Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 2086: Shang (sixteen)

Chapter 2086 Shang (sixteen)

Shang Qiqi went directly to Shang Qingmo’s company.

For the arrival of Shang Qiqi, the employees in the company are also used to it these two days.

But after her figure disappeared, she couldn’t help but whisper to herself.

How many ugly words, Shang Qiqi has heard it with her own ears, and she has seen words that are even more embarrassing than this.

It’s strange, the evaluation that was unacceptable at first, now sounds like it doesn’t feel at all.

Came to Shang Qingmo’s office lightly, and the people in the secretarial department stood up habitually.

“Shang is always in the office, do you need something to drink?”

“No thanks.”

Shang Qiqi smiled sweetly at the secretary, then opened the office door.

Shang Qingmo just came out of the rest room, fiddling with the cuffs of his shirt, when he heard the door open, he turned to look at her, and there was no surprise in his eyes.

There is probably only one Shang Qiqi in the world who can enter his office without knocking on the door.

“Where did you go to play?”

He walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, bent over, picked up the porcelain cup on the table next to him, and took a sip of water.

The    posture is relaxed, obviously a rest time for himself after he has just been busy.

Shang Qiqi closed the door, stood there and stared at him for a few seconds, a sourness surged up his nose and throat, and was quickly pressed down by her.

secretly took a breath, she raised her feet and walked towards Shang Qingmo.

Shang Qingmo took two sips of water and noticed that the girl was too quiet today, so she couldn’t help turning to look at her, but her waist was slowly hugged from behind.

The tall and tall figure paused slightly, he squeezed the porcelain cup in his hand, and looked down at the hand on his waist.

“What’s the matter? Was bullied outside?”

He opened his mouth to speak, but his eyes kept falling on the hands around his waist.

Shang Qiqi shook his head, “No, I won’t embarrass you.”

Shang Qingmo hooked her lips, took her hand, bent over and put the cup in her hand on the table, then turned around.

Shang Qiqi raised his head and looked straight at him, his smiling eyes shining brightly.

She called him with a smile, put her body in his arms, and said with a smile, “How can I seduce you?”

Shang Qingmo’s expression paused slightly, feeling her softness in front of him, her eyes suddenly darkened a bit.

“Would you like to try it tonight.”

Shang Qiqi shook his head, “No.”

“Huh?” Shang Qingmo raised her eyebrows.

Shang Qiqi stood on tiptoe at this moment and kissed his lips.

Shang Qingmo’s emotions that she had been suppressing were repeatedly provoked by her, and she looked at her with dark eyes that could hardly see the light of day.

“Seven seven, enough…”

Shang Qiqi didn’t seem to hear it, so he freed up a hand and gently pulled the tie around Shang Qingmo’s neckline.

After that, he raised his misty eyes to look at him, a look of inquiry, fear and anticipation.

Shang Qingmo held her hand, her voice low and hoarse:

“Think about it, eh?”

Shang Qiqi bit his lip shyly and buried his face in his neck.

“I haven’t… I’m afraid…”

The    voice became smaller and smaller at the end, but Shang Qingmo suddenly pinched her jaw.

“Never had?”

So she has been abroad for more than four years, is she still innocent?

and Han Jichi, nothing happened?

This sentence obviously pleases the man. As soon as she finished speaking, a chuckle came from above her head, and in the next second, her body was lifted into the air.

The moment    was placed on the bed, Shang Qiqi nervously and expectantly looked at Shang Qingmo’s leaning body.

“So am I successful?”

Shang Qingmo tore off his tie, and a faint smile floated in his emotional eyes, “Actually, you don’t have to do anything at all. But what you do is definitely not a bad thing.”

Shang Qiqi pouted, “Liar, obviously before…”

“Don’t go over the old accounts with me, let me attack a girl who has just grown up, do you think I’m too beast?”


“Stop talking, or I’ll just admit to you that I’ve been regretting it all these years. I shouldn’t have thought about it so much…”


Shang Qingmo took her out of the bathroom and just put her on the bed, she blushed and got into the quilt.

Shang Qingmo looked at her shy look and pulled his lips, “Show your head, I won’t look at you.”

“you go.”

Shang Qiqi’s muffled and soft voice came from the quilt.

Shang Qingmo raised his eyebrows, “Remember to show your head.”

The door of the lounge opened and closed, waiting to be sure that the room was really quiet before Shang Qiqi slowly opened the quilt.

Those eyes, neither shy nor sweet, wandered around the room before pulling their lips and slowly closing their eyes.

The curtains in the lounge block out the afternoon light outside the window. In the dimness, tears from Shang Qiqi’s closed eyes seeped into the soft pillows down the corners of his eyes.

Compared to a kiss four years ago, now she also really got it.

