Draconic Ascension - System Apocalypse Isekai LitRPG

Chapter 61: Hunt (6)

Michael endured the hatred in Derek’s eyes, knowing full well that from the perspective of his enemy, it was more than earned. It was the consequence of his actions. He shouldn’t try to avoid it. Slowly, Derek started to speak.

“I don’t know Lohann that well. He walked up to me one day, claiming to be Redglow’s most powerful Mage, and said he was willing to prove it. After a few tests and fights, I agreed with him and let him join the organization.”

Michael scoffed, but let the man continue.

“He quickly gained power within the group. His methods were effective, and he always managed to recruit those he aimed for. People started gathering around him, and,” Derek winced, “gave him a lot more influence. He developed a sort of cult following, served by those who approved of him.”

“It sounds like he has more influence over the organization than you.”

Derek frowned, spitting blood to the side. He cleaned his bloodied lips with shaking hands, but they continued to bleed.

“Shut up. Anyway, he’s disappeared since a couple of days ago. I only know of two of his hideouts, but there could be more, and he could be hiding in any of them.”

It was Michael’s turn to frown. He raised the hand with a new Mana Sphere, but Derek only snorted.

“Fuck off. I’m telling the truth. I didn’t make him my right-hand man because I wanted to; he simply grew to the point where it was no longer a choice. I don’t know enough about him.”

“Tell me about the hideouts you do know, then.”

“One is around two kilometers north of here, between the Territories of Greenwood and Redglow. The other is within Yellowbright Territory, one kilometer east of the Village itself. They’re difficult to spot. I could show you where they are.”

Michael’s response was immediate.

“No, I’ll try to find them on my own.”

“Don’t be foolish, kid. You don’t even know what you’re looking for, and you don’t know what Lohann’s going to do once he hears about this. Taking me along would be much more effective.”

A crafty glint danced in Derek’s eyes. Michael’s frown intensified. He didn’t like how the man seemed to have found a way out of this situation, but his words were right. He raised the Mana Sphere once more.

“Or I can just pry the information out of you.”

It was slight, but Michael noticed Derek flinch. The man was afraid of more pain, at least that was for sure. It was an expected reaction from someone who had to withstand the suffering of having a Mana Sphere sear through their flesh. Derek spoke.

“If you torture me, I might give you the wrong information. You wouldn’t know. Take me along.”

“I’m sure I’ll find a solution if I just keep doing it.”

Derek hatefully clenched his jaw.

“…Fine. You’re looking for two caves like this one, but much smaller. The first is behind a large rock, hidden from sight; you shouldn’t have too much trouble finding it so long as you reach its general area. The other’s entrance is a hole in the ground near two giant mushrooms and several tree roots that cross over one another in an ‘X’ shape.”

Michael gazed intently at Derek’s eyes, looking for any semblance of falsehood. He found nothing but the eyes of a defeated man. Hatred still burned, but it had been reduced to mere embers. The man had accepted his fate. With an unwavering heart, Michael stood up. Derek spoke.

“I suppose this is the part where you kill me.”

“Yes, it is. You’re dangerous.”

The man scoffed.

“Go ahead, then. I’d have done the same to you, anyhow. But remember this: we’re both monsters. You were just the winner.”

“…I know.”

Silently, Michael waved his hand. The Sphere floating above it shot forward at blinding speed… And drilled a hole through Derek’s forehead, instantly expanding and destroying his brain.

Michael stared at the man’s corpse for what seemed like a long time. He had done what had been necessary. Conviction filled his eyes.

It’s not over yet.

Lohann was the more dangerous one, and he was still out there. James and his friends might be in a better position because of Derek’s death, but until he got rid of Lohann, they would continue to be in danger, alongside many others. Michael couldn’t let this single kill stop him in his tracks. He gave Derek’s corpse one last look before turning around and taking a step. His leg faltered. It was a familiar kind of piercing pain.

I pushed my luck by using Lightspeed for another three seconds.

