Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 813 Lanqi takes two ancestors out

Chapter 813 Lanqi takes two ancestors out
It was already one o'clock in the afternoon and their family's meal time was over.

In the living and dining room on the first floor of the professor's house, a cold breeze occasionally blows from the courtyard outside the window, bringing the faint winter fragrance of the unique plants of the monastery in the distance.


Lanqi stared at the scene in amazement, he was almost turned gray by the lightning.

Ta is Xiu's mother, Xiu is Xi's sister, Xi is Ta's sister, and Ta is Xiu's mother. So the question is, who is older between Xiu and Ta.

If I see Hyperion next time, I have to tell her that she has three new sisters, one of whom is her biological mother, and the other is her favorite aunt...

Lanqi's brain was overloaded.


The cat boss ran over, jumped onto the back of Lanqi's chair, stretched out his little paw and patted him with concern, but he still didn't respond.

The good news is that Lanqi is alive.

The bad news is that Lanci is stupid.

It knows that Ranchi is now in chaos because Tata called Sid sister.

"Lanqi, why don't you consult a lawyer, meow?"

Boss Cat asked Lanqi.

Lanqi's emerald green eyes slowly moved towards the cat boss on his shoulder.


His eyes show that silence is better than words at this moment.

"It seems so, meow."

Boss Cat realized that Master Lan himself had a lawyer's license.

"Look at it in a positive way. The fact that they can get along so well is already a miracle blessed by the goddess of fate, meow..."

The cat boss whispered in Lanqi's ear.

It doesn't want to see this house in danger of blowing up again.

As for some misunderstandings, we will slowly resolve them after returning to Ikerit. For now, just treat Tata and Sid as sisters.


Lanqi soon became optimistic.

The heart follows the road, and the mind is always broad.

As the saying goes, a crisis is often an opportunity.

He has even survived this kind of crisis, so what else can stump him?
Lanqi stood up and put his worries behind him. He still had a lot of work to do.

The motto of Purgatory Corridor Academy is to do the important things first, before they become urgent things.

"Tata, Sid."

Lanci looked at Talia and Sigrid, whose relationship was gradually improving.
"I'm going to get Toliado out of Imperial Special Operations this afternoon so that we can find Ifatia."

He couldn't help but complain in his heart.

What Talia said before was indeed right. Yabo was sometimes really too outrageous.

This Dimension Bishop probably used up most of his magic power to teleport Sigrid to Brillda, the capital of the Krelian Empire, and then teleported himself here. I'm afraid he has almost no magic power left.

Even so, he still didn't understand that he should restrain himself and wait until his magic power was restored before darting out again, and thus ran into the gun of the Imperial Special Operations Department.

You have to have Toliado first before you can let Toliado open the portal and take Ifatia from the underground palace of the mafia in the port area of ​​​​Brillda to the second floor of the opera house.

Now that Landry is being closely watched by the Imperial Special Operations Agency, it is okay for him to go to the Brillda Opera House to watch a play.

If he went straight to the port area of ​​​​Brillda, he would easily be suspected, because there was really no reason for him to take the initiative to contact the Mafia.


Talia let go of Sigrid and looked back at Lanci.

Her original plan with Lanqi was to go to the Magic Craftsmen's Association of the Krei Empire in the afternoon to look for materials and see if they could order the appropriate ratio to help Lanqi advance to the seventh level first. This way, even without the Crazy Love Demon King by his side, he would have a very high ability to protect himself.

This is undoubtedly the highest priority.

"Ifatia is still waiting for us. The sooner we cure her, the less pain she will suffer."

Lanqi smiled helplessly and explained to Talia.

After Sigrid was released, she was still holding Talia's shoulders from behind and secretly smelling her. If she was her sister, or her husband's wife, then smelling her would not be considered sexual harassment.

But Talia's attention was completely attracted by Lanqi, and she didn't notice Sigrid's little movement.

"Then I have to protect you. I'll go out with you."

