spell.

“Should I use this one? [Angel’s Mercy]?”

“Master! That one is for resurrection! And it hasn’t been successful even once!” she says back.

Resurrection? The library had spells like this too?

Then what else?


“How about this one…[Eden’s Blessing]?” I ask Twixie.

“Yeah yeah! That one! Use that one!” she says.

I look towards the girls again but they are not moving. Just looking in this direction.

“How Do I use it? “ I ask looking at Twixie.

“Just place your hand and say the incantation. You wouldn’t need to do anything else I think.” Twixie replies.

I place my hand on the downed guard.

Should I try saying the incantation in my mind as before?

Like… [Eden’s Blessing]?

I say the incantation in my mind and the next moment, body of the downed guard lights up in a faint green glow.

The bruises and the wounds disappear and the body goes back to it’s healthy state.

In the next moment, I hear a grunt.

“Ungghh…” the guard grunts as he open his eyes.

I remove my hands and walk towards the other one.

I do the same thing with the other four and all of them open their eyes one by one.

Lastly, one guard gets up.

“Lucius!’ the gaudy girl exclaims and runs towrd him.

“Are you alright? Does it hurt anywhere?” the girl bombards him with questions.

I guess his name is Lucius.

I walk a bit far away to give them space. Then observe them from a distance.



“Milady…” Lucius replies back.

“Are you alright? Does it hurt anywhere?” I ask Lucius.

“Not… particularly…” Lucius says back.

“I see! Thank goodness! I thought you had died!” I hug him trying to show my happiness.

“Milady… What happened?” Lucius looks around him.

All the bandits are alive and awake but none dare to move a muscle.

Then he looks in the direction of the crater and sees the two bandits without hands and the torn apart body of another one.

“Milady… Please tell me…” Lucius says again.

He is confused.

He was knocked out and didn’t see any of this happen.

“Um… how do I explain this…” I try to get all the events in my head organized to put them out.

“You see… that girl…” I start to explain.

Several moments pass away as I explain the situation to Lucius.

I finish explaining and Look in her direction.

She is still standing far away, giving us space to talk.

Lucius look in her direction too.

“I see… So this girl…” Lucius mutters to himself.

“Should we thank her? I Think she deserves much more than a word of gratitude…” I say.

“Milady, We should offer her some hospitality. Can you go ask her to accompany us to the kingdom? There is still some distance we need to cover but… it would be best if we served her in our residence.” Lucius gives me a clear advice.

So I should go and invite her to join us to the kingdom?

I look in the direction of the girl, she seems to be talking to the fairy.

Then she looks In our direction then waves a hand and flaps open her wings.

She’s going to leave?!

I run in her direction.

“Please! Wait! Wait for a moment!” I say midway while running.


“What should we do now Twixie?” I ask her.

“What should we do huh? I think we should go in the way they were going… maybe we could find a village or something?” she says to me.

So we should continue our journey? We could find a settlement if we fly around a road. I can use the World Perception skill anyway.

“Lets go then.” I say to Twixie.

I look in the direction of the girl and The guard Lucius.

“Bye Bye…” I say in a low voice and wave my hand to them.

Twixie gets into my hood and snuggles up in my hair again.

“lets go Master.” She says back.

I turn around.

“hmmph!” I flap open my wings with a noise.

Then I take a stance to fly.

“Taking off! Yay!” I say in a loud voice.

“Wait! Wait a moment!”

I hear the girl’s voice.

I turn around to see that she is running in my direction.

What does she want now?

Is there someone else I forgot to heal?

This better not be something troublesome. I’ve gone through this trouble already. That was on my own accord though.

“Wait! I wanted to ask something!” the girl gets close.

“What?” I say back.

That might’ve sounded I bit rude I think…

“U-Um… I thought if… You could join us… in our carriage…” she says in hesitation.

What am I? a villain? Why are you shaking?!

‘Join you? What do you mean?” I say back.

“U-Um… We were going back to our kingdom… So I thought we could show our gratitude over at our mansion… I’m a noble so you see… I think I should Offer you some hospitality for saving our lives…” she says this as she fiddles with her fingers nervously.

