Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 18 - Shameless federation

   The Lucia spacecraft and these nuclear bombs were originally launched to meet the meteorite that hit the Blue Star last, but now they have just adjusted their mission from crushing one meteorite to four.

Regarding what the leader of Lucia said, another scientist of the joint action team said: “Although more than 20 nuclear bombs are enough to destroy any meteorite, what we have to face now are four meteorites, their orbits It’s different! Lucia’s spacecraft cannot target four meteorites at the same time.

   It can only choose between destroying three torn meteorites and crushing a single meteorite! And more than 20 nuclear bombs can destroy any meteorite, but three meteorites may be missed. “

   The words of this scientist immediately poured cold water on everyone who had just found a little hope.

Because the original large meteorite was pushed away from the impact orbit, its orbit itself is different from that of the small meteorite. In addition, the large meteorite is now torn into three pieces under the influence of the blue star’s gravity, and the orbit changes again. To intercept these four meteorites at the same time is an impossible mission for the Lucia spacecraft.

After a moment of unbearable silence, the federal leader asked the scientists of the Joint Action Group: “Can you tell which meteorite hit North America? If possible, let the nuclear bomb destroy it first! We should guarantee the people of North America. Safety! If the meteorite falling into the Pacific cannot be intercepted, then give up! May God bless those innocent people!”

   These remarks are cold-blooded and shameless, just like the usual face of the Federation, sacrificing the interests of other countries to guarantee the interests of the Federation.

Although the words of the federal leader were very disgusting, the scientists of the Joint Action Group answered his question: “It will be a small meteorite split from the original meteorite that hits North America. It is also the original material of the Lucia spacecraft and nuclear bomb. Meet the target. According to orbit calculations, the three meteorites formed by the split of the large meteorite are likely to hit Australia or Hawaii.”

Hearing what scientists said, the leaders of the Federation immediately became happy and said loudly: “Then let Lucia’s spacecraft continue to perform their mission and completely crush the meteorite that hit North America! If there are not enough nuclear bombs, we, the United States of America We can launch another wave of nuclear bombs!”

   The federal leader has directly ignored the three meteorites that crashed into the Pacific. It seemed to him that he had saved the North American mainland, and that was enough.

   As for the fact that there are many island countries in the Pacific Ocean, the people of these island countries don’t even have a refuge. How can this matter to federal leaders?

This may be cruel, but at this moment, if the sacrifice of one or two small countries and even all the countries in the Pacific can save most of the countries on Blue Star, the top five Blue Stars will sacrifice these small countries without hesitation. Even if there is an Australia in it.

   But the federal people’s apparent protection of themselves is obviously too shameless, even the leaders of the other four countries, who are also the top five Blue Stars, feel unacceptable to the federal’s approach.

What’s more, there are several other powerful countries participating in the meeting. The leaders of Australia also participated in the meeting. The leaders of Australia immediately wanted to greet each other’s family directly and have a relationship with the wife and daughter of the federal leader. Some super friendship relationships.

But before the Australian leaders greeted the family of the federal leaders, the chief scientist of the joint action team stood up and said: “This is too wasteful! And we have no reason to choose to use all the nuclear bombs to hit only one meteorite. Even if we have to choose. , Should also use these nuclear bombs to destroy the three meteorites that are about to fall in the Pacific Ocean!”

“The meteorite that hits North America will destroy the federal city! It will cause heavy casualties to innocent federal citizens! We should destroy this meteorite instead of taking care of the three meteorites that fell in the Pacific Ocean that cannot kill many people!” The shameless face of the federal leader is now exposed.

Seeing that the other party wanted to sacrifice the small country to guarantee the interests of the Federation, the leader of Lucia said disdainfully: “I will order our astronauts to destroy the three meteorites that fell on the Pacific as much as possible. As for the meteorites in North America… those nuclear bombs are the legacy of the former Sovaya.”

The words of the leader of Lucia suddenly choked up the leader of the Federation, he could only point to the leader of Lucia and curse: “You are a massacre! Millions of innocent people in the United States will be killed because of your decision! Tens of millions will die because of you! You executioner!”

   Facing the accusations of the federal leaders, the Lucia leaders behaved calmly.

It’s almost the end of the world. I won’t let the Lucia astronauts intercept the meteorite that hit North America. Your United States is going to die. You can say that I’m cruel now. When the meteorite falls, everyone is dead. Why should I be with one? The dying person cares.

Just as the leader of Lucia thought so, UU reading did not respond to the federal leader who had already scolded all the swear words, the chief scientist of the joint action team took the lead in expressing support for the leader of Lucia: ” In fact, destroying the three meteorites is our only choice now, because the total weight of the three meteorites that hit the Pacific Ocean is far more than the one that hit North America, and the disasters caused are much more serious.

   If only one meteorite hits North America, then people in other parts of the world still have a high chance of surviving, but if all three meteorites hitting the Pacific Ocean fall, then the whole world may fall into doomsday and humans will perish. “

   The words of the chief scientist suddenly changed the views of the leaders of China, Britain, and France, who were still hesitant, and chose to support the Lucia leader.

But perhaps because he doesn’t want to see North American creatures burnt, or think that the federal people are innocent, the chief scientist added: “That small meteorite with a diameter of four kilometers does not actually need twenty nuclear bombs to destroy it, and with As it approaches the Blue Star, the Federation can continue to launch nuclear bombs and then destroy it according to its orbit.”

   The method mentioned by the chief scientist is undoubtedly a big bet, because if a nuclear bomb is launched from the ground without an end guidance, it is difficult to hit a meteorite flying at high speed.

   This is why there will be a Lucia astronaut mission in the previous plan. What they have to do is to use the spacecraft to provide precise guidance for the nuclear bomb to avoid wasting firepower.

Originally, such a proposal may not necessarily be approved by others, but the chief scientist’s subsequent addition made the leaders of the participating countries all choose to agree: “Your Federation is the world’s largest military power, and there should be a lot of nuclear bombs in stock. Your missile interception system can intercept even missiles. It’s not a problem for a meteorite of this size, right?”

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