She is satisfied.

The happiest thing in the world is that what you think is what you get.

She wants everyone she cares about to be happy.


Shang Qingmo went out and entered the conference room.

The summer schedule of the TV station has some changes due to recent events. The introduction of new works involves future arrangements and new program planning.

Shang Qingmo was in a good mood, but she still looked cold when facing her subordinates.

Everyone in front of him has always been business-like, respectful, and can sum up in one sentence and never say another word.

Even though the waves in my heart were stormy and I couldn’t calm down, I still behaved the same as usual.

But Shang Qingmo finally found the clue.

Assistant’s phone vibrates a little too frequently, and the phone is hung up is a continuous message.

After coming down many times, the expressions of the other people in the conference room were also a little weird that could not be concealed.

Shang Qing frowned, threw the touch screen pen in his hand aside, and looked at the assistant with a gloomy face.


The    assistant pursed his lips and glanced at the other people in the conference room. Everyone quickly got up and left the conference room with their things.

Seeing this situation, Shang Qingmo’s face darkened a little, but he still acquiesced to them to leave.

“Shang Zong.”

Until the last person left, the assistant stepped forward, took out the phone, rummaged through it, and placed it in front of Shang Qingmo.

The title of the first hot search that reads “Little San is crazy, the coffee shop slaps his fiancee hard” is eye-catching and dazzling.

He clicked in, and the first post on the topic was a video posted by a weighted media account.

The    video was filmed when Shang Qiqiyi entered the cafe.

That confident and arrogant look is something he has rarely seen recently.

The conversation between the two sitting down made Shang Qing Mo’s cold and ugly face even more difficult to look directly at.

Even Song Yunshu splashed Shang Qiqi with water, but he didn’t seem to have any reaction.

“I suddenly felt that when you left, it was not the so-called letting go, but this time, it was actually your plan for a long time.”

“I don’t have to marry him, but don’t think you can. I coveted half of his bed at a young age, and now I have just tasted a little sweetness and come to me with arrogance…

What face do you have to be proud of in front of me? Who can really accept the two of you? The entire Shang family is now being chewed up behind their backs! He Shang Qingmo is now walking with someone poking his spine. Is this what you call love? ”

Shang Qiqi gave her a heavy slap in the face at this time.

“You’re right, I’m just unwilling that the man I love will eventually marry another woman. What I want, even if it’s been planned for a long time? What if it’s deliberately seduced? Who will let him eat this? What about the cover? I got what I wanted, what else am I going to do? Will the Shang family kill me?

“Song Yunshu, everything depends on the outcome. You are upright, sensible, and sensible, but I am the one who succeeds in the end.”

Shang Qiqi finally used the word “success”, which perfectly echoed the previous plan for a long time.

The assistant carefully observed Shang Qingmo’s expression, “The direction of public opinion on the Internet is almost one-sided, and they are all strongly condemning Miss Shang…for meddling in other people’s marriages, knowing…three are three…”

“Also said…you were actually counted…”

Assistant’s voice hadn’t even finished, but Shang Qingmo’s terrifying gaze glared back.

“Mr. Shang… what should I do now? In the video, Miss Shang admits that it was… deliberately seduce…”

Shang Qingmo threw the phone aside, but kept his eyes on it and never took it back.

After a long while, he slowly spoke again, “Remove the hot search.”

“…But this way, I’m afraid it will cause more dissatisfaction.”



The assistant leaned over and took the mobile phone and called the media platform.

Just said the request to withdraw from the hot search, he didn’t know what the other party said, he was a little stunned for a while.

“What did you say?”

Shang Qingmo looked up at him.

After a moment, the assistant hung up the phone with an ugly face.

“Mr. Shang, I heard that Miss Shang has contacted a number of media and said she wants to clarify some things.”

Hearing the words, Shang Qingmo was stunned for a moment, then stood up from the chair almost instantly.

suddenly pushed open the door of the lounge, and the woman who was supposed to be resting on the bed had long since disappeared.

Shang Qingmo’s face suddenly slid with anger.

strode out of the office with some messy steps, and asked the secretary who was busy outside: “What about her?”

The secretaries were stunned by the look on his face, stunned for a moment, and then quickly responded, “Miss Shang left shortly after you left.”


At the same time, outside a media office building, reporters were already surrounded.

“You were also called by the niece of the Shang family?”

“Yeah, I heard that I want to clarify something, and I don’t know what else to clarify. On the video, I admit that I deliberately seduced…”

“Didn’t Song Yunshu say it? She wanted to climb the bed at a young age. Now that she left suddenly five years ago, it must be a bit tricky.”

