Doraemon: My Nobita! Join Chat Group

Chapter 400

Chapter 400:

“Yeah, where did Brother Nobita go, why didn’t he come with you?”

The innocence of children makes Doraemon and Naruto both like them very much.

But to them they understood that the kid didn’t seem to be particularly familiar with him.

If he was familiar with him, it would not be like this.

For them, they know in their hearts that in such a situation, they will definitely communicate more.

“He’s going to school today, so he doesn’t have time to come here at all. We’re here to help him fulfill his wish. He promised to buy food for you last time. We’ll buy you more this time.”

The reason why Doraemon said this is because Nobita has mentioned it many times when he went back to his hometown.

For Doraemon, he will never give up on this matter. For him, he must help Nobita to fulfill this wish.

Nobita Bing never asked him to help the child buy more food.

Because Nobita didn’t even know that they had come to the shogunate era again. In Nobita’s mind, he felt that they would not come back after they left the shogunate era.

“It’s normal to buy me more, whoever tells you to talk doesn’t count”! ”

The child was happy when he heard that Doraemon wanted to buy him food, but it was not bought by Nobita, and he couldn’t be too happy when he was happy.

Doraemon knew that this child was more dependent on Nobita, but for them, they knew that Nobita would never come back to this place.

If it is said that the next time I come again, it may be when Nobita wants to come here, or for some special reason, but this time Nobita will definitely not come to this place, because Nobita is busy now.

“You’re right, our words don’t count, and we didn’t expect it to be like this. It really surprised us when we encountered such a thing!”

“We didn’t say goodbye to you last time because we were helping people. We will bring you more delicious food when we come back next time!”

“Naruto, why don’t you hurry up and buy more food for the children?”

Doraemon, Nobita and Naruto, they left a lot of broken silver in their hands after they left here last time.

For them, they didn’t throw away the pieces of silver immediately, on the contrary, they put it away.

There are these things in Doraemon’s treasure bag, and he doesn’t have to change them this time.

This is very happy for him. After he gave the silver to Naruto, Naruto also took these things, and then quickly went to the market to buy some things for the child.

“¨ˇ Let’s wait here and ask that brother to buy food for you. He will be back soon. Is your father at home?”

Doraemon, I don’t know if Tengji is at home or not. For him, he knows in his heart that Tengji has a lot of things to do.

He hoped that Tengji could help the children in the orphanage to do more.

In his opinion, the temple was an orphanage, and it was a good thing for these children that the host took in these children, Joe.

But for them, they may not be able to do much more.

But this Nobita and Doraemon helped them last time, so they already had a chance.

Chapter 1228 Nobita’s Regret Was Solved by Naruto

“My father is not at home. My father went to the temple. He said he was going to help the host grandpa with some things. I don’t know what he did.”

The child looked at Doraemon innocently and at the same time he also looked at the entrance of the alley, although his impression of Naruto was not particularly good.

But if Naruto said he was going to buy food for him, he still hoped Naruto would come back sooner.

The child’s eyes betrayed the child, but for Doraemon, he couldn’t be happy.

He knew that the children here were incomparable with the children of their time. He regretted that he didn’t bring more food with this child.

“It turned out to be like this. Your father went to help those grandpas. If that’s the case, then I can come to you next time when something happens, right?”

403 Doraemon and Nobita are quite fast. When they returned from the shogunate era, they simply forgot about the child.

Later, Nobita thought about this many times. For Nobita, he felt it was a pity.

But for Doraemon, he knows that they can come anytime they want. Fortunately, the time he set is more accurate. After he came here, they came here.

“I’ll give you the food, little ones. We have something to do. You can take the food home quickly!”

Naruto quickly bought some food and brought it back. He ate a lot, but Doraemon felt that Naruto still lacked some ability to get along with people.

This child is so young that he can’t even lift these things. Naruto has to deliver these things to other people’s yard.

“Send these things to the yard, or will this child be able to carry them? You still don’t know these children very well. Can such a young child carry these things?”

He also felt that he was too kind to Naruto, and that Naruto didn’t know much about the suffering of this world.

For him, he knew that although Naruto was very kind, sometimes he didn’t even know what kind of life a child was like.

“I ignored this fact. Fortunately (cgai) thanks to you, I will send them to the yard right away. Come on, my brother will take you back.”

These things are all worn with hemp rope, but for Naruto, it can carry these things.

The child saw a lot of things wrapped in the paper bag and put it on with hemp rope. For the child, he was very curious and wanted to see what was inside.

But after hearing the conversation between Naruto and Doraemon, he knew that Doraemon and Naruto were going to send him home, so he was very happy.

After all, my brother and mother are busy at home today. Brother Tian and the others came back early to help my mother. He was watching the fun outside alone.

“Thank you, my father is not at home, he is in the temple, there are some younger brothers and sisters who need his help, so he went.”

Although the child is small, he knows many things very well. When he said that, Doraemon and Naruto were both very surprised.

They didn’t expect that the child would be comforting them, Naruto carried the child in his arms, and soon arrived at Tengji’s house.

Chapter 1229 The hope of hosting, everyone is working hard

“Go back quickly, your mother and brothers are waiting at home, don’t go out by yourself next time, what should you do in case of danger?”

Then he opened the door of their house as soon as he opened it. Naruto put the child in the door, and then put the food in the door. He didn’t intend to go in and disturb others.

