Douluo: Love You Without Regret

Chapter 39

Neither side has directly activated their martial spirits. The five young people on the other side are greeted by a young girl who looks very delicate. Although she looks young, Xiao Wu is now about 1.7 meters tall. Blinking cute big eyes, they stepped forward in a harmless manner, which immediately made them vent their aura.

Oscar stood beside Tang San and whispered: “If you don’t hurry up, don’t let Xiao Wu suffer.”

Oscar had never seen Xiao Wu really take action, so naturally he didn’t know how strong she was. And since the other party came from a high-level soul master academy, he should have at least 20th rank or more soul power, and five people.

Tang San didn’t step forward, smiled slightly, and said, “You were also deceived by Xiao Wu’s appearance. These guys are going to be out of luck.”

“Sister Wu is very powerful, she beat them to pieces!” Qianye shouted, waving her fists.

“You’re also very powerful.” Tang San laughed.

After years of constant cultivation, Tang San’s Purple Demon Eye has truly entered the micro realm. The things that can be seen are naturally not the same as before.

The Purple Demon Eye is divided into four levels: overview, subtle, mustard, and vast. In the overview realm, it can greatly improve vision and clearly grasp the existence of every detail.

After entering the micro-realm, according to Tang San’s original memory and the records in the Xuantian Treasure Records, the effect of the Ziji Demon Eye should be seen more clearly, and the details grasped are richer. Everything reacts to his own nerves at a slower speed, reacting in the shortest time possible.

When Tang San’s Purple Demon Eye really entered the subtle realm, he found out. In this world, the Purple Demon Eye has undergone a slight mutation. In addition to possessing the original ability, he can also see how much soul power the soul master has.

But there is a premise, that is, you can only see the soul power of soul masters whose soul power is lower than his own. For those whose strength is stronger than his own, Ziji Demon Eye can’t see it.

Although he didn’t know what was going on, for Tang San. This is undoubtedly a pretty good ability. At least it can help him judge whether the opponent’s soul power is stronger than his own.

At this time, he could clearly see it with the help of the Purple Demon Eye.

Among the seven students of Fang Canghui Academy, except for the female student and the teacher who he couldn’t see through, the other six students knew the soul power clearly.

The spirit power of the young man who had challenged Dai Mubai and was repelled before was twenty-seventh rank, but now none of the five people in front of him had exceeded twenty-fifth rank.

Xiao Wu’s actual combat experience, Tang San knew all too well, she also possessed rank 29 spirit power, and Tang San could be sure that she had no intention of calculating. It is impossible for Xiao Wu to suffer. Besides, he was standing there.

As for Qianye, I don’t know why, I clearly feel that he is weak, but I can’t see through his strength. Maybe it’s because he comes from a big family, so he has items to hide his strength. Even if he is young, he has talent. The strength shouldn’t be too weak, but… don’t worry, it’s better to let him stay by your side and not to rush around.

The progress of the five youths was stagnant, but it did not mean that the small dance party was stagnant.

Xiao Wu blinked her big eyes and said with a smile, “Hello, brothers.”

The five youths were stunned for a moment at the same time, and they couldn’t help looking at each other. Stopped by a little girl who looked so cute, their aggressive appearances froze for a while, and they hesitated for a while and didn’t know what to do.

But just as they looked at each other, Xiao Wu moved. The foot seemed to slip. The whole person fell forward, and his body fell in the direction of a young man.

The young man raised his hand subconsciously and wanted to support Xiao Wu, but suddenly saw a black and bright hair braid flying out of thin air. Before he could react, his neck was already wrapped around Xiao Wu’s scorpion braid. solid. Xiao Wu’s figure also just stopped at this moment, her body curled up and jumped up, her back turned to the young man and she jumped up, her feet directly pushing towards the opponent’s chest.

It was easy to panic when his neck was entangled, but seeing Xiao Wu kicking her feet, the young man hurriedly raised his hand to block it. But how did he know that Xiao Wu’s feet were not used for attacking, but only a fulcrum. Almost in an instant, his whole body flew out with Xiao Wu’s front flip.

Even if it was Tang San at the beginning. When I met Xiao Wu Rou Ji for the first time, I suffered a loss. What’s more, the students from the Advanced Soul Master Academy who came from the majors and had little actual combat experience.

Xiao Wu’s movements were extremely fast. She didn’t stop under her feet at all, and she threw out one person with the help of the front hand flip, but her feet fell to the other person.

At this time, the remaining four youths hadn’t fully reacted. Facing Xiao Wu’s second round of attacks, the youth quickly put up their hands, trying to block Xiao Wu’s attack, but is Xiao Wu’s soft skills so good?