A trail of blood left his mouth. His body still hurt, but he couldn’t stop here. Not yet. He used a Skill that could help him. It was also a Heritage Skill, and one that stood on the same level as Lightspeed. Most importantly, it was capable of improving his natural healing speed.


Light coalesced into a halo above his head, showering him with light. There was an immediate difference. Michael could feel his body rebuilding itself, healing from Lightspeed’s damage. The fact that his Dragonheart was still active helped. At that moment, he realized something.

Cleansing helps me deal with the Dragonheart’s burden.

Activating his Dragonheart wasn’t without a cost; the reason why his skin became red and smoke floated up was that his body couldn’t handle the immense power of the organ. However, by improving his natural healing powers, Cleansing helped him cope with the Dragonheart’s effects. They were good news. He cast twin Minor Heals as he left Derek’s corpse behind, going where he had left James.

Soon he reached his destination. He opened the door, beholding the sight of his friend holding a bloodied knife, with four dead men at his feet. James lifted his gaze and looked at him.

“Michael! Did you do it? Also…”

James stopped talking as he looked at the halo floating above Michael’s head. Michael gave him a dismissive wave.

“I’m fine. This is just a Skill. I’m not hurt. Derek is dead.”

After hearing his last words, James’ eyes seemed to fill up with fiery determination and gratitude.

“One more to go, then. Thank you, Michael.”

Michael simply nodded and pointed at the corpses on the ground.

“I won’t judge you for killing your torturers. I’ve killed a higher number of people. But we must be careful. We can’t allow killing to become our first response or for it to cloud our minds.”

James nodded, but Michael could tell that something in his expression was off. He just couldn’t pinpoint what it was. His brow furrowed. James kicked the head of one of the men on the ground.

“I just couldn’t contain myself once I got the chance to get rid of them. They caused me a lot of pain.”

“…I know.”

“We should get back to the others and tell them the good news. You’ll deal with Lohann, right?”

“I will, as soon as I can locate him.”

“Me and the others are going to keep an eye out for him, but we have no way of notifying you after a discovery.”

“I’ll Whisper periodically to you guys. It’ll have to do.”

James nodded. The two of them left the room and walked along the cave’s path toward the entrance. James turned to Michael.

“Are you gonna keep that Skill active? It might draw some attention.”

Michael blinked. It was true that a halo of light wasn’t exactly inconspicuous. He dismissed the Skill, immediately feeling a pang of pain. He closed his eyes and felt the mana within him. Twin Minor Heals coursed through him. He opened his eyes again and spoke.

“I’ll be able to manage with just this.”

James tilted his head with a frown.

“Did Derek injure you?”

“No, this is just because I used a burdensome Skill. I’m fine.”

The two of them nodded at each other and started to run. Michael continued to feel some pain, but certainly less than before he used Cleansing. The Heritage Skill’s effects seemed to be greater than he thought. Finally, the two young men stepped out into the underground expanse once more. Michael let out a breath. James spoke.

“Come with me to our base in Redglow. It’s closer than Bluestone. We should let you heal completely before making your way back to your Village. You might run into an enemy on the way.”

Michael pondered his words. He replied.


Green waves of mana washed over him.

Lightspeed and Cleansing also cost me a lot of mana.

His vast reserves were nearly half-empty. Considering that he hadn’t needed to use spells or Skills for the vast majority of Derek’s men, this drain was alarming. As expected from two techniques that belonged to True Dragons. He let out a breath and straightened his back. He nodded at James, who nodded back. The young man started leading the way, with Michael trailing behind him.

They waded ever deeper into Redglow Territory. Once they reached the outer reaches of the Village, they both stopped under the shade of a few of the glowing mushrooms, hiding behind a wall in a nook that was difficult to spot. James spoke.

“I’m going to call the others, since we don’t know if you can enter the Village. It’s better not to risk it.”

Michael nodded.

“I agree.”

James ran off, leaving Michael alone. He let out a sigh and looked at the ceiling, casting another Minor Heal on himself.

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