Talia's eyes flashed with gratitude, and then she nodded.

If Lanci had reached level seven, Talia could rest assured in letting Lanci take the cat out, but he is only level six now. Not only is his body not that resistant to attacks, he is also unable to use the [Black Sun Tyrant's Eternal Punishment Decree].

"Tata, you can't go out on a date alone and leave me at home."

Sigrid quickly stopped sniffing the scent of Tata and said to them.

"Then, let's go out together."

Talia turned back and compromised.

When she thought about how Sid wanted to save her sister, and how she looked so much like Sigrid and had such a good personality, she liked Sigrid more and more, and she seemed to be very happy to hang out with Sid.

"I'm going to the Imperial Special Operations Department. Is it possible for the two of you to divide the work, one to be responsible for external affairs and the other for internal affairs..."

Lanqi's scalp began to tingle.

Take these two guys to the Imperial Special Operations Department to rescue them.

"We agreed that we should be fair and share half of the cost of going out with you."

"Lanqi, you don't want us to quarrel again, do you?"

Sigrid and Talia both came up to Lanci and declared to him.

"No, no, I'll take you out."

Lanqi immediately compromised and hugged the cat tightly.

As long as they don't quarrel, everything is fine.

Although he felt extremely safe when he went out with these two level eight bodyguards, the news that he had two wives would spread throughout the operations department the next day, and they might even be photographed by reporters.

The only thing he could do was to stay optimistic. Fortunately, as Professor Landry, he didn't have many acquaintances in the Kremer Empire, so it wouldn't affect his reputation in his hometown.

Rumors change as they spread.

By the time the news gets back to the Kingdom of Hutton, I'm afraid he will have two hundred fiancées in the Krewe Empire.

"Don't worry, Lanqi, we can play along with you."

Talia was sure of that; she had plenty of experience acting opposite Ranch.

"If the Imperial Special Operations Department doubts us, we will actively prove that we are your fiancée."

Sigrid echoed.


Lanqi was a little afraid that these two people were too active.

That enthusiastic look and sense of responsibility were definitely not fake, as if she would eat him up if she got the chance.

It sent a chill down his spine.


Boss Cat looked up from Lanqi's hand.

It feels like Lanqi's days ahead won't be easy.

But fortunately, there was only a wolf and a tiger staring at him, and the two of them got along reasonably and miraculously maintained a balance.

"Okay, let's go."

Talia glanced at the other two.

She and Lanqi had just returned home, and Sid came home wearing going-out clothes, so they should be able to leave immediately without any preparation.

"We elbow!"

Sigrid said happily.

She was already looking forward to living in this home.

Not only can she play the role of the Son of God's fiancée in the next period of time, but she will also be given a younger sister and mother, fulfilling her dream of the shadow world from ten thousand years ago. It is even more lifelike than the dreams of that era.

"Let's go."

Lanqi walked through the living room and towards the entrance with a tingling scalp.

He opened the heavy wooden door for the two ladies, and sunlight instantly filled the entire space like a golden waterfall.

Going out this afternoon makes people feel warm, and the warm winter sun does not make people feel hot at all.

Walk out of the mansion and come to the courtyard.

Passing by the monastery residential area, a gust of afternoon breeze blew, and the sound of the gurgling river was soft and pleasant.

Under the clear sky, looking from a distance, it is a blue and bright color.

After lunch, Lanci, Sigrid and Talia said goodbye to their home in St. Cremona's Monastery for the time being.

Led by Lanqi, they walked out of the mansion and set foot on the road leading to the eastern exit of the monastery.

This wide street, known as Luna Path, is very quiet in the afternoon, lined with towering oak trees and green grass.

Talia and Sigrid walked on each side of Lanci, occasionally stealing glances at Lanci.

Lanqi didn't dare to talk to them and just walked forward.

As we passed through the area near the main hall, we saw more and more staff and students wearing the academy uniforms.

