Dominatrix System

Chapter 64

When it comes to training for someone else you need to get it through the slave's mind they don't matter. Psychologically most people develop a bond of some sort with their captor. It is referred to as Stockholm syndrome when that bond becomes extremely friendly. Or even feelings of love. These are natural psychological ways for the mind to protect itself.

This also means that isn't being developed when someone else trains your slaves. They will always have a more instinctually closer bond with them. They sometimes will not even notice it when their torturer does it right. When doing this for someone else though you need them to seek assurance later after they left you. My Job now became instead of developing any feelings from this Mouse-kin be positive towards me. I needed to systematically break his psych and rebuild his personality. I also had to do it without making him catatonic.

When the training is then complete he will latch onto the closest boat or lifesaving device. That needs to be his owner. If the Owner does aftercare properly they will have a perfect loyal slave that will do anything for affection. This was what I was about to do. This was made a little more difficult with making the slave perceive a different gender identity. I was up to the task and the challenge excited me.

The Mouse-kin was looking pale as he followed me over to our training room. His collar was glowing showing the enchantments working overtime. I sighed knowing this little mouse was extremely disobedient. He learned nothing from my little chat to level with him. I sighed as I closed the door behind us.

I am deciding how I wanted to start. Should I go with breaking him down? Maybe start with feminizing him? It was a hard choice and the decision on what came first really mattered. If I broke him down first then feminized I could create feelings towards myself. I tapped in thought walking over to my whips.

I decided finally and started to get ready. His body stood there forced to stay a meter behind me. If I turned he would try to come behind me again. "You will stand where you are and only move when told to," I commanded and picked out some things.

"I am about to tell you something little mousey boy," I turned to him, "Your old self is dead. Died the day you were captured," I walk towards him and put my hand on his face bringing it up to make him look into my eyes. "You haven't realized but that is okay... I will make you see your true self, Your real self, Your feminine self!" I was starting and the look of contempt in his eyes was nice.

His hate of his captors was on me before I even started. I would need some time to feminized the little mouse but he was going to break faster than I thought. He thought he was a rebel. He thought that by fighting me and fighting those around him that would free him in mind. All it was doing was setting himself up for failure. Maybe if there was a rebellion group he could keep it up while keeping his head down. No rebellion group would go to him anyway. Just like no gang or mafia would unless they are doomed to fail.

People need to be able to keep their heads down. People without proper backing who stick out get smacked back down. This slave thought he could create problems in a noble's house openly? What a fucking idiot. I was the one about to smack him down.

"Alright I will tell you a couple more things," I looked at him, "Your an idiot," With a flick of the wrist a flogger hit across his chest, "A complete fucking moron. I was told you were supposed to be in government! Are the beast-kin country all idiots that you stand out smarter than the rest?!" I told him and the resentment grew stronger and I laughed.

"You may speak stupid one," I released the order and the Collar freed his vocal cords, "But be careful stupid one! I will punish indiscretions!" I finished with a warning.

"You FUCKING CUNT TRAITOR!" He screamed at me met with a whip this time across his chest receiving a grunt in response. I realized I missed something and thanked my stars that I hadn't broke the skin yet. "BITCH, You are a Tiger-Kin Why betray your people?!" He started to try and reason with me while insulting me. I started to put the first layer of cream for healing later to his obscenities.

Non-stop he insulted me as I layered the creme all over his body. When finished I stopped with a smile. I was about to have fun. I walked over to my toys to have some fun with this idiot. I grabbed the Iron maiden cage. I started to adjust it to him slowly. This thing could be used to store him later as I looked at him and nodded. When I turned to look at him he started to look horrified.

"This is your sleeping chambers tonight," I told him and his mouth was closed staring at it, "Do you know what this thing is called?" I asked simply as I was grabbing other things. I heard nothing so I just called out, "Speak Slave!" I heard a reluctant voice behind me, "No, No I do not!" I smiled at his response.

"This is an Iron Maiden," I told him as I had some weights and things getting ready for later, "It is meant usually as a torture device obviously, What it is though for you is something completely different." I turned to him with a happy smile, "I was planning on using this on someone who tried to kill me and needed information out of. You though have sufficiently pissed me off!" I told him without actually being pissed off, "This Iron maiden is a cabinet that is spiked on the inside so you can't lean or anything inside. All you can do is stand there!" His pale face spoke his horror.

"Like I said your sleeping chambers tonight. Every day you disobey me in any way I might just choose that night for them to be your sleeping chambers!" My smile was dark, "That is on top of your other punishments!"

I grabbed some clips that had teeth meant to cut into asking with some weights. He was looking at the contraption with a scared look in his eyes. He might not know what a night in that was like but he would tonight. He was imagining it and I clipped both his nipples with teeth cutting into them drawing a small amount of blood. I let the weight fall pulling the nipple with it and the surprise of the pain woke him to his surroundings. He screamed in a painful surprise. I was not done yet and crouched by his ballsack and clipped four around each testicle on his scrotum.

The screams above me made me wet as I wasn't done with this idiot. The weights weighed down pulling his scrotum and finally, I decided to put shackles on the mousy boy. The Collar was glowing showing it was working overtime to make him obey an order I had set. Useful things they are all around.

His cock was flaccid between showing that he did not find the pain to be a turn on. His groans started to become constant as I shackled him no longer screams. "You bitch, I will kill you like the rest of the trash here in the Empire!" He told me as I finished putting on the shackles.

Laughing over to my chained hooks I grabbed them and started to suspend the idiot.

