Dragon God’s System

Chapter 20 – Shadows of Conspiracy

I knew I couldn’t confront the ambassador or his men directly. At least I couldn’t without drawing suspicion. Instead, I needed to watch and wait. I cracked open my door just enough that I could see anyone passing by. My intention was to wait until one of the ambassador’s servants walked down the hallway. 

While I waited, I paced around my room. Any time I heard a sound in the hallway, I peeked through the opening to see if it was the ambassador or one of his men. Finally, just as I was about to explode with pent up energy, I heard a sound in the hallway. 

My heart pounded in my chest. When I peeked outside, I noticed that one of the ambassador’s servants had left the ambassador’s room. I held my breath and silently waited until he went past my room. 

His scales were a duller shade of green than the ambassador’s. He had a sour expression on his face. This expression twisted into a scowl as he muttered under his breath. He definitely seemed upset. I knew this because his claws were tapping against the stone floor in irritation as he made his way down the corridor. Usually, kobolds only made those types of noises if they were in a hurry or if they were agitated in some way.

After that, I opened my door and stealthily slipped out of my room. Once I stepped into the corridor outside, my heart raced with a mix of fear and anticipation. However, I forced myself to stay calm. This was too important to let nerves get the better of me. I had to be careful.

I tried to blend into the shadows as best as I could as I trailed after the green kobold. My dark scales and small size actually helped me for once. I even kept my wings tucked close to my body. I couldn’t afford to let the ambassador’s servant slip away without reading his mind. I followed him, keeping a safe distance, my eyes locked on his back. 

The green kobold didn’t seem to notice me. He was too lost in his own thoughts and didn’t pay attention to his surroundings. He muttered to himself as he walked. I could hear the frustration in his voice. I edged closer, careful to remain silent as I focused my mind and tried reaching out to touch his thoughts. It was easier this time. 

The green kobold’s mind was a whirlwind of emotions. I sensed anger, fear, and a frustration that seemed to be eating away at him. “This is madness,” the green kobold thought. “The ambassador is a fool if he thinks this will end well. And for what? To satisfy Groenneitr’s greed? We’re risking everything, endangering every kobold in the city, all for a dragon who would kill us just as easily as reward us.”

I could feel the conflicting emotions racing through his mind. He was clearly torn and didn’t like any of his options. He resented the ambassador. He also resented the plan that had been forced upon them. However, he also felt that it was his duty to follow orders. 

“Groenneitr ordered this, but does he even care what happens to us? Spreading those rumors and tricking adventurers and mercenaries into attacking the red kobolds, it’s reckless. They’ll scatter the Einvaldskonungr tribe, and then what? Yes, we’ll be able to raid their treasury, but we’ll have to give everything to Groenneitr.”

My blood ran cold as the full scope of the green dragon’s plan came into focus. They had been spreading rumors. These lies were designed to provoke attacks on the red kobold tribe. The idea was sinister in its simplicity. Groenneitr wanted to weaken the tribe by turning outsiders against it. Then he would send the green kobold tribe to swoop in to pick up the pieces. 

“The red dragon won’t care though. Even if he doesn’t attack us immediately, he definitely will at some point. I doubt Groenneitr will care. He might even try to shift the blame to us. We’ll make an enemy out of another kobold tribe as well as anger a red dragon. But we have no choice. If we don’t do as he says, we’re dead anyway. Groenneitr doesn’t tolerate failure.”

A shiver ran through me as I processed what I was hearing. Groenneitr, the green dragon that the green kobolds served, was the true mastermind behind the plot. The ambassador and his men were merely pawns in a much larger game. Unfortunately, that put the entire red kobold tribe in grave danger. 

The green kobolds had spread lies about the red kobolds’ wealth, drawing adventurers and mercenaries to attack, all in the hopes of weakening the tribe. What surprised me was that the green kobold that I was following didn’t have any animosity toward the red kobold tribe. He was just caught between loyalty to his own tribe and his conscience.

“But why does it have to be this way?” The kobold’s thoughts continued, tinged with a hopeless resignation. “Why do we have to betray our own kind? I hate this. I hate what we’ve become. But there’s no way to stop this. Groenneitr would kill us all if we tried. 

“At least the red dragon doesn’t care about anything but offerings. He basically leaves his kobolds alone. I get the feeling our master doesn’t even care about the red tribe’s treasure. Invading is probably just the first step in one of his plans. I bet this is just part of a plan to get rid of the red dragon.

“As for the adventurers and the mercenaries that are one their way, I hope the red tribe makes the humans pay. I can’t believe the Dragon Slayers managed to enter the tunnels before the mercenaries. While they are experienced adventures, they are as arrogant as their name suggests.”

After reading his thoughts, I was actually starting to feel sorry for the green kobold. However, I couldn’t afford to dwell on that. The more important realization was the imminent threat facing the red kobolds. Apparently, there were at least two different groups of humans on their way to the kobold city.

The kobold ahead of me suddenly stopped, his claws tightening into fists as if trying to physically hold back his frustration. I quickly ducked behind a nearby corner, holding my breath. My heart pounded in my chest, but he didn’t turn around. After a moment, he let out a huff and continued walking, his pace quicker now, as if he was eager to be away from this place.

I waited until he was out of sight before exhaling, the tension in my body slowly easing. I had learned what I needed to know. Actually, I learned more than I had expected. However, the problem was how I was going to spread this knowledge. I had no way of knowing when the humans would arrive. It could already be happening, or it might not happen for days or weeks.

I turned and hurried back to my room, my mind racing with the implications of what I had uncovered. I needed to find a way to warn the red kobold tribe, to prepare them for the danger that was closing in. But who would believe me? And even if they did, would it be enough to stop what was coming?

Questions swirled in my mind as I entered my chamber. The plate of snacks that had been left earlier still sat on the table, but my appetite had vanished for the first time since I hatched. Despite this, I forced myself to take a few bites, knowing I would need my strength.

I closed the door behind me and realized that this was only the beginning. The shadows of conspiracy were thickening, and I was standing right in the middle of it. I would have to move carefully, think quickly, and most of all, be ready for whatever the green kobolds, and Groenneitr, had in store. The survival of my new home depended on it.

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