Dog of War

The Good General Cultivates Their Resources part 1

Thank you to our beta reader and partner, Boudica. You can find her on this site.

"How are you feeling?" Camila asked, having given the xenodrugs a few moments to work. 


Beckett flexed her hand, testing her reactions. An adorable little pout as she found them still a bit clumsy. "Better, but somewhat burned out." She certainly sounded exhausted. "I'm not used to all this talking about myself."


Stars, Camila wished she could just lavish the cutie with the affection she had been sorely lacking. "Well let's talk about something else then; how was it with Cordelia and Daisy?"


"I really didn't appreciate Cordelia putting Daisy in bed with me. I don't like being touched when sleeping," she grumbled, flexing her hand into a tight ball again. When she opened the hand, her voice was clear. "Outside of that, it was fine." 


"Well you seemed to be getting along well a moment ago." 


Beckett hummed in dissatisfaction. "Daisy seems to have it in her head that the best way to get over my touch aversion is to cuddle until it doesn't feel weird."


Aww, that was sweet of Daisy to want to help Beckett like that. She probably didn't consider that Beckett's dysphoria was likely also playing a role. "Yes, Daisy does tend to have her own ideas about how best to help. Was it helpful at all?"


Beckett thought for a moment. "A bit?" She shrugged. "It's not like either time lasted much longer than five minutes."


"Well, if you think it would help, I would be happy to assist you in get used to receiving affection." 


"I'm sure you would." Beckett grumbled. "I think I've had enough for now. I'd honestly love a bit of personal time." 


That wasn't a no... 


"Alright, before I leave you alone for a while, can I see your monitor?" Camila indicated the device on Beckett's wrist. 


"Sure," Beckett held it up. "What about it?"


Camila removed it, and brought it into herself. She poked in her needles, and drew out the device's payload as she spoke, "normally it's supposed to be able to automatically dose you with a Class E if you have another panic attack, or Class Z if you are going to cause harm. I turned that feature off after the Vet said standard Terran xenodrugs could be hazardous." Now it was empty, she injected a cleaning agent, followed by the custom supply. "I was going to re-enable it, now you have ones that are safe for you." 


"I don't have panic attacks." Beckett grumbled again. 


Honestly, even discounting her cavalier attitude towards violence, Beckett would likely have to be domesticated on grounds of emotional repression alone. "Then I suppose it won't be a problem, will it? Can I see your wrist again?" She held it out wordlessly. "Good girl," Camila praised as she snapped it back on. 


Beckett turned to face away from Camila, failing to hide the blush on her cheeks, "That's, uhm," she squeaked, then stopped to clear her throat before trying again. "That's all then?" 


Camila stood up, picking herself off the couch. "Yes dear, that's all for now. Just remember I'm here if you need or even want anything. Jess can help you as well." 


"Right, thanks." 


Seems like it would be some time yet until Beckett truly understood. That was fine, Camila would remind the little one she had help available as many times as she needed. For now, she could have her 'personal time.' 


Camila left the living room, returning to her alcove and retrieving her pad. She shot a quick message to Cordelia, letting her know that Beckett accepted the Class Gs. It would be a while until she was through ‘rewarding’ Daisy, but she would certainly want to know. Then she pulled up a list of feminine Terran names and started reading. Having a few suggestions for later on would be good.




They were finally alone, or at least, not actively being assailed by someone. The machine was still watching, listening. Not even the Class E in their system could blind them to that. Miss Verdun's eagerness to use the few xenodrugs she had was a bit concerning, as was the unknown limited selection. What ones did she have? Clearly E, Z and G were among them, but were there others? Could she have a Class D or perhaps a Class H or B? Maybe even something that they didn't know of? 


Of them all, the Class D was the most concerning. A truth serum that not only worked, but from reports could compel truths unknown to even the subject. If it forced out their backup plot of escaping, it could ruin the main plan of simply proving themselves. Perhaps if they simply stated rote facts and things they memorized until the effects left them? 


That would likely only arouse more suspicion.


An emergency plan then? No, timing out the effects would do nothing, Miss Verdun could simply give them another dose. 


We may simply be fucked if we get a dose. 


The best way forward was simply avoiding that, then. No matter what. 


Beg if we have to.  


Hopefully, their cooperation up until now would make Miss Verdun agree such a thing was unnecessary. Maybe they could get lucky and not be pressed on the subject under the Class D? That wasn't something that they were able to prepare for regardless. Either they could subvert the Class D or they couldn't. Unless they escaped before then, they might end up collared. 


Escape wouldn't be easy, for numerous reasons. From what they've seen, there was almost no way for a sophont under an Affini's care to get off the ship without informing them. Even if they did get on a transit to the surface, the monitor would certainly alert Miss Verdun and/or drug them. It would doubtless give away their location. Curious, they folded in their wrist and gave the monitor a gentle tug.


