Doomsday Lord: Start with Ten Arms

Chapter 374

On the side of the army, there are also flying units.

It’s a gargoyle.

There are a lot of them, as many as one hundred and sixty thousand.

At this moment, he has flown over the star domain.

And with Su Ye’s order.

The dragons, who had long been unable to bear it, stirred their wings and soared into the sky.

Start a fierce battle with the invading gargoyle.

The gargoyle is only a seventh-order, eighth-order monster, how can it beat the tenth-order dragon, so in the short time of the war, a large number of gargoyles died and fell from control.

It’s falling all over the ground, and it makes your scalp numb when you see it.

Su Ye rode Blazing, bearing the brunt, soaring in the air.

Blazing this guy is crazy, with a big mouth, tens of meters long, hundreds of meters of world-destroying dragon’s breath sweeping around, under the super high temperature, the gargoyles that were hit screamed.

The health value drops down like a diabetes insipidus.

Countless experience points are rushing in fiercely.

Let this guy upgrade instantly.

“It’s so cool, haha, it’s been a long time since I had such a fun battle.”

He spit out fiercely, with a look of excitement.

Su Ye curled his lips and opened the Fearless Realm.

In an instant, Blazing’s attributes doubled and became stronger.

After a wave of World Extinguishing Dragon’s Breath swept through the air thousands of gargoyles.

This guy found the opportunity and released the fire of extinction.

Over the Star Territory, the sky and the earth change color, and dark clouds gather.

Soon there was a huge portal.

Fireballs with a diameter of two or three meters are rising: flames, falling from the sky.

Smashed diagonally to the troops on the ground.

The moment it touched the enemy, the fireball burst.

Impact force, explosive force, and additional combustion.

A variety of mixed damage appeared at the same time, making the units hit scream.

I don’t know how many deaths and injuries in an instant

Not only that… the ground was also burned into magma where the flame of extinction was violently left behind.

It’s the kind of…hot, flaming lava.

The enemy troops stepped on the magma, and immediately suffered continuous burning damage.

It can be said that Blazing’s hand operation has already caused astronomical damage.

No wonder Chi Lie is so happy.

This guy, going crazy, it’s desperate.

Blazing is so mighty, other dragons are naturally not far behind.

There are more than 100,000 gargoyles flying in the sky, to be honest, they are really not the opponent of the dragon.

Not even the enemy of Oneness.

At this moment, under the fierce attack of the giant dragon, there were countless deaths and injuries, and a large area was emptied in a short time.

The battle in the air, Su Ye’s side, has taken the absolute initiative.

But the battle on the ground seemed a bit stale.

Hundreds of thousands of troops came over, and many of them were mixed with high-quality arms such as Tier 9 and Tier 10.

In addition, Su Ye’s city wall is newly built, the level is really not high, and the durability is pitiful.

Under the dense attack, the durability of the city wall was smashed.

Soon there was a phenomenon of collapse and damage of the city wall.

In the area where the city wall was broken open, the enemy troops went crazy.

He rushed towards the gap as if he was crazy.

The 551st chapter one million battle [2] (seeking subscription)

It has caused tremendous pressure on the defense line of the entire Star Territory.

At the same time, at a mountain top seven or eight kilometers away from the territory of the star field.

Angus appeared here, sitting on the throne.

While tasting the red liquid in the goblet, he stared at the battlefield with scarlet eyes.

“How is the situation”

Angus asked.

A necromancer who had just rushed back from the battlefield fell to the ground: “Lord, the battle situation is a bit troublesome. The human lord has already controlled the air supremacy. Our more than 100,000 gargoyles have almost wiped out our army.”

Hearing this, Angus couldn’t help being furious, and the goblet in his hand instantly turned into powder.

The red liquid in the goblet converges into a small ball.

It was swallowed by Angus.

“Asshole, Paula, doesn’t it mean that its army of gargoyles must have the upper hand”

The necromancer shook his body and shivered and said: “Pola, Pola has been killed. When he charged with the gargoyle army, he was shot down from the air and then killed by the insurgents.”

Click! Another crisp sound came out, and the armrest of the throne held by Angus’ left hand cracked.

“Useless things, how about the battle on the ground, don’t you tell me, the battle on the ground, we also fell into the wind.”

Angus asked.

The Necromancer shook his head: “This is not true. Our ground army has successfully opened the gap in the city wall and is currently launching an attack into the city.”


Angus yelled and stood up from the throne: “Notify the army on the ground to use the most swift and violent way to open the gap in the enemy’s defense line, enter the city, and take the initiative.”

“In addition, let all necromancers obey orders and summon bone demons to join the battle.”

“Report to me in time if you have the situation.”

The necromancer nodded to express his understanding.

Then stood up and ran towards the direction of the battlefield

An hour has passed since the war began.

At this moment, the aerial battlefield has been completely controlled by Su Ye.

From time to time, the dragons dived from the air and attacked the ground troops.

But the battle on the ground seemed a bit difficult.

Tier 10 arms are Tier 10 arms, a strong group.

Angus’ ranks one hundred thousand and ten arms army has now become his main force.

Under the leadership of these tenth-tier arms, there have been more than thirty places where the city wall was damaged on Su Ye’s side.

This is an extremely dangerous number.

Because this means that if Su Ye doesn’t plug all these gaps, it is very likely that the city wall will collapse in an instant.

Once the city wall collapses, the soldiers on the wall will be surrounded.

They were killed one by one.

Su Ye will have a big problem here, and this is not the most terrible.

What makes Su Ye frown most, is worried.

In the middle part of the battlefield, thousands, and even necromancers, began to form a six-pointed star formation, summoning bone demons to participate in the battle.

Just a few minutes.

In front of the outermost wall of the Star Territory, there were thousands of big guys over a hundred meters tall.

These bone demons are the biggest threat.

Bone Demon, a terrifying fusion monster summoned by a six-pointed star formation constructed by necromancers.

The body is huge and the combat effectiveness is super strong.

And it has a decent attribute.

, That is indestructible.

If you break the bone demon’s body, it can reassemble and form in minutes


Basically, bone demons are invincible.

The only way to crack it is to kill the necromancer who summoned it.

But now, those necromancers are protected.

Be protected by Tuan Tuan in the center of the enemy army.

Not to mention ordinary long-range arms.

Even the dragon in the sky can’t get close easily.

Because of the bone demon.

These guys are generally more than 100 meters tall.

The huge bony claws are sharp and heavy.

If this is photographed, even the dragon will fall apart and lose half of its health.

Therefore, the current air supremacy has been taken back by the undead army.

Su Ye stood on the city wall, always paying attention to the battle on the battlefield ahead.

When seeing the dragon unable to break through the blockade of the bone devil and attack to the necromancer who is protected below.

Suddenly a little annoyed.

“Come on to the fire of exterminating the world and see if it can affect those necromancers.”

Su Ye ordered.

Nodding fiercely to express understanding.

Inspiring his wings to fly over the bone demon.

Then summon the fire of extinguishing the world.

Over the battlefield, huge space portals appeared, and large fireballs fell from the sky.

The heavy impact would logically cause huge damage to Angus’ army.

But now, those bone demons have become a barrier against the big fireball falling from the sky.

Seeing a big fireball, these guys attacked directly.

Slap the fireball away, or even devour it.

Anyway, it rarely falls directly to the ground.

Let alone the necromancers who summoned the bone demons.

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