Dragon Delivery Driver

007 // Supplement / Breaking News


In a stunning turn of events that left spectators spellbound and bookmakers reeling, the reigning Wizard Duels champion, Archmage Verell Firehand, suffered an unprecedented defeat at the hands of a virtually unknown novice, Jasper Quill, during the annual Spell Reflection Relay. The upset has sent shockwaves through Eterna, not just for the sheer improbability of the defeat but because it has triggered a whirlwind of controversy and accusations of foul play.

Verell, a veteran of the arcane arena who had dominated the Spell Games for nearly a decade, was widely expected to clinch another easy victory. Betting odds were astronomically in his favor, with vast sums of money wagered on his anticipated triumph. However, the duel's outcome was anything but expected. Jasper, a young and untested magician barely out of apprenticeship, managed to outperform the champion in a spectacle that many are struggling to rationalize.

Eyewitnesses report that Verell seemed off his game, missing hits and reacting slowly, which is uncharacteristic for the seasoned caster known for his sharp reflexes and strategic mind. Midway through the match, Jasper unleashed a series of complex and rare-heard reflective spells, one after another, catching Verell unprepared and ultimately leading to his downfall.

The novice's unexpected arsenal included the Wandering Wisp, a spell of such rarity that even seasoned practitioners speak of it in hushed tones. Adding to the intrigue, Jasper was seen wielding a wand that glimmered with an unusual aura, sparking rumors that he was assisted by a magical artifact of significant power, potentially tipping the scales in his favor.

The loss has not only bruised Verell's illustrious career but has also opened the floodgates to a torrent of speculation and conspiracy theories. Prominent among these are the rumors of collusion. Some insiders suggest that the match was rigged, pointing to the significant betting anomalies and sudden shifts in odds just hours before the duel commenced. There are unconfirmed reports of large sums of money being placed on Jasper at multiple betting houses by anonymous patrons who stood to gain massively from Verell's fall.

The Magical Enforcement Agency has announced an investigation into the duel's circumstances, focusing on the spells used, the origins of Jasper's mysterious wand, and the betting patterns that preceded the match. Meanwhile, the wizarding community remains divided. Some hail Jasper as a prodigious talent, while others call for a review of the regulations governing magical duels and artifact use.

As the dust settles on the field, one thing is clear: this scandal is far from over. Whether due to genuine skill or nefarious schemes, Jasper Quill's victory has forever altered the landscape of wizard dueling, leaving many to wonder if the Spell Games will ever be the same again.


After a decade-long hiatus, the spectral curtains rise again at The Occult Theatre, bringing the enigmatic Phantom Opera back to Eterna—a city bewitched with the magical and mysterious. Renowned for casting genuine phantoms of mystical entities, the opera promises a performance and an encounter with the beyond.

Spectres Take the Stage!

Unlike any other show in the realm, the Phantom Opera features a cast drawn straight from the astral plane. These spirits aren't mere illusions but ancient entities channeling ethereal energies directly to the audience. The result? A mesmerizing spectacle where art meets the arcane, sending shivers down the spine of the bravest souls.

A Theatre of Haunts

The Occult Theatre itself is no ordinary venue. Rumored to be perched on a ley line, the theatre's walls have whispered tales of otherworldly encounters for centuries, making it the perfect cauldron for brewing up nights of supernatural drama. This historic stage sets the scene for a theatrical experience so intense it's said to blend dreams with reality.

Magic in the Air

This season introduces a new twist in the tale—incorporating live energy exchanges with the astral world. The phantoms harness this cosmic energy, weaving it into performances that offer both entertainment and spiritual awakenings. Audience members report visions, whispers of ancient secrets, and a haunting feeling of being touched by the unseen.

Why We Love It

"The energy in the room... it's palpably alive!" exclaims the Widow, a long-time fan, recalling her ethereal brush with a phantom actress last season. Known for her mysterious origins and macabre tastes, she adds, "You come for the chills and stay for the spellbinding magic. It's as if the phantoms are performing just for you, reaching out from beyond, clawing straight into your soul."

Dare to Attend

Prepare for an evening where phantoms reign and the curtain between worlds thins. With shows running through the Month of Shadows, tickets are a portal to the past, available for a spell at The Occult Theatre. But beware, this experience is not for the faint of heart—attend if you dare to be touched by the spectral.


