Doraemon: My Nobita! Join Chat Group

Chapter 380

Chapter 380:

Chapter 1143 Doraemon Distributing Invisible Pills

“I just copied some invisible pills and gave you two, two for each person. If this general wants to catch us, if we eat it, they won’t be able to catch us.”

Doraemon prayed in his heart that they would never use this invisible pill. If it was to that point, it would mean that there was no solution to this matter.

So for Doraemon, he didn’t want this kind of thing to continue to happen again. Nobita witnessed all this with his own eyes, and he silently took the pill.

Naruto didn’t expect things to get to this point, but to solve the 340 thing, they must have a certain amount of courage.

“General, we have something to do with you.”

The dust was getting closer and closer to Naruto, Doraemon and Nobita. They stood directly in the middle of the road, because for them, there was only one way to see the general. If it was to enter the general In the case of the mansion, there are too many houses there, and it is really difficult to find the general. It is better to have some communication with the general in this place, so that the matter is easier to solve.

“Are you looking for death? Why are you stuck in the middle of the (cgai) road, why won’t you go to the General’s Mansion?”

The general didn’t see anyone on the road at first. He rode on the road in high spirits, watching the general’s house getting closer and closer, he wanted to go back.

This road was specially built for him. There are not many people here, and it is a relatively remote road. This road is more convenient for him to go home.

He did not deliberately build a road to go home in the city, because there were too many people on that road for him.

It was a bit difficult to want to go home, and now it may be easier for him to want to go home.

“It is impossible to go to the General’s Mansion, because the people in the General’s Mansion will not let us go in and see you. There is no way to solve this matter without seeing you.”

Naruto took the initiative to stand up directly. He knew that in this situation, although Nobita and Doraemon could talk more neatly, it seemed a bit wrong for this general.

After all, the two of them are even smaller, so for Naruto, he is the tallest among these people. It would be impossible for him to say that he did not take the responsibility, so Naruto took the initiative to stand up and take the responsibility. part of things.

“What do you mean? Does this matter have to see me to solve it? If so, what do I want them to do?”

General riding on a horse has a feeling of serving the world. He looked at Doraemon and Nobita, who were the same height, and then looked at Naruto. Although the height was okay, it was obvious that he was not particularly old. , he felt that this matter is not so simple.

“Wait, what you said seems to be particularly unclear. Is there something wrong with the people around me?”

This general was obviously more sensitive to what happened around him. After hearing what Naruto said, he knew that what Naruto said must be meaningful.

As soon as Doraemon heard this kind of thing, he knew that if he continued talking, it would be a digression. They were not here to help the general clear the scourge around him.

“General, we came to you because we heard that you want that part of the land around the temple, do you want the temple to be relocated or that part of the land?”.

Chapter 1144 I hope you are telling the truth, not slander

After Doraemon said this, the general turned his attention from Naruto’s face to Doraemon’s.

Looking at Doraemon’s fat and short appearance, he thought it was 10 points funny, but what the other party said made him understand part of the meaning.

That is to say, the land in the temple was targeted by their general’s house.

It was normal, sometimes he would let his subordinates collect information on people who did all kinds of evil, and then take their property as his own.

After all, if he wants to expand his business scope, then he must have some funds.

Now he understands this matter for him, and it was someone who made the idea to the temple.

“You mean that my people are concerned about the temple and the land there. I didn’t give such an order. Have you figured it out? What the **** is going on?”

The general, who frowned tightly, looked at Doraemon, Nobita, and Naruto, who were obviously like children. He knew this. If it was really involved in the temple, then It will definitely have some impact on his future.

People who want to dominate the world can’t really ignore their reputation at all.

The one at the temple is not something everyone can afford.

If he offended that person because of the land, he felt that it was a bit of a loss, not to mention that he had no intention of offending that person at all.

“That’s what it means, it’s not to lie to you, it’s the truth.”

Doraemon chose to tell the truth, he stood in front of the general and chose to speak clearly.

After hearing what Doraemon said, everyone understood that what Doraemon said was the truth. There were some people behind the general, but they all took a lot of steps back after the general made a gesture with his hands.

“I hope what you said is true. If you slander my people here, don’t blame me for cleaning you up.”

The reason the general can say this is because he is somewhat dissatisfied with what Doraemon is doing now.

Doraemon and the others are now blocking themselves in this place, wanting to let him understand that for him now, he must cooperate with Doraemon and the others, and then he must come up with some ideas as soon as possible.

・・・・ Flowers 0・・・・

For Doraemon, he clearly realized the importance of this matter to himself, so he was stuck in this place.

The reason why Nobita and Naruto came to this place with Doraemon was because they knew that since this matter was caused by the general’s people, it must be solved by the general.


“We won’t lie to you about this. The host at the other end of the temple has been ill for a while. Your people have already been there and took in some children. It is impossible for you not to know.”

Doraemon said this to let the general understand that since the other side of the temple is taking in some children, they will express their thoughts as much as possible when dealing with this matter.

At the same time, they will try their best to think about this matter clearly, and then deal with it clearly.

Doraemon, after hearing this, he came here to show off with the general. The general was silent after hearing this. He didn’t expect such a thing to happen here. Eight.

Chapter 1145 Smart children come to the general’s house to work

At the same time, he also understood in his heart about the things that happened around him. In such a situation, if he wanted to cover up his own people, it would be impossible.

“Then let me go back and check, and I’ll give you an explanation after I go back and find out.”

The general understands what Doraemon means now, but for him, if he doesn’t know what the matter is, then he will not solve it as soon as possible. .

But after hearing what Doraemon said, he knew in his heart that in this situation, he should learn more about this situation with Doraemon as much as possible.