It stayed in place, giving only a centimeter or two, despite nothing to physically stop it. That... was a problem. 


We could remove the flesh.


That would be drastic. Even if they managed to amputate without setting it off, they wouldn't get far on the ship leaving a blood trail. They definitely wouldn't be able to sneak onto any of the transit. Possibly if they got to the surface first, and did it there, but there was no way Miss Verdun would allow them to go down unsupervised. There was only one real option, unappealing as it was: they would have to give up on escaping for now and redouble efforts for the main plan. 


We can't just quit!


This isn't quitting, this is... committing to a single plan. Commitment to an action was good.


Keeping options available is better.


They couldn't afford options anymore; decisiveness was key to victory. It was time to commit- either they figure out a way to escape within the next twenty four hours, or they commit to proving themselves. 


Twenty four hours is impossible!


Miss Verdun had at least three xenodrugs prepared within forty eight hours, the rest were certainly close behind. It was one thing before, when she seemed apprehensive to give them any, but now she seemed eager. They can either risk escape tomorrow and certainly wind up domesticated, or keep waiting for an out and increase the odds of early domestication drastically. 


They waited for a response that didn't come. Their other half was sulking. 


A true consensus would've been preferable, but a lack of further objections was acceptable. They would stay, and they would make Miss Verdun see they could be trusted. 


How to do that was a conundrum of its own. Whatever the metric was for an independent sophont, the Affini didn't seem willing to share. Searches on the matter only turned up results on the benefits of domestication. Daisy had actually given them some rather helpful information that morning, even if she didn't know it- there were only a few independents onboard. 


They could ask one directly, but any and all communications through the pad were presumed compromised. Seeming eager to remain independent was oddly a good way to lose it. That there wasn't a way to look up people by legal status was another flaw in that plan. Florets, from what they gathered, were actually decent models for behavior if you discounted their reliance on their... owners... but the only floret they knew was Daisy, who would be busy for an unknown amount of time. 


There was another avenue available to gather information- the public group chats.


They opened the chat rooms. It seemed as though there were several sections for location. The first was 'Local,' contained to the ship. The second was 'System,' an option that included the planet below and a few other settlements and ships in the area. The last two were 'Protectorate' and 'Compact.' Did that mean to include the entire former Accord and Compact respectively? That seemed borderline impossible. They clicked the 'Local' option.   


A swath of rooms for every immediate subject  lay before them; a number even had duplicates to lower the population in both. Where to even begin? 


Scrolling through the options, they settled on a modest sized general chat. 


[OasisOfArrakis has entered the chat!]


[FunGuy]: Hello, and welcome to the secondary general chat for The Vervarium cutie! I can see you are new on board and to the compact, I hope you're enjoying your stay! Feel free to say hi whenever you're ready~


[LilacsAndLavender]: Hiya!!


[EepyCozy]: hello 


[PuppyArc]: Haiii :3 *wags tail*


[buzzinby]: hello friend, i hope you are finding life in the compact agreeable.


[OasisOfArrakis]: Good morning all. It's better than 30 months at space at the very least. I'm reserving further judgements for now. 


[Username]: Oh **** someone else from the Valiant? It's me Zach! Zach Herder! 


[FunGuy]: Gentle reminder there is no swearing! 


[LilacsAndLavender]: Whaaaat? It's way better here than the Accord! 


[PuppyArc]: woof! (I agree!)


[OasisOfArrakis]: Ah, Mr Herder, I suppose I should have expected there to be others from the Valiant. How are you holding up? 

[OasisOfArrakis]: This is Beckett, by the way. 


[Username]: Beckett? 

[Username]: *Message removed by automod* 


[buzzinby]: ah yes i heard the Affini talking about a Terran ship, i beelieve they even mentioned you by name


[LilacsAndLavender]: Ooo, you're new new


[Username]: Huh, I guess I can't say that. Still it's great to see you're alive! Do you know what happened? The Affini they have me shacked up with would only tell me someone surrendered the ship. I've yet to talk to anyone else from the Valiant


[OasisOfArrakis]: I do, yes. I'm intimately familiar in fact. 


[FunGuy]: Now I don't wish to hamper such an adorable reunion, but I'll have to ask you to refrain from sharing those details over public chats.


[PuppyArc]: *whine*


[OasisOfArrakis]: If I keep the specifics to myself can I share who did it?

[OasisOfArrakis]: I feel Herder has a right to know that much at least


[Username]: *Message removed by FunGuy*

[Username]: ??? 


[FunGuy]: please refrain from using masculine terms for users with She/Her in their profile. Also I think that might be ill advised, but considering the nature of that information I'll leave it up to you OasisOfArrakis


They had what in their profile? That was certainly news to them. Miss Verdun had to have changed it herself after giving them the Class G. They would have to see if they could find where this profile was, and what it said.