There were always some figures in the square where they walked through, and the monks from the monastery were kneeling and praying devoutly.

Students in groups of three or four were either practicing sword skills or having lively discussions.

Whenever Lan Qi passed by, he could hear whispers behind him.

"Is Professor Landry Wassington back?"

"Were these two women too close to him?"

"Yes, how come Landry's Wall disappeared? I remember that the professor always kept to himself. Even his sister Elsa kept a certain distance from him."

"Is it his fiancée from the northwest border of Nicksassend who came here? Do they really get along well with each other?" It seemed that the students couldn't believe that there were two more women beside Professor Landry.

Now Professor Landry has become a celebrity in the monastery and is followed by many students.

"Why do you turn heads so often?"

Sigrid asked Lanqi beside her in confusion.

It seemed like Tata had been in the monastery with Ranchi for a long time, but she had just arrived.

"Well, this is hard to explain, meow."

The cat owner, who was held by Lanqi like a lifebuoy, preached to Sigrid in his hands.

Boss Cat remembered that the last time Landry's sister Elsa came to see Lanqi in the afternoon, she told him some rumors about him in school.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that this rumor will be confirmed.

"Let's talk about it later. Gossip about teachers often spreads in schools back home. It's normal."

Lanqi also said.

It’s okay, it’s okay. They don’t know that Sid and Tata are fiancées. The three of them seem to be good friends now.

Lanqi thought to himself.

It's not like I haven't played together with Talia and Hyperion in our hometown, Nanwantina, before, and no one has misunderstood us as a couple on the way.

As long as you don't have any random thoughts in your mind, you won't be afraid of your shadow being crooked.

Just as the three of them were walking towards the bus.

At the end of this familiar monastery corridor stood a group of imperial soldiers wearing special military uniforms.

This made Lanqi slow down his pace.

The leading officer had a deep hat brim that almost covered his forehead, and he was wearing a heavy imperial army coat.

Despite this, under the military cap was a handsome face with clear edges and corners, and his dark reddish-brown hair was neatly trimmed, with the neatness and competence that a soldier should have.

The features were so obvious that Lanqi recognized this colleague at a glance.

The Domestic Intelligence Division he led was responsible for monitoring dissidents in the capital area and maintaining regime stability.

"Section Chief Nicholas, do you want to talk to me about something?"

Lanci asked politely.

The Countermeasures Department blocked his way, and he happened to be going to the Operations Department.

At first, at the first station of Brillda, he had just arrived in this city by the magic rail train and was attacked by the Allied female killer Unity. After the accident, he was investigated by Nicholas, an officer of the Imperial Operations Department code-named Red Falcon.

From then on, Nicholas the Kestrel would often find him.

"Professor Landry, it's been a long time."

Nicholas the Kestrel also greeted politely,

"The task force has just captured a suspect near your residence and has now sent him to the Imperial Special Operations Division for trial."

Nicholas had a faint smile on his face, but he didn't seem friendly. He looked at Lanqi and the other two and talked about business.

"How did the action team get there first?"

Lanqi asked Nicholas with a puzzled look.

Not just students on campus.

Even the Red Kestrel Nikolai looked at him with something strange in his eyes.

"I don't think the Allied spies would be that stupid. My focus is always on you, the professor."

Nicholas's answer was calm and nonchalant.

It sounds like he meant to be more focused on keeping Landry safe.

In fact, Talia understood what Nikolai meant.

She felt a little unhappy.

This guy just kept staring at Lanqi and was suspicious of him from beginning to end.

"That man might be a big fish. How can you say that he is not dangerous, Chief Nikolay?"

Lanqi looked like a victim and asked Nicholas with a little worry.

Sigrid looked at Lanqi and Nicholas talking back and forth, feeling intimidated.

Both of them looked very friendly, but they were also acting.

"For example, in my opinion, even the deliveryman who brought you the food earlier is more worthy of investigation than the guy who blatantly used a telescope to look at Professor Landry's house."

