Draconic Ascension - System Apocalypse Isekai LitRPG

Chapter 84: Curtain Call (3)

Michael looked at the large circular door.

That’s it.

It had taken him more time than he had expected, but he found it.

Viktor walked up to him.

“Everyone’s here. We’re ready.”

He had met up with Yellowbright’s group on the way, as they had planned. Michael turned to Viktor.

“Are you sure you should be here? What if you end you seriously injured or dead?”

Viktor scoffed.

“What kind of leader would I be if I ran away from this?”

From behind them, most of the captains walked up, including Samantha and Leo. Leo spoke.

“Everything’s ready. We’ve completely encircled the entrance to the Dungeon, but some areas are stronger than others due to the topography.”

It would have to do. Michael nodded at him and turned to Viktor.

“Apparently, Lohann can leave the Dungeon at will. If he does so to escape me, you guys will be the ones to hold him down while I clear the Dungeon and become able to leave.”

Viktor nodded.

“We know.”

“Be careful. We don’t know the full extent of Lohann’s abilities.”

“There are over a hundred of us here. We will at least keep him from running away no matter what. All of us who came here did so while prepared for the consequences.”

Michael let out a breath. It was relieving to have dependable allies.

“And my mother?”

“Against her fierce protests, we left her in the Village under the watch of a few people.”

“Good. You did well.”

He wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if something happened to his mother in the coming battle. He continued to speak.

“I’m going in now.”

“Good luck, Michael.”

Michael approached the stone door and lay his hand on it.

[Would you like to enter the Eagles Peak Dungeon?]

Eagles Peak?

He frowned but proceeded nonetheless.


The door slid to the side. He entered the boundless darkness and blinked. As he opened his eyes, shock entered his heart. He stood halfway up a small mountain. His feet sunk in the thin layer of snow, while strong winds battered his frame. It was harder to breathe. He spun in place, taking in the alternate world around him. Beyond the mountain, there were only plains of white. Yet, high above, the sun shone down on him, while clouds slowly drifted in the sky.

[Extermination: kill all enemies.]

It's almost as if the Dungeon is a separate dimension…

Michael kept his guard up. If anything, this could be the hardest Dungeon so far, based on how much it had altered the world. He looked towards the mountain peak. It was some distance away, but not too much. He had “spawned” quite far up the mountain. Using his staff as a cane, he started walking towards it, climbing. Mana gathered in his eyes as he used Eagle Eye, which he had learned on his own from trying to improve his visual acuity. Immediately, he stopped and frowned. A huge shadow was flying downwards in his direction.

Is that…?

No matter how he looked at it, it was a Griffin from legends and stories. His Dragonheart roared within his chest as he prepared himself to use Lightspeed at a moment’s notice.

It’s too big.

The Griffin was the size of a house and it barreled towards him like a freight train. He had never fought something so large; this lack of experience fighting against giant enemies could prove to be his undoing.


[Royal Griffin, Level 41.]

The beast was just barely within his Analyze’s range. Its Level was lower than the Elder Lizardman Chief’s, but Michael held no doubt that this battle would be harder, both because of the environment and because of the enemy’s size.

If I fall off the mountain, I’m done for.

Behind the Griffin, dozens upon dozens of human-sized eagles flew after it. It was at that moment that he noticed a shadow holding onto the Griffin’s neck. It was a middle-aged man with long brown hair tied up in a ponytail. His identity was obvious. Confusion filled Michael’s heart. How had Lohann managed to simply climb on a Boss’ back like that?

There’s no way his brand can be used on monsters.

This Blessing was too powerful. Yet, as if to mock his assumptions, Lohann and the Griffin approached together nonetheless. Another question popped up in Michael’s mind. Why the hell was Lohann approaching him when he could have remained at the top of the mountain, safe from harm? If he was truly in control of at least a fraction of the Dungeon and the Boss, it would have been a much smarter decision to send them to kill Michael and wait at the peak. It didn’t matter. Whoever struck first would have the advantage.

His staff drew a circle in the air, then continued moving. Twin Mana Arrows took shape in front of him. He was taking full advantage of the distance between him and his target to cast a spell with a longer casting time. The Griffin slowed down. The Arrows shot forward, piercing through the strong winds without losing power. The Griffin flapped its wings once with a screech. Then, orange energy gathered around it. As the Arrows neared it, it swiped at them. Just before its paw made contact with them, Michael issued a command.


The Arrows exploded, knocking the paw back. The gigantic creature screeched in pain as blood fell on the previously spotless white snow. It kept flapping its wings and stayed in place, and so did the eagles. At that moment, a strange sensation flooded Michael’s mind. It was the feeling one got when receiving a “call” from Whisper. There was only one person who could Whisper to him, when contacting people outside of the Dungeon was impossible. Apparently, Whisper could be used among people in the same Dungeon. Michael replied with a scowl.

“What do you want?”

Lohann’s voice echoed out of the floating mouth.

“Hello, Michael. I believe this is the first time we’ve talked. I-”

“Shut the fuck up. Decide: either throw yourself off the mountain or make me personally go up and kill you.”

“Not one to mince words, I see. Then, I’ll get to the point. I want to make you an offer. In person.”

“An offer? Are you telling me to allow an enemy to get close when I’m a Mage? Are you fucking crazy?”

“We’re both Mages. Getting closer to you is a threat to me, too. I’ll have less time to avoid your attacks.”

Michael let out a disbelieving laugh. Before he could reply, Lohann continued.

“Very well, then. I’ll speak plainly if you won’t let me get closer. Join me, Michael.”

Silence. Michael stared at the floating, ethereal mouth with a deadpan expression. Only the sound of the raging winds could be heard.


“We’re both working to help humanity. Our methods differ, but our ideal is the same. If we joined forces, our objective would be realized.

Michael felt as if he had just been slapped. Working to help humanity? This fucking madman who had ordered over two hundred people to be randomly killed? Wrath rose within him. His empty hand flexed, cracking its knuckles. Killing intent bloomed like a dark flower. Lohann kept speaking.

“I’m trying to make humanity powerful. By acting as its common enemy, I can be the driving force behind its improvement, at least for the people in the Villages; hopefully others in the future. Your idea of shielding them from the wind and rain isn’t good in the long term.”

“…So that’s why you killed those people? Why you spread fear and unease throughout all the Villages? Why you branded and controlled so many others?”

Lohann went silent. When he spoke again, his voice had acquired an edge.

“Yes. It is the only way for the people to grow the fastest. I didn’t think you knew about the brands. I’m sure you understand their necessity.”

It seemed like he had been caught off-guard. Michael openly laughed, his disbelief palpable. Was this it? The thought process behind everything was that “it must be done for the greater good?” In Lohann’s eyes, he had been righteous all along; even the brands were only means to an end. For the good of humanity, any and all actions could be excused. It was a twisted point of view that distorted the pure ideal of helping humanity. Michael had no desire to continue listening to this drivel. He smiled.

“Today is the day you die, Lohann.”

A deep sigh emerged from the floating mouth.

“A pity. We could have achieved much together. No matter. Die, then.”

The Royal Griffin decisively turned around and flew back towards the peak. The eagles, however, dived in Michael’s direction like fighter jets. A thought crossed his mind in an instant.

The Griffin will be back after leaving Lohann on the peak. He only came down to get my mana signature.

It meant that he needed to kill the most eagles before the Griffin returned and made the battle exponentially harder. It was his first time dealing with flying enemies, apart from the bats when he had first entered the underground. He used Analyze on the closest eagles.

[Royal Eagle, Level 30.]

[Royal Eagle, Level 28.]

[Royal Eagle, Level 31.]

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