[Username]: What? 

[Username]: I know Beckett!

[Username]: *removed by FunGuy*


[FunGuy]: Second warning, little one. 


[LilacsAndLavender]: *Grabs popcorn*


[OasisOfArrakis]: Trying a few things. Trying to adapt to this place. 

[OasisOfArrakis]: As far as the person who surrendered the ship goes, that would be me.


[Username]: WHAT?!

[Username]: *Message removed by automod*

[Username]: *Message removed by automod*

[Username removed by FunGuy]


[FunGuy]: Goodness, those were some very unkind words. 


[EepyCosy]: 0_0


[OasisOfArrakis]: Apologies, I was aware it would upset him. 


[buzzinby]: So wait, you came in on your own?


[FunGuy]: Nothing to apologize for, Zach's actions are his own. Though I imagine not for much longer after his guardian gets his unredacted chat logs. 


[PuppyArc]: :3c


[LilacsAndLavender]: Oh yeah, I remember 'trying' class Gs lol 


[OasisOfArrakis]: That would be correct. It seemed like my odds of independence would be drastically higher if I did so. 


[PuppyArc]: aroo? 


[LilacsAndLavender]: I also remember trying to be independent :P


[buzzinby]: Can't really say i understand the feral obsession with independence, but good luck!


[EepyCosy]: Yeah being a pet is way better!


[OasisOfArrakis]: Actually, I was hoping to find out a bit more about domestication if you all don't mind sharing your stories.




Camila hummed happily, taking her time working through the Domestication Contract. There were abbreviated versions of course, but Beckett was her first floret, and she had the luxury of time. 


Actually, mentioning time, it was starting to get near lunch. Camila pulled up the living room camera on her pad, and checked on her pet-to-be. Aww, it looked like the cutie was making friends with some other florets on the extranet! Best not to disturb her. 


Quietly, Camila moved from her room to the kitchen. She flipped through a few options in her ever growing virtual cookbook, filtered to lunch ideas and the supplies she had ready. One recipe caught her eye- quesadillas. At their most basic, just cheese between tortillas, grilled until browned, very similar to a grilled cheese sandwich. Unlike grilled cheese, there was a seemingly endless number of things that were commonly enjoyed as inclusions.  


Camila settled on a few basic ingredients: steak, avocado, tomatoes, mozzarella and cheddar. Best to keep it relatively simple for the first one. She buttered the outside of two tortillas so they would brown better, and for added flavor. Setting one down in the pan, it began to sizzle as the cool butter hit the hot skillet. Quickly, Camila reduced the heat as she loaded the ingredients onto the tortilla, starting with the cheeses and following with the fillings, making sure they were evenly spread throughout. Once everything was inside, she set the other tortilla on top, gently pressing it down with the spatula. She waited patiently as the cheese melted. Once the top seemed stuck to the bottom, she gave it a flip- ah! Perfectly brown! 


Camila gave it a few more minutes, occasionally peeking at the underside; it would be a shame to burn the bottom after getting the top so right. When it seemed done, she grabbed a plate and transferred it off, smiling when she saw she had cooked the dish with no mistakes. Cutting it thrice, she placed it in front of Beckett's seat. 


Satisfied, Camila went to retrieve Beckett, taking care to approach her from her front to not startle her. "It's lunchtime, petal." 


"Alright," Beckett set her pad aside. "Would you mind helping me down?"


"I can do one better." Before Beckett could protest, Camila swept her up into her vines and carried her out of the living room.


"Miss Verdun?!" Beckett yelped.


"I just thought you might prefer this, since I only have to 'handle' you once instead of twice." Camila set Beckett down into her chair, in front of her meal. "Of course if you'd prefer me touching you more..."


Beckett gave her the most adorable little glare. "In what way is carrying me touching me less? Honestly," she huffed, before examining the food before her. "What's this?"


"It's a quesadilla!" Camila smiled, excited to share what she had been learning about Terran cuisine. "They can have all sorts of fillings but this one has cheese, steak, avocado, and a few spices." 


Beckett looked around the table. "There's no utensils?"


Camila nodded. "According to the extranet, you eat it with your hands, similar to a sandwich or a pizza." 


"I see." Beckett picked up one of the slices and brought it to her mouth, taking an experimental bite. Her face lit up and eyes went wide in that familiar adorable manner, humming in delight. "Oh fuck." She spoke around a mouthful. She held up one finger, asking for a brief pause, as she chewed and swallowed. "Sorry, it just surprised me. It's really good."


