Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 12 - Comrades, smoke big Ivan!

   “Writer, you should be the first to build a shelter in the group, but mine is also finished (pictures, pictures) and now moving supplies.”

Pictures, pictures, pictures) I have moved down, and I am planting vegetables now. I will stay here before I am sure that it’s okay. If the meteorite does fall, the following days, as the author said, this vegetable But it can save lives! (pictures, pictures

This group of friends who are talking is doing soilless cultivation. When everyone discussed how to build the refuge, this group of friends strongly suggested that everyone open a planting greenhouse in the refuge, so that it can provide oxygen through the photosynthesis of the plants. , You can also provide food for yourself by growing vegetables, upland rice, wheat and other crops.

   Chen Xin thought his idea was very good at the time, so there was a 100-square-meter planting greenhouse in his refuge.

   Although the area is very small, if only Chen Xin is alone, this planting greenhouse can still guarantee his survival needs, that is, the production of food may be a little tight.

  Of course, the premise is that Chen Xin can afford the electricity and water resources needed to keep the greenhouse running.

   “I haven’t lived in the shelter yet, the big guys think about it, people can take my sister and my girlfriends (pictures, pictures

   Although I said that I haven’t lived in the refuge, the pictures that I sent out were all pictures of three beautiful women in the refuge.

“It is recommended that you save some resources. Although the resources you have reserved early when you see the opportunity are not too small, but fuel is used a little less, and you don’t want to go outside to find fuel by tens of degrees below zero? In addition, although there are water circulation equipment in the water source, Water resources can be reused as much as possible, but everyone should save water as much as possible.”

It was another group friend in the group who was also a real boss in the group. He runs a technology company that produces a water circulation device that can remove water from air, soil, and even human and animal feces and urine. Recycling, after treatment, becomes potable fresh water.

This technology was originally used in aerospace. The initial prototype of the equipment was the water circulation device used in the space station. The company used this technology to produce equipment that can be used in RVs, specifically for RVs. The recycling and reuse of black water and gray water is a very environmentally friendly technology.

   It’s just because the equipment cost is relatively high. At present, their company’s products are only provided for some high-end RVs, which are considered high-tech products.

But this time everyone discussed the need to build a shelter, and their company’s equipment unexpectedly played a role beyond imagination in this occasion. After all, everyone’s hoarding resources are limited. If they can be recycled, it will naturally greatly enhance everyone’s survival. .

   And this big guy is also very generous to provide their company’s products to the group of friends who build refuges in the group, and help everyone use their company’s products to build the water circulation system of their respective refuges.

Chen Xin’s refuge naturally also uses the equipment provided by the other party. Although the equipment provided by the other party is indeed effective, the recovery of water from feces and urine still makes Chen Xin feel a bit uncomfortable, even if it can indeed meet drinking water standards. the same alsp.

   So when the previous group of friends who did soilless cultivation said that they wanted to build a greenhouse, Chen Xin thought of dividing the water circulation system into two parts, that is, designing the classification of gray water and black water like a motorhome.

  The so-called grey water is sewage from domestic water, while black water is sewage from toilets.

  The water resources recovered from gray water are not so suitable. Chen Xin uses it as a supplement to drinking water and domestic water, while Chen Xin intends to use the water recovered from black water for irrigation.

   In this case, it should be possible to ensure the use of water resources in the shelter before the environment stabilizes.

   When everyone in the group was discussing their own shelters, time passed quickly.

  Although this is only a short period of time for the six billion people in the world, it may even have been an hour, but it is the most difficult hour in human history.

Just when everyone could not hold on, the surface of the meteorite finally burst out with a violent bright light, and a space shuttle also ignored the existence of debris flow around the meteorite, forcibly took off from the surface of the meteorite and rushed out. .

   Behind the space shuttle, the flash of the Tsar bomb once again lit up in the universe, and the Federation team completed their mission.

Chen Xin opened his mouth in surprise through the image taken by the Yan Guo team spacecraft on the TV screen, watching the huge meteorite on the screen burst out with dazzling light in the universe and then split. It became two halves, and my heart was suddenly filled with ecstasy.

   He couldn’t help yelling: “It’s successful!”

   The meteorite was exploded, and as expected, it was exploded into two pieces of different sizes, one large and one small.

   The Federation Team successfully completed their mission.

   Just why only one space shuttle returns, and the other one? Could it be…

   “Houston, this is the Endeavour! We have completed the mission, and the nuclear bomb has detonated!” On the TV screen, NASA command center sounded from the Endeavour, UU reading www.uukanshu. com they asked NASA loudly: “Has the meteorite been blown up? Did our mission succeed?”

  Because they are escaping from the meteorite, avoiding the damage caused by the nuclear explosion, they don’t know that the meteorite behind them has been blown in half, and they have completed their mission.

However, NASA witnessed all of this through the camera on the Yan Guo team spacecraft, so the experts interviewed by the reporter hurriedly informed them of the good news: “The meteorite was blown up! Endeavour! You have successfully completed you. Your mission! Congratulations, you are so good!”

   “Is it true? Great!” There was a huge cheer on the Endeavour. Obviously the astronauts were cheering for their ability to complete the mission.

However, NASA experts still noticed the fact that only one space shuttle came back from the meteorite, so they asked this question: “Endeavour, this is Houston, where is Atlantis? Did they return? “

This question immediately silenced the Endeavour. It was not until about half a minute later that the endeavour heard an answer: “We were affected by the gravitational force of the meteorite when we landed. We deviated from the predetermined position and could only make a crash landing. The Tees crashed during the emergency landing. The survivors found us and completed the mission with us.”

   Hearing this, Chen Xin couldn’t help but stand in awe, paying tribute to the brave astronauts on the Atlantis, who saved the Blue Star by giving their lives.

“Go home, hero.” Endeavour finished telling the story of Atlantis, and NASA ordered them to go home. At this moment, they are already the most eye-catching existence on Blue Star. A grand celebration party is waiting. Against them.

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