In a bewildering turn of events, Eterna's notorious enchanted Forest has unleashed a rampage across the urban fringe, swallowing streets, besieging homes, and conjuring turmoil that's anything but magical for its distressed residents.

Yesterday, in a jaw-dropping spectacle of nature's wrath, Moonbeam Way, a quiet suburban street, vanished without a trace into the encroaching thicket of the bewitched woods. The sudden appearance trapped residents in a literal forest prison, leading to frantic emergency evacuations under the cloak of night. Fire brigades and magical response teams worked tirelessly, navigating through the newly formed dense woodland to rescue several bewildered families.

The chaos didn't stop at disappearing streets. In a heart-stopping incident this morning, Glimmerforge Elementary faced nature's fury firsthand when ancient trees tore through the playground as if possessed by a wild spirit. The school, teeming with young wizards and witches, had to be evacuated as branches and vines snaked into classrooms, causing a melee among terrified children.

In a bizarre twist, the Forest claimed new territory by invading private homes. One harrowing account came from Rubiza Kaso, whose residence was overrun by magical flora overnight. "I woke up to find my living room turned into a forest floor—vines were coming out of the walls, and flowers were blooming on my couch," a visibly shaken Rubiza recounted.

Amidst the environmental upheaval, paranormal pests have seized their moment to wreak havoc. Last night, a mana moth swarm plunged Celestial Alignment Festival into darkness, absorbing all magical light and leaving thousands in pitch blackness. This sparked a widespread panic that turned the festival grounds into a stampede.

Not far behind, arcane beetles brought a muddle to the Suburb Public Library. They munched through enchanted manuscripts, unleashing unintended spells that sent books flying, much to the horror of the library's patrons.

The city's response has been swift yet overwhelmed by the scale of the encroachment. "We are doing all we can to safeguard our citizens and preserve our way of life, but the Forest is unlike any challenge we've faced," declared Mayor Inqo in a press conference this afternoon. Residents, like old wizard Borin Greybeard, echo this sentiment with a mix of despair and defiance: "We've lived alongside the Forest for centuries, but it's never dared to come this close. We need solutions, not just spells!"

The psychological toll on its citizens mounts as Eterna grapples with its unwelcome boundaries. Community meetings are packed, local wizards are pooling resources for communal defense spells, and the city's fabric is stretched thin by constant vigilance.

The unfolding crisis prompts a serious reflection on how Eterna will adapt to this wild, new reality. With every tree root that cracks through concrete, the city's resolve is tested, and its people are reminded that in a land governed by magic, not all enchantments have fairy tale endings.


What was supposed to be a showcase of cutting-edge magical technology turned into a scene straight out of a sorcerer's nightmare yesterday. Urcanix's latest virtual reality spellcasting demo went haywire, summoning an enormous Aether Serpent into the real world.

The event, held at Eterna's central plaza and attended by tech enthusiasts and magical scholars alike, promised a glimpse into the future where magic meets virtual reality. Spectators were eager to witness the integration of newly developed spellcasting crystals with advanced VR technology, which allows users to cast spells and summon creatures in a controlled digital environment.

However, the demonstration took a terrifying turn when a glitch in the system caused a massive overload in the magical crystals. "One minute, we were watching a wizard apprentice casting simple elemental spells, and the next, there was this colossal serpent twisting above us, its body shimmering with ethereal energy," recounted a shaken attendee, her eyes wide with the shock of the unexpected spectacle.

The Aether Serpent, a creature of pure magic known for its unpredictability, phased through the digital barrier into the physical realm, causing pandemonium among the crowd. Its translucent body, reflecting the city lights, slithered menacingly above the audience, who scrambled for safety as the creature's movements began to mysteriously absorb spectators into its ethereal form. People near the serpent vanished in flashes of light. Panic and chaos rippled through the crowd.

"Nobody knew what was happening! It just kept getting bigger, and every spell cast to contain it seemed to make it stronger," explained a visibly distressed mage involved in the containment efforts. The serpent's presence disrupted local magical fields, causing devices to malfunction and spells to go awry.