His arms did cover Xiao Wu’s feet, but the Canghui Academy student was surprised to find that there was no strength attached to Xiao Wu’s feet, they were as soft as noodles. , his feet slipped, and they had already drilled under his arms, pinching them on his neck accurately. Next, Xiao Wu’s body turned forward and turned back against inertia, and the second person was thrown out again.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye. The surrounding diners saw five people from Canghui College rushing up, and two of them were thrown out in an instant by a beautiful little girl.

The teacher from Canghui College was also surprised when he saw Xiao Wu’s attack method. In a fit of rage, he roared, “Stupid, use martial spirit.”

On the other side, Oscar wiped his eyes forcefully, and couldn’t help but say, “So fierce. Fortunately, I didn’t offend your Xiao Wu.”

Tang San smiled and said nothing. At this moment, Dai Mubai stood up again and said solemnly, “Xiao Wu, come back. With our boys here, why would you girls take action?”

In the blink of an eye, Dai Mubai had come to Xiao Wu’s side, Xiao Wu turned to look at Tang San, Tang San nodded to her, she didn’t attack again, and walked back calmly.

Fatty Ma Hongjun ate two big mouthfuls in a row, chewing the food in his mouth, and walked out with some reluctance to stand beside Dai Mubai. A pair of fat hands squeezed each other and made a crackling sound.

Tang San walked up to meet Xiao Wu, changed positions with her, and stood on the other side of Dai Mubai.

Qianye said excitedly, “Sister Xiao Wu is amazing, she’s so handsome!”

“That’s right, I’m Sister Xiao Wu.” Xiao Wu said proudly.

Three teenagers against five young people, what do you think, Tang San and the others are all too thin, but is the comparison of their strengths the same?

Because Xiao Wu didn’t use martial arts before, the two guys who were thrown out were not really injured, even though they were thrown out, they were not really injured. Peak, almost without hesitation, used his martial spirit.

No matter how they refused to believe that they would not be able to win against these youngsters in front of them as students of the Advanced Spirit Master Academy.

For a time, all kinds of light shined brightly, and the five youths’ spirit rings had the same color, one white and one yellow, representing a ten-year spirit ring and a hundred-year spirit ring.

Naturally, the five people were all battle spirit masters without exception, including two weapon spirit battle spirit masters and three beast spirit battle spirit masters.

The two weapon spirits are a spear and a three-pronged fork, and the three beast spirits are a deer, a sheep, and a horse. From the point of view of Wuhun itself, it is not considered powerful.

Looking at the opponent’s release of his martial spirit, Dai Mubai’s eyes filled with disdain, “Is this the so-called high-level Spirit Master Academy disciple? There are ten years of spirit rings? Brothers, open the spirit rings to them. have a look.”

The eldest Evil Eyed White Tiger among the Shrek Academy students was never a reasonable person, and Tang San had already discovered this when he first saw him. Unless you allow him to approve of your strength, otherwise, Dai Mubai’s appearance with his eyes above the top will not change.

“White tiger, possessed.” A layer of intense pale light suddenly burst out from his body, Dai Mubai stretched his arms to both sides at the same time, his chest was raised, his bones cracked, his muscles suddenly swelled, and the clothes on his body were swelled. hold up.

Every muscle became extremely obvious under the clothes, and even the air around him seemed to have become manic.

The full head of blond hair instantly turned into black and white, with white accounting for most of it, but a few strands of black hair were particularly obvious.

There are four faint lines on the forehead, three horizontal and one vertical, just forming a king character.

His hands have changed the most, more than twice as large as before, white hair covers the entire palm, and between the fingers, the dagger-like claws are constantly protruding and retracting from the palm.

Each sharp claw was like a blade, eight inches in length. Flickering cold light.

Dai Shao’s upper body slowly leaned forward, his eyes and four pupils turned into deep blue, the cold killing intent was invisible, full of tyrannical deterrence, under his feet, three shining halos rose one after another, quietly Rising, two yellow and one purple, the surging soul power formed a wave-like pressure blowing towards the face as the spirit rings circulated.

Perhaps it was because of the mutual restraint between the martial spirits that the three opposing warrior spirit masters who possessed beast spirits could not help but take a few steps back with trembling all over when Dai Mubai completed the possession of spirits.

How can deer, sheep and horses not be afraid of tigers?

In particular, the purple spirit ring on Dai Mubai’s body, which represented a thousand years, made the hearts of the five Canghui Academy students in front of them tremble.

At the same time as Dai Mubai unleashed his martial spirit, Tang San and Ma Hongjun also unleashed their own strength.

“Phoenix, possessed.”

Fuchsia light rushed out from Fatty’s body, and the short hair on his head suddenly became longer and gathered toward the center, turning into a mohawk-style haircut. Two circles of yellow spirit rings rose from under his feet at the same time, and long feathers stretched out from his thick arms. The hands also became claw-shaped.

The author has something to say: fight, fight o(∩_∩)o

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