"That's funny," I told him simply, "That is a pretty funny thing to say, I have two pieces of news for you," I told him as I grabbed some more things, "First, I am not with the Empire." That opened his eyes a margin, "Second, I will be leaving the Empire soon. So..." I looked up at the ceiling pretending to be thinking, "You have about no time to fulfill that promise." With that, my whip whistled out lashing his leg cutting into the skin.

What proceeded was a one-sided screaming match as I lashed him for insubordination with a whip. His screams must have left the room as his voice went harsh. I stopped leaving him a leading wreak. I grabbed a cup from the kitchen and some water. I came back in and forced his mouth open. I poured it in and forced him to swallow as his bleeding body laid limp.

I then poured a healing agent into his mouth. The little dumbass should understand now that I don't make empty promises. It will instill fear into him along with more hate. I started then cleaning putting the second creme on to heal him up. The wounds started to close and I knew I would need to feed him soon.

I watched him heal through waiting. I heard a knock and I called out to come in. At the door was Stacy with a smile on her face. "Mistress would you like me to cook for that as well?" She said pointing at the slave.

"Is Freya doing anything important?" I asked back simply and she thought for a second before replying, "No Mistress would you like me to send her here?"

"No, Tell Freya she will cook tonight I have something for you to do soon. I will need food ready in an hour to. Pass the message to her then come back." I finished and she nodded leaving right after.

The wounds on the mouse-kin idiot were closing quickly and the healing agent was working fast. I loved this potion and spend a lot of gold on it. The alchemists must love me when I am in town I thought with a slight chuckle. I took a Stamina Potion and forced him to swallow that now. With some more coughing and some slight choking, he started to look at me. The energy he was showing was much better after an exhaustive whipping to his body.

Although he looked at me with hate I could see the fear underlying within it. The fear was slight though with more backbone then I thought I was going to receive. That was fine though as I waited. Stacy came back very soon knocking on the door before entering.

"Stacy, you have met this idiot before," I told her and she nodded knowing I was up to something, "Tell me what you think of a rebellious slave?"

"It depends, Mistress, Why was he rebelling?" She asked simply.

"That he is a slave."

"He is a moron." She answered instantly. Quickly following it up, "Who gives a fuck? He is a slave! The bottom of society! You were a Slave but were freed due to the owner fearing you. You never rebelled though on the fact you are a slave. He rebelled for no reason. He poked the bee's nest to see what would happen and that is all!" She exclaimed.

"I mean even if you became a slave because of kidnapping there are better ways then rebelling to get a point across!" At this point Stacy who was my slave mentally started to get angry thinking about it, "You can sabotage at crucial moments or something like that with the potential to free yourself! Just rebelling though? What was his plan? Pissing his owner off enough they end his life?"

I put a hand on her shoulder and she noticed she got worked up. I think there is a story behind her I never bothered to look for before. I need to spend some time talking to her. She calmed down after noticing I didn't want her to continue.

The Mouse boy in the center seemed to have a revelation in while suspended by his arms. He was staring at Stacy for a couple of seconds as we watched him. I didn't see the anger in him at that moment. I saw... Something else. I wasn't sure exactly what either.

"W-Why would you say that?" He asked her ignoring me, "Why would my standing up for myself make me a moron?"

Stacy though just chuckled, "Look at where you are now," She swayed her hands showing the equipment around. The torture devices, whips, and the iron maiden. "The room you're in now speaks for itself!" I stood up while his attention was on her grabbing some more things. "You are stupid since you rebelled without thought. What do you think would happen to you?" She asked bluntly.

I came up behind him to his slight shock and started to lube up his ass prodding it with a finger. "Answer her," I told him and he was looking distressed.

"I-I-I," He stuttered as the distress built, "I Don't Know!" He broke down and started to cry the tears rolling down his face. "I-I-I just want to go HOME!" He yelled out with tears streaming down his face. I sighed in my mind but steeled my heart as my finger penetrated his virgin ass.

I leaned my body up to his and put my mouth to his ear, "Welcome to your new home," I pushed down on his prostate and I saw his cock started to harden. I pushed deep and started to work his ass. He was not taking much pleasure in it but his body was adapting. I looked at Stacy and pointed at a toy. She nodded and grabbed it to bring it to me. I shook my head though and pointed at her. She got my message and slipped it on.

The tears didn't stop flowing as his ass was being worked and his cock hardening. Stacy came up behind him and told her what to say. She got close to his ear, "Now take it like the Sissy bitch you are!" With that the Strapon I told her to wear penetrated his ass. His tears stopped as the invading device took his breath away. She started to roughly fuck him. Stacy went to town on him as I kneeled in front of him watching his rapidly hardening cock reach full mast.

She fucked him hard and I knew she was new to this. Her movements rough and undisciplined sliding out only to need to reenter. The little mouse boy though had shut up and groans started to turn to moans. His eyes were rolling up as she hit his undeveloped prostate over and over. The training had begun hours ago. Feminization only started now. His body was begging for something to protect his mind. This rough fuck was what it needed and flooded his brain with pleasurable endorphins.

His cock started to leak precum and went and pulled on the weights attached to his scrotum. Husky screams joined with moans as pain joined the pleasure. The spiral continued until I stood up and walked out of the path. He uselessly ejaculated onto the floor from being fucked anally. I stopped Stacy who seemed to be getting into it.

He started crying all over again and I grabbed a healing potion as I took the clips off his body. "You going to drink this or am I going to have to force you?" I asked letting him choose. I opened it and presented it to him. I tipped it and he drank it on his own. I smiled and started to clean him up. I would need to clean the room while he was in the punishment later. The night of training just started for him.

"Let us get some food in him," I told Stacy who nodded, "Then he has a night in the Iron maiden," I stated simply walking out of the room to see Freya's progress.

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