Dragon Ball: Collaborating with Frieza to Destroy Planet Vegeta

Chapter 19: Mastering the Power of the Great Ape!

Chapter 19: Mastering the Power of the Great Ape!

Mu Chuan could read the expressions of the gathered Saiyans like an open book. It was clear to him that these Saiyans had never faced the harsh reality or perhaps lacked broad experience. In the vast universe, a combat power of just one million was nothing. There were beings so powerful that a million combat power was merely fodder to them. And this was only the early stage. In the later stages, even the cosmic emperors like Frieza and Cooler wouldn't even qualify as cannon fodder—unless they secluded themselves for a few months of intense training.

Mu Chuan shook his head slightly, a look of disappointment on his face. 

"You've let me down. Just a mere million combat power, and you're already losing yourselves?" he said, "Do you even know the true power of Frieza?"

The Saiyans shook their heads. They didn't know, and their scouters couldn't detect it. They were just guessing. Mu Chuan spoke plainly, "Frieza currently has a combat power of 530,000!"

"Only 530,000?" someone murmured, now that they knew Mu Chuan had a combat power of over a million, 530,000 seemed trivial.

Mu Chuan didn't mind; he understood that these Saiyans had limited experience and couldn't be blamed for their ignorance. However, he needed to make them face reality. The universe was full of countless monsters, and they needed to respect the Dragon Ball world. Even with his foreknowledge and the check-in system, he dared not be complacent. He maintained a deep respect for the Dragon Ball universe, knowing its terrors.

"Only 530,000 combat power?" he sneered, "That's just Frieza's first form. The Frieza race, known as the Frost Demons, possesses terrifying power. Frieza is exceptionally gifted among them. Because his power is so overwhelming, he cannot control it fully and thus seals most of it away, allowing him to have multiple forms."

"Now, with his first form at 530,000, his second form reaches over a million combat power! His third form has at least 4 million combat power!"

As Mu Chuan explained the combat power of Frieza's various forms, the Saiyans were stunned. They couldn't believe it—Frieza was that powerful? Even his first form, which they could barely comprehend, was just the beginning. And there were more forms!

This... truly befitted a cosmic emperor!

Seeing their shocked expressions, Mu Chuan wasn't finished. He needed them to understand that arrogance in this universe would turn them into cosmic dust.

"In addition to these three forms, Frieza has an ultimate form, his true form. In its initial stage, it possesses a combat power of 6 million!" Mu Chuan continued, "And as he adjusts, his power increases, reaching tens of millions!"

"With such power, what do you think you have to defeat him?"

Mu Chuan's question hung in the air, a stark reminder of the vast power disparity they faced.

The Saiyans were stunned, their minds reeling with the data Mu Chuan had shared, shrinking under the weight of the implications. What kind of monstrous being was Frieza? No wonder he was called the Emperor of the Universe! With such terrifying power, it's no wonder he could rule over the galaxy.

In that moment, they felt as if they were under Frieza's oppressive force once more.

Seeing their reaction, Mu Chuan knew he had made his point. However, he didn't want to leave them without hope, so he continued, "Besides Frieza, there are many other terrifying beings in the universe, some even more formidable than him!"

"Therefore, do not become arrogant or overconfident! We still have a long road ahead of us. Even though Saiyans can grow quickly due to our unique bloodline, it takes time. Always maintain a sense of respect and awe for the universe; otherwise, you will end up as nothing more than dust."

His words were like a bell ringing in their hearts, awakening them to the harsh reality. The Saiyans began to reevaluate their situation, realizing they were in a precarious position—too weak to escape and too feeble to fight back, which left them feeling suffocated.

At that moment, Mu Chuan spoke again, "But don't worry. We are Saiyans, a warrior race. As long as we keep training, we will one day reach unprecedented levels of power. Moreover, I've been working on a transformation exclusive to us Saiyans. Once mastered, it can increase our combat power tenfold!"

"What?" the Saiyans exclaimed, now even more astonished. Could such a transformation exist? And it was unique to them?

Among the Saiyans, some were quick thinkers and immediately recalled their unique ability to transform under a full moon.

"Boss, you're not talking about turning into Great Apes, are you?" one asked. "While that does boost our power, low-class warriors like us lose our sanity when we transform. We become mindless and destroy everything around us. It’s uncontrollable and ultimately useless!"

This realization deflated the group's excitement. If the transformation merely meant turning into Great Apes, they were no better off. Unlike mid-class warriors, they couldn't maintain their sanity, and the wild rage would only lead to mindless destruction. Even if they gained great power, it would be futile.

Just as disappointment was settling in, Mu Chuan smiled. "No, you’ve only got half of it right!"

"It does involve turning into Great Apes, but not in the way you're thinking. I'm talking about mastering a perfect transformation, where you gain the power of the Great Ape while retaining your human form. This allows you to maintain control and boosts your combat power tenfold!"

"This is a transformation I've been developing. Soon, everyone will learn it. If we can truly master this, we'll have a significant edge in the universe—a means of self-preservation!"

Indeed, during this month, not only had Mu Chuan increased his base combat power, but he had also figured out how to control the Great Ape transformation. He had mastered the true Great Ape form!

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