Nikolai the Kestrel's expression changed slightly as he gave his answer.

Lanci and Talia were both silent.

Sigrid wanted to curse.

She simply didn't want to admit that Toliado was the leader of the Church of the Resurrection, a cardinal like her.

"Section Chief Nicholas, my husband is quite safe on campus, so please don't worry about him."

Talia bowed slightly and spoke like a good wife.

She had long wanted to keep Nikolai the Kestrel away from her Ranch, and now she finally had the chance to show up and talk to the spy.

Talia thought that this Red Kestrel Nicholas was really a persistent hawk, and his guess was a little too accurate.

Nicholas must not be allowed to become the new director of the Imperial Special Operations Department, otherwise they will be in a lot of trouble.

"Who are these two?"

Kestrel Nicholas's eyes slowly moved to the left due to the voice, and then asked Lanqi.

"My fiancée."

Lanqi could only answer truthfully.

"Both of you?"

Nicholas the Kestrel was actually a little surprised just now, but he didn't ask.


Lanci admitted under the gaze of a pair of golden eyes and a pair of purple eyes.

"You just had a fight?"

Nicholas jokingly adjusted the brim of his military cap to block his view.

He seemed to have noticed something, seemed to be puzzled about something, and seemed to be about to grasp something.


Lanqi denied it at the first moment.

They didn't want outsiders to know that the lunch was so noisy.

We must not let Red Falcon Nikola notice any clues.

"Then why do you, Professor Landry, and your fiancée seem to be so unintimate?"

Nicholas continued to ask, his voice becoming increasingly distant, and his brown eyes glowing faintly red under the brim of his hat were like the eyes of an eagle locking onto its prey.

"Mr. Nicholas, are you doubting that we are not his real fiancée? This is our family affair, do you need to intervene?"

Sigrid frowned and asked directly and forcefully.

She was used to running around in the Northern Continent, and she was just a spy chief, but she dared to interrogate them here.

"Don't dare."

Nicholas smiled as if giving in, but in fact there was no hint of humility in his eyes.
"As a colleague and friend of Professor Landry, I hope that Professor Landry's family can be more harmonious. After all, he is a pillar of the empire and should not be distracted by family matters."

His rhetoric has always been to occupy the high ground of loyalty and righteousness, and everything is for the sake of duty.

"Oh, Chief Lao Nikolai really took a lot of trouble."

Lanqi sighed, feeling a little conflicted, but he didn't show any hesitation. He could only hold Talia and Sigrid and bring them closer, at least to act in front of Nikolai.

Although holding hands with two girls seemed a little wrong, Nicholas did begin to doubt him.

Nicholas the Kestrel narrowed his eyes and observed Lanqi's every move.

As a result, as soon as Lanqi moved his hand, Sigrid grabbed his wrist, as if refusing physical contact with him.


There was also a hint of surprise and interest in Nicholas' eyes.

His sharp eyes seemed to be saying that if she was so resistant to holding hands and yet kept saying she was engaged, then there was something really wrong.

“Why not just put it here.”

Sigrid put Lanqi's hands behind her back until they were around her waist.
"Section Chief Nicholas, do you think this is okay?"

She clung to Lanqi and questioned Nikolai the Kestrel.

"Shut up!"

Talia coughed violently twice.

She suggested that West Germany committed a foul!

But Sigrid turned her head and winked at Talia.

This was necessary for her mission, so she had to prioritize her duties.


Talia realized something and simply followed Sigrid's example, putting Lanci's hand on her waist and leaning towards Lanci.

Both of them snuggled into his arms.

Only Lanqi was left with white eyes, staring blankly at a group of students from St. Clement's Monastery who gradually stopped and watched.

Students in the distance kept exclaiming.

Some students even shouted with joy.

"Landry is awesome!"

"How on earth did you manage to get them both to lean on your arms!"

"Professor Landry, I want to learn this!"

(End of this chapter)

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