But… They are going to a kingdom? And she is a noble?

I get it now… the assassination.

I’m not gonna be the one interrogating though. It’ll be a pain.

But hospitality huh? Does that mean good food?

“Is there gonna be food there?” I ask her as I get close to her face.

“A-Ah yes… Probably… Definitely?” she says nervously.

Yay! Food! I get to eat food!

I ate that monster food to survive but I can eat real food now!

I’m starving right now! I’ve been feeling like I’m going to die of hunger ever since I woke up!

“Lets go then.” I say back quickly.

“O-Okay…” she says back.

“What’s your name girl?” I ask her.

“U-Um… It’s Carmine…” she says back.

“Carmine huh? I’m Velkra by the way.” I tell my name too.

“I-I have one more thing to ask… If you could… Can you show me your face?” she asks.

“My face? Why not?” I say back.

I quickly take off my mask.

The moment I take off my mask, her face goes pale .

“Oi. Are you okay?” I ask her.

“Yes. Such beauty…” she looks at me in a daze.

“A-Ah … Um… Thanks…” I say.

I’m blushing now you idiot!

I put my mask back and she shows me the way towards the carriage.

“Hey. What are you going to do with them?” I ask her pointing at the bandits.

“Um… we don’t know… we don’t have anything to carry them in…”

I see. There is only one carriage and we will be the ones riding in it.

There’s no way this many people could be stuffed in there. You could if you chopped them up though.

“Want be to chop ‘em up?” I say jokingly.

“No please!” she retorts.

“O-Okay… Just joking…”

Too extreme?

“Hey Twixie. How can we take them with us?” I ask Twixie who is snuggling up in my hair.

“You could just bind them up with light magic and lift them up with wind magic all the way…” Twixie replies from my hood.

Bind them with light? This spell?

I looked through all the spells and I’ve found this one by the name of [Bind Ray]

“Should I use bind ray?” I ask Twixie again.

“Yeah that one… and the wind one… probably [Wind’s Embrace]?” Twixie answers.


“[Bind Ray]” I say it aloud this time just in case.

i had put my hand out in their direction. From the front of my hand, a rope of light gets out and ties every single one of them in a single spot.

“Ooooh! This is handy! I didn’t even mention what I wanted to tie up!”


“[Wind’s Embrace’?” I say the incantation Twixie told me.

That’s when the bandits jumbled up in one place start to levitate in the air.

“We can take them with us now. Lwt’s go.” I say to Carmin looking at my face in an expression you could describe as dumbfounded.

“O-Of course. Then let’s get inside the carriage.” She turns towrd the carriage but…

“Hey! That’s not good!” she exclaims as she finds that the carriage flip over.

I already knew that though. Yeah I definitely knew. Don’t judge me okay!

“Let me handle this.” I say that as I walk towards the carriage.

I slide my hands under the carriage and flip it over again.

“Hmmph… there we go…” I say.

It’s a surprise that the wheels aren’t damaged.

“L-Let’s go then…” Carmine steps into the carriage and her maid goes around and gets in from the other side.

Come to think of it… This maid hasn’t said anything, has she?

I climb into the carriage too and the guard Lucius closes the door.

I think one of the guards were driving the carriage?

“So where are we headed?” I ask Carmine.

“We’re currently headed towards my home Kingdom. The Kingdom Of Diacis.”

“Kingdom Of Diacis huh?”

“So why were you travelling in the first place?” I ask Carmine.

“I went on a trip to see an acquaintance of mine… She is a noble in The Kingdom Of Marcella. It’s a Kingdom on a shoreline, so you can see the ocean. The kingdom specializes in seafood so it’s cuisines are famous for seafood.”

Seafood? Does that mean Sushi?!

“It’s a shame I can’t go there…”

“B-But The food is good in my Kingdom too! They also Specialize in Cusines because it is an agricultural Center!”

So they have good food too?!

Kingdom of Diacis and Good food. Here we Come!


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