Security teams struggled to manage the crowd and contain the serpent, which appeared to absorb magical energy indiscriminately. This made the creature more powerful and led to a temporary blackout of lighting in the area. "It was like dealing with a force of nature. Every time we thought we had it under control, it would just vanish and reappear somewhere else," reported a city's magical enforcement squad member.

As the serpent eventually broke free, disappearing into the night sky, the incident rattled the community and left it questioning the safety of merging high-level magic with technology. Urcanix has promised a thorough investigation into the malfunction, assuring the public that all necessary measures will be taken to prevent such incidents in the future.

This dramatic turn of events casts a shadow over Urcanix's innovations and opens up a myriad of questions about the boundaries between the digital and the mystical. As the city recovers from this unexpected encounter, the magical community is left wondering what the appearance of the Aether Serpent signifies for the future of magical technology.


A series of mysterious disappearances have rocked Eterna's Magical Delivery Services (MDS). Delivery drivers are vanishing without a trace, leaving behind a trail of unanswered questions and an ever-growing list of lost packages. The Magic Police are on high alert as they delve into this perplexing case, which has alarmed and bewildered the city's residents.

The issue came to light when Mr. Grumblewhisk, a resident of Luminous World, reported his delivery never arrived, "I ordered a new magic wand, and it's vanished along with the delivery driver! Now, I'm stuck with this old twig," he lamented.

Since then, reports have been flooding in from all corners of the Universe.

The disappearances have been sporadic but alarming, with drivers vanishing during routine deliveries. "One minute they're there, and the next, poof—they're gone," says Morvena, a senior dispatcher at MDS. "It's as if they've been plucked out of thin air."

The most recent case involves Goren, a seasoned driver who vanished while delivering his 666th package. "He arrived at his destination," recalls his worried colleague, "and then he stopped responding to messages."

The magic police have put forth several more intriguing theories than the last.

According to Chief Investigator Marla Sunigo, one theory is that the portals used for instantaneous deliveries might be malfunctioning. "We've had reports of drivers stepping through portals and simply not emerging on the other side," she explained. "It's as if they've been swallowed by magic meant to aid them."

Another hypothesis points to rogue magical creatures. Witnesses claim to have seen suspiciously well-fed griffins. "Those beasts could very well be snatching our drivers mid-delivery," said Officer Thalor. "They might think the drivers are part of the delivery!"

A more outlandish theory involves an ancient curse. Some believe that a long-forgotten enchantment, the Curse of the Vanishing Vigor, has been reawakened. "The drivers might be falling prey to an old spell that causes them to disappear gradually," mused Professor Phosalan of the Academy of Arcane Sciences.

More fantastical explanations have also emerged. Some believe that magical creatures, like dimension-hopping imps or rogue dragons, might be ambushing the drivers.

"We found scorch marks and claw scratches near one of the last known locations," mentioned a police report.

There's also talk of a powerful curse or hex placed on the delivery service. Enchanted packages might be rigged to cause anyone handling them to vanish. "We're examining every package with heightened scrutiny," assured Morvena.

Adding to the intrigue, whispers of competitor sabotage have surfaced. Rival companies or unscrupulous business competitors could use illegal magic to make drivers disappear. "There's a lot of money in the delivery business, and not everyone plays fair," hinted a source within MDS.

Some even speculate that drivers are being kidnapped and sold on the black market for their unique skills. "These drivers are highly trained in magical navigation—perfect targets for black market operatives," added another source.

The city's residents are concerned about how a service that delivers anything anywhere can't seem to deliver its drivers back home.

"Maybe they've just found better jobs on the astral plane," assumed Madam Xalindra, a local shopkeeper. Meanwhile, others are growing increasingly frustrated with their missing deliveries. "I ordered a rare potion weeks ago. If it's lost, who will pay for my gone prey?" fumed another irate customer.

As the Magic Police continue investigating, the city remains on high alert. Delivery services have temporarily suspended transport until the mystery is solved. For now, residents can only hope their packages—and the delivery drivers—will reappear soon.

The mystery of the missing messengers has cast a shadow over Eterna, with everyone hoping for a swift resolution to this baffling case. Stay tuned as we bring you the latest updates on this unfolding mystery. Will the magic police crack the case, or will the disappearances remain an unsolved enigma?

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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