"It's no trouble at all." Camila smiled, her core thrumming with joy. She could watch the little one eat all day; it was honestly taking a considerable effort to not feed her an endless series of snacks. She watched as Beckett enjoyed a few more bites, everything from her body language to her biorhythm reflecting the pleasure she was getting from the meal. Waiting for her to swallow, Camila commented, "you are utterly adorable, you know." A hint of biorhythm in her voice, to make sure she knew Camilia truly meant it. 


Beckett quickly took another bite, her own precious way of stalling for time when she got overwhelmed. It was a travesty that the cutie was so unused to compliments. She swallowed, and followed up with a drink of water to buy just a few moments more. Goodness, Camila didn't even use 'Princess' that time. Finally she spoke, a brief "thanks" before grabbing more to eat. 


The meal ended all too soon, but a contented sigh from Beckett as she finished had Camila already thinking about dinner. She moved to the petal’s side and helped her down, carrying her once without express permission was already pushing her luck. There were other avenues of attack. "You know you can relax in your room instead of the living room."


"My room?" Beckett seemed confused for a moment, before realization dawned, "Ah, the guest room. Not sure why I would relax there."


That was troublesome. "You are living here for about another month before your trial, how is it not your room?" 


Beckett laughed. "I've lived in plenty of places for months that weren't home, Miss Verdun. I do plan on leaving the Vervarium once this wardship is over, after all."


It could cause problems if the little one got her heart set on leaving. "You know you don't have to leave."


"I'm thankful for help, Miss Verdun, but I just don't see why I would stay." Beckett placed her hands in the pouch of her hoodie. "I have places I'd like to go."


"Such as?"


"There's a few places in the former Accord I'd like to visit; it's been some time since I've been to Terra. I've heard the Affini have been hard at work restoring the place." Beckett shrugged, "After that maybe it would be fun to visit the Affini core worlds? See what all the fuss is about."


An unsupervised cutie like Beckett was likely to get snapped up and collared by the first core world Affini looking for a new floret that she encountered. "I could accompany you, you know."


"I think a month of your time is enough of an imposition. Besides, that hardly sounds independent."


This again? That line of thinking simply would not do. Camila put a heavy amount of her biorythm into her next words, "You cannot impose on me Beckett, and I would never consider taking care of you an imposition, even if you remain independent." 


That made her lock up for a moment, "I- My apologies, Miss Verdun. I didn't mean to insult your hospitality."


Camila sighed, and eased the tension she had introduced to the room, "I know you have some reservations about domestication due to..." Honestly she didn't truly know for sure. It was clear that the petal had an unfortunate experience with being property but the details were unclear. She didn't want to press the subject without at least a Class B on hand either, just in case. "Your prior owners, but it-"


Fury flashed across Beckett's face, and she interrupted Camila for the second time. "Last time I was owned, " they practically spat the word, "didn't end well for anyone , and I'd rather choke than be property again." 


Oh dirt, Camila shouldn't have brought that up; the little one was shaking. 


The monitor beeped. Beckett went pale, like all the blood had been drained from her. Camila had never seen such raw fear. There were tears welling in her eyes as it beeped again. Beckett dropped to the floor, trembling as she curled up and stuck out the monitor as far from herself as possible. 


Camila whipped out her pad as quickly as she could, silencing the alarm and ordering the monitor to deliver its payload. A moment later, all the tension drained from Beckett as she mumbled into the floor, "the hell does it beep for?" She rolled over to face Camila, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Ya didn' say it'd beep," she sniffled, visibly struggling to get her breathing under control.


Roots and dirt and mulch. Camila drew Beckett into her vines, doing her best to comfort the poor petal. "I'm sorry little one. I'll make sure it doesn't do that anymore, okay?" What that was about could be explored later, when she had the proper tools. She had heard that the warning beeps could cause additional stress, but she never heard of such a severe reaction. This was her fault. 


"Whatever." Beckett groaned. "Just put me down already." 


Camila gently lowered Beckett to the ground, making sure she was steady on her feet before fully retracting her vines. "How are you feeling?"


"Been better. Kinda dizzy, kinda thirsty." She sighed, wiping away drying tears with a hand.


Camila retrieved the glass from the table and refilled it with water, offering it to Beckett. "Here, drink."


Beckett took the glass with both hands, unsteady as she brought it to her lips. She slowly drained it of most of its contents, handing it back to Camila once done. "Thanks."


"Feeling better?"


"Yeah." They nodded a bit lazily. "Can I get some counteragent for the Class E?" 


Camila snaked out the appropriate vine, and gave her a poke. "There you go.”


"Thanks," she sighed. "Miss Verdun, I'm really trying here. I hope you appreciate that."


"I do, very much so." Inspiration struck- Camila may not have a Class B, but that wasn't the only way to take a sophont's mind off of things. "In fact you've been doing so good, I think you deserve a treat." 

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