Doomsday Lord: Start with Ten Arms

Chapter 26

This time, when the Warhammer tribe was brought under his command, Su Ye forcibly obtained a batch of resources.

Now the territory resources are as follows:

【Lord Hall】

Lord: Su Ye

Level: 3

Alliance: None

Subordinate Territory: Warhammer Tribe

Building: 32/50

Units: Dragon [Tier 10], Centaur [Tier 4], Blade Spider [Tier 4], Goblin [Tier 1]

Population: 82/500

Wood: 16.86 million

Stone: 16.31 million

Iron ore: 16.67 million

Gold coins: 4.05 million

Food: 63811

Currency: 27000

Upgrade requirements: 1 million each for wood, stone ore, iron ore, and gold coins

Timber, quarry, and iron ore exceeded 16 million, and only gold coins, only a poor 4 million.

No way, there are too many places to consume gold coins. Building buildings requires gold coins, upgrading buildings requires gold coins, and training units requires gold coins…

It’s weird to be able to spend it!

Four million gold coins, say more is not too much, say less is a lot.

Su Ye was going to put all of them into the blade spider’s army.

Su Ye had already seen the practicality of the blade spider in the previous battle with the dwarves.

He now has a second-level blade spider lair that can accommodate fifty blade spider arms.

Just fill in the numbers to fifty!

(Fifth update today, ask for flowers, ask for votes for support!)

Chapter 39 The Blue Secret Realm, the Orc with Inadequate Brain

(It’s spent 9000, this chapter is an additional chapter!)

In the previous battle, the blade spider died with seven heads.

In other words, only 23 of the 30 trained heads are left, and now we have to fill up to 50 heads, and we need to train another 27 heads.

“Training 27 blade-blade spiders cost 4.05 million gold coins.”

The light flashed, and then Su Ye’s gold coin balance was only five thousand.

Once again, I experienced the feeling of returning to the pre-liberation period.

With a helpless shrug, Su Ye turned and walked towards the room.

That’s all, today’s consumption is to be stronger tomorrow, and if the gold coins are gone, just hit them back.

In the room, the three little girls have already put the prepared food on the table.

The color, fragrance, and taste are delicious, and Su Ye is not polite, picking up the bowl and chopsticks and taking a bite.

After eating and drinking, Su Ye got up and talked about tomorrow’s plan.

There are two.

First: Conquer the blue mystery near Dahe on the left side of the Star Territory.

Su Ye has been greedy in this secret realm for a long time, and it’s time to do it.

Second: Explore around the territory, find more territories, secret realms, treasure chests, and everything that may appear.

This time the Warhammer tribe’s affairs reminded Su Ye.

To ensure the safety of your territory, the best way is to find out what is near your territory and what will appear.

If there is a threat, remove it as soon as possible. If there is a treasure, take it as soon as possible.

To be honest, if it hadn’t been for this time that the Warhammer tribe had taken the initiative to send it to the door, Su Ye would never have known that there was actually a dwarf’s territory two hours away from the Star Territory.

No, after a great battle, the Star Territory has an additional subordinate territory.

After arranging the general affairs, Su Ye went back to the room to rest.

Time flickered, and it was the next day!

Unfortunately, there is no sun today and the sky is covered by clouds.

Su Ye walked out of the private house, and the first place to go was the lair of the blade spider.

When I went to the place, I saw fifty blade-edge spiders crawling on the ground, which was very visually impactful.

“That’s how it looks like a legion!” Su Ye exclaimed.

Then went to the dining room.

After breakfast, everyone set off.

Su Ye rode blazingly to open the road, followed by Han Bing.

Finally, fifty blade spiders followed.

The mighty and mighty killing towards the blue secret realm on the left side of the territory.

Along the way, I encountered a lot of wandering goblins, goblins, orcs, centaur and other monsters, and they ran over them directly, and there were no dead bodies left.

Thirty minutes later, the troops arrived at their destination.

The entrance to a faint blue secret realm is suspended on the shallows by the river.