“I think so too. Isn’t the video in the cafe talking about a long-term plan? It’s been planned for at least five years. I have to say that at a young age, you can calculate like this…”

“The most unbearable thing is that you know the third and the third, but you are still so arrogant, and the slap in the face of your fiancee in public is also terrible.”

“Master Shang never imagined that the person who has been with him for so many years is actually a real white-eyed wolf.”

“How can she take herself out with some expectations.”

When there was a lot of discussion, Shang Qiqi’s figure slowly appeared in front of them.

A group of reporters rushed up to meet them.

Shang Qiqi stood in the center and smiled at them.

“Thank you for being invited to come here to save face. I didn’t expect me to get so much attention. Just meeting people in a coffee shop will be photographed and uploaded to the Internet.”

“I originally thought that I had the chance to win, and the person I coveted was finally mine. I didn’t expect that this kind of inexplicable thing happened before I was too proud.”

The reporters obviously didn’t want to hear her make so much foreshadowing, saying something irrelevant and directly stealing her words.

“So Miss Shang, are you admitting that what the cafe said is true?”

“Did you suddenly leave Pingcheng five years ago, did you have a secret?”

“What did you come to us today to clarify something?”

Facing the aggressiveness of the reporters, Shang Qiqi always kept a shallow smile. She swept over them lightly, and after a few seconds of silence, she spoke slowly again.

“I can’t deny the matter of the coffee shop. Those words are what I said, and hitting Miss Song is also true. But don’t worry, everyone, this is the end of the matter, and I will naturally not make quibbles.

The reason why I stand here is because something Miss Song said is right. Five years ago, when I just came of age, I did some impulsive things and angered my uncle, so I chose to go abroad… Yes, that’s what you think in your heart. After he had a fiancée, he did such a shameless thing. My uncle was very angry, so he sent me to study abroad.

As for why we are together now, why did he suddenly cancel the engagement with Miss Song with a strong attitude… Just because, this time, I did the same thing as five years ago when he was unprepared and unconscious. , and then forced him to take responsibility for me. After all… even if he was unconscious, he betrayed his fiancée, so I naturally couldn’t let him get the innocent me for nothing. ”

“But my uncle is still my uncle. Even if I did this, in order to protect me, I made a face-to-face repentance of the marriage, entangled with me, and carried the culprit and the cauldron of infidelity.”

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a commotion in front of her.

Shameless, she could hear the shameless words.

Shang Qiqi’s fingertips poked his palm tightly, but his smile was impeccable.

“If the incident at the coffee shop hadn’t been revealed, I wouldn’t have said so much, and I would have even enjoyed my victory with peace of mind, but since the incident happened… After all, the Shang family has raised me for so many years and given me so much love, I will never forget it again. The wolf-hearted and dog-lung also know that they are good to me. Telling the truth today can be regarded as repaying their kindness for raising me.

In the end, I would like to thank my grandfather and uncle for their love and favor. Because the selfish Shang family has been discredited and brought a series of injuries. I am very sorry. I do not ask for forgiveness. I will stay away from the Shang family from now on. Far. Oh, and Miss Song Yunshu, sorry. ”

After    finished speaking, Shang Qiqi blinked, turned and left with a smile.

The reporters tried to catch up, but were stopped by the security guards arranged in advance in the media building.

Shang Qiqi lowered his head and quickly stepped into a car.

“Little Miss…”

The driver is from our family.

was specially instructed not to show his face easily.

“Right now, go to the airport.”

Shang Qiqi covered his suffocated chest with both hands, and when he opened his mouth to urge, there was an uncontrollable vibrato.

She didn’t expect to be so fast.

I thought she could hold off longer…

She can stay by his side for longer…

But she can’t really burden Shang Qingmo so much, making him and the entire Shang family a laughing stock in everyone’s eyes.

She couldn’t think of a better way than taking all the responsibilities on her own.

They are an unacceptable relationship, too many factors can’t be together.

As long as she completely cuts off contact with the Shang family, as long as she completely leaves…

is just a matter of time, and time will eventually fade everything.

Love, hate, unwilling…


It wasn’t until after seeing this ad hoc press conference that Song Yunshu suddenly realized that the sadness she captured on Shang Qiqi’s face in the cafe at noon was real.

And the paradoxical feeling that crossed her mind at that moment also had an answer at this moment.

From the first sight of her in the coffee shop, there was a strong sense of disobedience. Now that I think about it, from the moment Shang Qiqi stepped into the coffee shop, she was ready to do this.

The arrogant attitude and the provocative language were all intentional.

She didn’t have to read the comments on the Internet, she knew how unsightly the criticism of Shang Qiqi was.

She chose to take everything by herself, and even ruined her own life, just to take everyone out as much as possible.

At this moment, Song Yunshu suddenly felt that his insistence was meaningless.

