Douluo: I love Qian Renxue alone, but I can kill with nine swords in a box!

Chapter 188 Stepping into the Trap

Seeing Qin Shiyuan being forced out of Poseidon Island by her step by step, Bo Saixi couldn't help but mock Qin Shiyuan for his ignorance of the world.

"Hahaha, I thought you had so many abilities. It turns out that this is all you dare to disrespect Lord Poseidon. Who gave you the courage!"

Faced with Bo Saixi's ridicule, Qin Shiyuan naturally couldn't bear it and immediately mocked him back.

"Hahaha, it's really ridiculous. Where did you get the nerve to say such a thing?"

"The majestic Poseidon Douluo, who is known as the invincible being on the ocean, now joins forces with Hai Long and several other titled Douluo, and they are actually unable to attack me, a ninety-third level titled Douluo."

"So is this something to be proud of? If so, then I think this Poseidon is really blind and would choose you guys as his guardians."

Hearing Qin Shiyuan's ridicule, Bo Saixi's face became even more gloomy.

It is true that in terms of level, Qin Shiyuan is far inferior to Bo Saixi and others.

However, Qin Shiyuan came to provoke him, causing Bo Saixi to subconsciously ignore this.

And since Qin Shiyuan himself knew that his level was not as high as that of Bo Saixi and others, he would come to provoke him, saying that it was impossible without some trump cards.

Thinking of this, Bo Saixi also calmed down. Now that he thought about it carefully, he was indeed blinded by anger just now.

Coupled with the presence of the Poseidon's oracle, Bo Saixi had no choice but to take action against Qin Shiyuan.

During this process, Bo Saixi didn't notice anything was wrong. It was true that he was a little unwilling.

Now that he had come back to his senses, Bo Saixi also felt scared. If Qin Shiyuan really had some back-up plan and he hadn't noticed it yet, the consequences would be really disastrous.

Thinking of this, Bo Saixi's pace of pressing forward also slowed down a bit, and he began to observe the surrounding environment.

Seeing Bo Saixi slowing down his attack, Sea Dragon Douluo also made the same choice very wisely.

Sea Dragon Douluo didn't know what happened to make Bo Saixi so vigilant.

But Sea Dragon Douluo understands one thing, that is, with the presence of High Priest Bo Saixi, they don't need to think too much.

Bo Saixi's intelligence has been recognized by Lord Poseidon. Over the years, everything Bo Saixi has done has told everyone how correct her decision was.

Over time, Sea Dragon Douluo and others have developed a dependence on Bo Saixi. Now they are too lazy to think about it. They can do whatever Bo Saixi does.

Looking at Bo Saixi who was now vigilant, Qin Shiyuan smiled. It seemed that Bo Saixi was not that stupid and still had some sense of crisis.

It's a pity that in front of a hunter like Qin Shiyuan, just being vigilant is not enough.

Since Qin Shiyuan dared to come, he was naturally fully prepared.

Just like now, no matter how much Bo Saixi observes, he can't find anything wrong.

After all, this is Poseidon Island, Bo Saixi's base camp, and Bo Saisi is very familiar with every plant and tree there.

If there were any changes, Bo Saixi only needed to glance at them to discover them.

"What's wrong? Why don't you dare to fight? Or is it that you can only reach this level and are no longer able to continue? Do you need me to lend you my strength?"

Since Bo Saixi felt that he was cautious enough, Qin Shiyuan naturally wanted to add another piece of firewood to Bo Saixi.

Unfortunately, the more confident Qin Shiyuan became, the more cautious Bo Saixi became.

Even after Qin Shiyuan said these words, Bo Saixi stopped attacking directly and went all out to survey the changes in the surrounding environment.

Seeing Bo Saixi's actions, Qin Shiyuan sneered, although there was a slight movement in his heart for a moment.

But on the surface, Qin Shiyuan's mouth did not stop at all, mocking this skill. Qin Shiyuan had filled up the skill points, and his continuous strength was unlimited.

"Hahaha, is this the courage of Poseidon Douluo? He was beaten to the door of his house but he didn't dare to kill the invading enemy."

"I can tell you clearly here that we are the only two people who came to Poseidon Island. Our original intention was to enjoy the scenery of Poseidon Island, but I never thought that you would actually treat guests like this."

"But since you don't entertain us, I won't stay here any longer. Let's meet again someday."

After saying this, Qin Shiyuan directly hugged Qian Renxue, flew with his sword, and fled towards the distance of Poseidon Island.

Seeing this, the expression on Bo Saixi's face changed uncertainly, and for a moment he didn't know whether what Qin Shiyuan said was true.

However, after thinking of Poseidon's oracle, Bo Saixi finally decided to give chase.

Her title of invincible fighter on the ocean was not praised by others, but earned by herself bit by bit.

What's more, besides herself, there are also Sea Dragon Douluo and other holy pillars guarding her.

With their current lineup, Bo Saixi even felt that there was no place they couldn't go even in the entire Douluo Continent.

Even if Qin Shiyuan really had some kind of trap, it would only make them disgraced. As for casualties, Bo Saixi couldn't even think about it.

After thinking about these things, Bo Saixi also made up his mind and chased Qin Shiyuan.

"Let's go, no matter what happens today, we must keep Qin Shiyuan here. I will cut him into pieces and make him repent for his sins!"

After giving the order, Bo Saixi also left Poseidon Island with Sea Dragon Douluo and others.

Seeing Bo Saixi chasing after him, Qin Shiyuan didn't pause at all, and even started to move faster, not worrying at all that Bo Saixi and others would lose him.

After feeling Qin Shiyuan's speed, Bo Saixi felt a little relieved.

After all, judging from Qin Shiyuan's current speed, if Bo Saixi and others had any hesitation, they would probably not be able to catch up with Qin Shiyuan.

Since Qin Shiyuan is not worried that they will chase him away, it means that Qin Shiyuan really has no backup plan. The previous ridicule was that Qin Shiyuan did not know the heights of the sky.

Thinking of this, Bo Saixi and others also gradually increased their speed.

On the ocean, the strength of Bo Saixi and others can be greatly increased. With the cooperation of several people, the gap between them and Qin Shiyuan is also constantly narrowing.

After estimating the distance at this time, Qin Shiyuan finally stopped and looked at Bo Saixi and others with eyes full of pity.

Upon noticing this change in Qin Shiyuan, Bo Saixi's heart became excited again and he hurriedly observed his surroundings.

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