“Go!” Su Ye gave an order and stepped into the secret realm entrance with Blazing.

Eve and others followed closely.

This time, Eve didn’t say the same worrying words as the last time.

Perhaps, after these few battles, Su Ye has already proven his strength with his actual actions.

It’s only the blue secret realm, and Ollie can just do it directly. Why are you hesitating?

Are the two dragons really vegetarian?

Su Ye had already arrived inside the secret realm, glanced around, and found that there was a dense primitive jungle all around.

Standing in place, waiting for a while, fifty blade-edge spiders lined up in a straight line, coming in from outside the secret.

When all the members arrived, Su Ye gave the order and sent forward.

Su Xi’er and Lin Yanxi set foot in the secret for the first time, and they were very curious about everything around them.

It seems to be a different world here. The surrounding plants and animals are all things that the earth doesn’t have. It’s amazing!

Only a minute after entering the secret realm, Su Ye and the others encountered the enemy.

That is a head of orcs.

He is three meters tall and is wearing a vine woven armor or specially treated animal skins.

Muscles are knotted and tusks grow.

Holding a huge wood or boulder in his hand, he looked at the uninvited guest in front of him with a dazed expression.

【Beastman Warrior】

Equal order: fifth order

Level: 2

Health value: 75000

Attack: 850

Defense: 800

Speed: 135

Skills: Orc Roar: Open a huge mouth and yell at the enemy. The sound waves emitted from the mouth will impact the target in front, causing a brief sense of dizziness. (This skill is invalid for targets higher than itself)

Savage Charge: Launch a charge in a certain direction, extremely fast, coupled with great strength, can cause extremely high damage to the target.

Fatal trampling: The orc who is thoroughly enraged jumps high and tramples the enemy. Once hit, it will cause a huge amount of damage. This skill needs to be charged in advance and can be avoided if the speed is fast enough.

Description: A powerful race living in the primitive jungle, with a burly figure and explosive power. The only drawback is that the brain is not very bright.

After reading the description, Su Ye relaxed in her heart.

Orcs, the typical blood high, high offensive, high-defense mad war soldier species.

It looks difficult, but it is not.

These guys are not very smart, and if they simply competed in strength, they might lose to these big guys.

But if your attacks change a little more, and more bells and whistles, the result will be completely different.

Therefore, Su Ye was sure that he could win this secret realm.

Before he ordered an attack, the orcs in front of him hesitated for at least half a minute finally reacted.

Roaring loudly, holding their weapons, rushing towards this side.

One by one, the big feet fell on the ground, shaking the ground constantly.

Su Ye was also unambiguous, and drew out her stainless steel long sword: “Spread it all away and face it.”

As the voice fell, fifty blade-edge spiders scattered around first, in groups of three to five, towards the orcs encircled.

This is even more true for Blazing and Frozen. When the wings shook, they rose into the air.

One mouth spit out fire, the other spit out cold ice.

Set a head of orcs on fire or freeze.

These guys with poor brains have high skills and defenses, but they are not difficult to deal with.

After the output of Blazing and Frozen, several orcs were quickly killed, and the corpse fell to the ground like an iron tower.

Chapter 40: You can’t attack, you have to outwit

The blade spiders are extremely fast, in groups of three to five, approaching a beast sergeant.

The sharp forelimbs lifted up, turned into afterimages, and stab at the body of the beastman.

Although the legs of the blade spider are sharp, they are inevitably weak in the face of the defensive beasts.

But it doesn’t matter, because blade spiders are born with two ways to kill enemies.

One is cutting, which relies on the sharp barbs on the spider’s legs to cut the enemy’s body apart to achieve the effect of bleeding, and then kill the enemy.

The other is a venom attack.

The poisonous venom enters the orcs’ bodies and mixes with the blood rushing through their bodies.

Rapidly destroy the molecules in the blood, causing organ failure, breathing difficulties, and finally falling to the ground.

The inoperable beastman was not good at defense, and was killed by the swarming blade spiders every minute.

The battle is proceeding fast.

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