The beginning of her relationship with Shang Qingmo was not because of love, it was just the product of her to avoid another relationship, and it is only because she was unwilling to experience another failure.

She thought that love was the deepest bond, but in the end she couldn’t keep a single person.

Later, she thought that interest was an unbreakable bond, even a shackle enough to tie two people, but in the end, she lost to love.


She never seemed to think that she would ruin her life for another person without hesitation.

At least for now, she will not bet her life for Shang Qingmo.

Even, she would secretly feel indignant and even jealous because she felt that she had been greatly humiliated because Shang Qingmo unilaterally announced her divorce.


Why are you serious about a man you don’t love?


Huachen TV Building.

Shang Qingmo almost smashed the entire new media room to pieces after watching the live broadcast of the entire press conference.

Several program planning teams who were working were all silenced by this move.

“Shang Zong…”

The assistant    was frightened and stepped forward to try to get him back to his senses and calm down.

But he saw Shang Qingmo holding the new media console with his arms, bowed his head, and there was a blue vein on his forehead.


Assistant    stopped, only to hear Shang Qingmo whispering to himself.

“What nonsense is she talking about…”

The assistant didn’t dare to move any more. He didn’t know much about it. He seemed very happy when he came to the company before, and even when President Shang held a meeting, he was always in a good mood.

Why all of a sudden, Miss Shang suddenly turned her face.

Even if it is because of the hot search on the Internet, isn’t her reaction speed too fast?

Mr. Shang just left the office on the front foot, and she left with the back foot to go to the press conference…

And those words he said were all without room for being strongly criticized and condemned.

He wondered if Miss Shang was lying, but he selfishly hoped that what she said was true, and he was more willing to believe that his boss was what she said, and everything was just her calculations…

He was standing there thinking of something, but Shang Qingmo suddenly raised his head, Jun Yi’s indifferent face was full of helplessness and panic that he had never seen before.

He didn’t even have time to react, and people had already passed him quickly.

The    wind swayed his hair.

He instinctively followed quickly, but he was blocked by several people at the entrance of the building.

“Sir, the old man asked you to go back.”

Shang Qingmo clenched his fists tightly, his face tense, “I have other things to do now, you all get out of the way.”

“Sorry sir, the old man is eager to see you.”

Shang Qingmo’s body was stretched like a drawn bowstring, “I’ll go see you. So, get out of the way!”

Several people did not speak any more, but their bodies stood there and did not move.

Shang Qingmo’s cold and forbearing expression gradually disintegrated, and finally he raised his hand and waved on the face of the man in front of him.

But despite this, a few people made up for it right away, determined not to let Shang Qingmo leave.

The building security personnel rushed up immediately, naturally to help their own boss.

For a while, the lobby on the first floor of Huachen Building became a mess.

In the end, Shang Qingmo was still in chaos and was sent out by two security guards.

Assistant had already prepared the car.

“Go to the airport.”

Shang Qingmo couldn’t help but feel embarrassed, but at the moment he couldn’t care about it, and the voice of the command was eager with obvious trembling.

Hearing this command, the assistant was shocked.

By the time the people arranged by Mr. Shang chased after him, the car had already driven away.

But Mr. Shang made up his mind this time.

sent people to chase along the way, and even got to the airport and was stopped again.

This time, Mr. Shang personally appeared at the entrance of the airport hall and blocked his way.

Shang Yekun saw Shang Qingmo, whose clothes were disheveled, his hair was messy, and his face was decadent and flustered. He didn’t need to tighten his hand holding the cane.

“Dad…I’m going to find Qiqi…”

His low, hoarse voice contained a begging that Shang Yekun had never heard before, making his heart twitch hard.

His lips trembled, and Shang Yekun finally shook his head ruthlessly.

“Shang Qingmo, you should know what Qiqi said to the reporters, the ascites is unbearable, I will not agree with you two together, no one will accept such a woman…”

Shang Qingmo shook his head, “You know, she’s not, she did it on purpose…”

“Then don’t disappoint her intentions!”

Shang Yekun’s voice weighed heavily, “She sacrificed her life to protect your monk’s family, Shang Qingmo, do you really want her efforts to fall short? Think about it, how is she still in Pingcheng now? Go down? This is not the problem that our Shang family can’t tolerate her, it’s the whole Pingcheng, everyone can’t tolerate her, you know?!”

“I can clarify that none of what she said is true.”

“So, are you going to pay yourself and the entire Shang family for her? How do you explain? How do you clarify, who will believe it?”

Shang Qingmo didn’t waver at all, he took two steps forward, “Dad, get out of the way, I’m going to find her.”

Shang Yekun closed his eyes weakly, “You can’t see her anymore, she’s gone.”

(end of this chapter)

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