That’s how they handled things last time.

Doraemon took this Naruto out of here, they took out the aircraft, they were already very familiar with the place of the temple, and soon they came to the temple~temple.

“Fortunately, I got to the place. If I don’t get to the place again, I may be a little bit unbearable. It’s too heavy to carry so many things in my hand.”

But it was really in the temple. Doraemon and Naruto saw Tengji in the sky and they were busy.

These children were practicing martial arts there, and Tengji seemed to be teaching those children, which was unexpected for Doraemon and Naruto.

They originally bought a lot of things, and the things they bought at the market were intended to be brought to the temple for these children.

After all, they have some silver in their hands to give these children something, which is normal.

“Fortunately, I bought a few more things. Otherwise, what would these children see us and give them as gifts? They agreed last time. If they come again, I will give them some gifts.”

Doraemon and Naruto’s two overweight aircraft slowly descended from the sky.

They did not come down directly above the temple, on the contrary, they avoided a distance, for fear that the people in the temple would see them.

But no matter how careful Doraemon and Naruto are, there are still some children with sharp eyes who can see Doraemon and Naruto.

“Big brother, what do you see in the sky?”

“Yeah, Senior Brother, look at what’s in the sky, why are there two people in the sky today?”

He is teaching these children kung fu in the temple, and as far as he is concerned, he will definitely teach these people if he takes this job.

What’s more, he is here, and his master will now give him a salary, so that his life is relatively stable.

Although it is not particularly much, it can share some of the burden of the family.

・・・・ Flowers 0・・・・

He also taught these children in this place in the morning, and in the afternoon, he would go home to help the family and even do some other work.

This has also improved their family’s life. When he was teaching children here today, he hoped that these children would be more serious, but he didn’t expect these children to still quarrel.


“I told you that you must study hard after you study. You must cherish the opportunity given to you today, or you will miss it. Maybe the next time will be?”

“I haven’t finished today’s lesson, what are you arguing about here?”

Those children who were mentally slipping were all Tengji standing in the back row, and they had high hopes for these children.

This is the child the host has cultivated with him. These are more suitable for practicing kung fu.

As for the latter children, their own conditions are not particularly good.

Tengji didn’t give up on them, they just weren’t that strong, and they weren’t particularly keen on this matter of martial arts.

Chapter 1230 Some children are not suitable for learning martial arts

“You kids are doing pretty well in this place, and I’ll teach you when I have the chance in the future, but the kids in the back row are really too much, they’re actually sneaking away!”

Tengji was an angry host, and spent a certain price trying to cultivate these children.

Although it is said that he does not want these children to become dragons and phoenixes, for the host, he still hopes that these children will have a certain “403” progress, which is the foundation of these children in the future.

Just like Teng Ji, Teng Ji also walked out of this temple.

But it’s not that he doesn’t have a family, it’s just that he was trained by the host in this temple for a period of time, so Tengji will help the host in this place.

“We didn’t lie to you, there are really a few people in the sky, we saw two people in the sky!”

The child translated it to Teng Ji earnestly. After Teng Ji heard it, he was in a trance for a moment. He felt that this matter seemed very familiar.

At that time, did he also fly in the air with Doraemon’s aircraft?

When Tengji looked up into the air again, he found that there was nothing. He felt that these children were going too far, and he actually ran away, but he would not be angry with these children.

Some children are not suitable for this sport, but since the host is a requirement, the host told me Tengji, this is just a guarantee for these children to keep fit.

“Okay, I know that’s the case. Everyone is serious and will be dismissed soon. If you need it in the future, you will know what consequences you will bring if you don’t work hard this time.”

Seeing that there was no Doraemon, Nobita and the others in the sky, Teng Ji was a little disappointed.

But it was his business that he had to finish. Since he agreed that the host would help these children, he would definitely persevere.

For Tengji, he knew in his heart that there were some of these children and hoped that he could help more.

“Okay, you all go back, go back and rest for a while, and quickly go to your master to do your homework.”

Teng Ji knew that after the host took his world back, he actually started training these children again……

He would let these children practice kung fu at the door every day, and then when Teng Ji came, Teng Ji would continue to instruct these children.

These children are already famous, but as these children become famous, many children around will be sent here.

For this private chat, they were also a little overwhelmed, but fortunately, Doraemon and Nobita left a sum of money for them when they left last time, which for them can last for a while.

“Then we’re leaving, how about them? Aren’t they going with us?”

The children in the back row are not suitable for practicing kung fu at all, they are all relatively weak.

In addition, there are 0.8 girls who are not interested in this kung fu at all, but since the host and Teng Ji are trying to teach them, they will also come here to cheer.

But after persisting for a period of time, they still feel that it is not particularly suitable, so they will always give up after a period of persistence.

“They stay and practice a few moves before they go back!”

Tenji said.

Chapter 1231 The Silent Naruto Was Ignored By Everyone

Tengji’s statement made these children know that Tengji had certain hopes for the remaining children, and that these children also admired Tengji.

They felt that Teng Ji’s kung fu really made them like them very much, and they also learned a lot when they were with Teng Ji.

Tengji is helping the host to cultivate these children, but the host is meditating and practicing there. He recently had a competition.

“This game is very important to me. This child has been handed over to you these days. So many children may have to work hard for you.”

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