Don’t Drink The Gene Juice

Chapter 5

"Thank you valued customer for purchasing DeNeticA brand transformational fluid. Transformation into a mermaid has long been -"

"Stop," Seth sobbed, "just get to where it talks about how it works."

Wyatt returned his gaze to his phone, where he'd pulled up the information for DeNeticA's mermaid transformation.

"The transformation you have purchased is a conditional one," Wyatt read, "our only current offering with transformation into merpeople. This conditional change will occur when the user immerses at least half of their body in water for one minute, after which the user's body will be changed into that of a merperson."

Seth glanced down at the lavender mermaid tail extending down from his waist. He shivered in disgust.

"As with all DeNeticA transformations," Wyatt read on, "the first change will usually last longer before wearing off. On average however, the change will end after the user has been dry for at least five minutes."

Seth glanced at his watch. About seven minutes had passed since the transformation had finished.

"But...," Seth cried, "why... why did I... why did I turn into a girl?"

Wyatt swallowed. "I'm... I'm really sorry Seth."

Seth's face went white. "W-what?"

"I... I found something else. A news article."

Seth stared straight ahead, trying to turn his brain off from everything that was going on.

"New trend," Wyatt read, "among transgender people, involves changing into a... a... permanent... change into a mermaid... along with also becoming their desired gender."

Every cell in Seth's body seemed to writhe in agony. It took him many tries before the neurons in his brain finally wanted to comprehend what he just heard.

He had just turned into a girl.


And he was going to become a mermaid every time he went swimming.


Seth started balling his eyes out. For so long he'd tried to be a tough guy, and now he felt more vulnerable than the day he was born. Every time he heard himself sob, all he heard was the weak, destroyed girl he now was.

As he cried, he felt his mermaid tail split into two legs once again. This time, there was surprisingly little pain - just the feeling like his legs were asleep, covered in pins and needles.

However, what they changed back to were girly, feminine legs. And he forced every fiber of his being to block out the other changes that remained.

The rest of his time there was a blur.

He didn't really focus on what any of them were saying. Nothing mattered anymore. His life was ruined. 

Seth's mind briefly turned on as he heard the sound of his Mom come in later, and her anguished reaction as she saw what had happened to her stepson.

He'd been so afraid of how his parents would react if they found out what they'd done. Now, it seemed completely meaningless. All he heard was Mom crying for a few minutes over what had happened, and hugging him tightly.

Seth didn't really process anything that she was saying, except for a strained thank you to Wyatt for calling her.

Then, Seth silently wrapped his towel around himself, and followed Mom out to their car.

When they got inside, Seth's brain realized he had a bit more privacy, and proceeded to wail hysterically once again.

"Honey please!" Mom tried to console him, "just... please, please calm down."

"No Mom!" Seth said in his stupid girly voice. "My life's over. Nothing matters anymore."

"No honey," she said, "just... just it'll be alright."

"I ruined my life," Seth cried. "I knew how dangerous that stuff was, and the stupid company got everything mixed up. I.... I should've known better."

"Forget about that now," she said hugging him tight. "Just... it'll be alright."

For the years Seth had known her, he'd felt a bit distant from his step mom. But as the car drove them home, he hugged her like his favorite teddy bear, that he still embarrasingly slept with.

When they got home, he walked past an absolutely speechless Lily, and staggered to his room. There, he got into his pajamas, and collapsed into his bed without eating any breakfast or brushing his teeth.

The life of Seth Jones was over.

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