At the same time, for him, he also knew in his heart that things would not be as simple as he thought.

“I hope you can tell the truth. Those children in the temple pointed to the land to make offerings. If it is said that the land is gone, would you support them?”

Doraemon knew that the general said that he would check this matter when he went back, but the other party said so.

But for Doraemon, he is also aware of this matter. If he wants to find out, then they should have a good reputation with each other.

Doraemon didn’t believe the other party, so he hoped that the other party would understand that the host of this temple was sharing some things for the general.

“If those children are for you to support, it may not be so easy. The host has been raising them for so long, and he is still adopting children.”

“If you take back the presided over temple and the surrounding land like this, then you should support these children, but don’t forget that some of the children have grown up and they have already gone out.”

The reason why Doraemon said this is to let the general understand that some people really have their own ideas.

And some children have gone to various places when they grow up.

If it is said that the general is not calm enough, in such a situation, he will definitely try his best to make those children belong to him.

That would give the general an income and some manpower.

But Doraemon’s remarks reminded the general that if the general is not calm enough, in such a situation, the general will not think clearly, how complicated this matter will be for the general… …..

“Those children who have grown up and have their own ideas, if it is said that there are some ideas of their own in communicating with you, maybe what they will think.”

When Doraemon said this, the general had such a small thought, but he immediately dismissed it.

Because he knows that if there are children who have grown up and have gone their separate ways, if it is said that he adopts another batch of these children, it may be that with his adoption, some things will be affected by his failure to do something in place. Children have some mentality of comparison.

They may not compare the conditions they live in, but for the general he will only do 0.8 better than the temple.

If there is something wrong with him, everyone will despise him.

“Okay, your child is really smart, and I don’t know whose child, if possible, you can go to my general’s house to do things in the future.”

The general wanted to invite Doraemon and the others to do things in the general’s mansion, but Doraemon knew that he would never go.

Chapter 1146 Generals, they seem to be gone

“I won’t go to your place. You are a big temple, I’m not suitable there, and I just want to remind you that if you want to cooperate with us, then you should think clearly.”

Doraemon’s reminder made the general feel a sense of pride. He knew that Doraemon’s reminder to him was for his own good.

At the same time, he also understands that Doraemon will try his best to be on the same front line with them when he does things.

“Go back to 26 to investigate this matter. If it is true that your people did this, then you should remind them that this matter is not that simple. If it is really caused If the people are angry, maybe what kind of impact will it have on you.”

Doraemon tried his best to make the words clearer and clearer to the general.

The general already understood when he heard this. What these people meant was to remind him that he would cooperate as much as possible with everyone when something happened.

All things, for these people, since they want to cooperate, they should show a certain attitude.

At the same time, for these people, if they want to cooperate, they will try their best to put forward some of their own ideas.

“Our cooperation will continue. I suggest you deal with this matter as soon as possible, because there will be a performance in the temple tomorrow.”

“These children will be in contact with a lot of people, and if you don’t pay attention, you might be affected.”

The general Doraemon reminded, the general understood as soon as he heard that there was a performance in the temple, and he came to get their meaning.

People are forcing themselves to solve things as soon as possible, and they are really dissatisfied with the persecution of the generals by these people.

But he also knew that things were far beyond his imagination.

“No matter what kind of impact it brings, it’s good, but you can rest assured that my people will never really do anything. If it is said that my people have done these things, I will not let them stop like this.”

Doraemon understood, Nobita and Naruto are a little anxious now, but since he met this general, he will make it clear as soon as possible.

The communication between the general and Doraemon also made Doraemon understand that this general should have some irritable tempers at ordinary times.

But in the face of their own victory, the opponent will still have some scruples.

“Okay, since the matter has been made clear, then we will leave. I hope you can solve this matter as soon as possible. If you don’t solve it, it may cause you some trouble.”

After Doraemon finished doing this, he left here with Naruto and Nobita. Doraemon took a few steps back and let the generals and his 357s go first.

The general looked at how Doraemon Nobita and Naruto were thinking about how to solve this matter, but for Doraemon, he was quite safe in doing things.

“Took the pill.”

After Doraemon finished speaking, he first took a pill, and then Nobita and Naruto over there also took the pill according to Doraemon’s request.

The reason why Doraemon did this was because he knew that although the general said he would resolve this matter with them, the general’s attitude was not particularly obvious.

“General and they seem to be gone.”.

Chapter 1147 This is God’s Will and Omen

The general did not leave quickly, but took a few steps forward, bent his horse, and then stopped, wanting to turn back and talk to Doraemon and Nobita.

But at this time, Doraemon and the others disappeared in front of everyone.

In fact, they did not disappear, but they were invisible, they changed a place, from one side of the road to the other.

“How is it possible, how could they just disappear like this?”

Doraemon is invisible with Nobita and Nobita, looking at the current situation.

Although Tengji and the others said that they were far away from here, Tengji has always paid more attention to what happened here.

He felt the sudden disappearance of Doraemon and the others, or the soldiers suddenly shouted.

So when he heard this sentence, he saw that there were no Doraemon and them on the road.

He knew things, it would not be so simple to think of what Doraemon and the others did, he flew back to the temple as soon as possible.

“Yes, they just really disappeared, and all of us who disappeared like this in front of us watched them disappear in front of us all of a sudden’”. ”

Doraemon Nobita and Naruto didn’t leave, but were here to hear how the general handled this matter. For them, they didn’t dare to take risks.

Because they do not belong to this world, if they are really captured by the generals, maybe they will delay something.

So Doraemon never dared to take risks, his invisible pill was deliberately found to prevent accidents.

So when Doraemon and the others ate the pills, the general and the others saw a more surprising scene.

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